2020年9月3日 星期四

空英 Language Lab (2020/9月份)

1. 當日收看網址:
(1) http://m.studioclassroom.com/tv-programs.php?level=sc
(2) http://digichannel.go2school.com.tw/default.asp
3. 空中英語教室-影音典藏學習系統(所有教學影片的資料庫): http://ers.nlpi.edu.tw/idsermpl/

109/9/1 Language Lab

1. just the person to 針對某個職位、處理某個狀況的適合人選

Our company has just created a new task team and the director announced he had just the person to lead the group. 我們公司剛成立一個新的工作團隊,而主任宣布已經有適合的人來率領這個團隊。

Albert is very confident and believes he is just the person to get the job done. Albert 很有自信,並且認為他是能夠完成那項工作的最佳人選。

It’s too bad Bethany doesn’t want to play the lead role, she is just the person to play that character. Bethany 不願意擔任主角真的很可惜,因為她是演那個角色的適合人選。

2. trick (v) 欺騙 (n) (1) 詭計、騙局 (2) 訣竅

Cory tricked her little brother into getting her his bag of potato chips. Cory 騙她的弟弟把整包洋芋片都給了她。

That vendor is very dishonest, and often tricks his customers. 那位小販很不誠實,常常欺騙顧客。

I think everything the salesman said was a trick to get us to buy more things from him. 我認為那位業務員所說的話是個騙局,好叫我們跟他多買一些東西。

The lock is very old, and there is a trick to opening it. 這個鎖非常老舊,要打開它是有訣竅的。

3. expose (v) (1) 揭穿、揭發 (2) 暴露、露出

People were shocked that a little old woman could expose such a public scandal. 人們對這位矮小的老婦人能揭發這起公共醜聞感到震驚。

Mr. Downson kept his secret hidden for years, until the police exposed him as a criminal. Downson 先生隱藏了他的秘密好多年,直到警方揭發他是個逃犯。

The chair used to be dark red, but it was exposed to the sun, and turned light red. 那張椅子原本是深紅色,但因為在太陽下曝曬,就變成淺紅色。

The puppy thought he was well hidden, but his tail was exposed. 那隻小狗以為自己躲得很好,結果尾巴露出來了。

4. thrill (v) 讓人感到興奮、刺激 (n) 刺激的感覺、興奮的感覺

The cartoon is sure to thrill any child because the characters are all very cute. 那部卡通絕對會讓小朋友感到興奮,因為裡面的人物都很可愛。

Eveyln was thrilled when she finally heard the good news. Eveyln 終於聽到很消息了,因此感到非常興奮。

Riding that rollercoaster used to give me so much thrill but now I think it’s boring. 以前玩雲霄飛車會讓我有刺激感,但是現在我覺得它很無聊。

When Franky went surfing for the first time, it was such a thrill. Franky 第一次去衝浪時,有非常興奮的感覺。

109/9/2 Language Lab

1. compose (v) (1) 作曲  (2) 創作、寫作  (3) 組成 (4) 鎮定自己 (+反身代名詞)

Mozart composed his first song when he was five years old. 莫札特五歲的時候,寫了他第一首歌。

Many of Hattie’s poems were composed in the middle of the night. Hattie有很多詩是在深夜裡寫的。

Last year, ten percent of the student body was composed of exchange students from Asia. 去年,學生們有百分之十是來自亞洲的國際交換生。

Irene was upset when she heard the news and couldn’t compose herself. Irene 聽了消息後,氣到無法讓自己平靜下來。

2. theatrical (adj) (1) 跟戲劇有關的、劇場的 (2) 動作很誇張或很做作

Under the rule of the Taliban, theatrical entertainment was banned in Afghanistan. 阿富汗在塔利班的統治下,是不允許戲劇表演。

After the English professor retired, he became active in community theatrical projects. 這位英文教授退休後,就投入社區裡的戲劇節目。

When Jeffery tells stories, he uses a lot of theatrical body language. 當Jeffery 說故事的時候,他的肢體語言非常地誇張做作。

The political candidate’s gestures were so theatrical when he gave his speech. 那位政治候選人演講時,手勢非常地誇張。

3. conduct (v) (1) 指揮 (2) 進行、實施 (3) 帶領、領導  (4) 在人家面前的表現或是舉止 (+反身代名詞)

Michael likes to listen to symphony music and pretend he is conducting the orchestra. Michael 喜歡聽交響樂,然後假裝他在指揮樂團。

When conducting research, the scientists must work many hours every day. 科學家在進行研究時,每天都會忙好幾個小時。

Student volunteers conduct campus tours every afternoon. 學生志工會在每一個下午帶人參觀校園。

Although Abby was young, she knew how to conduct herself in front of her parents’ friends. Abby 雖然年紀小,但是他很清楚會在父母的面前好好表現。

4. smash (adj) 非常成功的影片、戲劇表演、歌曲  (v) (1) 打碎  (2) 狠狠地衝撞 (3) 殺球

It’s amazing that such a low-budget film could actually become a smash movie. 那麼低成本的影片,竟然可以在票房裡表現得那麼成功。

Peggy accidentally dropped the vase, and it smashed into pieces when it hit the floor. Peggy 不小心掉了花瓶,它一碰到地就碎了。

The boy drove his dad’s car without permission and smashed it into a wall. 小男孩偷開他爸爸的車,結果把車子撞到圍牆。

Roger jumped up to smash the ball, but he completely missed it. Roger 跳起來殺球,結果完全沒有打到球。

109/9/3 Language Lab

1. refer (v) (1) 簡短地提起或談起 (2) 意思是 (3) 介紹

I know you were talking about one of your teammates, but who exactly were you referring to? 我知道你在講你隊友中其中的一個人,但是你到底是在講哪一位阿?

If you hear my grandma say ‘that kid,’ she is referring to her neighbor’s little boy. 如果你聽到我祖母說"那個頑童",她是指她鄰居的小男孩。

When I had a bad headache, I went to see a doctor, but he referred me to a specialist. 我的頭很痛,所以去看醫生,但是他介紹我去看專科醫師。

2. spin (v) (1) 旋轉  (2) 紡織、紡紗  (3) 蜘蛛結網

The boy likes to spin, and make himself dizzy. 小男孩喜歡一直轉圈圈,直到他感到頭暈。

If you open the music box, you will see a little ballet dancer spinning inside. 你把音樂盒打開,就會看到一個小小的芭蕾舞者在裡面轉圈。

Women in this village used to spin their own yarn, but now they just buy it at the store. 以前這個村裡的婦女們會自己紡紗,但是現在他們就直接到店裡去買。

It's amazing that spiders are able to spin such huge webs. 蜘蛛能結巨大的網,真的很神奇。

3. empty (adj) (1) 空的 (2) 沒有人 (3) 沒誠意 (4) 無意義

Scott drank all the water, and now his bottle is completely empty. Scott 把水都喝完了,他的瓶子現在是空的。

The restaurant is usually busy at lunchtime, but today it is empty. 那間餐廳午餐時間通常都很忙碌,但今天空蕩蕩的。

Vanessa is breaking up with her boyfriend, because she is tired of his empty promises. Vanessa 要跟她的男朋友分手,因為她對他沒誠意的承諾感到厭倦。

Even though William has a good job and a nice family, his life still feels empty. William 雖然有好的工作,以及美滿的家庭,但是他還是感到生活空虛。

4. trend (n) (1) 趨勢;傾向  (2) 時尚 (v) 社群網站上的流行主題的熱門分享

There is a growing trend of people working after the age of 65. 人過六十五歲還在繼續工作的趨勢在增加當中。

The marketing team is always discussing what is trending on social media. 企劃團隊常常在討論社群媒體裡的流行主題裡的熱門分享。

