2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (1-100)

1.      abate (v.)減少;減弱;減輕;減退
The storm/wind/rain has started to abate. 暴風雨/風/雨開始減弱了。
The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating. 這個地區的戰事沒有任何緩和的跡象。
2.      abdicate (v.) 遜位;退(位),讓(位),正式放棄(王位)
King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman. 為了和離過婚的辛普森夫人結婚,英王愛德華八世在1936年退位(放棄英國王位)。
The council denied that their decision represented any abdication of responsibility.

3.      aberrant (a.) 違反常規的,反常的,異常的(尤指不能接受的)
aberrant behavior/sexuality反常行為/變態性行為
4.      abeyance (n.) 擱置;暫時中止;暫緩
Hostilities between the two groups have been in abeyance since last June.
The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it.
5.      abject (a.) (1) abject misery/poverty/terror, etc. 極其苦惱/赤貧/極度恐怖等
(2) 卑躬屈膝的;下賤的;奴性的
They live in abject poverty. 他們過着赤貧的生活。
This policy has turned out to be an abject failure. 結果已經證明這項政策徹底失敗了。
an abject apology低聲下氣的道歉
He is almost abject in his respect for his boss. 他對老闆畢恭畢敬,近乎低三下四。
6.      abjure (v.)公開放棄,聲明棄絕
He abjured his religion/his life of dissipation. 他放棄了所信仰的宗教/結束了放蕩的生活。
7.      abscission (n.) 切斷,除去
8.      abscond (v.) (1.)潛逃;逃遁;逃走 (2.) (通常指攜款)潛逃
Two prisoners absconded last night.昨晚有兩個犯人逃跑了。
She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend.她和男友從寄宿學校逃走了。
They absconded with £10 000 of the company's money.
A 14 year-old absconder from a children's home in Bristol was found alive and well in London this morning. 一個14歲的孩子從布裡斯托爾一所兒童之家逃了出來,今早有人在倫敦發現了他,他還活着。
9.      abstemious (a.)(尤指對飲食或飲酒)戒絕的,有節制的
10.  abstinence (n.) 戒絕,戒除
The best way to avoid pregnancy is total abstinence from sex. 最有效的避孕方法是完全禁慾。
sexually abstinent禁慾的
11.  abysmal (a.) 極壞的;糟透的
abysmal working conditions惡劣的工作環境
The food was abysmal. 食物糟透了。
The standard of the students' work is abysmal. 學生的作業水準極差。
an abysmally poor book
12.  accretion (n.) 堆積,積聚;逐漸的增加,增大
The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.
The room hadn't been cleaned for years and showed several accretions of dirt and dust.
13.  accrue (v.) 積累;(逐漸)增加,增多
Interest will accrue on the account at a rate of 7%.
Little benefit will accrue to London (= London will receive little benefit) from the new road scheme.
14.  adamant (a.)固執的;堅決的,堅定不移的
[+ that] I've told her she should stay at home and rest but she's adamant that she's coming.
15.  adjunct (n.) 附屬物,附件
I hoped I would find the computer course a useful adjunct to my other studies.
In grammar, an adjunct is an adverb or adverbial phrase that gives extra information in a sentence.
16.  admonish (v.) (1) 告誡;警告;責備 (2) 力勸,忠告
His mother admonished him for eating too quickly.
Her teacher admonished her to work harder for her exams.
17.  adulterate (v.) (在飲食中)摻雜,摻假
There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water.
