2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (701-800)

1.      stanch (v.) 制止;止住(尤指出血)
The country's asylum laws were amended to stanch the flow/flood of economic migrants.
Mike pressed hard on the wound and stanched the flow of blood.
2.      stentorian (a.) 大聲的;(嗓音)洪亮的
a stentorian preacher 聲若洪鐘的牧師
Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room. 突然,從房間那頭傳來洪亮的聲音。

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (601-700)

1.      profound (a.) (1)強烈的;深沉的;極度的 (2) 造詣深的;思想深邃的
His mother's death when he was aged six had a very profound effect on him.
The invention of the contraceptive pill brought about profound changes in the lives of women.
Those two lines of poetry express perfectly the profound sadness of loss.
My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
There was a note of profound irritation in his voice. 他的語氣中帶有強烈惱怒。
profound truths/wisdom 深奧的真理/博大的智慧
The review that I read said that it was 'a thoughtful and profound film'.
"Dying is easy - it's living that's the problem." "That was very profound of you, Steven."
2.      prohibitive (a.) (費用)高得負擔不起的,(價格等)使人望之卻步的
Hotel prices in the major cities are high but not prohibitive.
Property in the area tends to be prohibitively expensive (= so expensive that you cannot buy it).

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (501-600)

1.      miscellany (n.) (1) 混合物,大雜燴 (2) 雜記
The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures. 這家博物館收藏了一批令人著迷的各式航海珍寶。
She's just finished editing "A Miscellany of English Cookery".
2.      miscreant (n.) 惡棍,無賴;歹徒
We need tougher penalties to discourage miscreants. 我們需要更嚴厲的刑罰來懲戒無賴之徒。

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (401-500)

1.      inadvertently (adv.) 非故意地,無意地
He inadvertently deleted the file. 他不小心把檔案刪除了。
All authors need to be wary of inadvertent copying of other people's ideas.
2.      incarnate (a.) 化身的;人體化的
One survivor described his torturers as devils incarnate.

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (301-400)

1.      expiate (v.) 贖(罪);補償;彌補
to expiate a crime/sin 抵罪/贖罪
the expiation of a sin贖罪
2.      explicate (v.) 詳細解釋,詳細分析(作品或思想)
This is a book which clearly explicates Marx's later writings. 這本書詳細解讀了馬克思的晚期著作。

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (201-300)

1.      deride (v.) 嘲笑,譏笑
He derided my singing as pathetic. 他嘲笑說我的歌聲不堪入耳。
This building, once derided by critics, is now a major tourist attraction.
2.      derivative (a.) 缺乏獨創性的;模仿的 (n.) 衍生物,派生物;派生詞
His painting/style is terribly derivative. 他的油畫/風格有很重的模仿痕跡。
'Detestable' is a derivative of 'detest'. 生字 detestable 是從 detest 派生而來的。

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (101-200)

1.      bucolic (a.)田園的,鄉村的
The painting shows a typically bucolic scene with peasants harvesting crops in a field.
2.      burgeon (v.) 迅速發展;快速生長
Love burgeoned between them. 他們雙雙迅速墜入愛河。
The company hoped to profit from the burgeoning communications industry.

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (1-100)

1.      abate (v.)減少;減弱;減輕;減退
The storm/wind/rain has started to abate. 暴風雨/風/雨開始減弱了。
The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating. 這個地區的戰事沒有任何緩和的跡象。
2.      abdicate (v.) 遜位;退(位),讓(位),正式放棄(王位)
King Edward VIII abdicated (the British throne) in 1936 so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced woman. 為了和離過婚的辛普森夫人結婚,英王愛德華八世在1936年退位(放棄英國王位)。
The council denied that their decision represented any abdication of responsibility.

2018年7月8日 星期日

[轉載] Ham it up 可不是請人幫你加片火腿

 [轉載] Ham it up 可不是請人幫你加片火腿
Source: http://www.eisland.com.tw/Main.php?stat=a_vL05yEC

公司承接活動,Kim和外國同事一起到現場監場,看著台上的橋段,同事說了一句“ They are hamming it up.”Kim摸不著頭腦,火腿?在哪?


我們談過 be cheesed off 是感到煩躁、挫敗、butter someone up是拍某人馬屁,這些用法讓英文有道地感,也讓句子生動,來看看其他從食物延伸的動詞片語。

1. egg someone on 慫恿、鼓動某人鼓勵別人去做某件事情,尤其用在那些不想做的、或可能帶來不好結果的事。
He's egging you on. But I suggest you think twice. It's not a small investment.