If you want to know about the latest trends, talk to Sabrina. 如果你想要知道現在最新的時尚,就去問Sabrina。

The latest trends can go out of style very quickly. 現在最時尚的款式很快就會退流行。

109/9/4 Language Lab

1. productivity (n) 生產率、成效率

productive (adj) 很有成效的

Playing loud music in the workplace is affecting the workers’ productivity. 在工作場所裡放很大聲的音樂,會影響到員工的生產效率。

The supervisors are meeting to discuss ways to improve office productivity. 主管們聚集在一起討論辦公室的效率該如何改善。

Vince is in a good mood, because he had a very productive day at work. Vince 心情很好,因為他今天工作很有成效。

I did a lot of things this afternoon, and I’m feeling very productive. 我今天下午完成了不少事情,感覺很有成效。

2. drill down (ph v) 更仔細地、更深入地去看資訊 (就像是拿個電鑽在牆上的某一個點鑽入)

drill (v) 鑽洞

The worker drilled a hole in the wall. 工人在牆上鑽了一個洞。

The manager wants us to drill down into these websites and find the exact information he needs. 經理要我們好好深入研究這些網站,來找到他要的詳細資訊。

Tiffany doesn’t have the patience to drill down through these piles of data. Tiffany 沒那個耐性好好深入研究這一堆數據報告。

3. promotional (adj) 促銷的、推銷的

promote (v) (1) 促銷、推銷  (2) 促進

Samuel went to a business convention, and received a lot of promotional material. Samuel 參加了一個商業大會,然後收到很多推銷資料。

If you want to receive your free gift, you just need to watch this twenty-minute promotional video. 如果你想拿到免費贈品,就得先觀賞一部二十分鐘長的推銷影片。

The salesman is trying to promote his company’s newest product. 這個業務員試著推銷他公司最新的產品。

The representatives from different countries are trying to promote world peace. 來自不同國家的代表們想要促進世界和平。

4. scan (v) (1) 快讀、瀏覽  (2) 在一堆東西當中,仔細尋找目標  (3) 掃描

Thomas scanned through the pile of letters on his desk and then tossed them to the side. Thomas 很快瀏覽了一下桌上的信件,然後把它們丟到一邊去。

Regina scanned through the sales ads but found nothing interesting. Regina 很快地翻閱銷售活動的廣告,但是沒有任何東西吸引她的注意力。

The frenetic mother scanned all the kids in the playground in hopes of finding her missing child. 那位緊張的母親仔細看著遊樂場裡的每一個小朋友,試圖找到自己走失的孩子。

The professor handed several documents to his assistants and asked her to go scan them. 教授把一些文件交給他的助理,並請她去掃描每一份文件。

109/9/5 Language Lab

1. numerical (adj) 數字的、跟數字有關的 

Would you like these files to be in alphabetical order or in numerical order? 你要這些檔案按照字母順序排列,還是數字順序排列? 

The secret organization developed a code by giving each letter of the alphabet a numerical value. 這個秘密組織藉由給每一個字母分配一個數字,設計出一套密碼。

There is not enough data to show how effective the new drug is; we need more numerical proof. 關於這個新藥是否有效的數據還不夠,我們還需要更多的數字去證明。

2. preview (v) (1) 預告、介紹  (2) 預先看 (n) 預告片

Before the show began, our host previewed the evening’s program. 在節目開始之前,主持人為大家預告當晚的節目內容。

A week before the artist’s paintings went on exhibit, a few guests were able to preview the collection. 在這位畫家的畫作展覽的前一個禮拜,有幾位貴賓預先觀賞他的大作。

Before we watched the movie, we had to watch several previews. 在我們觀賞電影之前,得先看幾部預告片。

3. recipient (n) (1) 接受東西的人 (收件者,如電子郵件或是信件包裹)  (2) 領獎人  (3) 器官受贈者

There is a mailing address on the package, but it doesn’t say who the recipient is. 包裹有寫要寄去的地址,但是沒有註明收件者是誰。

Who was the recipient of last year’s Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress? 去年奧斯卡最佳女配角獎的得主是誰? 

Although the mother had lost her boy, she was able to meet the recipient of her son’s heart. 那位母親雖然失去了她的兒子,但是她能夠見到她兒子心臟的受贈者。

4. implement (v) 實施  (n) 工具、器具

The company is trying to implement new rules, but the employees are not cooperating. 公司想要實施新規定,但是員工都不配合。

It’s one thing to come up with a good program; it’s another thing to try to implement it. 設計出好方案是一回事,但是要實施它是另一回事。

The archaeologists found an old shovel and some farming implements in the ancient tomb. 考古學家們在古墓裡找到一個古老的鏟子,以及一些農具。

Peter is looking for a knife or a sharp implement to cut that piece of cardboard. Peter 在找一把刀或是一個尖銳的工具,來切割那一塊硬紙板。

109/9/7 Language Lab

1. particular (adj) (1) 特定的  (2) 挑剔、非常講究的

Is there a particular place that you would like me to take these packages to? 你有沒有要我把這些包裹送到哪個指定的地方呢? 

Robert just bought some flowers for a particular person.  Robert 剛剛為某個特別的人買了一些花。

When it comes to grilling steak, Jerry is very particular.  Jerry 對烤牛排可是非常講究的。

It’s very hard to eat out with Lana because she is always so particular.  要跟Lana出去吃飯很麻煩,因為她是非常挑剔的。

2. festivity (n) 歡慶 (複數: festivities 節慶當中的慶祝活動或是活動內容)

festival (n) 節慶

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon; do you have any special plans? 中秋節快到了,你有沒有什麼特別的計畫? 

The students put up a few balloons around the classroom to create a feeling of festivity. 學生們用幾個氣球來布置教室,製造一點歡慶的氣氛。

Martha was so busy planning the festivities that she wasn’t able to enjoy the festival itself. Martha 忙著籌備慶祝活動的細節,而無法享受節慶的歡樂。

During the holiday weekend, thousands of visitors participated in the festivities. 佳節的周末時,好幾千名遊客來參加節慶活動。

3. workshop (n) (1) 工作坊、廠房(機械產業、手工方面的工作環境)  (2) 專題討論會、研討會

There are many machines in the workshop, so please be careful when you enter. 廠房裡有很多機器,進去時請注意安全。

Paul uses his garage as a small workshop and keeps all his tools there. Paul 把他的車庫當成一個小型工作室,他所有的工具都收在那裏。

For those interested in taking pictures, there will be a photography workshop this weekend. 這個周末會舉辦一場攝影研討會,給對拍照有興趣的人參加。

The students’ acting skills improved after they attended the drama workshop. 學生們參加了戲劇培訓會後,演技有進步。

4. landmark (n) (1) 地標  (2) 一個發展過程中的重要點 (3) 一件事情有重大意義 

The Statue of Liberty in New Work City is a famous landmark you must go see. 自由女神像在紐約是一個必看的著名地標。

The Taj Mahal is a well-known landmark in India. 泰姬瑪哈陵是印度有名的地標。

Neil Armstrong walking on the moon was a landmark in modern history. 阿姆斯壯踏上月球是現代歷史重要的里程碑。

The king made the landmark decision to free all the slaves in his kingdom. 國王做了重大的決定,要釋放他王國裡所有的奴隸。

109/9/8 Language Lab

1. spectacular (adj) 非常壯觀的、讓人感到驚嘆的

spectacularly (adv) (某個動作或舉動) 讓人感到驚奇或是印象深刻地

That was a spectacular circus performance. 那場馬戲團表演真的實在令人讚嘆。

The view from the top of the mountain was spectacular. 從山頂看到的景觀真的是太壯觀了。

We watched the New Year’s fireworks display, but it wasn’t as spectacular as last year’s. 我們去看跨年煙火秀,但是感覺沒有像去年的那麼令人驚嘆。

