2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (701-800)

1.      stanch (v.) 制止;止住(尤指出血)
The country's asylum laws were amended to stanch the flow/flood of economic migrants.
Mike pressed hard on the wound and stanched the flow of blood.
2.      stentorian (a.) 大聲的;(嗓音)洪亮的
a stentorian preacher 聲若洪鐘的牧師
Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room. 突然,從房間那頭傳來洪亮的聲音。
3.      stigma (n.) 恥辱;(尤指不公正的)惡名
There is no longer any stigma to being divorced. 離婚不再是甚麼恥辱的事了。
Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma that it used to.
4.      stint (n.) 工作期限;(從事某項活動的)規定期限 (v.) 限量提供;吝惜;節省
He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service. 他剛剛服完義務兵役。
Perhaps her most productive period was her five-year stint as a foreign correspondent in New York.
The bride's parents did not stint on the champagne - there was plenty for everyone.
Don't stint yourself - take another slice of cake. 別吝惜肚子——再來塊蛋糕。
unstinting (a.) 極慷慨的,極大方的
unstinting support/generosity 不遺餘力的支援/極度慷慨
She was quite unstinting in her praise. 她毫不吝惜讚美之詞。
5.      stipulate (v.) 規定,約定;明確說明
She agreed to buy the car, but stipulated racing tires and a turbo-powered engine.
[+ that] The law stipulates that new cars must have seat belts for the driver and every passenger.
[+ question word] We have signed a contract which stipulates when the project must be completed.
6.      stolid (a.) (人)不動感情的,淡漠的,無動於衷的;(事物)索然無趣的
He's a very stolid, serious man. 他是個極度一本正經且喜怒不形於色的人。
The college is a stolid-looking building with no lawn. 這所學院外觀呆板,連草坪都沒有。
7.      stratify (v.) 使分層;使成層;將…分組
The sample of people questioned was drawn from the university's student register and stratified by age and gender. 調查問卷的抽樣人群選自大學的學生名單,按年齡和性別分組。
The Prime Minister wants to reduce social stratification and make the country a classless society.
8.      striated (a.) 有條紋的;有條痕的
The canyon walls were striated with color. 峽穀壁上布滿彩色條紋。
9.      stricture (n.) (1) 指責,非難 (2) 限制;約束;束縛
The strictures of the United Nations have failed to have any effect on the warring factions.
religious/financial strictures 宗教上的束縛/財政上的限制
the Taliban's strictures on women's rights and education 塔利班對女性權利和接受教育的限制
10.  strident (a.) (1) 刺耳的,尖厲的 (2) 措詞強硬的,咄咄逼人的
People are put off by his strident voice. 人們很厭惡他那刺耳的嗓音。
a strident newspaper article 報紙上措詞強硬的文章
They are becoming increasingly strident in their criticism of government economic policy.
As the situation becomes more desperate, there is a growing stridency in the appeals for aid.
She has always stridently denied the accusations against her.
He is stridently opposed to abortion. 他強烈反對墮胎。
11.  strut (v.) 趾高氣揚地走,昂首闊步 (n.) 支柱,支杆;撐杆
The boys strutted around trying to get the attention of a group of girls who were nearby.
strut your stuff  (1)(尤指為引起他人注意)賣弄地跳舞 (2) 顯露身手;賣弄本領
Hey baby, why don't you get out on the floor and strut your stuff?
Wimbledon is the opportunity for all the world's best tennis players to strut their stuff.
12.  stultifying (a.) 阻礙發展的;使僵化的
These countries are trying to shake off the stultifying effects of several decades of state control.
She felt the repetitive exercises stultified her musical technique so she stopped doing them.
stultifyingly dull/boring 僵化呆滯的/無聊的
13.  stupefy (v.) (1)使疲憊而思維不清,使因疲勞而昏昏沉沉 (2) 使驚訝;使震驚
Because of the drugs, he was in a state of stupefaction by the time we found him.
