2018年3月22日 星期四

106學年度 統測英文科詳解

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一、 選擇題( 141題,每題2分,共82)
I. 字彙題:第16題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第711題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。
D 1. Our summer camp is for ______ between the ages of 10 and 16.
(A) adults (n.) 成人       (B) elders(n.)  老人     (C) babies(n.)  嬰兒      (D) youngsters(n.)  年輕人
(1) infant 嬰兒
  (2) child, kid 小朋友
  (3) teenager, adolescent 青少年
  (4) senior citizen 老年人

(1) youngster 年輕人
  (2) gangster 匪徒

elder (n) 老年人
elderly (adj) 年老的
the elderly=elderly people 老人們
 the old = old people老人們
 the young = young people 年輕人們
the rich = rich people 有錢人們
the poor = the poor people 窮人們
(規則: the + 形容詞 = 形容詞 + people)

D 2. Some people ______ online information about a product產品 before making their purchase 購買.
(A) last (v.)持續      (B) carry(v.)帶著  (C) stand(v.)站著         (D) read(v.)閱讀

C 3. No matter how bad things look, I try to keep an ______ attitude 保持的態度. In other words 換言之, I look on the bright side 看事情的光明面.
(A) occasional (adj.)偶爾的 (B) official(adj.)官方的 (C) optimistic(adj.)樂觀的
(D) original (adj.)原來的
※ optimistic (adj) 樂觀的    optimism (n) 樂觀主義  optimist (n) 樂觀主義者
  pessimistic (adj) 悲觀的   pessimism (n) 樂觀主義  pessimist (n) 悲觀主義者
※origin (n) 起源
original (adj) 原來的;原創的
originality (n) 原創性
originate (v) 起源 à originate/stem/arise from +O 起源

A 4. Social media platforms 社群媒體平台 allow 允許 us to ______ up with multiple 多的 circles of friends.
(A) link (v.) 連結 (B) wipe(v.) 擦拭         (C) raise(v.)舉起;募款;養育   (D) look(v.)
※ raise your hand 舉手;raise money 募款;raise a child 養育小孩

D 5. Every nation 國家 in the world______  in some way to global culture 全球文化.
(A) displeases (v.)使不悅      (B) invades(v.)入侵      (C) alternates(v.) 使交替    
(D) contributes (v.)貢獻;導致

D 6. Lately many people have been discussing how to ensure______  water, food, energy, and other natural resources for a large world population.
(A) extreme (adj.) 極端的    (B) individual(adj.)單獨的   (C) respective(adj.) 各別的   (D) sufficient(adj.) 足夠的(=enough)
※ respect (n)(v) 尊重
respectful (adj) 充滿敬意的
respectable (adj) 值得尊敬的
respective (adj.) 各別的

A 7. Many foreign travelers 遊客 like to try various 不同的 kinds種類 of snacks in Taiwan’s night market.
(A) tourists (n.)遊客      (B) souvenirs(n.)紀念品      (C) competitions(n.)比賽     
(D) events (n.)事件
字根 –ist
artist (n.) 藝術家
pianist (n.) 鋼琴家
scientist (n) 科學家
dentist (n.) 牙醫
optimist (n) 樂觀主義者
pessimist (n) 悲觀主義者

※ game (n.) (球類)比賽à basketball game 籃球比賽
 contest (n.) (才藝)比賽 à singing contest 歌唱比賽;speech contest 演講比賽
competition (n.) 比賽;競賽;競爭
match (n) 比賽 à a tennis match 網球比賽;a football match 足球比賽

A 8. Email miscommunication most often occurs when the receiver misunderstands誤解 the meaning of the sender’s message.
(A) misinterprets (v.)誤解     (B) misadvises (v.)給予錯誤或壞的勸告      (C) misbehaves(v.)舉止失禮;行為不端        (D) mischarges (v.) 開價錯誤(例如:索價過高)
※ interpret (v.) 詮釋
advise (v.) 建議
behave (v.) 表現;守規矩
charge (v.) 索價

B 9. The police freed the man after they found out the truth about what had happened.
(A) punished (v.) 懲罰  (B) released(v.)釋放      (C) captured(v.)捕捉    (D) questioned (v.)質疑
※release an album 出專輯;release pressure 釋放壓力

