2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (601-700)

1.      profound (a.) (1)強烈的;深沉的;極度的 (2) 造詣深的;思想深邃的
His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women.
Those two lines of poetry express perfectly the profound sadness of loss.
My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
There was a note of profound irritation in his voice. 他的語氣中帶有強烈惱怒。
profound truths/wisdom 深奧的真理/博大的智慧
The review that I read said that it was 'a thoughtful and profound film'.
"Dying is easy - it's living that's the problem." "That was very profound of you, Steven."
2.      prohibitive (a.) (費用)高得負擔不起的,(價格等)使人望之卻步的
Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.
Property in the area tends to be prohibitively expensive (= so expensive that you cannot buy it).
3.      proliferate(v.) 激增
Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years. 在過去的十年裡,小型企業大量湧現。
The past two years have seen the proliferation of TV channels.
4.      propensity (n.) (尤指不良的)傾向,嗜好,癖好
[+ to infinitive] She's inherited from her father a propensity to talk too much.
He's well-known for his natural propensity for indiscretion.
5.      propitiate (v.) 使息怒;勸解;撫慰
In those days people might sacrifice a goat or sheep to propitiate an angry god.
The radicals in the party were clearly sacked to propitiate the conservative core.
6.      propriety (n.) (行為)端正,得體,合宜
The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.
She was careful always to behave with propriety. 她時刻注意行為得體。
They'd invited us to dinner so we thought we'd better observe the proprieties and invite them back.
7.      proscribe (v.) (政府或其他權力機構)禁止
The Broadcasting Act allows ministers to proscribe any channel that offends against good taste and decency.《廣播法》允許部長們有權取締任何違背雅趣和體統的頻道。
The Athletics Federation have banned the runner from future races for using proscribed drugs.
8.      provident (a.) 未雨綢繆的,有遠慮的(尤指存錢)
9.      puissant (a.) 強有力的;強盛的;有權力的
10.  punctilious (a.) 一絲不苟的;循規蹈矩的
He was always punctilious in his manners. 他的舉止總是循規蹈矩。
11.  pungent (a.) (1)(氣味)刺鼻的;(味道)強烈的 (2) (話語或文章)尖刻的,尖銳的
the pungent whiff of a goat 山羊發出的刺鼻膻味
I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee. 我坐下來喝了一杯味道濃醇的土耳其咖啡。
pungent criticism/commentary 尖刻的批評/評論
The cheeses vary in pungency. 不同種類的起司味道輕重也不同。
12.  pusillanimous (a.) 怯懦的,膽小的
He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents. 他太懦弱了,不敢勇敢面對自己的對手。
13.  purport (v.) 聲稱,標榜 (n.) 大意,主旨
They purport to represent the wishes of the majority of parents at the school.
The study purports to show an increase in the incidence of the disease.
The tape recording purports to be of a conversation between the princess and a secret admirer.
I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he will not be returning for at least a year.
14.  quagmire (n.) (1) 沼澤地,泥潭 (2) 困境,危險的境地
At the end of the match, the pitch was a real quagmire. 在比賽的最後階段,場地是一片泥濘。
Since the coup, the country has sunk deeper into a quagmire of violence and lawlessness.
15.  quail (v.) 害怕;退縮
Charlie quailed at the sound of his mother's angry voice. 查理聽到他母親憤怒的聲音,心裡不由得感到害怕。
She quailed before her boss's anger. 她在老闆發怒前退縮了。
16.  qualified (a.) (1) 有資格的;合格的,勝任的 (2) 有限制的
Tim is now a qualified architect. 提姆現在是一個合格的建築師了。
What makes you think that you are qualified for this job? 甚麼使你覺得自己有資格從事這份工作?
[+ to infinitive] I'm not qualified to give advice on such matters.
There seems to be qualified support for the idea.
17.  qualm (n.) 疑慮;內疚;不安
She had no qualms about lying to the police. 她向警方說謊但一點也不覺得心虛。
18.  query (n.) 疑問,問題 (v.) 提問;質問,懷疑
If you have any queries about your treatment, the doctor will answer them.
