2018年3月22日 星期四

literally 和 figuratively 的用法

107/3/22 的Advanced 廣播講解,老師們提到 literally figuratively 的用法,我覺得還蠻有趣的,我就把逐字稿打上來,讓大家參考。

Linda: Here's we have this word literally versus figuratively. OK, so what's the difference here?

Carolyn: Well, literally means that something is what it says. And figuratively is more poetic. It's used to describe things in beautiful way, but you shouldn't take it exactly word for word, or literally. You shouldn't take it literally. You shouldn't take the meaning as exactly what the word says. Usually, idioms are figurative. They are not literal

Josh: We do have to warn you a little bit about the use of literally in English. Many times, people will use literally as an intensifier and a modifier, but it does not mean 'literally' in the literal sense. So for example, I could say: "You are literally driving me crazy." And that means that you are really driving me crazy, not that I am actually going insane as a result of your action right now.                    

簡言之,就是 literally 有兩個意思,第一個是照字面上地」,第二個是「真的、非常」(強調用法)。但是,若是非常講究文法以及語法傳統的外國人,可能不太喜歡第二個用法。


Rusty: I was crazy to think I can make us closer by locking us in a car for a week. 
Debbie: But you are doing that for us. You've been trying so hard to make this trip memorable for me and the kids, and I didn't appreciate that. 
Rusty: Why would you? I mean, I put you through some serious shit, literally a pool of shit in Arkansas. You deserve better.   
Debbie: What? Better than you? How many men would sacrifice their careers for their family like you have?  
Rusty: Oh, I didn't sacrifice anything. I have everything I've ever wanted.  

(取自電影The vacation (2015)全家玩到趴》,這裡是在講爸爸帶全家去road trip 遇到一堆事,是....真的事,因為爸爸開車沿路看到路標有溫泉,後來因為塞車所以抄小徑,結果全家誤入化糞池泡湯...) (這部電影超爆笑,跟 We're the Millers (2013) 《全家就是米家一樣好笑,沒看過的人趕快去看)(這兩部目前Netflix都看的到喔~~~)

第二種解釋的例句:  You are literally driving me crazy. 你真的快讓我抓狂了。(但我不是真的抓狂到要去精神病院)

figuratively 很簡單,就是比喻地的意思。