A 10. The teacher created vocabulary cards to assist 幫助 students in learning new English words.
(A) support (v.) 支持    (B) translate(v.) 翻譯 (C) believe(v.) 相信     (D) sign (v.)簽名
字根‘trans’: 跨越
translate (v) 翻譯
transport (v) 傳輸
transportation (n) 傳輸à public transportation 大眾運輸工具
transform (v) 改變 à transform/change/turn/convert A into B A轉變成B àTransformers 變形金剛
transplant (n)(v) 移植
transfer (v) 搬;轉移;轉接分機
transgender (n) 跨性別者
transmit (v) 傳遞 (STD=sexually transmitted disease 性傳染病)

A 11. An obvious advantage 優點 of living in a city is its convenience 方便.
(A) benefit (n.) 好處     (B) method(n.)方法      (C) possibility(n.)可能性       (D) trouble (n.)麻煩
※benefit from +N 得到好處
  beneficial (adj) 有益的
※possible (adj) 可能的
impossible (adj) 不可能的 à Mission Impossible 不可能的任務

II. 對話題:第1221題,請依對話內容選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。
A 12. Gloria: What are you going to do after you graduate from ...畢業 high school?
May: ________________________________.
Gloria: I want to learn three foreign 外國的 languages 語言 in college大學. May: That sounds exciting.
(A) To be honest 老實說, I have no idea yet 我還不知道.
(B) Actually 事實上, in four years’ time.
(C) It might be on the third floor. 這可能在三樓
(D) After that, you’ll find the location 位置.

B 13. Clerk 店員: How can I help you?
Customer 顧客: Yes, this desk lamp was broken when I tried to turn it on 打開 at home.
Clerk: ________________________________.
Customer: Great, thanks for your assistance 幫忙.
(A) Believe it or not 信不信由你, it’s just been bought.
(B) I’m sorry, but I can replace替換 it for you.
(C) It seems 似乎 you’re interested in the house.
(D) The mechanic 技工 will fix 修理 your car in no time 立刻.

B 14. Fred: Oops! I left my workbook 作業簿 at home!
Jamie: _____________________.Ms. Kim reminded 提醒 us just yesterday about it.
Fred: There isn’t much I can do. It’s too late for me to go back home now.
Jamie: Ms. Kim will be very upset 難過的.
(A) Salaries 薪水 have not gone up 上升
(B) You are in trouble 有麻煩了, my friend.
(C) He left the bookstore yesterday.      
(D) Consider 考慮;想 the assignment 作業 done.

D 15. Zax: What are today’s headlines 頭條?
Claire: Super Junior canceled 取消 tomorrow’s concert 演唱會.
Zax: _____________________.
Claire: You bet 那當然. So many fans like me (很多像我一樣的粉絲) were very excited about seeing their show.
(A) It sounds like 聽起來 you’re not into喜歡 music.
(B) How many fans will be attending 參加 it?
(C) Who are the members 成員 of the band?
(D) You must feel terribly 非常地 disappointed 失望的.

A 16. Dora: Where can I get that novel 小說?
David: I just ordered 預訂 it online.
Dora: _____________________.
David: Anyone can! It’s so easy to use online bookstores nowadays 現今.
(A) I’m amazed 驚訝的 you can do that.   
(B) How’s the store’s service 服務 quality 品質?
(C) It’s actually 事實上 about storytelling.        
(D) The system系統 has a virus 病毒, doesn’t it?

B 17. Jill: When is your monthly test 月考?
 Larry: Next Thursday. Oh, I’m running out of time 沒時間了!
Jill: Relax 放鬆! There are still five more days to prepare 準備.
Larry: Easy for you to say 你說得倒容易. _____________________.
Jill: I have confidence in you. 我對你有信心
(A) I can’t believe he spoke to you this way. 我不相信他這樣對你講話。
(B) I’m not sure 我不確定 if 是否 I can be ready準備好 by that time.
(C) But it’s kind of 有點 dangerous 危險的 to run here.
(D) The monthly每月的 treatment 治療 takes too long 花太久的時間

A 18. Operator 接線生: City Hall 市政廳. How may I direct 轉接 your call 電話?
Citizen 市民: _____________________.
Operator: And the reason for your call?
Citizen: Well, the park in our neighborhood 鄰近地區 looks terrible. I mean, there’s litter 紙屑 everywhere and nobody has picked it up 撿起來.
Operator: I see. One moment please.
(A) I’d like to speak to Environmental 環境的 Services 服務, please.
(B) Yes, you may hand 把...交給 the problem to our department 部門.
(C) Read it before you hand it in to the director 導演 主任, please.
(D) Please turn right向右轉 at the next corner 下一個角落 to find the center 中心.