adulterated drugs/food劣質藥/食品
18.  aesthetic (a.)美感的;審美的;美學的
The new building has little aesthetic value/appeal. 新樓幾乎沒有甚麼美學價值。
19.  affected (a.)矯揉造作的,做作的,裝模作樣的;不自然的
an affected manner/style of writing矯揉造作的文風
I found her very affected. 我覺得她非常做作。
She laughed affectedly. 她笑得很做作。
20.  affinity (n.) (1)(尤指因為有相同的特徵而引起的)情投意合,喜愛,吸引
(2) 類同,雷同
She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water. 她好像天生就喜歡水。
There are several close affinities between the two paintings. 這兩幅畫有多處非常相似的地方。
21.  aggrandize (v.) (1) 加大;強化 (2) 誇張;吹捧
A country should not aggrandize itself at the expense of its neighbors .   一個國家不應該犧牲鄰國來壯大自己。
The sales manager never stops aggrandizing his ability .   這個銷售經理從不停止誇張自己的能力。
22.  aggregate (v.) 使聚集,使積聚 (n.) 聚集體,集成體;總數,合計 (a.) 合計的,總的;總數的
They purchased an aggregate of 3000 shares in the company.他們總共買了這家公司的3000股股票。
Snowflakes are loose aggregates of ice crystals. 雪花是冰晶鬆散的凝聚體。
Arsenal lost the second game, but got through to the final on aggregate (= adding together the goals in both matches). 兵工廠隊雖然輸了第二場比賽,但是憑藉進球總數進入了決賽。
The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £5.2 million.
23.  alacrity (n.) 敏捷;欣然
She accepted the money with alacrity. 她欣然收下了錢。
24.  alchemy (n.) (1) 煉金術,煉丹術 (2) (事物的)神秘變化
She manages, by some extraordinary alchemy, to turn the most ordinary of ingredients into the most delicious of dishes. 她像用了魔法似的,竟然能用極普通的配料做出非常可口的菜餚。
25.  allay (v.) 減輕,緩解(擔憂、恐懼等)
The government is trying to allay public fears/concern about the spread of the disease.
26.  alleviate (v.) 減輕;緩和,緩解
The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.
27.  alloy (n.) 合金 (v.) 損壞;使(價值)降低;影響
Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc.黃銅是銅與鋅的合金。
My pleasure in receiving the letter was somewhat alloyed by its contents.
28.  allure (n.) 誘惑;魅力;吸引力
the allure of working in television電視行業工作所具有的吸引力
sexual allure性魅力
I didn't find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.
She was wearing a most alluring dress at Sam's dinner party.
29.  amalgamate (v.)(使)聯合,(使)合併
The electricians' union is planning to amalgamate with the technicians' union.
The different offices will be amalgamated as/into employment advice centers.
The association was formed by the amalgamation of several regional environmental organizations.
The company began as an amalgamation of small family firms.
30.  ambiguous (a.) 含糊不清的;引起歧義的,模棱兩可的;不明確的
His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous. 他對我的提問回答得有些含糊不清。
The wording of the agreement is ambiguous. 該協議的措辭模棱兩可。
The government has been ambiguous on this issue. 在此問題上政府立場一直不明確。
Some questions were badly or ambiguously worded.
31.  ambivalent (a.) (心情)矛盾的;模棱兩可的,含糊不定的
I felt very ambivalent about leaving home. 要離開家了,我心裡喜憂參半。
He has fairly ambivalent feelings towards his father. 他對父親的感情很矛盾。
an ambivalent attitude to exercise 既想鍛煉又怕吃苦的態度
her ambivalence towards men
32.  ambrosia (n.) (古希臘及古羅馬神話中神吃的)仙饈;美味佳餚
The chocolate mousse she makes is sheer ambrosia (= tastes extremely good).
33.  ameliorate (v.) 使變好,改善,改進
Foreign aid is badly needed to ameliorate the effects of the drought.
34.  amenable (a.)易接受建議的;耳朵軟的
She might be more amenable to the idea if you explained how much money it would save.
Do you think the new manager will prove more amenable to our proposals?
35.  amenity (n.) 生活福利設施,便利設施;娛樂消遣設施
The council has some spare cash which it proposes to spend on public amenities.
basic amenities基本生活設施
The 200-year-old jail is overcrowded, understaffed and lacking in basic amenities.
36.  amulet (n.) (戴在身上的)護身符,辟邪物
37.  anachronism (n.) 時代錯誤,年代誤植,不合時代的人(或物)
For some people, marriage is an anachronism from the days when women needed to be protected.
He described the law as anachronistic (= more suitable for an earlier time) and ridiculous.
38.  analgesic (n.) 止痛藥,鎮痛劑 (a.) 止痛的
This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites.
analgesic properties止痛功效
39.  analogy (n.) 類似;類比;比擬;類推
He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer. 他把大腦比作一台龐大的電腦。
It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with (= by comparing it with) something concrete. 有時用具體事物作比擬來闡釋抽象概念會更容易些。
The experience of mystic trance is in a sense analogous to sleep or drunkenness.