The young gymnast was able to perform her routines spectacularly. 那位年經的體操選手能夠把動作表演地讓人感到驚嘆。

2. remarkable (adj) 會引人注意的 (因為非常優秀、特別或驚奇的)

The young child’s piano performance was absolutely remarkable. 那位小朋友的鋼琴表演實在是太讓人驚奇了。

It was remarkable to see a mother cat taking care of a baby squirrel. 看到一隻母貓照顧松鼠寶寶真的很特別又驚奇。

The student might get good grades on his tests but there is nothing remarkable about his essays. 那位同學的考試成績也許很好,但是他的作文沒有讓人有特別的印象。

3. rally (v) 為了一個共同目標或意象團結或聚集在一起 (n) 大型的集會

The townsmen rallied together to protest against the pollution caused by the local factory. 鎮裡的人們聚集在一起,抗議當地工廠所製造的汙染。

The general rallied the soldiers and promised them the victory. 將軍把士兵們聚集在一起,並承諾他們會戰勝。

During the week, right before the election, there were political rallies everywhere. 在選舉的前一個禮拜當中,到處都在舉行競選大會。

After Margaret attended her first student rally, she became more interested in social movements.  Margaret 自從參加了她的首場學生集會後,就開始對社會運動有興趣。

4. passage (n) (1) 一首曲子裡的樂段 (2) 文章裡的段落 (3) 走道、走廊 (4) 身體裡面的通道

The musician played a passage on the piano and asked us to guess the name of the song. 音樂家在鋼琴上彈了一個樂段,然後要我們猜猜曲名。

The teacher asked one of his students to read a passage from the book. 老師請了一位學生來唸出書裡的一個段落。

The children explored the old castle and found a dark and narrow passage. 小朋友在古堡裡探險時,找到一個又暗又窄的走廊。

The man has trouble breathing because there is something wrong with his nasal passage. 這個人呼吸有困難,因為他鼻道有問題。

109/9/9 Language Lab

1. commonplace (adj) 普通、普遍的 (因為常常會發生或常常看得到)

It seems rather commonplace to hear about professional athletes getting ankle injuries. 聽到職業運動員傷到腳踝的新聞,感覺很普遍又常見。

Nothing in the bazaar attracted Trina because everything looked rather commonplace. 市場裡沒有一樣東西吸引Trina,因為她覺得所有的東西看起來都很普通。

To John, the second-hand store was full of commonplace things, but to Cindy it was a pile of treasures. 對John而言,二手店裡的貨物都是很普通的東西,但對Cindy而言,卻是一堆寶物。

2. mode (n) (1) 模式 (2) 方式

When I was on the plane, I put my tablet on airplane mode. 我搭飛機時,會把我的平板轉到飛航模式。

Dereck always puts his phone on silent mode before he goes to sleep. Dereck 睡覺前會把手機轉到靜音模式。

We have a lot of food for the disaster victims but we need to figure out our mode of transport. 我們有很多糧食要送給災民,但是我們要想出最佳的運輸方式。   

The new manager finds the company's mode of operation to be very inefficient. 新的經理認為公司的運作方式非常沒有效率。

3. staff (n) (1) 工作人員 (2) 一根很長的手杖或棍棒 (v) 提供人員 

The boss has an important announcement and wants to speak to the entire staff. 老闆有一件重要的事情要宣布,所以要跟全體員工見面。

The restaurant isn’t very big and there are only five people on the staff. 餐廳不大,員工就只有五位。

A man with a shepherd’s staff walked by with several sheep. 一位拿著牧羊杖的人跟著幾隻羊,就這樣子經過。

The factory had to shut down because it was completely staffed with illegal immigrants. 光場必須關閉,因為他們的工作人員通通都是非法移民。

4. gist (n) 要點、大意 

Betty didn't know French but she watched the street performer’s body language and got the gist of what he was saying. Betty 雖然不懂法文,但是她光看街頭藝人的肢體語言就大概知道他的意思。

I didn't pay attention to the entire speech but I think I got the gist. 我沒有注意聽整個演講,但是我大概知道演講的大意。

We don't have time to hear the entire report so please just give us the gist. 我們沒有時間聽整篇報告,只要跟我們說報告的大意就好了。

109/9/10 Language Lab

1. underneath (prep) 底下、東西的下面 (n) 底下部分

The house might look beautiful, but you should pay attention to its foundation underneath. 房子也許外表漂亮,但你應該注意它底下的根基。

The child likes to hide underneath the table and pretend he is a bear in a cave. 那個小朋友喜歡躲在桌子底下,假裝他是一隻洞穴裡的熊。

If you want to know the price of the bottle, check the underneath. 如果你想知道那個瓶子多少錢,要看瓶子底下。

To tell if this chair is an antique or not, take a look at the underneath. 要辨認這張椅子是否是個骨董,就要看它的下面。

2. input (n) (1) 資訊的輸入 (2) 意見、想法 (3) 資源、能源的輸入 (v) 輸入

The old computer Mary uses for data input needs to be upgraded. 那台Mary用來輸入資料的舊電腦需要被升級。

The supervisor is not going to make a decision until he gets more input from everybody. 主管要等到他收到更多人的意見後,才會做決定。

I hope you’ll speak to the boss about this problem because he values your input. 我希望你會跟老闆提出這個問題,因為他很看重你的想法。

With the input of all that water, the plants on the farm began to grow. 因為灌入了那麼多水,農場的植物開始成長。

No wonder the final calculation was incorrect; we inputted the wrong numbers. 難怪最後的統計不正確,因為我們輸入的數字是錯的。

3. straightforward (adj) (1) 簡單容易懂 (2) 一個人很直率

The instructions need to be straightforward; otherwise people will get confused. 指令要簡單清楚,不然人家會被搞糊塗。

If you ask Howard a question, he’ll give you a straightforward answer. 如果問Howard 一個問題,他會很簡單地回答你。

Trent is a straightforward guy, and his friends appreciate his honesty. Trent 為人直率,他的朋友們都欣賞他的坦承。

4. idiomatic (adj) (1) 跟成語有關的、包含著慣用語的 (2) 語言的表達很自然

idiom (n) 成語

It’s hard for me to translate this article directly because it is full of idiomatic phrases. 要我直接翻譯這篇文章困難,因為裡面有很多慣用語。

The tour guide used a lot of idiomatic expressions that were hard for his foreign guests to understand. 導遊用了很多國外客人聽不懂的慣用語。

The princess was educated overseas and speaks idiomatic English. 公主是在國外受教育,她的英文講的非常道地。

109/9/11 Language Lab

1. confess (v) (1) 承認、坦白地說 (2) 認罪 (3) 為了宗教信仰或心靈方面的需求而懺悔

I must confess I haven’t done one single house chore all day. 我必須承認我今天一整天一樣家務事都沒做。
Alan was on a diet, but then he confessed to eating a whole box of donuts. Alan 在節食,但是他承認他把整盒甜甜圈都吃掉了。

The thief finally confessed to stealing the motorcycle. 小偷終於供認他偷了摩托車。

James felt peaceful after he had confessed his sins. James為他的罪過懺悔後,感到心裡平安。

2. opposite (n) 相反 (adj) (1) 完全相反 (2) 對面、另一邊

We were hoping to enjoy a nice quiet dinner, but what we experienced was the exact opposite. 我們原本希望能夠享用一頓寧靜的晚餐,結果碰到的卻是完全相反。

Trina always prefers the opposite of what her siblings like. Trina 老是選擇和他兄弟姊妹不同喜好的東西。

Mr. Cranshaw had trouble working with his business partner because they had opposite ideas. Cranshaw 先生很難跟他的商業夥伴合作,因為他們的想法是完全相反的。

