2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (301-400)

1.      expiate (v.) 贖(罪);補償;彌補
to expiate a crime/sin 抵罪/贖罪
the expiation of a sin贖罪
2.      explicate (v.) 詳細解釋,詳細分析(作品或思想)
This is a book which clearly explicates Marx's later writings. 這本書詳細解讀了馬克思的晚期著作。

3.      expository (a.) 說明的(= explaining or describing something)
expository writing
4.      extant (a.) 現存的;尚存的
We have some extant parish records from the sixteenth century.
5.      extemporaneous (a.) 即興的;無準備的;即席的
an extemporaneous speech 即席演講
6.      extirpate (v.) 拔除;消滅;根除
7.      extraneous (a.) 無直接關係的;無關的
extraneous information 無關訊息
These questions are extraneous to the issue being discussed. 這些問題和正在討論的議題無關。
8.      extrapolate (v.) 推斷;推知
You can't really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.
9.      extrinsic (a.) 外在的,外來的;非固有的,非本質的
Extrinsic forces were responsible for the breakdown of the peace talks.
10.  facetious (a.) 不問場合亂講話的;亂引人發笑的
facetious remarks不問場合亂說的話
He's just being facetious. 他只是在亂開玩笑。
11.  facilitate (v.) 促進;促使;使便利
The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs. 新的坡道將可方便輪椅進入。
The current structure does not facilitate efficient work flow.當前的體系不利於實施高效的工作流程。
12.  factotum (n.) 事務總管;勤雜工
She was a general factotum at the restaurant - washing dishes, cleaning the floors and polishing the furniture. 她是餐館的勤雜工——洗碗、掃地、擦桌抹凳樣樣都做。
13.  fallacious (a.) 謬誤的
His argument is based on fallacious reasoning. 他的論點是建立在謬誤推理的基礎上的。
14.  fallow (a.) (1) 休耕的 (2) (一段時間)休眠的,不活躍的
Farmers are eligible for government support if they let a certain amount of land lie fallow.
August is a fallow period in British politics. 八月是英國政壇的沉寂期。
15.  fatuous (a.) 愚蠢的;昏庸的;錯誤的;未經認真考慮的
a fatuous idea 愚蠢的想法
16.  fauna (n.) (某一地區的)動物群
an expedition to explore the flora and fauna of Hornchurch Wood 考察霍恩徹奇林區動植物群的探索
17.  fawning (a.) 諂媚的
a fawning young man 諂媚的年輕男子
fawn over/on sb 奉承,恭維,討好(某人)
I hate waiters who fawn over you. 我討厭奉承人的侍者。
18.  felicitous (a.) 貼切的;恰當的;得體的
He summed up Jack's achievements in one or two felicitous phrases.
a felicitously phrased speech 措辭得體的演講
19.  feral (a.) 野生的(尤指原為家養的動物)
feral dogs/cats 野狗/貓
20.  fervent (a.)強烈的;熱情的,熱誠的 (=fervid)
a fervent supporter of the communist party 共產黨的熱烈擁護者
It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
The nationalists believe fervently in independence for their country.
fervor (n.) 熱情,狂熱
nationalist/religious fervor 民族主義熱情/宗教狂熱
21.  fetid (a.) 惡臭的;腐臭的
fetid air/breath臭氣/惡臭的口氣
22.  fetter (v.) (1) 束縛;限制;抑制 (2) 給(某人)上腳鐐
He felt fettered by a nine-to-five office existence. 朝九晚五的辦公室生活讓他覺得頗受束縛。
23.  fiat (n.)(當權者的)法令,命令;諭
No company can set industry standards by fiat. 任何公司都不能透過法令來制定行業標準。
24.  fidelity (n.) (尤指對性伴侶的)忠誠,忠實,忠貞 (2) 準確性;精確性
Somerset Maugham's comedy of marital fidelity, 'The Constant Wife'
How important do you think sexual fidelity is in a marriage?
The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity.
25.  filibuster (v.) (為拖延或阻止新法律的通過而)發表冗長的演說
Conceivably, supporters of the law could filibuster to prevent it from being revised.
26.  finesse (n.) (高超的)技藝,技巧 (v.) 巧妙地應對;用策略對付
It was a disappointing performance which lacked finesse. 表演者技藝平平,令人失望。
She finessed the interview by playing down her lack of experience and talking about her long-standing interest in the field. 她對自己的經驗不足輕描淡寫,轉而談論自己對該領域長久以來的興趣,就這樣巧妙地把面試應付過去了。
27.  fissure (n.) (岩石或土地的)裂縫,裂隙
28.  flag (v.) (1) 給…做標記;標記(將電腦裡可能有用的資訊標注出來,以便日後處理)(2) 變得疲倦;興趣衰減
Flag any files which might be useful later.