40.  anarchy (n.)(尤指政府消亡或垮臺而引起的)無政府狀態,混亂,無法無天
What we are witnessing is the country's slow slide into anarchy.
The country has been in a state of anarchy since the inconclusive election.
If the pay deal isn't settled amicably there'll be anarchy in the factories.
41.  anodyne (a.) (尤指透過不表達強烈的感情或意見而)不得罪人的,一團和氣的,溫和的
This is daytime television at its most anodyne. 這就是不痛不癢到了極點的日間電視節目。
Somehow this avoids being just another silly pop song with anodyne lyrics about love and happiness.
42.  anomaly (n.) 異常的人(或事物);不規則;(同一種類中的)畸形
Statistical anomalies can make it difficult to compare economic data from one year to the next.
The anomaly of the social security system is that you sometimes have more money without a job.
In a multicultural society is it not anomalous to have a blasphemy law which only protects one religious faith? 在一個多元文化的社會裡,一部反褻瀆宗教法只保護一種宗教信仰,這難道不是咄咄怪事嗎?
43.  antecedent (n.) (1)(尤指作為後來存在或發生之事的起因或起源的)前事,前情,先例;祖先(2) 先行詞,前述詞 (a.)(同頁中)上面提到的(地);上文(的),前文(的)
Charles Babbage's mechanical calculating engines were the antecedents of the modern computer.
Many people feel a great curiosity to find out about their antecedents.
In the sentence 'He picked a book off the shelf and handed it to Sally, 'book' is the antecedent of 'it'.
在句子 He picked a book off the shelf and handed it to Sally 中,book it 的先行詞。
When the college was established in 1546, it inherited a hall from each of three antecedent institutions.
44.  antediluvian (a.) 早已過時的,十分老式的
My mother has some hopelessly antediluvian ideas about the role of women.
45.  antipathy (n.)憎惡,厭惡;反感
Despite the deep antipathies between them, the two sides have managed to negotiate an agreement.
Declarations of racial antipathy against ethnic minorities will not be tolerated.
He is a private man with a deep antipathy to/towards the press.
antipathetic attitudes towards smokers 對吸煙者的反對態度
46.  apathy (n.) 無興趣,懈怠;(尤指對重要事情的)漠不關心,無動於衷
widespread apathy among students學生中普遍的懈怠情緒
voter apathy選民的冷漠態度
47.  apex (n.) 頂點;最高點;巔峰,全盛時期 ( plural apexes or apices)
the apex of a triangle/pyramid 三角形的頂點/金字塔的塔尖
He reached the apex of his career during that period. 那個時期他的事業達到頂峰。
48.  apogee (n.) (成功、流行、權力等的)頂峰,頂點,最高點
At their apogee, the novels of Spillane claimed worldwide sales of over 180 million.
49.  apothegm (n.) 格言,箴言
50.  appease (v.) 平息;撫慰;綏靖;姑息
She claimed that the government had only changed the law in order to appease their critics.
When he agreed to talks with the prime minister, he was accused of appeasement.
51.  appellation (n.) 名稱,稱號
As a child, he received the appellation 'Mouse'.
52.  apposite (a.) 適當的;恰當的;貼切的
an apposite phrase/quotation/remark 恰當的說法/引語/話
The film starts in a graveyard, an apposite image for the decaying society which is the theme of the film.
53.  apprise (v.) 通知;告訴
The President has been apprised of the situation. 總統已經獲知了這個情況。
54.  approbation (n.) 批准,認可;贊同
The council has finally indicated its approbation of the plans.
55.  appropriate (a.) 適當的,恰當的;合適的 (v.) (1) 挪用;佔用;盜用;侵吞 (2) 撥出(款項)
appropriate footwear for the country 適合在鄉間穿的鞋
Is this film appropriate for small children? 這部電影適合幼童觀看嗎?
He lost his job when he was found to have appropriated some of the company's money.
The government have appropriated millions of pounds for the project.
56.  apropos (adv.) (prep.) 說到(…);關於(…);就…而言 (a.) 適時的;恰當的
I had a letter from Sally yesterday - apropos (of) which, did you send her that article?