Josephine wants to sit on the opposite side of the table because she wants to look out the window. Josephine 想坐在桌子的另一邊,因為她想看窗戶外面。

3. wipe (v) (1) 擦 (2) 擦掉 (n) 擦東西的那個動作

Please use this towel to wipe your hands. 請用這條毛巾來擦手。

After we finish dinner, mom always asks us to wipe the table. 我們吃完晚飯後,媽媽都會叫我們擦桌子。

There is water on this chair, please wipe it off. 椅子上有水,請把它擦掉。

The furniture is very dusty, someone needs to give them a good wipe. 家具上灰塵很多,有人需要把它們好好地擦一擦。

4. slurp (n) 一大口 (v) 吃喝東西的時候,很大聲地把飲料或是食物吸進嘴巴裡

 Ned was given a big tall glass of iced tea, and he took a nice big slurp. 有人給Ned一大杯的冰紅茶,然後他就好好地喝了一大口。

In some cultures, it is very rude to slurp when you eat. 有些文化會認為吃東西出聲音是很沒禮貌的。

The children like to slurp their noodles because they like making funny sounds. 小朋友喜歡大聲地吃麵條,因為他們喜歡發出奇怪的聲音。

109/9/12 Language Lab

1. awkward (adj) (1) 不靈活的、難看的、不自然的 (2) 尷尬的 (3) 一個狀況不容易處理或是很難應付

I think it’s awkward to have a plant in this corner; maybe you should move it to the balcony. 


Most people think Mona’s outfits are a little awkward, but she thinks they are fashionable. 大部分的人會覺得Mona的衣著有點奇怪,但是她卻認為她服裝很時尚。

Teresa felt somewhat awkward when she ran into her former boss. 當Teresa 碰到她以前的老闆時,感到有一點尷尬。

These large boxes aren’t heavy but they are awkward to carry up the stairs. 這些大箱子不重,但是要搬上樓梯還是有點麻煩。

2. comforting (adj) 讓人感到安慰的

comfort (v) 安慰

When Kelly’s dog died, Kelly’s friends tried to comfort her. Kelly的小狗死了後,她的朋友試著安慰她。

It is comforting to know my friends will always support me. 知道我的朋友會永遠支持我,讓我感到欣慰。

The actress loves getting letters from her fans because it is comforting to her.  女藝人很喜歡收到她粉絲的信件,因為會帶給她許多安慰。

3. encourage (v) 鼓勵

encouraging (adj) 令人鼓舞的、振奮人心的 

encouragement (n) 鼓勵的話、行為

The teacher always tries to encourage her students. 那位老師常常會鼓勵她的學生們。

The government is encouraging people to use public transportation. 政府鼓勵民眾多利用大眾運輸。

I’m tired of hearing all these negative reports, it’s time for some encouraging news. 一直聽到負面消息讓我感到很厭煩,該是時候來一點讓人振奮的新聞了。

It’s easy for Carol to feel discouraged; she really needs a lot of encouragement. Carol 很容易感到沮喪,她真的需要很多鼓勵。

4. stomach (n) (1) 肚子、胃 (2) 腹部  (v) 忍受、容忍

Richard’s stomach wouldn’t stop growling because he was so hungry. Richard的肚子一直咕嚕咕嚕叫,因為他實在很餓。

Something is bothering Ben’s stomach, but he doesn’t know what is causing the discomfort. Ben的腹部不舒服,但是他不知道是什麼引起的。

It was hard for the young reporter to stomach the violence he had seen. 年輕的記者很難容忍他所見到的暴力。

Marianne could not stomach the thought of having to kill an animal for food. 宰殺動物來吃是一件讓Marianne無法忍受的事。

109/9/14 Language Lab

1. boredom (n) 無聊的感覺或狀態

Bobby was not happy about his trip because it was full of boredom. Bobby 的那趟旅行很不開心,因為實在是太無聊了。

The children really need to get out of the house: they’re suffering from boredom. 小朋友們需要到戶外去玩,他們現在非常無聊沒事做。

When Mark complained about boredom, his dad told him to go clean the backyard. Mark 抱怨說他很無聊,他爸爸就叫他去整理後院。

2. mind-numbing (adj) 極其乏味、非常枯燥的

mind (n) 腦子

numbing 變麻木

My heart says “yes” to the decision, but my mind says “no”. 對於那個決定,我的心裡是贊同,但是我的腦子卻不同意。

I could feel the ice-cold water numbing my feet. 我可以感受到冰水讓我的雙腳都麻了。

Ricky quit his job because he was tired of the mind-numbing assignments. Ricky 辭職,因為他受不了那些極其無聊的差事。

That TV show is so boring; I’m not watching another mind-numbing episode. 那個電視節目有夠無聊,我不會再看超級無聊的另一集了。

3. boost (v) 增強、提高  (n) 增強、提高、推動

William is careful with his diet because he wants to boost his immune system. William 很重視他的飲食,因為他想增強免疫力。

Having a nice letter of recommendation might boost my chances of getting the job. 擁有好的推薦函,也許可以增加我拿到那份工作的勝算。

Parker was afraid of failing and his confidence really needed a boost. Parker 很擔心會失敗,他的自信心真的很需要被提高。

The company needs a big boost in their sales. 公司需要大量地提升他們的銷售量。

4. questionnaire (n) 問卷

question (n) 問題

The company will ask all its customers to fill out a questionnaire. 公司會請他們所有的顧客來填一份問卷調查表。

After you turn in your questionnaire, you will receive a free gift. 當你把問卷交回去,會收到一份贈品。

The questionnaire was hard to fill out because the questions were strange. 問卷很難填寫,因為問的問題都很奇怪。

109/9/15 Language Lab

1. speculate (v) 推測、猜測

speculation (n) 某個人的推測、猜測

Maggie can only speculate what had happened between her brother and his friends. Maggie 只能猜測她的哥哥和他的朋友之間發生了什麼事。

There is no need to speculate; just wait and see how things happen. 沒必要推測,就等著看事情如何發展就是了。

What I’m about to tell you is not a solid fact; it’s just a speculation. 我要跟你說的不是確定的事實,而只是一個推測。

There is no need to be nervous; what the doctor just said was only a speculation. 不需要緊張,醫生剛剛說的話只是一個推測而已。

2. stimulate (v) (1) 刺激、讓人覺得興奮 (2) 激發、促進

stimulation (n) 刺激

Theo thinks the discussion was rather stimulating. Theo 認為那個討論讓他非常感興趣。

The show was supposed to be stimulating, but it ended up putting people to sleep. 那場節目應該讓觀眾很興奮,可是卻讓大家睡著了。

The political candidate talked about his views on how to stimulate the economy. 政治候選人分享他對如何促進經濟的看法。

Brenda doesn’t want her kids to watch too much TV because she thinks there is too much stimulation. Brenda 不要她的孩子們看太多電視,因為她認為那樣會太刺激小朋友。

3. definitively (adv) 明確地、決定性地 (用來下結論或是表達事情是不是會改變的)

definitive (adj) 最終的、決定性的

definitely (adv) 肯定地 

We don’t know if Mr. Gates is going to sell his farm or not; he hasn’t given us a definitive answer. 我們不知道Gates 先生是否會把他的農場賣了,他還沒給我一個最後決定答案。

After a long civil war, a new government was definitively established. 多年的內戰後,一個新的政府最後終於被成立。

The player made a beautiful penalty kick and definitively ended the game. 那位球員的一個漂亮的罰球,就這樣決定性地結束了球賽。

4. doodle (v) 很隨意地畫圖 (n) 隨意畫出來的圖

Kenny was doodling on the newspaper while he was waiting. Kenny 在等待的時候,就在報紙上隨便畫畫。

