2020年5月20日 星期三

初級文法--8. 問句 Question forms

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Do you know how to make questions? 你知道怎麼造問句嗎? 
Look at these examples to see how questions are made. 請看以下句子,來看如何造問句。

Is he a teacher? 他是老師嗎? 
Does she eat meat? 她吃肉嗎? 
When did you get here? 你何時來到這裡的? 
How much does a train ticket cost? 火車票要多少錢? 

Grammar explanation 文法解釋
To make questions, we often put the verb before the subject. This is called inversion. 要造問句,我們通常會將動詞放在主詞前面,這稱作倒裝。
Affirmative 肯定句
Question 疑問句
I am late.
I can help.
She is sleeping.
We have met before.
Am I late?
Can I help?
Is she sleeping?
Have we met before?

If there is a question word (why, what, where, how, etc.), it goes before the verb. 如果有疑問詞(why, what, where, how),疑問詞在動詞之前。
Question 疑問句
Question with question word 有疑問詞的疑問句
Are you late?
Was she there?
Can I help?
Have we met before?
Why are you late?
When was she there?
How can I help?
Where have we met before?

This is true for sentences with be, sentences that have auxiliary verbs 助動詞 (e.g. They are waiting. She has finished.) and sentences with modal verbs 情狀動詞 (can, will, should, might, etc.).

Questions in the present simple and past simple 現在簡單式和過去簡單式的問句
For other verbs in the present simple, we use the auxiliary verb do/does in the question.
Question with question word
You work at home.  
It costs £10. 
Do you work at home?
Does it cost £10?
Where do you work?
How much does it cost?

We use the auxiliary verb did in the past simple.
Question with question word
She went home. 
They went to the cinema. 
Did she go home?
Did they go to the cinema?
Where did she go?
Where did they go?

Subject questions 主詞問句
In some questions, who or what is the subject of the verb. There is no inversion of subject and verb in these questions. 在一些問句中,who和what是動詞的主詞。在這些問句中,主詞和動詞沒有倒裝。
Who broke the window?

Who is knocking on the door?

2 則留言:

  1. 老師您好:
    謝謝您提供這麼好的網頁給學習英文的人,個人會不定時的收聽空英和大家說英語,但是真的有時候主持人講得很快,尤其是空英部分單元對於我這個初學者而言 雖然可以大致了解意思,有些字因為個人程度不很好所以會很希望能夠看到拼字學習,因為您推薦的國立公共資訊圖書館影音檔的資訊,我因此辦證能夠直接看到文字稿,真的獲益良多!

    1. 謝謝您的留言,很高興我的文章能對您的英文學習產生助益,有什麼其他問題都歡迎留言詢問,繼續加油吧! :)