We'll flag the records of interest in the database and then we can give you a print-out.
I was starting to flag after the ninth mile. 走了九英里後,我開始感到疲倦了。
The conversation was flagging. 談話越來越乏味了。
29.  fledge (v.) (小鳥)長飛羽;(幼蟲)長翅
The chicks are expected to fledge in August.
30.  flora (n.) (某一地點或時期的)植物群
the flora of the Balearic Islands 巴厘阿裡群島的植物群
Stone Age flora 石器時代植物群
31.  flourish (v.) (1)茁壯成長;繁榮;蓬勃發展 (2) (為引人注意)揮舞
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be the warm weather.
Watercolor painting began to flourish in Britain around 1750.
She came in smiling, flourishing her exam results.
with a flourish動作誇張地
The waiter handed me the menu with a flourish. 侍者做了個誇張動作遞給我功能表。
He took off his hat with a flourish. 他動作誇張地摘掉帽子。
32.  flout (v.)公然藐視,無視,違背(規定、法律或習俗)
Many motorcyclists flout the law by not wearing helmets. 許多騎摩托車的人無視法律,不戴頭盔。
The orchestra decided to flout convention/tradition, and wear their everyday clothes for the concert.
33.  flux (n.) 不斷的變動,不停的變化
Our plans are in a state of flux at the moment. 我們的計劃目前處在不斷變化之中。
34.  foment (v.) 挑起,激起,煽動(事端)
The song was banned on the grounds that it might foment racial tension.
35.  forbearance (n.) 耐心;寬容;克制
[+ (that)] He thanked his employees for the forbearance (that) they had shown during the company's difficult times. 他感謝員工們在公司的困難時期所表現出的耐心和寬容。
36.  forestall (v.) 預先阻止;先發制人
The government forestalled criticism by holding a public enquiry into the matter.
37.  formidable (a.)可怕的;令人敬畏的;難對付的
a formidable obstacle/task 令人生畏的障礙/任務
a formidable adversary/enemy/opponent 難對付的敵手/勁敵/強大的對手
a formidable intellect 令人敬畏的知識分子
the director and his formidable wife 導演和他那令人生畏的妻子
38.  forswear (v.) 決心放棄,發誓戒除 (forswear-forswore-forsworn)
to forswear alcohol 發誓戒酒
39.  founder (n.) 創立者;創建者;創辦者 (v.) (1) (尤指船)沈沒 (2) 失敗;破產
She is the founder and managing director of the company. 她是公司的創辦者兼總經理。
The ferry foundered in a heavy storm, taking many of the passengers and crew with it.
Teaching computers to read and write has always foundered on the unpredictable human element in language.
40.  fracas (n.) 高聲爭吵;激烈打鬥
He was injured in a Saturday-night fracas outside a disco.
The Prime Minister has joined the fracas over the proposed changes to the health service.
41.  fractious (a.) 易煩躁的;易怒的;暴躁的
a fractious child 暴躁的孩子
42.  fresco (n.) 濕壁畫(技法)
Michelangelo's famous frescoes are in the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
43.  frieze (n.) (室內或屋頂下方牆壁的)簷壁飾帶
44.  forward (a.)魯莽的,冒失的
Do you think it was forward of me to invite her to dinner when we'd only just met?
45.  frugal (a.) 節儉的;樸素的;(食物)簡單的,廉價的
a frugal lifestyle節儉的生活方式
a frugal meal of bread and soup只有麵包和湯的便宜飯食
We had very little money left, so we ate frugally in cheap cafés and bars.
46.  fulminate (v.) 嚴厲批評;譴責
I had to listen to Michael fulminating against the government. 我不得不聽著麥克譴責政府。
47.  fulsome (a.) 過分恭維的;諂媚的;言過其實的
Her new book has received fulsome praise from the critics.
Our guests were fulsome in their compliments about the food.
He thanked her fulsomely for her help. 他對她的幫助大謝特謝。
48.  fusion (n.) 融合;結合;熔合;合併
nuclear fusion核聚變
Their music is described as 'an explosive fusion of Latin American and modern jazz rhythms'.
49.  futile (a.) (行動)無作用的;無效的;不成功的
Attempts to get supplies to the region are futile because troops will not allow the aid convoy to enter the city. 往該地區運送物資的努力失敗了,因爲軍方不允許救援物資護送隊進城。
It's quite futile trying to reason with him - he just won't listen.
All my attempts to cheer her up proved futile. 我想讓她快活起來,但所有的努力都白費了。
"What's his latest book about?" "Oh, the usual - the transience of love and the futility of life."