The student was doodling in class and wasn’t paying attention to his teacher. 學生在課堂中隨便畫圖,沒有專心聽老師講課。

I’ve seen Pete’s doodles, and he is a very creative guy. 我看過Pete隨意畫的一些圖,他很有創意。

We were surprised that Jackie’s doodle actually won an award in the art contest. Jackie隨便畫的一張圖,竟然在美術比賽裡得獎,我們都感到很驚訝。

109/9/16 Language Lab

1. gift (n) 禮物  (v) (1) 天生就擁有的 (2) 贈送

I love receiving gifts, thank you very much! 我很喜歡收到禮物,謝謝你。

Mary was gifted with blond curls, and her sister was envious. Mary 天生就有金色捲髮,而她妹妹非常羨慕她。

You need to be patient when you’re coaching kids; not everyone is gifted with athletic abilities. 當小朋友的運動教練需要有耐心,不是每一位小朋友天生就是運動員。

Mr. Anderson is gifting each of his grandkids a smartphone. Anderson 先生贈送給他每個孫子一支智慧型手機。

2. spotlight (n) 聚光燈  (v) (1) 用聚光燈直接照亮 (2) 把焦點放在某人事物上

in the spotlight (ph) 備受矚目

At the beginning of the play, there was nothing on the stage except for one actor under a spotlight. 戲劇一開始,舞台上什麼都沒有,除了一位站在聚光燈下的演員。

Although the actress is very popular, she doesn’t enjoy being in the spotlight. 雖然這位女明星非常受歡迎,但是她很不喜歡備受矚目。

The scandal quickly came in the spotlight. 那件醜聞很快就成為眾所矚目的焦點。

The director wants to spotlight the door. 導演要聚光燈直接照亮大門。

There is no reason to spotlight local gossip. 沒必要把焦點放在當地的八卦上面。

3. standing ovation (n) 起立鼓掌

ovation (n) (1) 熱烈鼓掌 (2) 熱烈的歡迎

The hospital workers received quite the ovation for all their hard work. 人們為醫院人員的辛勞熱烈鼓掌。

The visitors were surprised to receive such a warm ovation from the villagers. 村民熱烈的歡迎,讓客人感到驚訝。

When the director won the Best Director of the Year Award, the audience gave him a standing ovation. 當那位導演贏得年度最佳導演獎時,觀眾起立為他熱烈鼓掌。

The people gave the brave firefighter a standing ovation. 民眾為那位英勇的消防隊員起立鼓掌。

4. overcome (v) (1) 克服、戰勝 (2) 被極度地影響到、承受不了

Because Jacob was determined to reach his goal, he overcame every obstacle along the way. 由於Jacob 下定決心要達到目標,他克服了過程中的每一個障礙。 

Paul was able to overcome the challenges because he had support from his friends and family. Paul 因為有親朋好友的支持,能夠克服所有的挑戰。

Allie was overcome with grief and could not go to work. Allie 因為悲痛到不行,而無法去上班。

Thomas didn’t say anything because he was overcome by fear. Thomas 一句話都沒說,因為他完全被嚇壞了。

109/9/17 Language Lab

1. number (n) (1) 數字、數目 (2) 幾個 (v) (1) 編號碼 (2) 數量共計有多少

I don’t have time to go see a movie; there are a number of things I must do today. 我沒有時間去看電影,我今天要辦幾件事情。

Beatrice went to the store and bought a number of things. Beatrice 到店裡買了幾樣東西。

The secretary spent about an hour numbering all the files. 秘書花了大約一個小時給所有的檔案編號。

The survivors of the Titanic numbered 706. 鐵達尼號的生還者共計有706位。

2. dazzle (v) (1) 讓人感到刺眼 (因為看到閃亮亮的東西或是發光的東西) (2) 讓人非常欣賞、讓人傾倒

dazzling (adj) (1) 很炫的 (2) 非常迷人的

We were dazzled by the light reflecting off the surface of the water. 從水面反射的光讓我們感到刺眼。

The beautiful movie star dazzled everyone when she stepped onto the red carpet. 美麗的影星一踏上紅毯時,就讓眾人為之傾倒。

The concert was very cool, but the dazzling lights gave me a headache. 演唱會是很酷,但是炫目的燈光看了讓我頭很痛。

We often see actors with dazzling smiles on toothpaste commercials. 我們常常在牙膏廣告裡看到有燦爛笑容的演員。

3. warrior (n) (1) 武士 (2) 勇士、在辛苦的狀況中奮發圖強的人

These swords were carried by warriors a long time ago. 這把劍在好久以前是由武士們配戴。

The chief sent out the warriors to go fight against their enemies. 酋長派出他們的武士們去攻打他們的敵人。

The coach called his players warriors because they had worked very hard to win the tournament. 教練稱每位球員為勇士,因為他們勇於爭奪比賽冠軍。

Gilbert is preparing for a triathlon; he is quite the warrior when he is in training. Gilbert 要準備參加鐵人三項,他在訓練體能時,像一位勇士一樣。

4. profound (adj) (1) 深遠的、廣大的 (2) 很深、極度的 (3) 深奧的

No one could have predicted the scientist’s invention would have such a profound effect on society. 沒有人預料到那位科學家的發明,會給社會帶來這麼深遠的影響。

Ivan lost his mother when he was very young, and he experienced profound sadness. Ivan 很小的時候就失去母親,他為此感受到極度的憂傷。 

It’s interesting to chat with Pinky; she always has very profound things to say. 跟 Pinky 聊天很有意思,他都會說一些很深奧的話。

109/9/18 Language Lab

1. recall (v) (1) 記得、回想起 (2) 讓人聯想到 (3) 召回 (4) 如果某產品出了問題,需要被廠商收回去

I know Patrick cancelled our meeting, but I don’t recall him rescheduling another one. 我知道Patrick 取消了我們的會議,但是我不記得他有重新安排另外一個會議。

The design of the new museum recalls the Palace of Versailles. 新的博物館的設計讓人聯想到法國的凡爾賽宮。

The soldiers were suddenly recalled to the base. 士兵們突然被召回基地。

A lot of cars have faulty airbags and had to be recalled. 很多車子因為安全氣囊有問題,而被廠商召回。

2. harm (n) 傷害、壞處  (v) 傷害

Steward was just trying to play a joke, but it caused a lot of harm to other people. Steward 只想開個玩笑,卻造成很多人的傷害。

The dog is guarding the sheep, keeping them from harm. 狗守護著羊群,並保護牠們不遭受傷害。

I know the kids want to play with the kitten, but they’re actually harming it. 我知道小朋友想跟小貓玩,但是他們其實在傷害小貓。

Animal rights activists want to make sure animals aren’t harmed when they’re used in movies. 動保人士要確認動物在拍戲過程中,不會被傷害到。

3. cram (v) (1) 塞滿  (2) 在考試前趕緊地死背

Julie was able to cram all her clothes into one carry-on bag. Julie 能夠把她所有的衣服都塞進一個隨身行李箱裡。

How is Maya going to cram everything into her small bedroom?  Maya 要如何把她所有的東西塞進她的小臥房呢? 

