2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (201-300)

1.      deride (v.) 嘲笑,譏笑
He derided my singing as pathetic. 他嘲笑說我的歌聲不堪入耳。
This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist attraction.
2.      derivative (a.) 缺乏獨創性的;模仿的 (n.) 衍生物,派生物;派生詞
His painting/style is terribly derivative. 他的油畫/風格有很重的模仿痕跡。
'Detestable' is a derivative of 'detest'. 生字 detestable 是從 detest 派生而來的。

3.      desiccated (a.) (1)乾的;乾燥的;脫水的 (2) 乾巴巴的;無趣的;毫無新意的
100g of desiccated (= dried and broken into small pieces) coconut  100克椰子乾
All the party seems to have to offer is the same desiccated old ideas. 這個政黨只會提些陳腔濫調。
4.      desuetude (n.) 廢止;不用
fall into desuetude【文】已不用; 廢止
customs , fashions , words that have fallen into desuetude   已經廢棄的風俗、式樣、詞語
5.      desultory (a.) 漫無目的的,隨意的;無計劃的
She made a desultory attempt at conversation. 她只是隨意聊聊而已。
He wandered around, clearing up in a desultory way. 他四處走走,心不在焉地收拾。
6.      deterrent (n.) 威懾,障礙,遏制 (a.) 威懾的
a nuclear deterrent 核威懾
Tougher prison sentences may act/serve as (= be) a deterrent to other would-be offenders.
a deterrent effect 威懾作用
7.      detraction (n.) 誹謗;責難;貶抑
8.      diaphanous (a.) (尤指布料)又透又薄的,薄如蟬翼的
a diaphanous silk veil 透明絲綢面紗
9.      diatribe (n.) 怒斥,抨擊;檄文
He launched into a long diatribe against the government's policies.
10.  dichotomy (n.) 分裂,二分法
There is often a dichotomy between what politicians say and what they do.
11.  diffident (a.) 羞怯的,怯生生的
a diffident manner羞怯的舉止
You shouldn't be so diffident about your achievements - you've done really well!
12.  diffuse (v.) (1) (使)擴散,(使)傳播,(使)散佈 (2) (使氣體或液體)彌漫,擴散,滲透
 (a.) 擴散的,彌漫的,分散的 (2) 含混的,費解的,晦澀的
Television is a powerful means of diffusing knowledge. 電視是傳播知識的有力工具。
Oxygen diffuses from the lungs into the bloodstream. 氧氣從肺部滲透到血液之中。
The drop of red dye diffused slowly in the water. 那滴紅色染料在水中慢慢擴散開來。
a diffuse light漫射光
The company has become large and diffuse. 公司規模大了,業務範圍也更廣了。
a diffuse literary style 晦澀的文風
13.  digress (v.) 離題,跑題
But I digress. To get back to what I was saying, this poem reflects the poet's love of nature and his religious beliefs. 我離題了。回到我剛才說過的話上來,這首詩反映了詩人對大自然的熱愛和自己的宗教信仰。
The lecturer temporarily digressed from her subject to deal with a related theory.
Talking about money now would be a digression from the main purpose of this meeting.
14.  dirge (n.) 哀樂;輓歌
15.  disabuse (v.) 使改變想法;使消除誤解
He thought that all women liked children, but she soon disabused him of that (idea/notion).
16.  discerning (a.) 有眼力的,好眼力的,有眼光的
a discerning customer 有眼光的顧客
discern (v.) 看出;辨別出;明白
I could just discern a figure in the darkness. 在黑暗中我只能看出一個人影。
It is difficult to discern any pattern in these figures. 在這些數字中很難找出規律。
17.  discomfit (v.) (尤指在精神上)使感到不舒服,使不安
She turned away to hide her discomfiture. 她轉過身去以掩飾內心的不安。
18.  discordant (a.)(聲音)刺耳的;不和諧的
strike a discordant note 顯出不一致的樣子;發出不和諧的聲音
The contemporary dialogue for me struck a slightly discordant note.