A few students have queried their marks. 有幾個學生對他們的分數表示懷疑。
[+ question word] She queried whether three months was long enough. 她問三個月是否夠長。
[+ speech] "Any chance of a cup of tea?" he queried hopefully.「能否喝杯茶?」他滿懷希望地問。
19.  quibble (v.) 吹毛求疵,為小事而爭吵 (n.) (對小事的)抱怨或批評
There's no point quibbling about/over a couple of dollars. 為幾塊錢而吵架毫無意義。
My only quibble is that the color wasn't very nice. 我唯一不太滿意的是顏色不太好。
20.  quiescent (a.) (暫時)平靜的,靜止的
The political situation was now relatively quiescent. 政治形勢目前暫時平靜。
21.  quorum (n.) (會議的)法定人數
22.  raconteur (n.) 善於講故事的人
He was a brilliant raconteur. 他非常善於講故事。
23.  rail (v.) 譴責;抱怨 (n.) (1) 鐵路交通;鐵路交通系統;鐵軌 (2) (尤指固定在牆上或豎杆上的)橫杆,欄杆,扶手
He railed against/at the injustices of the system. 他強烈譴責該制度的不公正。
Environmentalists argue that more goods should be transported by rail.
A train left/went off the rails and crashed into the bank, killing several passengers.
Will spectators please stay behind the rail? 觀衆們請站在欄杆後面好嗎?
Hold onto the rail so that you don't fall. 抓牢扶手,這樣就不會摔倒了。
24.  raiment (n.) 衣服
25.  ramification (n.) 可能的後果;衍生結果;派生影響
Have you considered all the ramifications of your suggestion?
26.  rarefied (a.) (1)(空氣)缺氧的,稀薄的 (2)(地方或環境)單純的,清高的
the rarefied atmosphere/circles of college life 單純的大學生活氛圍/大學裡單純的生活圈子
27.  rationale (n.) 根本原因;基本原理
I don't understand the rationale behind the council's housing policy.
28.  rebus (n.) 一種用圖畫表示的謎
29.  recalcitrant (a.) (人)不守規章的,桀驁不馴的;(動物)不馴服的
30.  recant (v.) 公開宣佈放棄(以前的信仰)
After a year spent in solitary confinement, he publicly recanted (his views).
31.  recluse (n.) 隱居者;喜歡獨處的人
He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews.
32.  recondite (a.) 深奧的;玄妙的;晦澀的
We had to work from material that was both complex and recondite.
33.  redoubtable (a.) (尤指性格方面)強的;可敬的;令人敬畏的
Tonight Villiers faces the most redoubtable opponent of his boxing career.
34.  refractory (a.) (1)【正式】難駕馭的﹐不服管教的(=difficult to control; unwilling to obey) (2)難治的 (=not affected by a treatment, change, or process)
a refractory child
This is a chronic and disabling condition that is refractory to treatment.
35.  refulgent (a.) 【文】光輝的﹐燦爛的
36.  refute (v.) 駁斥;反駁;否認…的正確性(或真實性)
to refute a person/theory/argument/claim 駁斥一個人/理論/論點/說法
37.  regale sb with sth(透過講故事、笑話等)使愉悅,使高興
The sailor regaled us all night with stories of his adventures.
38.  relegate (v.) (1)貶職;使降級;降低…的地位 (2) 使(足球隊)降級
She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job. 因被降職做文書,她就辭了職。
The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.
If Southampton lose again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division.
39.  remonstrate (v.) 抗議;反對;抱怨
I went to the boss to remonstrate against the new rules.
The barrister remonstrated with the judge about the amount of the fine.
40.  renege (v.) 違背(諾言);違約;背信
If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts. 如果你現在撕毀協定,我會讓你上法庭。
41.  reparation (n.) 賠償;補償;彌補
The company had to make reparation to those who suffered ill health as a result of chemical pollution.
42.  repine (v.) 埋怨,感到悲傷
She was alone and unloved, but she did not repine. 她孤伶伶的,沒有人愛,但她沒有抱怨。
43.  reprise (v.) (尤指樂曲的)重複部分,重奏
44.  reproach (v.) (n.) (尤指因為某人沒成功或沒達到預期目標而)責備,責怪,批評
His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.
You have nothing to reproach yourself for/with. 你沒有甚麽可自責的。
The look of reproach on his face made her feel guilty. 他責備的神情讓她感到很愧疚。
Your reproaches are useless - what's done is done. 你再指責也沒有用了——做過的事無法改變。
be a reproach to sb/sth是…的恥辱;令…丟人現眼
His immaculate garden was a reproach to all his less organized neighbors.
be above/beyond reproach無可非議;十全十美
Your behavior today has been above reproach. 你今天的行為無可非議。
45.  reprobate (n.) 墮落者;放蕩者;惡棍
Every time I see you, you're drunk, you old reprobate!我每次撞見你,你都酩酊大醉,你這個老惡棍。
46.  repudiate (v.) 拒絕,不接受;否認;批駁
He repudiated the allegation/charge/claim that he had tried to deceive them.