C 19. Teacher: Chris, you need to pay more attention to 專心 注意 your attendance 出席.
Chris: _____________________. I thought students could join clubs 參加社團
Teacher: Clubs are fine, but you should also concentrate on 專注 your studies 課業.
Chris: I know. I’ll try to manage 管理 my time more effectively 有效地.
(A) But I’m sure the payment 付款 I made was correct.
(B) It was just because my grandmother was sick.
(C) I was practicing 練習with the band I’m leading 領導.
(D) I think it broke down 故障;崩潰 a couple of days ago 數天前.

C 20. Sam: What should I wear to a school interview 面試?
Susan: I don’t think you should get overly dressed 打扮太誇張. You want to look approachable 友善的 易接近的
Sam: _____________________.
Susan: Come on 拜託, you’re being so sensitive 敏感的.
(A) A special welcome to all interviewees 參加面試者.
(B) Of course 當然 I can wash them for you.
(C) My appearance 外表 never pleases 取悅 you.
(D) I hope to select 選擇 the best worker.

A 21. Tom: My dad loves my mom very much, even after such a long marriage 婚姻.
Emily: _____________________.
Tom: Well, he always tells her that he loves her the way she is.
Emily: That sounds sweet 甜蜜的.
Tom: And he always kisses her goodbye before going out.
Emily: Wow, it seems they are still very much in love after all these years.
(A) How can you tell 看得出 that he does?      
(B) How long ago did they meet?
(C) What does he wish for most? 
(D) What was the wedding 婚禮 like?

III. 綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有10個空格,為第2231題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。

Do you prefer 偏好 reading or watching television in your leisure time 空閒時間? Some people think that watching television is more ___22___ and relaxing 令人放鬆的 than reading. Reading tends to 傾向 take so much time 花很多時間, something which the modern 現代 person cannot easily afford 負擔的起. ___23___ these observations 觀察 might be true, at least 至少 to some extent 某種程度 , but reading is still very popular. When you use your___ 24 ___, a book can become so 如此... interesting 有趣的 that 以至於... you can find it difficult 困難的 to stop reading it. Besides 此外 , ___25___ different 不同的 kinds 種類 of genres 類型 to choose from, so reading can become a hobby 嗜好 for every type of person. You can choose to read a romance, action, or historical novel. If you find it hard to choose 選擇 a book for ___26___ enjoyment 享受, you can read reviews 評論 or ask friends for advice 建議. Reading can be fun.

B 22. (A) entertained  (adj)  (人)感到娛樂的   
(B) entertaining  (adj) (事物)令人娛樂的     
(C) entertainment  (n)  娛樂
(D) entertainer (n) 娛樂人員

D 23. (A) Each 每一個        
(B) Some 一些    (要改成 Some of...才可以選)    
(C) None 沒有        
(D) All 所有

B 24. (A) image (n) 形象;影像       
(B) imagination (n) 想像力     
(C) imagine (v) 想像   
(D) imagining (動詞ing)

C 25. (A) they were         
(B) they had  
(C) there are 有...(用現在式表示事實)  
我有一本書: I have a book.
公園有很多樹:  The park has a lot of trees. There are a lot of trees in the park.
桌上有一本書: There is a book on the table. 
(D) there have