Stupefied by tiredness, she just sat in front of the fire. 她疲憊不堪,神情恍惚,就那麼坐在火爐前。
We were so stupefied by the news that we all sat in silence for a long time.
stupefying heat/noise 令人昏昏沉沉的炎熱/噪聲
stupefying arrogance 令人震驚的傲慢
stupefyingly dull/boring沉悶得令人昏昏欲睡的
stupefyingly rich 驚人地富有
14.  Stygian (a.) 漆黑一片的;黑森森的
Stygian gloom 陰森幽暗
15.  subpoena (v.) 傳喚(某人)出庭 (n.) 傳票
A friend of the victim was subpoenaed as a witness by lawyers representing the accused.
[+ to infinitive] They were subpoenaed to testify before the judge. 他們被傳喚到庭作證。
Subpoenas were issued to several government employees. 已向幾個政府僱員發出傳票。
16.  subside (v.) (1)(狀況)趨於平緩,平息 (2) (建築物、地面或水面)下沉,下陷,沉降
The police are hoping that the violence will soon subside. 警方希望暴力事件會很快平息。
As the pain in my foot subsided, I was able to walk the short distance to the car.
There is a danger that many homes will subside because of the drought.
Eventually the flood waters began to subside. 洪水終於開始消退了。
17.  substantiate (v.) 證明…屬實;證實
We have evidence to substantiate the allegations against him.
Reports that children had been hurt have not been substantiated.
The company produced receipts in substantiation of (= to support) its claim.
18.  substantive (a.) 重要的;嚴肅的;實質性的,本質的
Substantive research on the subject needs to be carried out. 需要針對這課題開展實質性的研究。
The documents are the first substantive information obtained by the investigators.
19.  subsume (v.) 將…歸入,把…納入
Soldiers from many different countries have been subsumed into the United Nations peace-keeping force.聯合國維和部隊吸納來自許多不同國家的士兵。
All the statistics have been subsumed under the general heading 'Facts and Figures'.
20.  subversive (a.) 破壞,動搖,顛覆(尤指已有的政治體系)
subversive elements/groups in society 社會上的顛覆分子/集團
subversive ideas/influences 煽動性想法/顛覆影響
21.  succor (n.) (v.)  幫助;(尤指)救助,救援
Her organization gave succor and strength to those who had been emotionally damaged.
to succor the poor, help the helpless, support the weak 救助貧困者,幫助無助者,支持弱者
Students should be encouraged, supported and succored.
22.  suffrage (n.) (尤指選舉議會等機構代表的)選舉權,投票權
universal suffrage (= the right of all adults to vote) 普選權
23.  sundry (a.) 幾個不同的;各種各樣的
Sundry distant relatives, most of whom I hardly recognized, turned up for my brother's wedding.
all and sundry所有人
I don't want all and sundry knowing about our problems. 我不想讓所有人都知道我們的問題。
various and sundry各種各樣的,許多不同的
He spent an hour telling me about various and sundry ideas he has for making money.
24.  supersede (v.) 替代,取代(尤指陳舊或過時之物)
Most of the old road has been superseded by the great Interstate highways.
25.  supine (a.) (1) 仰臥的 (2) 軟弱的
We walked along the beach, past the rows of supine bodies soaking up the sun.
The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff.
26.  supplant (v.) 取代,代替
In most offices, the typewriter has now been supplanted by the computer.
Small children can often feel supplanted in their parents' affections (= that their parents no longer like them as much) when a new brother or sister is born. 當弟弟或妹妹出生後,小孩子常常會覺得自己在父母心中的地位被取代了。
27.  suppliant (a.) (表示)懇求的,(表示)哀求的 (n.) 懇求者,哀求者[C]
suppliant words  懇求的話
28.  supplicant (n.) 懇求者,祈求者,哀求者
Inside the temple, worshippers were kneeling in supplication.
