2018年6月18日 星期一

until 和 not until 的用法

關於國中會考15題,有網友問能選 until嗎? 剛好趁這個機會教一下 until 的用法:

(1) until:「直到...為止」(根據朗文字典對 until 的定義: if something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time)
(e.g.) I have waited until 5 o'clock, but she still didn't come. (我一直等到五點,但她仍然沒來)[節錄自文馨辭典]
I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! 為了完成工作,我一直熬夜做到三點! [節錄自Cambridge字典]

(2)not until: 「直到...才...
(e.g.) We didn't eat until past midnight. (我們一直到過了午夜吃東西) (很貼字面的翻法是: 我們都沒有吃東西喔~直到過了午夜為止) [節錄自文馨辭典]

2018年6月13日 星期三

英文聽力會話班 (4)--K-Pop(韓國流行樂)

1. Please watch the following music video ('Likey' by Twice), and tell Jeff what you saw in the music video. What's the main feature of Korean popular music that sets apart from Western popular music? 

2. Watch Kids react to K-Pop or COLLEGE KIDS REACT TO K-POP. Do American kids or teenagers like K-pop? Whose reaction do you like the most?

Documentary Watching & Main Points: Watch the documentary K-Pop Explained (Netflix Original Documentary Series) 

1. The iconic moments in music-- 
(1) 1964, The Beatles landing in the USA, setting off the British invasion. 
(2) 1969, Jimmy Hendrix playing "The Star Spangled Banner" (3)
(3) 1984, Madonna at the first VMAs.
(4) (Here's one you might not know) 1992, Seo Taiji & Boys performing on a musical contest show in South Korea.

2018年6月6日 星期三


Clever Illustrations Visually Define the “Same” Words With Different Meanings

For 5 years, illustrator Bruce Worden created clever, simple visuals to help people remember their homophonesHomophones are a set of two or more words having the same pronunciation, but different spelling and meaning. A homophone is a type of homonym—words that sound alike but have different meanings.

1. addition (n) 增加;加法    edition (n) 版本