Greg never pays attention in class, but he’s very good at cramming before a test. Greg 上課都不專心,但是他在考試前努力死背就很行。

This test allows students to prove what they have learned and not what they have crammed. 這個考試能夠讓學生證明他們所學到的,而不是他們臨時死背的。

4. run into (ph v) (1) 無意間碰見某個人 (2) 碰到狀況 (3) 撞到

Carol was taking her kids to school when she ran into an old classmate from high school.  Carol 帶小孩去上學時,偶然碰到她高中同學。

Rene ran into her neighbor while she was shopping in the store. Rene 在店裡買東西時,恰巧碰到她的鄰舍。

Jeremy and his friends were having fun together, but then they ran into a problem. Jeremy 跟他的朋友在一起玩耍,結果他們碰到了一些問題。

While Max was skiing, he ran into a tree and really hurt himself. Max 滑雪時,撞到了一棵樹而受傷了。

109/9/19 Language Lab

1. skip (v) (1) 輕快地跳(單腳起步) (2) 跳過去 (3) 省略掉、故意不做

You can tell the child is in a good mood because she is skipping around. 你可以看出這個小朋友心情很好,因為他一直在跳來跳去。

The speaker was running out of time, so he decided to skip the middle section of his talk. 演講人因為時間不夠,只好跳過他演講裡的中間部分。

Trent was running late for work and had to skip breakfast. Trent 因為工作快遲到,只好不吃早餐。

We decided to skip the movie and just go to the restaurant for dinner. 我們決定不去看電影了,就直接去餐廳吃飯就好。

2. awake (adj) 醒著的  (v) 意識到、領悟到 

Were you awake during the earthquake? 地震的時候,你是醒著的嗎? 

The mother was trying to be very quiet, but her baby was already awake. 那位媽媽盡可能保持安靜,但是她寶寶已經醒了。

The spy’s report awoke the king to the possible threat of an invasion. 密探的報告讓國王意識到國家被入侵的可能性。

Brian was sore from playing basketball, and it awoke him to the truth that he was getting older. Brian 因為打籃球而全身痠痛,他領悟到他人漸漸老了。

3. retain (v) (1) 記住 (2) 保留、保住

When Aimee is very busy, it’s harder for her brain to retain information. Aimee 忙起來的時候,她的腦子很難記住東西。

Now that we have cellphones, my head cannot retain one single important phone number. 現在有了手機,我的頭腦連一個重要的電話號碼都記不住。

Although Timothy had a pretty rough day, he was still able to retain a cheerful attitude. 雖然有很多不順的事情發生,但是Timothy 還是能夠保持一個愉悅的態度。

Isaac’s family wants to sell their farmland, but Isaac is hoping to retain the farmhouse. Isaac 的家人想把農地賣了,但是他希望農舍可以保留下來。

4. memorize (v) 背起來、熟記

memorization (n) 記住、背起來的過程

Katherine memorized the multiplication table when she was in second grade.  Katherine 二年級的時候,把九九乘法表背起來。

Tony is trying to memorize every word in the dictionary. Tony 試著把字典裡的每一個字背下來。

There seems to be no other way to learn this difficult material but to commit it to memorization. 好像沒有別的辦法可以搞懂這個很難的資料,只能把它死背起來。

Some students have incredible memorization skills and have no trouble preparing for tests. 有些學生背誦的技巧就是那麼厲害,準備考試都難不倒他們。

109/9/21 Language Lab

1. primary (adj) (1) 主要的 (2) 起初的、一開始的 (3) 初級的、國小的 

Our primary reason for coming to this store is not to go shopping, but to meet our clients. 我們來這家店的主要原因不是來購物,而是來見客戶。

The police are investigating the crime and have identified a primary suspect. 警察正在辦案,並已鎖定主要嫌犯。

The development of the new drug is in the primary phase and will require more testing. 新藥物的發展還在初始階段,會需要更多的試驗。

Michael and Marianne’s little boy will start primary school next year. Michael 跟 Marianne的小兒子明年要讀小學。

2. secondary (adj) (1) 次要的 (2) 接下來的、緊接著的 (3) 中學的 

In the face of emergency, secondary concerns don’t seem to matter anymore. 面對緊急狀況的時候,此要的事情都會覺得不重要。

Lisa is busy and doesn’t have time for anything of secondary importance. Lisa 忙到沒時間處理任何次要的事情。

This sickness begins with a fever in the primary stage followed by skin rashes in the secondary stage.  這種病的第一階段是發燒,然後在第二階段皮膚會開始起疹子。

Lora’s older son is in secondary school, but her younger son hasn’t even started primary school. Lora的大兒子讀中學,但是她小兒子都還沒讀小學。

3. opportunity (n) (1) 機會 (2) 時機

Kevin is thankful for the opportunity to study abroad. Kevin 很感恩有機會出國留學。

There is a rare opportunity for you to work in that industry, so try to learn as much as you can. 你能夠在那個行業工作,是一個難得的機會,要好好學習。

Betty is waiting for the right opportunity to go talk to her boss about getting a raise. Betty 在等待適當的時機,去跟老闆討論加薪。 

Mr. Travis has decided that now is the perfect opportunity for him to invest in real estate. Travis 先生決定現在是他投資房地產的好時機。

4. balance (n) (1) 平衡 (2) 天平 (v) 讓東西平衡 

As Geraldine gets older, her sense of balance will become weaker if she doesn’t exercise.  Geraldine 如果不運動,她的平衡感會隨著年齡的增長漸漸變弱。

It’s fun to put things on the balance and see how much they weigh. 把東西放在天平上來秤重量很有趣。

Denise tried to balance a book on her head. Denise 試著把書本放在頭上保持平衡。

It’s important to balance your priorities in life. 讓生活中的優先事項有平衡是很重要的。

109/9/22 Language Lab

1. relaxation (n) (1) 休閒娛樂 (2) 放鬆

I don’t want to work all weekend; I need some time for relaxation. 我不想整個周末都忙著工作,我需要休閒娛樂的時間。

Mornings are reserved for meetings, while afternoons are for relaxation. 會議都在早上舉行,下午的時間要留給休閒娛樂。

If you’re feeling stressed, try doing some of these exercises for relaxation. 如果你感到緊張壓力大,可以試試這些運動來放鬆。

There is no reason for you to be checking your email; this is a time of rest and relaxation. 現在沒必要查看你的電子郵件,這個時候你應該休息和放鬆。

2. advantage (n) (1) 好處 (2) 優勢

One advantage to waiting until after Christmas to go on vacation is cheaper airfare. 等到聖誕節後再度假的一個好處是,機票比較便宜。

One advantage to leaving the house early in the morning is being able to avoid traffic. 早上提早出門的一個好處是可以避開交通壅擠。

Being able to speak five languages fluently gave Rick an advantage over other job applicants. 精通五種語言讓Rick在求職者中占優勢。

Cooper was the tallest boy in his class, and his height was an advantage whenever he played basketball. Cooper 是班上最高的男孩,他的身高讓他打起籃球來有優勢。

3. employer (n) 雇主、雇用者

employ (v) 雇用

Rumor has it that the company has employed more people. 謠言聽說公司已經雇了更多人。

Mr. Walker was employed by the company for six months. Walker 先生被公司雇用了六個月。

Perry needs to speak to his employer about changing his work hours. Perry 需要跟他的雇主討論他工作時段的更改。

The workers are angry because their employer is not paying them enough money. 工人們很生氣,因為他們的雇主沒有付他們足夠的錢。

4. stretch (v) (1) 拉長 (2) 伸長、拉開  (3) 伸展 (4) 超越

I want you to stretch this rubber band but don’t let go. 我要你把橡皮筋拉長,但是不要鬆手放開。

The gardener stretched a hose across the yard to water the tree in the far corner. 園丁拉著橡皮管,從院子中間穿過,給遠方角落的樹澆水。

It’s good to stretch after you’ve exercised. 運動後再伸展一下,對身體很好。

The art teacher encouraged her students to let their imaginations stretch beyond the horizon. 美術老師鼓勵她的學生們要讓想像力超越他們所能看見的。

109/9/23 Language Lab

1. pollution (n) 汙染

pollute (v) 製造汙染 

The air pollution is really bothering my eyes. 空氣汙染讓我的眼睛不舒服。

The pollution along the coast has made it unsafe for people to go to the beach. 沿海的污染讓海灘成為不安全的地方。