50.  florid (a.) (1) 過分裝飾的;花哨的 (2) (臉)潮紅的,通紅的
a florid architectural style華麗的建築風格
florid prose/rhetoric詞藻華麗的散文/修辭
a florid complexion 潮紅的臉色
51.  gainsay (v.) 否認;反駁;反對
Certainly there's no gainsaying (= It is not possible to doubt) the technical brilliance of his performance.
52.  gambol (v.) (歡快地)跳躍,嬉戲
Lambs were gamboling (about/around) in the spring sunshine. 羔羊在春天的陽光中歡快地(到處)跳躍。
53.  garrulous (a.) (尤指對雞毛蒜皮的事情)喋喋不休的,絮叨的,饒舌的
54.  gauche (a.) (尤指因年輕且經驗不足而)笨拙的,不善社交的,不老練的
She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.
55.  genial (a.) 友好的;愉快的;和藹的
The head teacher is very genial/has a genial manner.這位校長非常友好/態度和藹。
His geniality, reliability and ability made him a popular figure.
56.  gerrymandering (n.) (為使某政黨或人在選舉中獲得優勢而)不公正劃分選區
The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.
57.  glib (a.) 花言巧語的,油嘴滑舌的;(說話)不誠懇的,未經思考的
He's a glib, self-centered man. 他是個油嘴滑舌、自私自利的人。
No one was convinced by his glib answers/explanations. 沒有人相信他那信口開河的回答/解釋。
He spoke glibly about an economic recovery just around the corner.
58.  goad (v.) (n.)(不停地)招惹,激怒;刺激;驅使
Will the pressure applied by environmentalists be enough to goad the industrialized nations into using less fossil fuels?
He refused to be goaded by their insults. 他對他們的侮辱不屑一顧。
The team were goaded on by their desire to be first to complete the course.
A group of children were goading (= laughing at or pushing) another child in the school playground.
The thought of exams next week is a great goad to the students to work hard.
59.  gossamer (a.) 精巧輕盈的;輕薄精緻的
gossamer wings 輕盈的翅膀
a gossamer veil 輕薄精緻的面紗
60.  gouge (v.)
He drove into some railings and gouged a hole in the back of his car.
gouge sth out摳出,挖出
In Shakespeare's play, 'King Lear', the Earl of Gloucester's eyes are gouged out.
61.  grandiloquent (a.)(尤指為了使某人或者某物顯得重要而)賣弄詞藻的,言辭浮誇的,過分華麗的
Her speech was full of grandiloquent language, but it contained no new ideas.
62.  gregarious (a.) (人)愛交際的,不喜獨處的;(尤指動物)群居的
Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of person. 艾瑪是個喜歡交際、性情爽直的人。
63.  grouse (v.) 抱怨;發牢騷
She's always grousing about how she's been treated by the management.
64.  guileless (a.) 誠實無欺的;老實的
She regarded him with wide, guileless blue eyes. 她瞪著一雙純真無邪的藍色大眼睛看著他。
65.  guise (n.) (尤指為了欺騙而裝出的)外表,表現形式;偽裝
The men who arrived in the guise of drug dealers were actually undercover police officers.
The company has been accused of trying to sell their products under the guise of market research.
66.  gullible (a.) 容易上當的,易受欺騙的;輕信的
There are any number of miracle cures on the market for people gullible enough to buy them.
67.  gustatory (a.) 味覺的;品嚐的
gustatory pleasures 味覺享受
68.  halcyon (a.) 幸福美好的
halcyon days(昔日)美好的時光
She recalled the halcyon days of her youth. 她回想起年輕時的美好時光。
69.  hallowed(a.) (1)(因地位重要或年長而)受尊崇的,奉爲神聖的 (2) 神聖的
hallowed icons such as Marilyn Monroe and James Dean
Can atheists be buried in hallowed ground? 無神論者能葬在聖地裡嗎?
70.  harangue (v.) (n.)長篇大論地演說;斥責
A drunk in the station was haranguing passers-by. 一名醉漢在車站大聲訓斥路人。
The team were given the usual half-time harangue by their manager.
71.  harrowing (a.) 折磨人的,令人痛苦的
a harrowing story 令人悲傷的故事
For many women, the harrowing prospect of giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear.
72.  herbivore (n.) 食草動物,草食動物
Cows and sheep are herbivores. 牛和羊是食草動物。
herbivorous (a.) 草食動物的      
73.  hermetic (a.) (1)(容器)密封的,不透氣的 (2) (人群)與世隔絕的,不與外界往來的
a hermetic seal 密封墊
He entered the hermetic world of the monastery at a young age.
hermit (n.) 隱士;(尤指)隱居修道者
74.  heterodox (a.) (信仰、想法或活動)非正統的,異端的
His opinions have always been distinctly heterodox. 他的觀點總是帶有明顯的異端色彩。
orthodox (a.)(信仰、觀點或活動)正統的,傳統的;普遍接受的
orthodox treatment/methods 傳統的療法/方法
orthodox views/opinions 正統的觀點/看法
We would prefer a more orthodox approach/solution to the problem.