29.  supposition (n.) 猜測,推測,假定
That article was based on pure supposition. 那篇文章純粹是基於推測。
30.  syllogism (n.) (哲學中的)三段論
31.  sylvan (a.) 森林的;有森林的
32.  tacit (a.) 默示的;不明言的
tacit agreement/approval/support 默契/默許/暗中支持
33.  talisman (n.) 護身符;避邪物
34.  tangential (a.) (1)(情況﹑評論等)不直接相干的; 略為觸及主題的 (2) 切線的
35.  tautology (n.) 同義反覆;冗詞,贅述
36.  taxonomy (n.) 分類學;生物分類學
a taxonomic group/system 類群/分類體系
37.  tenet (n.) 信條;宗旨;原則
It is a tenet of contemporary psychology that an individual's mental health is supported by having good social networks. 當代心理學的一個基本理念就是個人的心理健康有賴於良好的社交圈。
38.  tenuous (a.) (1)(關係、想法、形勢等)不確定的,不明朗的 (2) 纖細的,單薄的,脆弱的
We were only able to make a tenuous connection between the two robberies.
39.  terrestrial (a.) (1) 地球的;與地球有關的(2)(動物)陸生的,陸棲的
40.  theocracy (n.) 神權政治國家;神權政體;神權政治
41.  thespian (a.) 戲劇表演的 (n.) 演員
42.  timbre (n.) 音質,音品,音色
He has a wonderful singing voice, with a rich timbre and resonant tone.
43.  tirade (n.) 長篇抨擊性演說
She launched into an angry/furious tirade about how she had been unfairly treated.
In a furious tirade of abuse, the opposition spokesperson demanded the minister's resignation.
44.  toady (n.) 諂媚者,馬屁精 (v.) 拍馬屁
She was always toadying to the boss. 她老是拍老闆的馬屁。
45.  tome (n.) 大部頭書,巨著
She's written several weighty tomes on the subject. 她就這個主題寫過幾部鴻篇巨著。
46.  torpor (n.) (1)不活躍;萎靡;遲鈍 (2) (冬季動物的)蟄伏
47.  torque (n.) 扭轉力
48.  tortuous (a.) 彎彎曲曲的;曲折的;轉彎抹角的
He took a tortuous route through back streets. 他走的是偏僻、曲折的街道。
The path to peace seems at last to be clear, although it may be a long and tortuous one.
49.  tout (v.) (1)(尤指為了提高銷售額、知名度或推動發展)給…做廣告,宣傳,讚揚,吹捧 (2) 兜售;招徠 (3) (通常以高出官方價格很多的價格)倒賣,高價出售(體育比賽票、戲票等) (n.) 票販子,黃牛
As an education minister, she has been touting these ideas for some time.
He is being widely touted as the next leader of the Social Democratic party.
Several insurance companies are now touting their services/wares on local radio.
There were hundreds of taxis at the airport, all touting for business/custom.
£30 seats for the match were being touted for £500.
Britain's best-known ticket tout once boasted that he could get you tickets for anything.
50.  tractable (a.) 易處理的;易控制的;易勸服的
The problem turned out to be rather less tractable than I had expected.
51.  transgress (v.) 違背,違反(法律或道德準則)
Those are the rules, and anyone who transgresses will be severely punished.
Who is supposed to have committed these transgressions? 是誰違反了這些規定呢?
The system seems to be designed to punish the transgressor (= the person breaking the rules) rather than help his victim. 制定這項制度的初衷似乎是為了懲罰違反規定者,而不是幫助受害者。
52.  transient (a.) 短暫的,轉瞬即逝的;暫時的 (n.) 暫住者;流動人口
A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect. 一杯威士卡只能使人暖和一會兒。
The city has a large transient population (= many people who are living in it only temporarily).
It's an organization set up to provide money and help for transients.
the transience of human existence/fame 人生/名聲的短暫
53.  translucent (a.) 半透明的
translucent plastic/glass 半透明的塑膠/玻璃
This china is so fine and delicate that it's translucent. 這件瓷器手工精細,晶瑩剔透。
Delia's skin has a translucent quality. 迪莉婭皮膚白皙清透。
54.  travail (n.) 很累人的工作﹐苦活
the recent travails of the airline industry
55.  travesty (n.) 拙劣的模仿;嘲弄;歪曲
Their production of 'Macbeth' was quite the worst I've ever seen - it was a travesty.
