2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (501-600)

1.      miscellany (n.) (1) 混合物,大雜燴 (2) 雜記
The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures. 這家博物館收藏了一批令人著迷的各式航海珍寶。
She's just finished editing "A Miscellany of English Cookery".
2.      miscreant (n.) 惡棍,無賴;歹徒
We need tougher penalties to discourage miscreants. 我們需要更嚴厲的刑罰來懲戒無賴之徒。
3.      misogynist (a.) 【心】厭惡女人的()(=showing feelings of hating women or a belief that men are much better than women)
She left the Church because of its misogynist teachings on women and their position in society.
a misogynistic attitude/writer
4.      mitigate (v.) 使緩和;減輕(危害等)
It is unclear how to mitigate the effects of tourism on the island. 人們還不清楚如何減低旅遊業對這個島嶼的影響。
5.      mnemonic (n.)幫助記憶的詩歌(或詞句等);助記符號;助記順口溜
The musical notes on the lines go EGBDF - use the mnemonic 'every good boy deserves fun'.
譜線上的音符為 EGBDF,用的助記句子是「每個好男孩都該得到快樂」。
6.      modicum (n.) 少量,一點點
There's not even a modicum of truth in her statement. 她的話裡半句真話都沒有。
Anyone with a modicum of common sense could have seen that the plan wouldn't work. 稍有常識的人都會一早發現這個計劃不可行。
7.      mollify (v.) 使平靜;撫慰
I tried to mollify her by giving her flowers. 我試圖送花來撫慰她。
8.      monolithic (a.) 龐大的;大一統的
monolithic state-run organizations 龐大的國營機構
9.      morose (a.) 陰鬱的;脾氣不好的;孤僻的
a morose expression 陰鬱的表情
Why are you so morose these days? 你這幾天為甚麼總是悶悶不樂?
10.  motley (a.) 混雜的;不同種類的
There's a motley assortment/collection of old furniture in the house we're renting at the moment.
The people who turned up to the meeting were a motley crew (= a group consisting of many different types of people).出席會議的人甚麼樣的都有。
11.  multifarious (a.) 多種類的,各式各樣的
The newspaper report detailed the fraudster's multifarious business activities.
12.  mundane (a.) 世俗的;單調的;平凡的
Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping for food do not interest her.
13.  necromancy (n.) 通靈術,(招亡魂問卜的)巫術;妖術
14.  negate (v.) 使無效,取消
The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of running the business.
15.  neologism (n.) 新詞;新語彙;舊詞新義
16.  neophyte (n.) 新手;初學者
17.  nexus (n.) (重要的)連接,聯繫
Times Square is the nexus of the New York subway. 時代廣場是紐約地鐵的交會點。
18.  nonplussed (a.) 驚慌的;迷惑的;不知所措的
I was completely nonplussed by his reply. 他的回答令我完全不知所措。
19.  nostalgia (n.) 對往事的懷念,懷舊,念舊
Some people feel nostalgia for their schooldays. 有些人對自己的學生時代充滿了懷舊之情。
Hearing that tune again filled him with nostalgia. 再次聽到那首曲子讓他心中充滿對往事的懷念。
a wave (= sudden strong feeling) of nostalgia 一陣強烈的懷舊感
20.  nostrum (n.) (1)【正式】〔實際上也許並無用處的〕妙計﹐妙策 (2)【過時】祕藥; 騙人的假藥
an economic nostrum   經濟上的靈丹妙藥
21.  nugatory (a.) 無價值的,無意義的
a nugatory amount 微不足道的小錢
22.  obdurate (a.) (1) 頑固的;執拗的 (2) (某人或某物)倔強的;難辦的
The President remains obdurate on the question of tax cuts. 總統在減稅問題上依然固執己見。
The union remains obdurate that any redundancies must be voluntary. 聯盟依舊固守自願離職政策。
Several obdurate facts/differences remain, preventing a compromise solution.
23.  obsequious (a.) 巴結的,諂媚的;卑躬屈膝的
She is almost embarrassingly obsequious to anyone in authority.
24.  obsequy (n.) (常複數)葬禮;葬儀
25.  obviate (v.) 排除,消除;使無必要
A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force.
26.  occlude (v.) 封閉;堵塞;阻擋(=to block something)
Veins can get occluded by blood clots.
27.  occult (a.) 有魔力的,神秘的;玄妙的 (n.) the occult [S] 玄學,神秘學
She claims to have occult powers, given to her by some mysterious spirit.
28.  odyssey (n.) 漫長而驚險的旅程
The film follows one man's odyssey to find the mother from whom he was separated at birth.
a spiritual odyssey精神探索
29.  officious (a.) 愛指手畫腳的,愛發號施令的;自以為是的
He's an officious little man and widely disliked in the company.
