2018年12月25日 星期二

流行聖誕歌曲 Christmas Carols

現在學生都不聽傳統的聖誕歌了(Silent night之類的XD),以下是我會放給學生聽的聖誕歌曲,希望大家能喜歡! (小賈就佔了三首XD) 在此祝大家聖誕快樂 Merry Christmas!

1. All I Want For Christmas Is You by Justin Bieber
(duet with Mariah Carey)

2018年12月12日 星期三

英文繪本閱讀 (Kids A-Z)

一、註冊 Quizlet 個人帳號(臉書帳號 or Google 帳號)

二、進入 Kids A-Z,登入。(jchou4) (test01)(fish apple)

三、至Reading Room -->Leveled Books 依照自己的程度,挑選繪本,請至少讀10本。

四、把不會的單字,輸入至Quizlet 的單字集(自己創一個)。

五、要查單字的中文意思及例句,可查線上字典 Cambridge Yahoo!字典 (不建議用Google 翻譯,因為解釋不完整且沒有例句。)

一、至 Cool English 免費註冊。

二、點選上列清單的聽力(情境動畫聽講 or 互動式影片 or VOA大家學英文),依照自己的程度點選影片。

三、點選上列清單的閱讀(圖解式閱讀 or 悅讀書屋 or VOA精選新聞),依照自己的程度點選影片。

四、把不會的單字,輸入至Quizlet 的單字集(自己創一個)。

2018年11月22日 星期四

讀力宣言 研習筆記 107/11/17

1. PIRI 霹靂椒 教學法 (增進 搜尋資訊的能力、設計好的問題)
(1) Problem 提問: 適當的提問 (以問題來帶,設計好的問題)
(2) Information 資訊: 數位工具(課前、課後)
(3) Reading 閱讀(小組或獨自) --> 外界資訊內化成自己的工具
(4) Ignition 啟動: 解決問題

2018年11月15日 星期四

Task Based Learning 研習心得

Task Based Learning 心得分享
    107/10/20(日)在台北中正高中的Task-based learning (TBL)研習學到非常多任務導向的教學法,而講師Steven Murray在講解TBL的同時也用了很多任務! 首先,在自我介紹的時候,Steven老師在白板上寫下五個數字,要讓台下的老師們猜這五個數字和他有什麼關係,接下來Steven老師就讓老師們兩個人一組,寫下各自兩個數字以及一個共同的數字,跟其他老師用猜謎的方式來自我介紹,真的十分有趣,也是個很好的破冰遊戲!

課外閱讀+差異化教學好素材-Newsela &Breaking News English




同篇新聞文章可以調成不同的程度, 從 Level 0 到 Level 6 都有

Level 0 的字彙簡單、句子結構較容易,適合初級的學生




選完文章後,上方有個 MAX的選項


例如有 450L、560L、710L、830L、MAX等程度


2018年11月14日 星期三

部定必修英文課: 敘事文教學(李壹明老師)



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhNLu7lE19Q (中國人版)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycc2G4Ryn3Y (德國人版)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRh9VpxJPuk (德國人版)(中文字幕)


Source: 余老師的英文作文教室 http://www.iwriteonline.tw/
A. 英文作文技巧

107年度教學資源研發成果發表-素養導向教學與評量工作坊 (中區)筆記

A Quick guide to Research Paper Writing (By 施勇廷老師)
1. How to find key information in an article?
*T.H.I.E.V.E.S reading strategy
(1) Look at the title of the article and tell what you will learn from it?
(2) What is the topic of the paragraph beneath each heading?
(3) Look at the introduction and tell what you will know from it?
(4) What is this chapter about based on the first sentence in each paragraph?
(5) Are there any visuals/captions or boldfaced words throughout the chapter?
(6) What information do they earmark as important?
(7) What do I understand and recall about the topics covered in the summary?

徵求空英Language Lab 筆記共編夥伴





但再忙還是要更新 空英的 Language Lab 和 Info Cloud 啦~

Info Cloud自從用了國資圖的資源後,英文講解部分幾秒就搞定 只要在聽打中文部分即可

但  Language Lab 真的是要一個字 一個字再打,真的頗累

同時,我也想要寫其他方面的文章(如: 如何背單字、新聞英文、Advanced筆記、教甄準備等等)

但是Language Lab  真的佔用我太多時間 了

所以在此希望可以找到夥伴 可以一起用Google Docs共編 Language Lab

如果有意願的夥伴,歡迎給我您的 Gmail,可以跟您一起共編 Language Lab

我的Email是: jefffong5464@gmail.com   謝謝大家!