Langdale described the court ruling as a travesty of justice.
56.  treatise (n.) 專題論文;專著
a six-volume treatise on trademark law 一冊六卷的商標法專著
57.  tremulous (a.) (說話聲或身體部位)微顫的
He watched her tremulous hand reach for the teacup. 他看著她的手微微顫抖著去拿茶杯。
In a tremulous voice she whispered: "Who are you people?" 她嗓音發顫,輕聲問道:「你們是甚麼人?」
58.  trepidation (n.) 驚恐不安,惴惴不安
We view future developments with some trepidation. 我們對未來的發展動態感到惴惴不安。
59.  truculent (a.) 易怒的;好鬥的;尋釁的
a truculent teenager 好鬥的少年
I found him truculent and unpleasant. 我覺得他好鬥且很兇。
60.  tryst (n.) 約會;(尤指)幽會
61.  tumid (a.) (身體某一部分)腫脹的﹐腫大的
62.  turbid(a.) (液體)渾濁的,汙濁的
Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.
63.  turgid (a.) (1)(講話、寫作、風格等)太嚴肅的,枯燥乏味的 (2) (水)流動不暢的,不易流動的 (3) (器官或生物組織)腫大的,腫脹的,膨脹的
a couple of pages of turgid prose幾頁枯燥乏味的散文
The river rolled darkly brown and turgid. 河水流動不暢,翻著濁黃浪花。
64.  tutelary (a.) 守護的;監護的
65.  uncanny (a.) 奇怪的;神秘的;難以(或無法)解釋的
an uncanny resemblance神秘的相似性
Her predictions turned out to be uncannily accurate. 事實證明她的預言準確得不可思議。
66.  undulating (a.) (1) 起伏不平的 (2) 波動的;微微起伏的
undulating roads 起伏不平的公路
I love the gently undulating hills of the Dales. 我喜歡緩緩起伏的谷地山丘。
undulating waves 起伏的波浪
67.  unfeigned (a.) 不虛偽的,不假裝的;真誠的
68.  untenable (a.) (1)(理論或論點)難以捍衛的,站不住腳的 (2) (局面)難以繼續的,難維持的
If three people in four no longer support the government, isn't this an untenable situation?
69.  untoward (a.) 意外的;事與願違的
Unless anything untoward happens we should arrive just before midday.
70.  usury (n.) 放高利貸
usurious interest rates 高利率;高利貸利率
71.  vacillate (v.) 躊躇;猶豫;搖擺不定
Her mood vacillated between hope and despair. 她時而心懷希望,時而感到絕望。
72.  vacuous (a.) 空洞的;無知的
a vacuous remark/question/expression/smile 空洞的評論/無知的問題/茫然的表情/傻笑
73.  valedictory (a.) (尤指正式)告別的
a valedictory speech告別辭
74.  vapid (a.) 愚蠢的;無生氣的;單調的;乏味的;
a vapid television program 枯燥乏味的電視節目
the spiritual vapidity of Western materialism
75.  variegated (a.) 色彩斑駁的;有斑點的
variegated leaves 斑葉
a variegated plant 色彩斑駁的植物
76.  vaunt (v.) 大肆吹噓﹐過分誇耀(尤指因過於驕傲)
77.  venal (a.) (1)(人)貪贓的,腐敗的,見利忘義的 (2) (行為)腐敗的,貪汙的,見利忘義的
a venal ruler 腐敗的統治者
a venal regime腐敗的政權
They are accused of being involved in venal practices. 他們被控參與行賄受賄。
78.  vendetta (n.) 世仇;族間血仇;宿怨
He saw himself as the victim of a personal vendetta being waged by his political enemies.
