2018年11月22日 星期四

讀力宣言 研習筆記 107/11/17

1. PIRI 霹靂椒 教學法 (增進 搜尋資訊的能力、設計好的問題)
(1) Problem 提問: 適當的提問 (以問題來帶,設計好的問題)
(2) Information 資訊: 數位工具(課前、課後)
(3) Reading 閱讀(小組或獨自) --> 外界資訊內化成自己的工具
(4) Ignition 啟動: 解決問題

2. Three Rs: reading, writing, arithmetic

3. 4C: critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity

4.Literacy: the ability to read (decode) and write (encode)

5. Reading involves very complicated process:
(1) speech sounds: phonology 語音學
(2) spelling patterns: orthography
(3) word meaning: semantics 語義學
(4) grammar: syntax 句法學
(5) patterns pf word formation: morphology

6. Reading strategies:
(1) predicting
(2) skimming
(3) scanning
(4) Q&A-- 5W1H
(5) sequencing
(6) inferring
(7) comparing and contrasting
(8) summarizing

7. Other reading strategies:
(1) 猜字 (guess what the word means from the context)
(2) 問 open-ended questions (i.e. How do you like Shakespeare?) 少問 close-ended questions (i.e. Where was Shakespeare born?)
(3) 在 reading 裡面教單字,要學生猜這個字是當主詞/動詞/還是受詞?,詞性是什麼? 是好字還是壞字?  而不要講一句、翻譯一句(grammar-translation)。