(如果沒人一起共編 我還是會一人努力更新啦~~)

2018年10月28日 星期日

[NY Times] Taiwan’s Gay Pride Parade Draws Thousands, as Votes on Same-Sex Marriage Near

Taiwan’s Gay Pride Parade Draws Thousands, as Votes on Same-Sex Marriage Near (New York Times)

By Chris Horton
Oct. 27, 2018

TAIPEI, Taiwan — A year ago, participants in Taipei’s annual gay pride parade — the biggest event of its kind in East Asia — had a lot to celebrate.

Taiwan’s constitutional court had given the government until May 2019 to legalize same-sex marriage, ruling that the civil code’s definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman was unconstitutional. If the government didn’t meet the deadline, the court said, same-sex marriage would simply become legal automatically.

2018年10月10日 星期三


嘉義高級家事職業學校 劉慰新老師 分享
主題: 英語學習VS遊戲化學習研習

Onenote 檔案: https://goo.gl/ne1k4P

1. Concepts
(1) Classcraft 課堂遊戲化及角色扮演  
(2) Class Dojo  課堂道場 (建立班級學習社群)

Google Classroom研習(初階)筆記

北一女 葉中如老師 分享 Google Classroom研習(初階)
心智圖網址: https://goo.gl/mGZYsB
Google Docs 筆記版: https://goo.gl/SPhmkz

Google Suite for Education for Beginners
1.Google & Chrome Browser

(1) Google Search
(a) Image
(b) Time (例如: Tokyo time, Canada time)
(c ) Calculator (例如: Google 7*3+1 會出現小算盤)
(d) Timer (中如老師說要用美國的Google才能用,
但我一直找不到。大家可以用用 online timeronline stopwatch)
(e) Currency (例如: 台幣兌換日幣,Google ntd to yen)
(f) Dictionary (直接Google單字,
Cambridge Longman)
(g) Tricks (請Google: askew, do a barrel roll)

2018年10月4日 星期四

Advanced Notes (2018/10月份)(更新中)

107/10/1 Advanced Notes
2. caribou (wild) VS reindeer (semi-domesticated→ for public vehicle)
3. disoriented (adj) 迷路的
4. calf (n) 幼獸
5. backpacking trip → no car/suitcase, mostly hiking, and have whatever in your backpack
6. brave (v) 勇敢面對 (willing to go and face it)
7.party: a group of people
You can have ‘a party of people go to a party.’ (a party of people= a group of people) (a party= an event)
8.bear spray→ repellent (n) 驅蟲劑 potent (adj) 強有力的
9. bush plane → smaller plane, land on difficult terrain’
10. hummock = hill 山丘
[cf.] hammock 吊床

2018年9月19日 星期三

寫作好幫手 Describing Words & Ludwig

1. Describing words: http://describingwords.io/
只要在搜尋列打上名詞,這網站就會提供常用的形容詞(再點Sort by Frequency),寫作沒靈感時可以用用看。
我建議是點 Sort by Usage Frequency,比較安全
如果是 Sort by Uniqueness,我覺得太特殊了XD

2018年9月10日 星期一

劍橋英檢 Vocabulary List (Key English Test) (每週上課前更新)

1. 請去Google Play/App Store 下載Quizlet,並註冊帳號。
2. 點選下方Quizlet連結。
3. 按 ... →複製 → 自己key上中文翻譯 → 建立 (右上方) 
[附註]: 中文解釋可以直接點選網站建議的定義,或至劍橋字典查。
4. 請將完成的單字卡,將網址貼至Google表單
Source: Vocabulary List (Key English Test) 
1. 劍橋英檢 Vocabulary List P4-5 Quizlet 9/10作業(9/17檢查)