19.  discredit (v.) 使名譽受損;使受到懷疑 (n.) 喪失名譽、信譽
Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the President.
discredited theories 受到懷疑的理論
The stupid behavior of one pupil has brought discredit on the whole school.
To her discredit, she never admitted her role in the scandal.
20.  discrepancy (n.) 不一致,出入,差異
There is some discrepancy between the two accounts. 這兩份帳單之間有一些出入。
The committee is reportedly unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.
discrepant (a.) 不一致的,有分歧的
discrepant figures不一致的數據
discrepant opinions/views 有分歧的意見/看法
21.  discrete (a.) 獨立的,各自的,單獨的
These small companies now have their own discrete identity.
22.  discretion (n.) (1) 慎重,謹慎;守口如瓶 (2) 決定權
"Can you trust him with this?" "Yes, he's the soul of discretion (= he will not tell other people)."
Students can be expelled at the discretion of the head teacher (= if the head teacher decides it).
I leave the decision to your discretion (= to your good judgment). 我讓你來決定這件事。
Discretion is the better part of valor. 勇敢者貴在審慎。
23.  disingenuous (a.) (人或其行爲)不夠誠實的,不夠坦白的
It was disingenuous of her to claim she had no financial interest in the case.
ingenuous (a.) 天真的;胸無城府的
It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to look after his luggage.
24.  disinterested (a.) 客觀的;公正的;無私的
a disinterested observer/judgment 公正的觀察員/判斷
a piece of disinterested advice 一條客觀的建議
25.  disjointed(a.) (尤指詞語或想法)不連貫的,沒有條理的,雜亂無章的
The script was disjointed and hard to follow. 這個劇本寫得沒有條理,很難讀下去。
26.  dismiss (v.) (1) 對…不予理會,摒棄,(從頭腦中)去除 (2) (尤指因做錯事)使免職,將…解職,解僱 (3) 遣散;解散 (4) (常指法官因證據不足而)駁回,不受理
I think he'd dismissed me as an idiot within five minutes of meeting me.
Let's not just dismiss the idea before we've even thought about it.
Just dismiss those thoughts from your mind - they're crazy and not worth thinking about.
He has been dismissed from his job for incompetence. 他因無法勝任工作而被解職。
The teacher dismissed the class early because she had a meeting.
The defending lawyer asked that the charge against his client be dismissed.
27.  disparage (v.) 貶斥,貶低
The actor's work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
28.  disparate (a.) 截然不同的,完全不同的,迥然不同的
The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.
29.  dissemble (v.) 掩蓋,掩飾(動機、感情、真相)
He accused the government of dissembling. 他指責政府掩飾真相。
30.  disseminate (v.) 散佈,傳播,宣傳
One of the organization's aims is to disseminate information about the disease.
the dissemination of information 信息的傳播
31.  dissident (n.) 批評政府者 (a.) 批評政府的
political dissidents持不同政見者
a dissident group/writer 批評政府的團體/作家
32.  dissolution (n.) (官方組織的)解散;(法律合約的)解除
the dissolution of parliament 議會的解散
33.  dissonance (n.) (1)不和諧音 (2) 分歧,異議
the jarring dissonance of Klein's musical score 克萊茵樂譜中刺耳的不和諧音
34.  distend (v.) (通常指腹部或身體其他部位)鼓起,隆起,凸起
In the refugee centers we saw many children whose stomachs were distended because of lack of food.
35.  distil (v.) 蒸餾
Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling. 威士卡等烈酒是用蒸餾法製成的。
36.  distrait (v.) 【法】心神不定的﹐精神無法集中的
37.  diverge (v.) (道路)分叉;出現差異;發生分歧
They walked along the road together until they reached the village, but then their paths diverged.
Although the two organizations have worked together for many years, their objectives have diverged recently. 雖然這兩個組織在一起合作了很多年,但它們的目標近來出現了分歧。
They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.