30.  olfactory (a.) 嗅覺的
the olfactory nerve嗅覺神經
31.  oligarchy (n.) 寡頭統治(的政府);寡頭統治集團
32.  onerous (a.) 繁重的;麻煩的;艱巨的
the onerous task of finding a peaceful solution 尋找和平解決方案的艱巨任務
the onerous duties of motherhood 為人母的繁重職責
33.  onomatopoeia (n.) 擬聲法;擬聲詞,象聲詞
onomatopoeic (a.) 擬聲詞的
"Pop", "boom" and "squelch" are onomatopoeic words. popboom squelch 都是擬聲詞。
34.  opprobrium (n.) 譴責;抨擊;討伐;責難
International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbors.
35.  ornithologist (n.) 鳥類學家,鳥類學者
36.  oscillate (v.) 來回擺動;震動;震盪 (2) (感情或看法)搖擺不定
The needle on the dial oscillated between 'full' and 'empty'.
My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope. 我時而感到絕望,時而懷有希望。
37.  ostentatious (a.) 鋪張的,擺闊的;炫耀的,賣弄的;招搖的
They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders. 他們批評領導們鋪張的生活方式。
an ostentatious gesture/manner 誇張的手勢/舉止
The room was ostentatiously decorated in white and silver. 這間屋用白色和銀色裝飾得非常招搖。
He took out his gold watch and laid it ostentatiously (= very obviously so everyone would notice) on the table in front of him. 他掏出自己的金錶,不無炫耀地擺在他面前的桌上。
38.  overweening (a.) 傲慢的;自負的;過於自信的
overweening pride/arrogance/vanity 咄咄逼人的傲氣/傲慢/虛榮
She is driven by overweening ambition. 她被不可一世的野心所驅使。
39.  paean (n.) 讚歌;以頌揚為主題的影片(或短文);頌讚
The song is a paean to solitude and independence. 這首歌是讚美獨處和獨立的。
40.  paleontology (n.) 古生物學
41.  pallid (a.) (1) 無血色的,病狀的 (2) 無生氣的,不夠精彩的
Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
This is a pallid production of what should be a great ballet.
42.  panegyric (n.) 頌詞,頌文,頌贊
She delivered a panegyric on the President-elect. 她的談話完全是為當選總統歌功頌德。
43.  paragon (n.) 完人,盡善盡美的模範(或典型)
In the novel, Constanza is a paragon of virtue. 在這本小說中,康斯坦薩是一個美德的典範。
44.  partisan (a.) (常指盲目)支持的,擁護的;偏袒的 (n.) (1) (淪陷區內的)遊擊隊員,武裝抗敵分子 (2) 虔誠的信徒,熱烈的支持者;黨徒,黨羽
The audience was very partisan, and refused to listen to her speech.
partisan politics 黨性政治;黨派政治
There was a certain partisanship about the way that votes were cast.
45.  pathological (a.) (1)(行為)無法控制的,病態的,非理智的 (2) 病理的,病態的,由疾病引起的
I've got a pathological fear of heights. 我有懼高症。
Anthony's a pathological liar. 安東尼說謊成性。
a pathological condition/complaint 病情/病症
46.  patois (n.) 方言,土話
the local patois 當地的方言
47.  paucity (n.) 缺乏
There is a paucity of information on the ingredients of many cosmetics.
48.  pedantic (a.) 迂腐的,學究式的,書呆子氣的 (=giving too much attention to formal rules or small details.)
They were being unnecessarily pedantic by insisting that Berry himself, and not his wife, should have made the announcement. 他們太拘泥於形式,堅持要求由貝利本人而不是他妻子來宣佈,這實在沒有必要。
49.  pellucid (a.) 【文】清澈的; 透明的
a pellucid stream   清澈的小溪
50.  penchant (n.) 偏好,傾向,嗜好
a penchant for melodrama/skiing/exotic clothes 偏愛通俗劇/滑雪/奇裝異服
Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.
51.  penury (n.) 赤貧,貧窮
52.  peregrination (n.) (尤指徒步的)旅行;漫遊;旅程;遊歷
53.  peremptory (a.) 不容置辯的;專橫的,霸道的
He started issuing peremptory instructions. 他開始下達一些強制性的命令。
She was highly critical of the insensitive and peremptory way in which the cases had been handled.
"Now," he said peremptorily, "Step forward and state your name."
54.  perennial (a.) 長期存在的;常年的;不斷發生的;反覆的 (n.) 多年生植物
The film 'White Christmas' is a perennial favorite. 《白色聖誕》是一部經久不衰、深受歡迎的影片。
We face the perennial problem of not having enough money. 我們長期面臨資金不足的問題。
She seems to be perennially short of money. 她似乎總是缺錢。
Roses and geraniums are perennials, flowering year after year.