79.  venerate (v.) 尊重;敬重
Robert Burns is Scotland's most venerated poet. 羅伯特.彭斯是蘇格蘭最受尊崇的詩人。
Gandhi became an object of widespread veneration because of his unceasing struggle for freedom and equality. 對自由和平等的不懈追求讓甘地成為了眾人敬仰的對象。
80.  veracious (a.) 誠實的;真實的
a veracious and trustworthy historian
81.  verbose (a.) 囉嗦的;冗長的,累贅的
a verbose explanation/report/speech/style 囉嗦的解釋/冗長的報告/冗長的演講/言辭冗贅的風格
He was a notoriously verbose after-dinner speaker. 他在飯後講起話來是出了名地囉嗦。
82.  vertigo (n.) (從高處俯視感到的)暈眩
She can't stand heights and has always suffered from vertigo. 她恐高,總是會感到眩暈。
83.  vexation (n.) 煩惱;苦惱;令人焦慮(或惱火)的事
After several unsuccessful attempts to start his car, he swore in vexation.
84.  viable (a.) (1)可以實施的;可望成功的 (2) 能生長發育的;可以存活的
In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
There is a continuing debate about the age at which a human fetus can be considered viable.
85.  vindictive (a.) 想復仇的;報復性的;懷恨在心的
In the film 'Cape Fear', a lawyer's family is threatened by a vindictive former prisoner.
86.  virtuoso (n.) (尤指演奏樂器或表演的)名家,能手 (a.) 熟練的;精湛的
Famous mainly for his wonderful voice, Cole was also a virtuoso on the piano.
The Times critic described her dancing as 'a virtuoso performance of quite dazzling accomplishment'.
87.  visage (n.) 臉龐
88.  viscous (a.) 黏稠的;黏滯的
89.  vitiate (v.) 毀壞;破壞;削弱
He said that American military power should never again be vitiated by political concerns.
90.  vituperative (a.) 辱罵的;謾罵的
Miss Snowden yesterday launched a vituperative attack on her ex-boss and former lover.
91.  vivisection (n.) 活體解剖;活體實驗
92.  vogue (n.) 流行;時尚;時髦
In the 1920s, short hair for women became the vogue. 20世紀20年代,女性留短髮成為時尚。
The postwar vogue for tearing down buildings virtually destroyed the city's architecture.
The short hemline is very much in vogue (= fashionable) this spring. 今年春天短裙非常時興。
"Community" is one of the vogue words of the new government.
93.  volatile (a.) (1)不穩定的;易變的;易怒的,喜怒無常的 (2) (液體或固體)易揮發的,易氣化的
Food and fuel prices are very volatile in a war situation. 戰爭時期食品和燃料的價格極易波動。
The situation was made more volatile by the fact that people had been drinking a lot of alcohol.
He had a rather volatile temper and can't have been easy to live with.
94.  vortex (n.) (1) 漩渦;渦流 (2)(困境的)漩渦
I was sucked into a vortex of despair. 我被捲入了絕望的漩渦裡。
95.  warrant (v.) (1)使有必要 (2) 擔保,保證;承諾 (n.) (1)(由法官或官員簽署的)搜查令,逮捕狀,令狀 (2) 做事情的理由
Obviously what she did was wrong, but I don't think it warranted quite such severe punishment.
It's a relatively simple task that really doesn't warrant a great deal of time being spent on it.
a search warrant 搜查令
death warrant死刑執行令
Judge La Riva had issued an arrest warrant/a warrant for his arrest.
There's no warrant for that sort of behavior! 那種行為根本不合理!
96.  wary (a.) 謹慎的;小心翼翼的
I'm a bit wary of/about giving people my address when I don't know them very well.
97.  welter (n.) 雜亂的一堆東西,亂七八糟的一堆東西
We are reducing the company's welter of development projects and will streamline sales and marketing.
98.  whimsical(a.) 離奇的;古怪的;異想天開的
a whimsical tale離奇的故事
Despite his kindly, sometimes whimsical air, he was a shrewd observer of people.
99.  wistful (a.) 傷感的;留戀的
a wistful smile嚮往的微笑
I thought about those days in Spain and grew wistful.
"I would love to go back to Venice," he said wistfully. 「我真想回到威尼斯去。」他非常留戀地說。
100.  zealot (n.) 狂熱者;熱心者
a religious zealot宗教狂熱分子