I utterly repudiate those remarks. 我認為這些話純屬一派胡言。
They were surprised by his sudden repudiation of all his former beliefs.
47.  rescind (v.) 廢除;取消;撤銷
The policy of charging air travellers for vegetarian meals proved unpopular and has already been rescinded. 事實證明,航空公司向素食主義乘客收取素餐費的做法不得人心,因而已被取消。
48.  resolution (n.) (1) 決議;正式決定 (2) 決心;決定;決意;堅決 (3) 解決;解除;消除 (4) (顯微鏡、電視、電腦顯示幕等的)清晰度,解析度等的清晰度,解析度 (5) 分解;解析
to approve/adopt a resolution 批准/通過決議
[+ to infinitive] The United Nations passed (= voted to support) a resolution to increase aid to the Third World. 聯合國通過了一項向第三世界國家增加援助的決議。
 [+ to infinitive] I made a resolution to give up chocolate. 我下決心不再吃巧克力了。
He showed great resolution in facing the robbers. 面對強盜,他表現得英勇無畏。
a successful resolution to the crisis 危機的成功解決
a high/low resolution image 高/低清晰度圖像
the resolution of oil into bitumen and tar 石油分解成瀝青和焦油
New Year('s) resolution新年決心
"Have you made any New Year's resolutions?" "Yes, I'm going to eat more healthily and give up smoking."「你給自己定下甚麼新年決心了嗎?」「是的,我要令自己飲食更加健康,並且戒煙。
49.  resolve (v.) (1)解決;解除;消除 (2) 決定;決心;決意 (n.) 決心;堅定的信念
Have you resolved the problem of transport yet? 你們解決交通問題了嗎?
The couple resolved their differences and made an effort to get along.
 [+ that] She resolved that she would never speak to him again. 她決心再也不理他。
[+ adv/prep] After hours of argument, they resolved against taking legal action.
[+ to infinitive] The company resolved to take no further action against the thieves.
to weaken/strengthen/test someone's resolve 削弱/增強/考驗某人的決心
resolve sth into sth把…分解為…;把…解析為…
There was a blur of sound, which slowly resolved itself into different words.
50.  reticent (a.) 沈默寡言的;不願交談的
He is very reticent about his past. 他不願談及他的過去。
Most of the students were reticent about answering questions. 大多數學生都不願回答問題。
His reticence about his past made them very suspicious.
51.  reverent (a.) 肅然起敬
A reverent silence fell over the crowd. 人們肅然起敬,鴉雀無聲。
He laid the wreath reverently in front of the memorial. 他滿懷崇敬之情將花環放在紀念碑前。
52.  riposte (n.) 機敏的回答;巧妙的應對
She made a sharp/witty/neat riposte. 她尖刻/機智/巧妙地反唇相譏。
53.  rococo (a.)18世紀流行於歐洲的一種華麗精巧的建築、藝術和傢俱風格)洛可哥式的
54.  rubric (n.) (尤指印在試卷上、通常用不同字體或顔色的)指示,說明,提示
Read/Follow the rubric carefully. 仔細閱讀/嚴格按照說明。
55.  rue (v.) 對…感到懊悔;對…感到後悔;因為…感到遺憾
rue the day追悔莫及
She'll rue the day (that) she bought that house. 她買了那座房子,以後會追悔莫及的。
56.  ruse (n.) 詭計;計策
57.  sage (a.) (尤指因經驗豐富而)明智的,睿智的 (n.) (1)智者,賢人(尤指老人) (2)鼠尾草,洋蘇草(其灰綠色的葉子可用作香草調味)
sage advice 明智的忠告
my sage old grandfather 我那睿智的老祖父
He nodded his head sagely. 他點了點頭,一副睿智的樣子。
sage-and-onion stuffing 鼠尾草和洋蔥製成的餡
58.  salacious (a.) 淫穢的;好色的;淫蕩的
a salacious film/book/joke/comment 淫穢電影/書籍/玩笑/評論
59.  salubrious (a.) (地方)環境宜人且有益健康的,宜居的
He doesn't live in a very salubrious part of town. 他住的地方是鎮上不太適宜居住的地方。
60.  salutary (a.) (對行爲或性格的改善)有益的
a salutary experience 有益的經驗
a salutary reminder of the dangers of mountain climbing 對登山危險性的有益提醒
61.  sanction (n.) (1)制裁 (2) (爲維護法律或規定而採取的)強硬措施;(對違反法律或規定者進行的)懲罰,處罰 (3) (尤指正式或法律認可的)批准,許可 (v.) 批准,認可,准許
Many nations have imposed sanctions on the country because of its attacks on its own people.