Apropos what you said yesterday, I think you made the right decision.
clothes which are apropos to the occasion 適合那個場合穿的衣服
57.  arabesque (n.) (1)阿拉貝斯克舞姿,迎風展翅(芭蕾舞舞姿之一,單腿直立,另一條腿向後平伸)(2) 阿拉伯式花飾(尤指伊斯蘭藝術中花、葉、枝條等交織的圖案)
58.  archeology (n.) 考古學
59.  ardor (n.) 激情,熱情;熾熱的愛情
His ardor for her cooled after only a few weeks. 他對她狂熱的愛慕之情才幾個星期就冷卻了。
60.  arduous (a.) 艱難的,艱巨的;費力的
an arduous climb/task/journey舉步維艱的攀登/艱巨的任務/艱難的旅程
61.  argot (n.) 黑話;暗語;行話;切口
thieves' argot小偷的黑話
62.  arrest (v.) 逮捕;拘捕 (2) 阻止;抑制 (3) 引起(某人的注意)
He was arrested when customs officers found drugs in his bag.
The police arrested her for drinking and driving. 她因酒後駕車被警方拘捕。
The treatment has so far done little to arrest the spread of the cancer.
A photo of a small boy arrested my attention. 一張小男孩的照片引起了我的注意。
63.  artifact (n.) (尤指具有史學價值的)人工製品,製造物,手工藝品
The museum's collection includes artifacts dating back to prehistoric times.
64.  artless (a.) 單純的,直率的;不詭詐的
"Why did you take the money?" she asked the child. "Because I wanted it, " came the artless reply.
65.  ascetic (a.) (常指因宗教原因)苦行的,禁慾的,過清苦生活的
They live a very ascetic life. 他們過着清心寡慾的生活。
66.  asperity (n.) (言語、舉止的)嚴厲,粗暴
the asperity of her manner 她粗暴的舉止
67.  aspersion (n.) 誹謗,中傷
How dare you cast aspersions on my wife ' s character !   你竟敢誹謗我妻子的人格!
68.  assiduous (a.) 專心致志的;勤勉的
assiduous research/efforts 鍥而不捨的研究/努力
an assiduous student 勤奮的學生
The Government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation.
Before apartheid ended, I assiduously avoided buying South African products.
69.  assuage (v.) 緩和;減輕;平息
The government has tried to assuage the public's fears. 政府努力消除公眾的恐慌。
70.  astringent (n.) 收斂劑;止血藥 (a.) 收斂的;止血的 (2) 辛辣的;尖刻的
You can use an astringent to make your skin less oily.
an astringent cream收斂膏
astringent criticism 尖酸刻薄的批評
her astringent wit 她那尖刻的詼諧
71.  asylum (n.) (尤指政治)避難,庇護
to seek/apply for political asylum 尋求/申請政治庇護
72.  atavism (n.) (行為)返祖性的,原始的
an atavistic fear of the dark 對於黑暗的原始畏懼
73.  attenuate (v.) 使減少;使減弱;使降低
Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the Earth's atmosphere. 地球大氣層減輕了太陽幅射。
74.  audacious (a.) 大膽的;敢於冒險的;魯莽的;放肆的
He described the plan as ambitious and audacious. 他認為這是一項偉大而大膽的計劃。
an audacious remark/suggestion大膽的評論/建議
It took a lot of audacity to stand up and criticize the chairman. 站出來批評董事長需要很大的勇氣。
He had the audacity to blame me for his mistake!
75.  austere (a.) (1) 艱苦的 (2) 不加修飾的;簡樸的 (3) 嚴厲的;嚴格的
an austere childhood during the war 戰火中苦難的童年生活
The courtroom was a large dark chamber, an austere place.
He was a tall, austere, forbidding figure. 他身材高大,神色嚴肅,令人生畏。
76.  autonomous (a.) 自治的,有自治權的;自主的,有自主權的
an autonomous region/province/republic/council 自治地區/省/共和國/委員會
77.  avarice (n.) 貪得無厭;貪婪
Her business empire brought her wealth beyond the dreams of avarice (= an extremely large amount of money). 她的商業帝國帶給她的財富之巨是做夢都不敢想像的。
78.  aver (v.) 斷言;堅稱
The lawyer averred her client's innocence. 那名律師堅稱她的當事人無罪。
[+ speech] "He's guilty, I tell you, " she averred. 「我告訴你們,他有罪。」她一口咬定說。
[+ that] She averred that he was guilty. 她一口咬定他有罪。
79.  avocation (n.) 副業;興趣;愛好
She's a real-estate developer who describes her consultancy business as "a part-time avocation."
