2020年9月29日 星期二


Text to speech 網站 (把文章變成音檔的網站) (推薦美國腔George) 

南投縣109年英語文競賽朗讀篇目 ◎國小組

1.     Earthquake

    Mary is an elementary school student. Her hometown had never had an earthquake before and she had only prepared for it at school. Today she arrived home from school as usual. When she was eating chips, she heard the sound of breaking glass and the crashing of many items. Mary quickly went under the large table in the dining room. She hugged herself in fear.

2020年9月3日 星期四

空英 Language Lab (2020/9月份)

1. 當日收看網址:
(1) http://m.studioclassroom.com/tv-programs.php?level=sc
(2) http://digichannel.go2school.com.tw/default.asp
3. 空中英語教室-影音典藏學習系統(所有教學影片的資料庫): http://ers.nlpi.edu.tw/idsermpl/

109/9/1 Language Lab

1. just the person to 針對某個職位、處理某個狀況的適合人選

Our company has just created a new task team and the director announced he had just the person to lead the group. 我們公司剛成立一個新的工作團隊,而主任宣布已經有適合的人來率領這個團隊。

Albert is very confident and believes he is just the person to get the job done. Albert 很有自信,並且認為他是能夠完成那項工作的最佳人選。

It’s too bad Bethany doesn’t want to play the lead role, she is just the person to play that character. Bethany 不願意擔任主角真的很可惜,因為她是演那個角色的適合人選。