B 26. (A) you   (B) your 你的  (C) yours        (D) yourself

下篇短文共有5個空格,為第27 31題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
Weight-loss 減肥 diets 飲食, which help us reduce 減少 our weight 體重, continue 持續 to rise in popularity 流行. Yet 但是, health experts 專家 say that such 此種 diets ___27___ not successful 成功的. ___28___ , they might not really have the expected 預期的 outcomes 結果 (that they promise 承諾). Researchers ___29___ that 80% of people who lose weight 減肥on extreme 極端的 diets are likely to 很有可能 regain 重新獲得 it all within three years. Their view 觀點 could well be correct 正確的 because leading nutritionists 營養學家 believe that permanent 永久的 weight loss 減重 will only occur 出現___ 30___ people eat sensibly 明智地 and exercise regularly 規律地. In other words 換言之, changes have to be made to our lifestyle 生活方式. The possibility 可能性 of this ___31___ is low 低, though 不過. One expert points out that we are always looking for a quick cure 治療. The only solution 解決方式 then would be for us to come up with 想出 creative 有創意的 ideas to change the style of life.

B 27. (A) is      
(B) are (因為前一句的動詞 say 是現在式,同一句要時態一致性,所以選are)   
(C) be     
(D) have

A 28. (A) In fact 事實上      (B) In terms of+N 就...而言      (C) In regard to+N 關於...(=About)      (D) In contrast 相較之下

C 29. (A) suggests   (B) suggesting        (C) suggest 建議 (前面是複數,所以不需要加s)     (D) suggestion

A 30. (A) when        (B) whereas 而(表對比)    (C) whom   (關代)(人)   (D) whether A or B 不論A或B

C 31. (A) happened         (B) happen (v) 發生     (C) happening (n) 發生(的事件)  (this後面要加名詞)      (D) happens

IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有10個題目,為第3241題,請於閱讀短文後,選出最適當的答案。

閱讀下文,回答第32 36
Hannah Montana is a movie about an ordinary 平凡的 teenager 青少年 with a special 特別的 secret 秘密, one that she is trying her best to hide朵 from others. Apart from 除了...之外 a few 一些 people, no one knows that the normal-looking Miley is actually事實上 the famous teen singer Hannah Montana. This double life 雙重身分 can cause 造成 Miley to make mistakes 犯錯; however, she is brave 勇敢的, smart, and also good-hearted 好心的.
Sometimes 有時候, Miley has to make courageous 勇敢的 choices 選擇. For example 例如, when she is late for her best friend’s birthday party and does not have time to change into an ordinary-looking 平凡打扮的 teenager, she goes to the party as Hannah Montana. Unfortunately 不幸地, the party turns into 變成 a big failure 失敗; everyone is more excited about seeing a great celebrity 名人 and forgets about making her friend happy. Nonetheless 然而, we can still 仍然 admire 景仰 Miley for putting herself at risk 風險 for her friend.
Another reason for liking Miley is that she is smart. Her father takes her to live in her hometown of Crowley Corners, a very rural 鄉下的 and simple 簡單的 town 城鎮. One morning, Miley has to get some fresh eggs for breakfast, but she encounters 遇到 a problem the hens 母雞 do not want to give her their eggs. Miley thinks up a clever 聰明的 idea. She sings and dances to distract 使分心 the hens. It works成功, but in her excitement興奮, she breaks almost all the eggs she has collected 蒐集. Once again, she fails 失敗, but there is no doubt 無疑 about how creative 有創意的 she is.
Perhaps the most important 重要的 reason原因 to like Miley is that she has a very good heart 好心. She wants to help her friends and family, and in the process 過程 of doing this she would feel sorry when something goes wrong. Particularly 特別, she does not want to lie說謊 to Travis, a boy who likes her very much. He does not know she is a great singer, so she feels upset 難過的 in her heart about not letting him know.
There is a lot to see in Hannah Montana, but viewers will definitely一定 enjoy the main character 主要角色 in the movie. She is very humorous 幽默的, courageous 勇敢的, and kind 善良的.

D 32. Who is Hannah Montana?
(A) A school teacher.      (B) A working mother.
(C) A movie director.     (D) A teen celebrity.

C 33. What happens at the friend’s birthday party?
(A) Her friend, the birthday girl, does not come to the party.
(B) Miley comes to the party as a normal-looking teenager.
(C) Everybody pays more attention to Miley than to her friend.
(D) The birthday is canceled because of a sudden power failure.