38.  divest (v.) 賣掉,出售(企業或其中一部分)
The company is divesting its less profitable business operations.該公司打算出售其盈利較差的業務。
She has divested herself of (= sold) some of her share-holdings. 她已經賣掉了自己的一些股份。
divest sb of sth 取消(某人)的…;處理掉;丟棄
There is a growing movement to divest the monarchy of its remaining constitutional power.
She divested herself of her cumbersome attire. 她脫下笨重的服裝。
39.  divulge (v.) 洩露,透露(秘密)
Journalists do not divulge their sources. 記者們不會透露消息的來源。
[+ question word] The managing director refused to divulge how much she earned.
40.  doctrinaire (a.) 教條主義的;脫離實際的
These principles are doctrinaire. 這些原則脫離了實際。
41.  document (n.) (尤指正式的)文件,公文 (v.) 記錄,記載
official/confidential/legal documents正式/機密/法律檔
They are charged with using forged documents. 他們被控使用僞造的檔。
His interest in cricket has been well-documented (= recorded and written about) by the media.
42.  doggerel (n.) 蹩腳詩;打油詩
43.  dogmatic (a.) 固執己見的;自以爲是的;教條的
44.  dormant (a.) 蟄伏的,沉睡的,休眠的
The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting.
These investments have remained dormant for several years. 這些投資好幾年都沒有甚麽動靜。
lie dormant 潛伏,潛藏
Her talent might have lain dormant had it not been for her aunt's encouragement.
45.  dross (n.) 廢物,無用之物
So much of what's on TV is pure dross. 電視上演的多是垃圾。
We read all the manuscripts but 95% are dross.
46.  dupe (v.) 誘騙,欺騙
The girls were duped by drug smugglers into carrying heroin for them.
47.  ebullient (a.) 精力充沛的;熱情洋溢的;興高采烈的
He wasn't his usual ebullient self. 一向熱情洋溢的他一反常態,好像換了個人似的。
48.  eclectic (a.) 不拘一格的;相容並蓄的;博採眾長的
an eclectic style/approach 相容並蓄的風格 / 博採眾長的方法
an eclectic taste in literature對文學廣泛的興趣
49.  effervescent (a.) (1) 冒泡的;起沫的;泡騰的 (2) 充滿活力的;活潑的;興高采烈的
effervescent vitamin C tablets 維生素C泡騰片
She's one of those effervescent personalities that you often see presenting TV game shows.
50.  effete (a.) (1)弱不禁風的;了無生氣的;軟弱無能的 (2) 沒有男子漢氣概的;女人氣的
With nothing to do all day the aristocracy had grown effete and lazy.
51.  efficacy (n.) 功效,效力,效能
They recently ran a series of tests to measure the efficacy of the drug.
52.  effrontery (n.) 厚顔無恥;放肆
He was silent all through the meal and then had the effrontery to complain that I looked bored!
53.  egoism (n.) 自我主義;自大;自負
54.  egotist (n.) 自我主義者;自高自大者
Politicians are notorious egotists. 政客們是一幫惡名昭彰的自我主義者。
egotistic (=egotistical) (a.) 自我主義的
55.  elegy (n.) (尤指懷念故人或往事的)輓歌,輓詩
Gray's 'Elegy in a Country Churchyard' is a famous English poem.
56.  elicit (v.) 引出,探出,誘出(尤指資訊或反應)
Have you managed to elicit a response from them yet? 你設法得到他們的回覆了嗎?
The questionnaire was intended to elicit information on eating habits.
They were able to elicit the support of the public. 他們獲得了大眾的支持。
57.  elixir (n.) (通常爲液體的)萬靈藥,靈丹妙藥,長生不老藥
It's yet another health product claiming to be the elixir of life/youth (= something to make you live longer/stay young). 這又是一種號稱靈丹妙藥的保健産品,據說有延年益壽/永保青春之奇效。
58.  Elysium (= the Elysian fields) (n.) 極樂世界;天堂
Everything was perfect. She was in Elysium. 對她來說一切都那麼完美,就好像在天堂一樣。
59.  emaciated (a.) (通常由於疾病或極度饑餓)消瘦的,憔悴的,虛弱的:
There were pictures of emaciated children on the cover of the magazine.