55.  perfidious (a.) 背信棄義的;不忠貞的
She described the new criminal bill as a perfidious attack on democracy.
56.  perfunctory (a.) 草率的;馬虎的;敷衍的
His smile was perfunctory. 他的笑容很敷衍。
The two heads of state shook hands perfunctorily for the photographers.
57.  perigee (n.) 最低點
58.  permeable (a.) 可滲透的;可滲入的
Certain types of sandstone are permeable to water. 某些類型的砂岩可透水。
The solvent passes through the permeable membrane to the solution. 溶劑透過滲透膜與溶液混合。
Soft and gas-permeable contact lenses are kinder to the eyes than hard lenses.
59.  perturb (v.) 使煩惱;使擔心
News of the arrest perturbed her greatly. 逮捕的消息使她心緒不寧。
60.  pervasive (a.) 充斥各處的;瀰漫的,遍佈的
The influence of Freud is pervasive in her books. 佛洛伊德的影響在她的作品中隨處可見。
a pervasive smell of diesel 到處瀰漫的柴油味
Reforms are being undermined by the all-pervasive corruption in the country.
61.  petulant (a.) 耍孩子脾氣的,任性的;脾氣暴躁的
"Well, he didn't invite me to his party so I'm certainly not inviting him to mine!" she said petulantly.
62.  phlegmatic (a.) 冷靜的,沉著的,鎮定的
As a footballer his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.
63.  phoenix (n.) 不死鳥,鳳凰(古代傳說中的一種假想鳥,每500年自焚後重生)
The town was bombed but was then rebuilt and rose from the ashes like a/the phoenix (= was just as good as before). 飽受轟炸的城鎮得以重建,就像鳳凰涅槃重生一樣。
64.  physiognomy (n.) 相貌,容貌
65.  piety (n.) (對宗教)虔誠的
66.  piquant (a.) (1)(尤指因神秘而顯得)有趣的,刺激的 (2) 辛辣的;開胃的
More piquant details of their private life were revealed.
a piquant mixture of spices 帶辣味的混合香料
67.  pique (n.) (尤指因自尊心受損而產生的)不悅,生氣
He stormed from the room in a fit of pique, shouting that he had been misunderstood.
68.  placate (v.) 平息,安撫
Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements.
69.  placid (a.) 寧靜的;平和的
a slow-moving and placid river 平緩寧靜的河流
the placid pace of village life 鄉村悠然的生活節奏
She was a very placid (= calm and not easily excited) child who slept all night and hardly ever cried.
70.  plaintive (a.) 傷感的
the plaintive sound of the bagpipes 悲涼的風笛聲
"What about me?" came a plaintive voice. 「我怎麼辦?」一個憂傷的聲音問道。
"I've broken my glasses," he said plaintively.「我把眼鏡打破了,」他懊惱地說。
71.  plasticity (n.) 可塑性
72.  platitude (n.) 陳腔濫調;老生常談
He doesn't mouth platitudes about it not mattering who scores as long as the team wins.
73.  platonic (a.) (戀愛或感情)純精神而無性愛的,柏拉圖式的
She knew he fancied her, but preferred to keep their relationship platonic.
74.  plethora (n.) 過多,過剩
There's a plethora of books about the royal family. 有關皇室的書非常多。
The plethora of regulations is both contradictory and confusing.
75.  plumb (v.) (1)給…裝水管 (2) 探索,探究 (adv) (1)正好,恰恰(=exactly) (2) 完全,徹底(=completely) (adj.) 垂直的
We've discovered that our house isn't plumbed properly.
Now that she had begun, she wanted to plumb her own childhood further.
The hotel is plumb in the middle of the town. 那家旅館就在城鎮中心。
He hit me plumb on the nose. 他正好打在我的鼻子上。
I plumb forgot your birthday. 我把你的生日忘得一乾二淨。
When you hang a door, you need to make sure that it is both level and plumb.
out of plumb不垂直,傾斜
The external wall is out of plumb by half a meter. 外牆偏斜了0.5公尺。
76.  plummet (v.) 暴跌,急遽下降
House prices have plummeted in recent months. 房價近幾個月來暴跌。
Several large rocks were sent plummeting down the mountain. 好幾塊巨石被從山上推下。
She plummeted to the ground. 她一下摔到了地上。
77.  plutocracy (n.) 財閥當政,富豪政治;富豪(或財閥)統治的國家 (2) 富豪(或財閥)統治階級
It's time we put an end to plutocracy. 到了該終結財閥統治的時候了。
78.  porous (a.) (1)多孔的;能滲漏的 (2) 多漏洞的,鬆懈的
porous soil with good drainage 有良好排水系統的滲漏性土壤
porous brick walls 多孔磚牆
a porous polymer membrane 多孔聚合物膜
The border in this region is porous and many refugees have simply walked across.