Trade/economic sanctions will only be lifted (= stopped) when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops.
Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
They tried to get official sanction for the scheme. 他們想使計劃獲得正式批准。
The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.政府不願意批准對危機加以幹預。
62.  sardonic (a.) 譏諷的,冷嘲的,輕蔑的
a sardonic smile/look/comment 譏諷的微笑/嘲諷的表情/尖刻的評論
63.  sartorial (a.) 裁縫的;(通常指)男裝縫製的;衣著的
sartorial elegance衣著高雅
64.  satiate (v.) (尤指飲食或享樂)使飽足,使厭膩
He drank greedily until his thirst was satiated. 他大口大口地喝得飽飽的。
65.  saturate (v.) (1) 使濕透;浸透;滲透 (2) 使充滿;使飽和
The grass had been saturated by overnight rain. 一夜的雨把草地淋透了。
He had cut his leg badly, and his trousers were saturated with/in blood.
The police saturated (= A large number of police officers were sent into) the area in an attempt to find the missing child. 大批員警被派往該地區尋找失蹤的孩童。
saturate the market使市場飽和
Since the US market has now been saturated, drug dealers are looking to Europe.
market saturation 市場飽和
saturated fat飽和脂肪
Butter and cream contain a lot of saturated fats. 牛油和鮮奶油中含有大量飽和脂肪。
66.  saturnine (a.) 陰鬱的;嚴肅的
a saturnine character/look 陰鬱的性格/陰沈的表情
67.  satyr (n.) 薩特(古希臘文學作品中半人半山羊的神)
68.  savor (v.) 細品,享用(食物) (n.) 樂趣;趣味;情趣
It was the first chocolate he'd tasted for over a year, so he savored every mouthful.
She felt that life had lost most of its savor.
69.  schematic (a.) 圖解的,略圖的
a schematic diagram/outline 圖解/提綱
70.  secrete (v.) (1)(動植物或其細胞)分泌 (2) 隱藏;隱匿
Saliva is a liquid secreted by glands in or near the mouth.
He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroin secreted in his clothing.
71.  sedition (n.) 煽動叛亂的言論(或行爲)
She was arrested after making a speech that the government considered to be seditious.
72.  sedulous (a.) 勤奮的﹐孜孜不倦的
It was agreed that the few students sedulous enough to read the book deserved top marks for diligence.
73.  seismic (a.) (1)地震的;地震引起的 (2) 造成嚴重破壞的
seismic activity/waves地震活動/地震波
The news that the chairman would resign set off seismic waves in the business community.
74.  sensual (a.) 感官的;(尤指)肉欲的,愉悅肉體的,滿足肉欲的
sensual pleasure 肉體之樂
a sensual mouth/voice 性感的嘴唇/聲音
He is elegant, sensual, conscious of his body. 他優雅、性感,很在意自己的身材。
She found his intense sensuality irresistible. 她覺得他非常性感,讓她無法抗拒。
75.  sensuous (a.) 愉悅感官的 (2)(= sensual)
She luxuriated in the sensuous feel of the silk sheets. 她盡情地享受著絲綢床單所帶來的愉悅感。
He had a very sensuous mouth. 他有一張非常性感的嘴。
76.  sentient (a.) 有知覺力的;有感覺力的
It is hard for a sentient person to understand how any parents could treat their child so badly.
77.  servile (a.) 卑躬的;諂媚的
As a waiter you want to be pleasant to people without appearing totally servile.
She found the servility of the hotel staff embarrassing.
78.  sextant (n.) (船舶或飛機精確定位用的)六分儀
79.  shard (n.) (玻璃杯、茶杯、容器或類似物品的)碎片、破片
Shards of glass have been cemented into the top of the wall to stop people climbing over.
80.  sidereal (a.) 恆星的;根據恆星計算的
81.  simian (a.) (n.)(像)猴子(的)
82.  simile (n.) 明喻(的運用)
The lines 'She walks in beauty, like the night...' from Byron's poem contain a simile.