A 34. Based on the ideas of paragraph 3, where might Miley be?
(A) A small farm.   (B) A city breakfast store.
(C) A rural school. (D) A singing contest.

D 35. Based on the passage, what kind of movie is Hannah Montana?
(A) Teen sports-action. 青少年運動-動作   
(B) Teen techno-thriller. 青少年科技驚悚
(C) Teen science-fiction.   青少年科幻     
(D) Teen comedy-drama. 青少年喜劇-劇情

D 36. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about Miley in the passage?
(A) She is not as ordinary as many people think.
(B) She fails to collect all the eggs for breakfast.
(C) She cares much about her friends and family.
(D) She breaks up with Travis and has a broken heart.

閱讀下文,回答第37 41
Changdong is in the north of Seoul in South Korea 南韓. Only a few hundred thousand 只有數十萬 people live there, and it has few 很少 facilities 設施. It is not as wealthy有錢的 as many other places in Seoul 首爾, but after 2021, it will be one of the most exciting 令人興奮的 places to visit. The reason for this is Korean popular music, which everybody knows as K-pop the South Korean government wants Changdong to become the K-pop capital 首都 of the world.
South Korea knows that K-pop is very important. In 2015, South Korea made $ 5 billion 十億 from selling K-pop music and related 相關的 TV shows, films 電影, games, and so on 等等. Furthermore 此外, because of K-pop, other Korean products 產品 like 像是 Samsung smartphones, Korean-made cars, and Korean-style clothes have become very popular.
K-pop is very global today. For a long time, it has been very popular in China, Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. However 然而, Billboard magazine found 發現 a different 不同的 trend 趨勢 between 2013 and 2016. During 在...期間 this time, the United States was the third biggest buyer of K-pop music. Thus, it can be said that K-pop has a lot of fans 粉絲 in the West today.
To為了要 attract 吸引 fans from around the world 從世界各地, there are big plans 計畫 for Changdong. It will have concert halls 演唱會廳, music schools, recording studios 錄音室, art galleries 藝廊, and a K-pop museum. The place that will be the most important venue 場地, however, is the huge 巨大的 arena 巨蛋 . About 20,000 fans will be able to 能夠 enjoy K-pop events there. Since it is a very big and important project 計畫, the arena, which won’t be completed until 直到...為止 2021, is already being built. When everything is finished, Changdong will be a very exciting place to visit. For K-pop fans, it will be the coolest place on earth!

A 37. Where is Changdong?
(A) In the north of Seoul.      (B) In the east of Seoul.
(C) In the south of Seoul.      (D) In the west of Seoul.

B 38. What does the South Korean government want to do to Changdong?
(A) They want to reduce the number of visitors going there.
(B) They want to change it into the K-pop capital of the world.
(C) They want only a few hundred thousand people to live there.
(D) They want to protect its beautiful natural environment.

C 39. What can be inferred 推測 from the passage about other Korean products?
(A) They became cheaper and smaller. (B) People got disinterested in them.
(C) People bought more of them. (D) They were seen less often on TV.

C 40. What happened between 2013 and 2016?
(A) Asian people tended to buy less K-pop than American people.
(B) Billboard magazine was eventually founded in America by then.
(C) K-pop unexpectedly 非預期地 gained 獲得 a larger 更大的 customer 客人 base 基底 in America.
(D) A lot of passionate fans traveled to America to spread K-pop.

D 41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage about the facilities?
(A) Fans that visit Changdong will feel excited because of them.
(B) The main facility will take some time to build.
(C) The facilities will include some venues for education.
(D) 20,000 people will attend the opening of the arena.

二、 非選擇題( 到第題,每題6分,共18)

請依據中文提示,將試題內空格 答案之完整單字( 含提示之字首 ),分別作答於答案卷之作答欄 之指定範圍內以完成句子。

1. 哈利波特系列已經獲得國際關注,而且在很多國家出版。
The Harry Potter series has gained i           attention, and has also been published in many c            .
international     countries

2. common complaints / The employees / about poor service / to handle / were trained
The employees were trained to handle common complaints about poor service.

3. 醫生警告抽菸有害人們的健康。
Doctors warn that smoking is harmful to people’s health.
Doctors warn that smoking will harm people’s health.