75.  hieroglyphics (n.) 象形文字(尤指古埃及的文字)
76.  hirsute (a.) (尤指臉或軀體)多毛的
77.  histrionic (a.) 做作的,裝腔作勢的
a histrionic outburst 裝腔作勢的情感爆發
She put on a histrionic display of grief at her ex-husband's funeral.
78.  homeostasis (n.) 內環境穩定,體內動態平衡(生物、活細胞、組織等,在其外部環境變化的情況下,保持內部不變或平衡狀態的能力或趨向);內部平衡狀態
Warm-blooded animals are able to achieve temperature homeostasis. 溫血動物能夠平衡體溫。
79.  homily (n.) 說教,佈道
He launched into a homily on family relationships. 他開始就家庭關係進行說教。
80.  homogeneous (a.) 由同類事物(或人)組成的;同類的;相似的
a homogeneous group/society 由同種族人組成的群體/社會
The population of the village has remained remarkably homogeneous.
cultural/racial homogeneity文化同質/種族同種
81.  hyperbole (n.) 誇張法
The blurb on the back of the book was full of the usual hyperbole - 'enthralling', 'fascinating' and so on.
hyperbolic rhetoric誇張修辭法
82.  iconoclastic (a.) 反傳統信仰的;反傳統的
His plays were fairly iconoclastic in their day. 他的戲劇在當時具有相當的反傳統意味。
iconoclastic views 反傳統的觀點
83.  idolatry (n.) 偶像崇拜;盲目崇拜;過度崇信
The youngster makes no attempt to conceal his idolatry of his team-mate.
Newton was revered to the point of idolatry.
Father Brown considers the notes and flowers left near the statue to be close to idolatry.
84.  igneous (a.)(岩石)火成的
85.  imbroglio (n.) 錯綜複雜的局面,困局
The Soviet Union became anxious to withdraw its soldiers from the Afghan imbroglio.
86.  immutable (a.) 永恆的;不可改變的
an immutable law永恆的法則
Some people regard grammar as an immutable set of rules.有些人認為文法是一套不可更改的規則。
87.  impair (v.) 損害;削弱
A recurring knee injury may have impaired his chances of winning the tournament.
She suffers from impaired vision/hearing. 她視力/聽力受損。
physical/mental impairment 身體/智力損傷
88.  impassive (a.) 神情冷漠的;木然的
The defendant sat impassively in the dock while evidence was given against him.
89.  impecunious (a.) 沒錢的,貧窮的
I first knew him as an impecunious student living in a tiny bedsit.
90.  impede (v.) 妨礙,阻礙;阻止
Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.
91.  impermeable (a.) 不可滲透的;不透氣的
an impermeable membrane 防滲薄膜
92.  imperturbable (a.) 沉著的,冷靜的
93.  impervious (a.) (1)不能滲透的 (2) 不受影響的
How does glue bond with impervious substances like glass and metal?
He is impervious to criticism and rational argument. 他對批評和說理都無動於衷。
94.  impinge on/upon sb/sth 影響;妨礙
The government's spending limits will seriously impinge on the education budget.
95.  implacable (a.) 不饒人的;堅定的;無法改變的
an implacable enemy 死敵
implacable hostility 無法化解的敵意
96.  implausible (a.) 難以置信的;不可能的
The whole plot of the film is ridiculously implausible. 影片的整個情節荒謬得令人難以置信。
97.  implicit (a.) (1) 不明言的,含蓄的 (2) 無疑問的;無保留的
He interpreted her comments as an implicit criticism of the government.
Implicit in the poem's closing lines are the poet's own religious doubts.
implicit trust 絕對的信任
All her life she had implicit faith in socialism. 她一生都對社會主義堅信不疑。
He trusts her implicitly. 他完完全全信任她。
98.  implode (v.) (1) 向內坍塌;內爆 (2) 崩潰;垮塌
The vacuum inside the tube caused it to implode when the external air pressure was increased.
Their economy is in danger of imploding. 他們的經濟有崩潰的危險。
99.  imprecation (n.) 咒語;罵人話
The old woman walked along the street muttering imprecations.
100.  impute sth to sb (1) 把…歸咎於(某人);把…歸於(某人) (2) 認為…具有
They imputed the error to the lawyer who was handling her case.
He arrogantly imputed stupidity to anyone who disagreed with him.
imputations of dishonesty 對不誠實的種種指責

