2018年6月18日 星期一

until 和 not until 的用法

關於國中會考15題,有網友問能選 until嗎? 剛好趁這個機會教一下 until 的用法:

(1) until:「直到...為止」(根據朗文字典對 until 的定義: if something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time)
(e.g.) I have waited until 5 o'clock, but she still didn't come. (我一直等到五點,但她仍然沒來)[節錄自文馨辭典]
I was up until three o'clock trying to get it finished! 為了完成工作,我一直熬夜做到三點! [節錄自Cambridge字典]

(2)not until: 「直到...才...
(e.g.) We didn't eat until past midnight. (我們一直到過了午夜吃東西) (很貼字面的翻法是: 我們都沒有吃東西喔~直到過了午夜為止) [節錄自文馨辭典]

所以 until不論在哪個地方,都是翻譯成「直到...為止」,而not...until因為語言邏輯(負負得正),所以才翻成「直到...才

I stayed up late until 5 AM. (我熬夜直到凌晨五點為止 --> 我熬夜熬到凌晨五點。)
I didn't sleep until 5 AM. (我沒有睡覺,直到凌晨五點為止 --> 我直到凌晨五點睡覺)

結論:until 無論在哪個情況都翻成 「直到...為止」,甚至 not...until 中的 until 也是 「直到...為止」,只是 not ...until 翻成中文會拐個彎,所以  not ...until 會翻成「直到...才

更多例句,請至以了下線上英英字典的until 條目,每句都翻翻看,都翻對代表你懂 until囉!
(2) Oxford 

上面都搞懂了,再來學高中課本會學到 until的句型代換,我個人覺得學這個很無趣,但高中文法一定會教,就補充在這裡了~(我去聽研習,教授說: 其實外國人很少用until 的倒裝阿,外國教授都笑我們台灣學的英文很古代 XDD)

例句: 直到和Mary分手,Jack知道他有多愛她。
Jack didn't realize how much he loved Mary until he broke up with her. 
= It was not until Jack broke up with Mary that he realized that how much he loved her. 
= Not until Jack broke up with Mary did he realize that how much he loved her. 

簡單講就是: 第一句是原本句;第二句是 It is....that...分裂強調句;第三句是 Not until 拉到前面,因為否定副詞放句首,主要子句要倒裝

如果你要考高中英文教甄,想知道怎麼用全英文教 until 可參考這個影片:

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