The factory is polluting the river, but no one is reporting it. 工廠在汙染河水,但是沒有人去檢舉。

The park is polluted because many of the visitors leave their trash behind. 公園被汙染,因為很多人會亂丟垃圾。

2. pillar (n) (1)柱子 (2) 在某群體的重要職位、責任的人 

All that is left of that ancient temple is a row of pillars. 古老的神殿所留下的只剩下一排柱子。

The bride and groom stood by a pillar to have their photos taken. 新娘與新郎站在柱子旁邊拍照。

Everyone was sad to hear about Jerry’s passing because he had been a pillar to the community. 大家都為Jerry 過世的消息感到哀傷,因為他是社區裡的棟梁。

The king was the ruler of the kingdom, but the real pillar of the state was the prime minister. 那位國王是他們國家的統治者,但是真正重要的中堅分子是他們的宰相。

3. reside (v) (1) 居住 (2) 屬於 (針對特質或是權利方面的)

Although many Hollywood actors live in California, some reside in other states. 很多好萊塢影星住在加州,但是有一些演員卻是住在別的州。

Although Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox have a house in Chicago, they do not reside there. Wilcox 夫婦雖然在芝加哥有房子,但是他們不住在那裡。

That teacher is always encouraging girls and teaching them that beauty resides within everyone. 那位老師時常鼓勵女孩子們,並教導他們美麗存在大家的內心裡。

Although James is the pastor of this church, the power to make decisions resides in the Board of Elders. 雖然James 是這個教會的牧師,但是能夠為教會做決定的權利是屬於長老委員會。

4. sightseeing (n) (觀看景象→) 遊覽、觀光 (sight 景象 + seeing 觀看)

The visitors are too tired to go sightseeing right now. 遊客們現在累到無法去遊覽。

The tourists think shopping is more interesting than sightseeing. 那些觀光客覺得購物比遊覽還有趣。

We are not here for sightseeing; we are here for a business meeting. 我們不是來觀光的,我們是來參加商務會議。

109/9/24 Language Lab

1. mixed bag (n) (1) 一個有好也有壞的事情或狀況  (2) 一堆各種各樣的

We saw a mixed bag of goods at the flea market. 我們在跳蚤市場看到好的跟不好的貨色。

The movies on the plane were a mixed bag. 在飛機上可以看的電影有好的跟不好的。

The first day of summer camp was a mixed bag of indoor activities. 夏令營的第一天充滿著各種各樣的室內活動。

When you go to a potluck, you’re bound to see a mixed bag of food items on the table. 如果參加自帶食物的聚餐,一定會在桌上看到什麼都有的菜色。

2. standard of living (n) 生活標準、生活水平 (=living standard)

The politician promised the people a better standard of living, and it gave the people hope. 那名政治人物承諾給人民帶來更好的生活水平,這讓人民有了盼望。

The standard of living in that country is very high, but it is very expensive to live there. 那個國家的生活水準非常高,但是要住在那裡會需要很多錢。

The living standards in many of the refugee camps are not very good. 在許多難民營裡的生活水準不是很好的。

3. regulation (n) 規則、條例

Trent is new to the company and knows nothing about the company’s regulations. Trent 才剛加入公司,所以不了解公司的規則。

The restaurant owner got into serious trouble because he did many things against regulations. 那位餐廳老闆麻煩可大了,因為他違反許多規則。

Vince didn’t want to join that country club because there were too many regulations to follow. Vince 不想加入那個鄉村俱樂部,因為會員要遵守的規則太多了。

4. defeat (v) (1) 讓事情無法成功 (2) 打敗 (3) 因為失敗而感到氣餒沮喪 (n) 戰敗、擊敗

Having a carton of ice cream in my fridge will defeat my efforts in cutting calories every day. 在冰箱裡放一桶冰淇淋會讓我減少每日卡路里攝取量的努力無法成功。

In 1980, the US hockey team defeated the Russian team in the Winter Olympics. 美國曲棍球隊在1980年冬季奧運比賽中擊敗蘇聯隊。

Stanley wasn’t able to sell one single product, and he felt utterly defeated. Stanley 無法賣掉任何產品而感到很氣餒。

Because a mighty general led the army, they had never experienced defeat in any battle. 因為那支軍隊是由一位偉大的將軍所率領,他們在戰爭中從未被擊敗。

109/9/25 Language Lab

1. dwarf (n) (1) 童話故事裡的小矮人 (2) 一位因為發育的關係,而身形矮小的人 (v) (1) 讓東西看起來矮小 (2) 讓東西無法長大

The dwarves hid their treasure in a deep cave. 小矮人們把他們的寶藏藏在一個很深的洞穴裡。

There are many dwarves in Hollywood. 好萊塢裡有不少侏儒演員。

The large lamp on the table dwarfed everything else around it. 桌上那盞大燈讓旁邊所有的東西,看起來都很小。

I’m afraid the cold temperature will dwarf all our fruits and vegetables in the backyard. 我擔心低溫會讓院子裡蔬果無法長大。

2. more to something than meets the eye (idiom) 某人或是東西比原先的印象還要深奧有趣,或甚至複雜 (勸人家不要小看一個人或是事情)

The new technician might look young, but there is more to him than meets the eye. 新的技術人員也許看起來很年輕,但是不要小看他,因為他可是有兩把刷子。

Discovering a secret room in the house made Edward realize there was more to the place than meets the eye. 當Edward 找到屋內的密室後,才發覺原以為簡陋的房子,可是暗藏著玄機。

Lynette had thought the doll was just an old toy, but there was more to it than meets the eye. Lynette 以為那個洋娃娃只是一個舊玩具,但是這個洋娃娃一點都不單純。

3. pathetic (adj) (1) 很可憐的 (2) 指責一個人或一件事情很糟糕或是很差勁

The old woman who was selling flowers looked so pathetic that many people stopped to buy some from her. 賣花的老婦人看起來很可憐,所以很多人跟她買花。

Because Trina walked home in the rain without an umbrella, she looked so pathetic when she got home. 因為Trina 下雨天走路回家沒撐傘,因此到家後整個人看起來狼狽又可憐。

The situation was so pathetic and everyone who was involved became very frustrated. 情況真的很糟糕,所有相關人員都相當的挫折。

4. invisible (adj) (1) 隱形的 (2) 隱藏著讓人看不到 (3) 很難注意到

In the movie, there is a magic cape that can make a person turn invisible if he or she wears it. 在電影裡,有一件魔法斗篷可以讓人一穿上就變隱形。

The spots on the fawn can make it invisible when it is in the woods. 小鹿身上的斑點會讓牠在森林裡很難被辨認出來。

Madeline only cares about herself. The other people in the room are invisible to her. Madeline 只顧著自己,房間裡其他的人她都不會去注意。

109/9/26 Language Lab

1. elude (v) (1) 避開、躲掉 (2) 一個目標無法達到、無法實現

Robert is afraid of seeing his supervisor and kept eluding her. Robert 很怕見到主管,所以一直在躲他。

Tommy is trying to elude the kids in his neighborhood because he doesn’t want to play with them. Tommy 一直在避開鄰居的小朋友,因為他不想跟他們玩。

The chance to win first place in the school competition continues to elude Victor. Victor 一直沒有機會贏得學校比賽第一名。

Grace was known to be a good worker, but promotions eluded her. Grace 被認同是一位勤勞的員工,但是他就是無法得到升遷。

2. sneak (v) (1) 偷偷地走  (2) 偷偷帶東西

Adam had to sneak into the house because he didn’t want his mother to hear him. Adam 偷偷地走進屋內,因為他不想讓他媽媽聽到。 