1. 簡介
2. 題型簡介及模擬試題
3. 劍橋英檢官網(英文版)
4. 劍橋英檢相關介紹
5. 劍橋英檢官方紙本教材 Key English Test (KET)
    劍橋英檢官方紙本教材 Preliminary English Test (PET)
6. 劍橋英檢官方單字表 KET
    劍橋英檢官方單字表 PET
7. 劍橋英檢文法句型及主題 KET
    劍橋英檢文法句型及主題 PET
8. Handbook of KET
    Handbook of PET 
9. Information for Candidates KET
    Information for Candidates PET
10. 下載劍橋英檢初級(KET)/中級(PET)的考試樣題(sample papers)
KET - Reading and Writing / Listening / Speaking  
PET - Reading and Writing / Listening / Speaking 

2018年9月6日 星期四

department VS mall VS outlet mall

[以下節錄自 Advanced Broadcast 107/9/4]
1. Department store (百貨公司) is one store. They may be in the mall. 

2. A mall (商場) is just a collection of many different department stores. 

3. An outlet mall (暢貨中心)usually means that the stores that you go to there, are cheaper, like you won't spend that much money at those stores. Maybe the same store you go to in the regular mall, but it's uh, maybe the prices are lower. That sort of thing. 

(So you mentioned that much of this E-DA business stuff was located kind of outside of downtown Kaohsiung. That's often where you find out the malls, because the cost of the real estate for the mall is much lower, and so costs overall can be lower. So people often feel outlet malls are a great place to get good deals when you're shopping.)

2018年8月17日 星期五

英文作文轉折詞彙整 (2)

Transition words
1.Addition: also, again, as well as, besides, furthermore, in addition, likewise, moreover, in the same way, similarly
2. Reason: since, because, for, due to, in that
3. Recommendations: recommend, should, in order to, advise, suggest
4. Restatement: in other words, that’s to say
5. Condition: once, if, provided, unless, until
6. Contrast: in contrast, conversely, instead, on one hand, on the other hand, on the contrary, rather, yet, however, nevertheless
7. Conclusion: therefore, hence, thus, so, as a result, consequently, we can conclude that, clearly, obviously, accordingly

2018年8月16日 星期四

How AI can save our humanity | Kai-Fu Lee 李開復

I'm going to talk about how AI and mankind can coexist, but first, we have to rethink about our human values. So let me first make a confession about my errors in my values.
我將會談談人工智慧和人類如何能夠共存, 但首先,我們需要重新思考人類價值觀。 所以首先讓我坦白我價值觀中曾有的錯誤。

It was 11 o'clock, December 16, 1991. I was about to become a father for the first time. My wife, Shen-Ling, lay in the hospital bed going through a very difficult 12-hour labor. I sat by her bedside but looked anxiously at my watch, and I knew something that she didn't. I knew that if in one hour, our child didn't come, I was going to leave her there and go back to work and make a presentation about AI to my boss, Apple's CEO. Fortunately, my daughter was born at 11:30 --

那是1991121611點。 我即將首次成為父親。 我的妻子,先鈴,躺在病床上 經歷著一段艱辛並為時12小時的分娩。 我坐在床邊 但卻焦慮地望著我的手錶, 而我知道一些她不知道的事。 我知道如果在一小時內, 我們的孩子還未出生, 我將要將她留在那裡 趕去上班 並向我的老闆,蘋果的首席執行官 做一個有關人工智慧的報告。 幸運的是,我的女兒在11:30出生了--


3. The Audio Archive

2018年8月15日 星期三

戰場上的莫非定律 Murphy's Laws of War

1.You are not a superman.

2.If it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid.

3.Don't look conspicuous – it draws fire.

4.Never share a foxhole with any one braver than you are.

5.Never forget that the lowest bidder made your weapon.

2018年8月14日 星期二

GRE Quantitative Vocabulary

1.         natural number - 自然數
2.         positive number - 正數
3.         negative number - 負數
4.         odd number - 奇數
5.         even number - 偶數

2018年7月13日 星期五

Barron's 800 essential words for the GRE (701-800)

1.      stanch (v.) 制止;止住(尤指出血)
The country's asylum laws were amended to stanch the flow/flood of economic migrants.
Mike pressed hard on the wound and stanched the flow of blood.
2.      stentorian (a.) 大聲的;(嗓音)洪亮的
a stentorian preacher 聲若洪鐘的牧師
Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room. 突然,從房間那頭傳來洪亮的聲音。