60.  embellish (v.) 裝飾,修飾;給…錦上添花,渲染
The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves. 天花板上裝飾著花和葉。
He couldn't resist embellishing the story of his accident a little.
61.  emollient (a.) (1) 潤膚的,護膚的 (2) 使緩和的;使平靜的
an emollient cream 護膚霜
an emollient mood/tone息事寧人的心態/安慰的語氣
62.  empirical (a.) 以經驗(或實驗)爲依據的;經驗主義的;來自經驗(或觀察)的
This theory needs to be backed up with solid empirical data/evidence.
Empirical studies show that some forms of alternative medicine are extremely effective.
63.  emulate (v.) 效仿,模仿;和…競爭,努力趕上
They hope to emulate the success of other software companies.
Fitzgerald is keen to emulate Martin's record of three successive world titles.
64.  encomium (n.) 讚頌;頌詞
65.  endemic (a.) (尤指疾病或情況)地方性的;(在某地或某些人中)特有的,流行的
Malaria is endemic in many of the hotter regions of the world.
The disease is endemic among British sheep/to many British flocks.
There is endemic racism/poverty/violence in many of the country's cities.
66.  enervating (a.) 使衰弱的;使無力的;使喪失活力的
I find this heat very enervating. 這種酷熱讓我無精打采。
67.  engender (v.) 引起(某種感覺);導致;産生
Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy. 她的新作引起了很大爭議。
The minister's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.
68.  enhance (v.) 提高;增加;增強;增進
These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation.這些醜聞並不會提高這個組織的聲譽。
Several athletes tested positive for illegal performance-enhancing drugs.
69.  entomology (n.) 昆蟲學
70.  enunciate (v.) (1) 清楚地念(字);清晰地發(音)(2) 宣佈,發表;闡明,表明
He doesn't enunciate (his words) very clearly. 他(說話)發音不是太清晰。
In the speech, the leader enunciated his party's proposals for tax reform.
71.  ephemeral (a.) 短暫的,極短的;轉瞬即逝的
Fame in the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral. 在搖滾和流行音樂界,名聲大多轉瞬即逝。
72.  epistemology (n.) 認識論
73.  equable (a.) 穩定的,變化小的;平和的;性情溫和的
Graham has a fairly equable temperament - I haven't often seen him really angry.
The south of the country enjoys an equable climate. 這個國家的南部地區氣候溫和。
As a manager she deals with problems reasonably and equably, never losing her temper.
74.  equanimity (n.) (尤指處於震驚、失望或困境時的)鎮靜,沈著,冷靜
He received the news of his mother's death with remarkable equanimity.
Three years after the tragedy she has only just begun to regain her equanimity.
75.  equivocate (v.) (尤指爲隱瞞真相而)說模稜兩可的話,含糊其詞
She accused the minister of equivocating, claiming that he had deliberately avoided telling the public how bad the problem really was. 她指責部長含糊其詞,稱他故意不讓大眾知道問題真正嚴重到了甚麽地步。
He answered openly and honestly without hesitation or equivocation.
76.  errant (a.) (尤指離家出走而)犯錯的,行爲不當的,出格的
an errant husband 出軌的丈夫
errant children 犯錯誤的孩子
77.  erudite (a.) 博學的;有學問的;博大精深的
He's the author of an erudite book on Scottish history.
a work of great erudition 體大思精的著作
78.  esoteric (a.) 極不尋常的;只有少數人(尤指內行)才懂的;限於小圈子的:
He has an esoteric collection of old toys and games.
