2018年5月24日 星期四

Someone who 還是 Someone that? --淺談如何使用大數據查英文語法


課文的句子是: Online friendship doesn't necessarily translate into real-life compatibility. That is to say, someone who seems to have everything you're looking for may actually be boring or annoying in real life...(節錄自高中龍騰版第四冊第10課 Cupid on Call: Past and Present)

但是文法書/教師手冊(我依稀記得我高中時代也有聽過這個文法)上寫道: 先行詞為 anything, nothing, something, anyone, someone 等時,其關代必須用that,不可用 whowhich



2018年5月22日 星期二

107年度國中會考 英文科第15題爭議題

最近除了在吵 Yanny還是Laurel,全台灣的英文老師還在糾結今年國中會考的第15題爭議題,題目如下:

I've wanted to read The Diary of a Young Girl for months, ________ today I finally borrowed the book from the library.
(A) and   (B) since  (C) so   (D) until   

大考中心給(A) and,但很多人覺得(C) so 也可以。

你聽到Yanny還是Laurel ?

最近在網路上瘋傳(go viral) 的音檔-- Yanny or Laurel? 大家聽了嗎?還沒聽的,快來跟風聽一下吧!

今天放給學生聽,結果每個都跟我說他們聽到 Yanny!(驚)

但我聽到都是Laurel,之後還一直洗腦 念Laurel好幾次,結果還是沒用,全班回答我 Yanny!


解析說: Yanny和Laurel的聲波圖接近,但Yanny的聲音頻率較高,Laurel的聲音頻率較低-- 所以有人說年輕人比較容易聽到Yanny,而隨著年紀的增長,耳朵比較不容易聽到高頻率的 Yanny,只會聽到低頻率的Laurel。(所以我老惹QQ) 

2018年5月3日 星期四

英文作文轉折詞彙整 (1)

1. 因此: Therefore= Hence= Thus= As a result (of..)=Consequently,=Accordingly

2. 此外: Besides= In addition=Additionally= On top of that=Adding to that=Moreover, Furthermore, What’s more,

3. 然而: However =Nevertheless, Nonetheless=Yet=Still (語氣強) = That (being) said 話雖如此,卻…

4. 列舉: For example= for instance (可先寫主詞,再寫for example, 再寫動詞) / Take … (for example. /… as an example.)

5. 結果: As a result= As a consequence = Consequently  

(cf) It turns out that... 結果竟然...

(cf) It dawns on me that... 才發現...

6. 結論: In conclusion=To conclude =To sum up= All in all= In a nutshell

7. 換言之: In other words = To put it differently

(補充: 簡言之: To put it simply = Simply put)

8. 意見: As for as I’m concerned, = In my opinion/view 依我之見= From my point of view/viewpoint/perspective= To my mind

(補充: 就...而言: In terms of +N = As far as N be concerned)

9. 一般而言 In general= Generally speaking

2018年5月2日 星期三

英文聽力會話班 (3)--New store lets you shop, walk out and pay later

New store lets you shop, walk out and pay later

     Amazon is testing what it calls the world's most advanced shopping technology – a new-concept grocery store called Amazon Go. It has no checkout counters or queues. The technology works via an app. The app checks in when the shopper enters the store. It lets you shop and then scans what you have when you leave the store. Amazon then charges this to your Amazon account later. There is no waiting for slow customers or for change.