79.  poseur (n.)故作姿態的人,裝腔作勢的人 (=poser)
You look like a real poseur in your fancy sports car with your expensive clothes!
80.  pragmatic(a.) 講究實際的,重實效的;實用主義的
In business, the pragmatic approach to problems is often more successful than an idealistic one.
81.  prate (v.) (長時間)空談
Inevitably there's some caller prating on about the decline in moral standards.
82.  prattle (v.) (n.) 閒扯,胡扯
She'd have prattled on about her new job for the whole afternoon if I'd let her.
Stop your prattling and go to sleep! 你們別閒扯了,睡覺去吧!
His speech contained nothing new and was full of political prattle and clichés.
Fiona's such a prattler - I wish she'd get to the point of what she wants to say.
83.  preamble (n.) 序論;導言;開場白;(做事的)前奏
84.  precarious (a.) (1)危險的;不牢靠的,不穩的 (2) (情勢)不穩定的,不確定的,危險的
The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.
85.  precept (n.) (尤指道德方面的)戒律,規矩,準則
This policy goes against common precepts of decency. 這項政策違反了公認的行為準則。
86.  precipitate (v.) (1)促成;使突如其來地發生;加速…的發生 (2) (使)沉澱,(使)澱析 (n.) 沉澱物,析出物質
An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis. 入侵肯定會加劇政治危機。
Fear of losing her job precipitated (= suddenly forced) her into action.
Cooling the beaker helps precipitate the compound. 讓燒杯降溫有助於化合物沉澱。
If any organic salt is formed, it will precipitate (out) immediately.如果有有機鹽形成,它會立即沉澱。
After filtration, the precipitate was dried at 90°C.
87.  precipitate (a.) 倉促的,貿然的,輕率的
Don't be precipitate - think it through before you make a decision.
88.  precursor (n.) 先驅,先鋒;先兆,前兆
Sulphur dioxide is the main precursor of acid rain. 二氧化硫是形成酸雨最重要的先決條件。
Biological research has often been a precursor to medical breakthroughs. 生物學研究往往是醫學突破的先驅。
89.  preempt(v.) 以先買權獲得;先佔有;先取得;先於……行動
State laws preempted local governments from restricting newspaper displays.
One station preempted its Friday night schedule to televise the high school playoffs.
90.  prehensile (a.) (肢體部位)能抓的,能握的;(尤指)能纏繞的
a prehensile tail 能纏繞的尾巴
91.  premonition (n.) (尤指不祥的)預兆,預感
[+ that] He had a premonition that his plane would crash, so he took the train.
She had a sudden premonition of what the future might bring.
92.  presage (v.) 預示,預兆(尤指不祥之事)
But still the economy is not showing signs of any of the excesses that normally presage a recession.
93.  presumptuous (a.) 冒昧的,專橫的
It would be presumptuous of me to comment on the matter. 我如果對這件事發表評論會很冒昧。
94.  preternatural (a.) 異常的;超自然的
Anger gave me preternatural strength, and I managed to force the door open.
The house seemed preternaturally silent. 這幢房子顯得出奇靜謐。
95.  prevaricate (v.) 支吾,搪塞,含糊其詞;顧左右而言他
He accused the minister of prevaricating. 他指責部長一味搪塞。
All my attempts to question the authorities on the subject were met by prevarication.
96.  primordial (a.) (從)太古時代存在的,原始的
The planet Jupiter contains large amounts of the primordial gas and dust out of which the solar system was formed. 木星含有大量的原始氣體和塵埃,太陽系就是由這些氣體和塵埃形成的。
97.  pristine (a.) 嶄新的;狀態良好的
pristine new offices 嶄新的辦公室
Washing machine for sale - only 2 months old and in pristine condition.
98.  probity (n.) 誠實
Her probity and integrity are beyond question. 她的誠實和正直是毋庸置疑的。
99.  problematic (a.) 成問題的;疑難的
Getting everyone there on time might prove problematic.
100.  prodigal (a.) 非常浪費的,奢侈的
There have been rumors that he has been prodigal with company funds.
prodigal son回頭的浪子
[figurative] Manchester City football club sees the return of the prodigal son tonight with Black once again in the side after a season away. 布萊克在離開了一個賽季後再次歸隊,曼徹斯特市足球俱樂部今晚迎接了浪子回頭。