[disapproving or humorous] She has a rather esoteric taste in clothes. 她的衣著品味極不尋常。
79.  essay (v.) 企圖;嘗試
The procedure was first essayed in 1923.  1923年有人首次嘗試這種做法。
80.  estimable (a.) 值得敬重的,值得敬佩的;值得稱道的
He writes estimable poetry under a pseudonym. 他用筆名創作的詩歌作品可圈可點。
Her performance under such stressful conditions was estimable.
81.  ethnocentric (a.) 有種族(或民族)優越感的
82.  etiology (n.) 病源學;病因學
83.  etymology (n.) 詞源學;闡述詞源,詞源說明
At university she developed an interest in etymology. 上大學時她對詞源學産生了興趣。
A list of selected words and their etymologies is printed at the back of the book.
84.  eugenics (n.) 優生學;人種改良學 (=the study of methods of improving humans by allowing only carefully chosen people to reproduce)
Eugenics was the central, and most controversial, part of his social philosophy.
85.  eulogy (n.) 悼詞,悼文;(爲剛剛退休的人所作的)頌詞,頌文 (=a speech, piece of writing, poem, etc. containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or stopped working)
He was the most self-effacing of men - the last thing he would have relished was a eulogy.
The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling. 這是一首讚頌旅行樂趣的歌曲。
86.  euphemism (n.) 委婉語,委婉說法
'Senior citizen' is a euphemism for 'old person'. 「年長公民」是「老年人」的委婉說法
The article made so much use of euphemism that often its meaning was unclear.
87.  euphoria (n.) 狂喜;亢奮;異常興奮
They were in a state of euphoria for days after they won the prize.
88.  euthanasia (n.) 安樂死
Although some people campaign for the right to euthanasia, it is still illegal in most countries.
89.  evince (v.) 表露,表明;顯示
They have never evinced any readiness or ability to negotiate.
In all the years I knew her, she never evinced any desire to do such a thing.
90.  evocative (a.) 引起(愉快)回憶的;產生(美好)聯想的;喚起(美好)感情的
evocative music 使人激發聯想的音樂
a sound evocative of the sea 使人聯想到大海的聲音
91.  exacerbate (v.) 使惡化;使加重;使加劇
This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.
92.  exact (v.) 勒索;強要;迫切需要 (=to demand and get something, sometimes using force or threats, or to make something necessary)
to exact revenge on someone 向某人報復
The blackmailers exacted a total of $100 000 from their victims.
Heart surgery exacts tremendous skill and concentration.
93.  exculpate (v.) 為(某人)開脫;證明(某人)無罪
The pilot of the aircraft will surely be exculpated when all the facts are known.
94.  execrable (a.) 拙劣的;糟糕的;極壞的
an execrable performance 極拙劣的表演
She's always had execrable taste in men. 她看男人的眼光總是很差。
He was treated execrably. 他受到虐待。
95.  exhort (v.) 激勵;規勸;督促
The governor exhorted the prisoners not to riot. 獄長告誡犯人不要騷亂。
96.  exigency (n.) 緊急狀況;危急關頭
the exigencies of war 戰爭的緊要關頭
Economic exigency obliged the government to act. 經濟形勢岌岌可危,政府被迫採取行動。
97.  existential (a.) 存在主義的 (=existentialist)
an existential/existentialist argument/philosopher 存在主義觀點/哲學家
98.  exorcise (v.) (1)(透過祈禱或魔法)驅除(邪魔),給…驅除邪魔 (2) 消除,除去,忘掉(可怕或煩惱的事情產生的後果)
After the priest exorcized the spirit/house/child, apparently, the strange noises stopped.
It will take a long time to exorcise the memory of the accident.
99.  expatiate (v.) 長篇大論;贅述;詳述
She expatiated on/upon her work for the duration of the meal.
100.  expatriate (n.) (旅居國外的)僑民 (a.) 僑居國外的 (v.) (強行或依法)把(某人)逐出本國,使移居國外
A large community of expatriates has settled there. 已經有一大批僑民在那邊定居了。
an expatriate Scot 僑居國外的蘇格蘭人
The new leaders expatriated the ruling family. 新的領導人把統治家族驅逐出境。