80.  avuncular (a.) 叔伯般的;慈祥的;關懷備至的
an avuncular, quietly-spoken man 慈祥和善、談吐溫和的男子
His avuncular image belies his steely determination.
81.  axiomatic (a.) 成為公理的;不需證明的,不言自明的
It is an axiomatic fact that governments rise and fall on the state of the economy.
It seems axiomatic that everyone would benefit from a better scientific education.
82.  bacchanalian (a.) (尤指派對)瘋狂地飲酒作樂的,發酒瘋的
a bacchanalian orgy縱酒狂歡會
83.  banal (a.) 平庸的,陳腐的
He just sat there making banal remarks all evening. 他整晚只是坐在那裡,說些老套的話。
banal pop songs 平淡無奇的流行歌曲
84.  banter (n.) 開玩笑,逗樂 (v.) (善意地)取笑,逗弄
He considered himself a master of witty banter. 他認為自己是風趣幽默的玩笑大王。
He stood around bantering with his colleagues.
I grew weary of his bantering style of conversation.
85.  bard (n.) 詩人 (the Bard: 威廉‧莎士比亞)
86.  bawdy (a.) 淫穢的,猥褻作樂的,下流的
bawdy humor/songs黃色笑話/歌曲
87.  beatify (v.) (天主教)為…行宣福禮(宣佈死者已升天堂的儀式)
88.  bedizen (v.) 過分地打扮
89.  behemoth (n.) 龐然大物;強大的事物
a grocery chain behemoth 大型連鎖食品雜貨店
90.  belie (v.) 給人以假像;掩飾(感情等)(belie-belied-belied-belying)
Her calm face belied the terror she was feeling. 她平靜的表情掩蓋了內心的恐懼。
91.  beneficent (a.) 行善的;慈善的
a beneficent aunt 慈善的阿姨
92.  bifurcate (v.) (道路、河流、樹枝)分叉,分支
A sample of water was taken from the point where the river bifurcates. 水質樣本取自河流分流處。
93.  blandishments (n.) 甜言蜜語;奉承話
She was impervious to his blandishments. 她對他的甜言蜜語無動於衷。
94.  blasé (n.) 不稀罕的;司空見慣的
He flies first class so often, he's become blasé about it.
95.  bolster (v.) 支撐;加固;提高,改善 (n.) 長枕;長墊枕;長靠枕
More money is needed to bolster the industry. 需要更多的錢來扶持該行業。
She tried to bolster my confidence/morale (= encourage me and make me feel stronger) by telling me that I had a special talent. 她説我有特別的才能,想要增強我的信心。
They need to do something to bolster their image. 他們需要設法改善他們的形象。
96.  bombastic (a.) 誇誇其談的;誇大的
a bombastic preacher誇誇其談的鼓吹者
a bombastic statement 誇大的言辭
97.  boorish (a.) 粗野的
I found him rather boorish and aggressive.
98.  bovine (a.) (1)牛的,牛類動物的 (2) 遲鈍的;蠢笨的
a bovine virus 牛痘病毒
He had a gentle, rather bovine expression. 他表情溫和,更準確地講是木訥。
99.  brazen (a.) 毫不隱瞞的,明目張膽的
There were instances of brazen cheating in the exams.考試中有人明目張膽地作弊。
He told me a brazen lie. 他恬不知廉恥地向我撒謊。
brazen sth out 厚著臉皮
I decided to brazen it out and hoped they wouldn't notice the scratch on the car.
100.  broach (v.) 開始討論,提出(難題) (2) (為了喝容器內的飲料而)打開(瓶子、桶子)
(n.) 胸針(=brooch)
At some point we've got to discuss money but I don't know quite how to broach the subject with him.
Shall we broach another cask of wine? 我們再開桶葡萄酒喝好嗎?