83.  sinecure (n.) 坐領乾薪的職位,閒職 ,冗職
84.  singular (a.) (1)單數(的)(2) 特別的;引人注意的 (n.) 單數
a singular ending/form/noun/verb 單數詞尾/形式/名詞/動詞
The word 'woman' is singular. Woman 這個單詞是單數形式。
It was a building of singular grace and beauty. 這棟建築物非常雅致、漂亮。
He showed a singular lack of skill in painting. 他非常欠缺繪畫技巧。
The singular of 'children' is 'child'. children 的單數形式是 child
The word 'teeth' is plural - in the singular it's 'tooth'. 單詞 teeth 是複數形式——單數形式是 tooth
85.  sinuous (a.) 蜿蜒的,彎曲的
He enjoyed watching the sinuous bodies of the dancers. 他喜歡觀賞舞者婀娜的身段。
The walkers followed the sinuous path through the trees. 行人沿著蜿蜒的小徑穿越叢林。
86.  skeptic (n.) 持懷疑態度的人
People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a skeptic.人們說它能治感冒,我有些懷疑。
to convince the skeptics說服持懷疑態度的人
87.  sobriety (n.) (1)未醉,清醒 (2) 嚴肅,莊重
The police said his car had been weaving all over the road, so they pulled him over and gave him a sobriety test. 員警說他的車在路上一直開得搖搖晃晃的,因此叫他停了下來,幫他做了酒精測試。
We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.
88.  sodden (a.) 濕透的,濕漉漉的
The football pitch was absolutely sodden. 足球場完全是濕的。
Her thin coat quickly became sodden. 她的薄外套很快就濕透了。
89.  solicitous (a.) 關心的,關切的
He made a solicitous enquiry after her health. 他十分關切地詢問了她的健康狀況。
90.  soliloquy (n.) (戲劇中的)獨白
Hamlet's soliloquy 'To be or not to be' 哈姆雷特的獨白「生存還是毀滅」
91.  solvent (a.) (尤指公司)有償付能力的,付得起的 (n.) 溶劑
Many insurance companies are under pressure to increase premiums to stay solvent.
92.  somatic (a.) 身體的;軀體的 (2) 細胞體的
Children of parents affected by post-traumatic stress disorder can become angry, depressed, and show somatic symptoms such as stomach-aches or headaches.
somatic mutations
93.  soporific (a.) 催眠的,使人昏昏欲睡的
the soporific effect of the heat 炎熱天氣的催眠作用
94.  sordid (a.) (1) 骯髒的,邋遢的 (2) 不道德的,不誠實的,卑鄙的
There are lots of really sordid apartments in the city's poorer areas.
He told me he'd had an affair but he spared me the sordid details.
95.  specious (a.) 似是而非的;貌似有理的;虛假的
a specious argument/claim 看似有理的論點/主張
specious allegations/promises 看似有理的指控/虛假的諾言
96.  spectrum (n.) (1) 光譜;波譜;聲譜;頻譜 (2) (看法、感覺等的)範圍,各層次
The colors of the spectrum - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - can be seen in a rainbow. 光譜中的紅、橙、黃、綠、藍、靛、紫諸色可以在彩虹中見到。
He has support from across the whole political spectrum. 他得到了所有政治派別的支援。
The group includes students from both ends of the social spectrum (= range of social classes).
A wide spectrum of opinion was represented at the meeting. 會議上提出了一系列廣泛的意見。
97.  spendthrift (n.) 揮霍者,花錢無度的人
98.  sporadic (a.) 偶爾發生的;陣發性的;斷斷續續的
sporadic gunfire 零星的炮火
a sporadic electricity supply 不穩定的電力供應
More than 100 people have been killed this year in sporadic outbursts of ethnic violence.
99.  squalid (a.) (地方常因缺錢)極其骯髒的,汙穢的 (2) (情形、活動)道德敗壞的,墮落的,醜惡的,淫穢的
Many prisons, even today, are overcrowded and squalid places.
It's the usual squalid rock star tale of drugs, sex and overdoses.
It was a dirty, damp, smelly flat - the usual student squalor.
100.  staccato (a.) (adv.) 斷音的(地); 斷奏的(地) (2) (噪音或說話方式)斷斷續續的,不連貫的
The music suddenly changed from a smooth melody to a staccato rhythm.
She played the whole piece staccato to improve her technique.
She gave staccato replies to every question. 她回答每個問題都是支支吾吾的。