One of the workers saw a stranger sneaking into the manager’s office. 有一位員工看到一位陌生人偷偷進入經理的辦公室。

The reporter wanted to see what was in the factory and had to sneak in a hidden camera. 記者想了解工廠裡有什麼東西,因此偷偷夾帶一個隱藏式攝影機進去。

No food is allowed in the library, and the librarian is good at catching people sneaking in food. 圖書館裡禁止吃東西,管理員很會抓偷偷攜帶食物進去的人。

3. share (v) (1) 分享 (2) 分擔 (3) 講出來、吐露  (n) 部分 

The boy didn’t want to share his toys with the other children. 小男孩不想跟其他小朋友分享他的玩具。

There is so much work to be done here; maybe we can share the load? 這裡有太多事情要完成,也許我們可以分擔工作。

Adrian wants to share a secret with all of us. Adrian 想跟我們大家分享一個秘密。

The explorer and his two partners agreed to divide the treasure into three equal shares. 探險家跟他的兩位夥伴,同意把寶藏平均地分成三份。

4. victorious (adj) 勝利的、成功的

victory (n) 勝利

The soldiers are celebrating their victory. 軍人們在慶祝他們得勝。

The victorious team returned to their hometown and was welcomed by the people. 得勝的球隊回到家鄉,並受到大家的熱烈歡迎。

Everyone was surprised that Mike’s team came out victorious because his team wasn’t very strong. Mike 的球隊不是很厲害,但是他們卻獲得冠軍,讓大家跌破眼鏡。

The victorious gladiator was given his freedom. 羅馬競技場的格鬥者,因為戰勝而獲得自由。

109/9/28 Language Lab

1. risk (n) 風險、危險  (v) 冒風險

The villagers faced the risk of being attacked by a wild animal whenever they walked through the jungle. 每當村民走進叢林裡,就得面對被野獸攻擊的危險。

Alan knew there was a risk with the decision to change jobs. Alan 知道要換工作會帶來風險。

Why would anyone invest in this business and risk losing everything? 為了投資這筆生意,而可能犧牲所有,誰會冒這種險。

The fireman was willing to risk his life and save the people in the burning building. 消防人員為了冒著生命危險去救那些困在火場裡的人。

2. engineer (n) 工程師  (v) (1) 根據科學原理所設計 (2) 偷偷地、精心策畫地

Darren has a nice job working as a chemical engineer. Darren 有一份好工作,他是一位化學工程師。

Billy has always loved bridges and wants to be a civil engineer when he grows up. Billy 對橋樑一直很有興趣,他長大後想成為一位土木工程師。

In the movie, several genetically engineered mice managed to escape from the laboratory. 在電影裡,有幾隻被基因改造的小老鼠從實驗室裡逃出來。

The old lady engineered a clever way for her grandson to meet the girl next door. 老婦人精心策畫出一個辦法,讓她孫子能夠與隔壁女孩碰面。

3. category (n) 類別、種類

categorize (v) 分類

Although squirrels and rats are different animals, in Monica’s mind, they’re both in the category of “pests”. 松鼠跟老鼠雖然是兩種不同的動物,但對Monica來說,牠們都屬於極為厭惡的東西的類別。

John divided his book collection into four categories, and each category has its own bookshelf. John 把他收藏的書分成四種類別,每個類別有它專屬的書架。

The office assistant is categorizing the items in the storage room. 辦公室助理在儲藏室裡,把所有的東西分類好。

Some people would categorize that movie as a historical drama, but others would say it is a romantic comedy. 有些人會把那部影片歸類成歷史劇,但也有一些人會說那是一部愛情喜劇。

4. designer (n) 設計師  (adj) 名設計師所設計的 

Mr. and Mrs. Martin hired a designer to help them decorate their new mansion. Martin 夫婦雇了一名設計師,來幫他們裝潢他們的新豪宅。

The famous designer was asked to design the costumes for the actress. 那一位有名的設計師被請來幫影星設計戲服。

Why are you wearing designer jeans to go hiking in the mountains? 你為什麼登山穿設計師品牌的牛仔褲呢? 

It looks like Serena is carrying a designer handbag, but it’s actually a fake. Serena 好像手提著知名設計師品牌的皮包,但它其實是膺品。

109/9/29 Language Lab

1. entertainment (n) (1) 娛樂  (2) 娛樂節目、娛樂表演 (3) 娛樂界

Jessica made a dance video purely for her own entertainment. Jessica 為了好玩,而拍了一部舞蹈短片。

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a special guest who will perform a song for tonight’s entertainment. 各位女士先生,我們今晚的娛樂節目裡會有一個貴賓表演一首曲子。

Jacqueline’s parents want her to be a lawyer, but she wants to go into entertainment. Jacqueline的父母要她成為一位律師,但是她想要加入娛樂界。

2. webpage (n) 網頁 (=web page)

web (n) 網、蜘蛛網

page (n) 頁

The spider is forming a web. 蜘蛛在結網。

Please turn to the next page. 請翻到下一頁。

That company is planning to design a new webpage. 那一家公司打算要設計出一個新的網頁。

This webpage is terrible: it is full of ads. 這個網頁很糟糕,它的廣告太多了。

If you need more information, you can check the webpage. 如果需要更多資訊,請到網頁查看。

3. numerous (adj) 很多的、數量很大的 

On a sunny weekend, it was normal to see numerous people at the beach. 晴朗的周末在海灘上看到許多人是很正常的事。

There are a lot of pigeons in the park, and they are too numerous to count. 公園裡有很多鴿子,牠們的數量多到數不清。

The police have received numerous reports of a strange animal wandering in the streets at night. 警察收到很多通報,關於一隻奇怪的動物晚上在街上遊蕩。

4. nominate (v) (1) 為了選舉而提名  (2) 獎項榮譽方面的提名 (3) 認命

People are waiting to see who the party is going to nominate for the upcoming election. 大家在等著看那個政黨會提名哪一位候選人來選下一次的選舉。

The actor was nominated many times for his performance. 那位演員因為他的表現,而被提名好多次。

The king nominated the queen’s nephew to be the new ambassador. 王后的姪子被國王任命為新的大使。

The boss is thinking about nominating Patrick to be the head of the finance department. 老闆在考慮提名Patrick 為財務部門主管。

109/9/30 Language Lab

1. demanding (adj) (1) 很花時間跟力氣 (2) 一個人很苛刻

Roger didn’t want the promotion because he knew the job would be very demanding. Roger 不願意升遷,因為他知道那份工作會很費時。

Volunteering at the animal sanctuary was very demanding, but Jeff enjoyed it very much. 在動物保護區當志工很累又很花時間,但是Jeff很喜歡。

Although Mrs. Steward is a very demanding customer, she does tip very well. Steward 太太雖然是一位苛刻的顧客,但是她會給不少小費。

2. sacrifice (v) (1) 犧牲 (2) 獻上祭品  (n) (1) 犧牲 (2) 祭品

The director thanked his wife for sacrificing so much to support his career. 這位導演感謝他的妻子為了支持他的事業犧牲不少。

In the story, a king was told he had to sacrifice the princess to a sea monster. 在故事裡,一位國王被告知要把公主獻給海怪為祭品。

Many immigrant parents made a lot of sacrifices in order to give their kids a better life. 很多移民的家長為了要孩子們過更好的生活,而犧牲很多。

The temple was a place where the villagers would go to offer their sacrifices. 村民會到寺廟去獻上他們的祭品。

3. series (n) (1) 一系列 (2) 一連串 (3) 系列節目 (電視、網路、廣播) (4) 書籍方面的一系列

The famous professor is planning to give a series of lectures this fall. 那位知名的教授今年秋天打算舉行一系列的講座。

Clarice was planning to move overseas, but then a series of personal tragedies changed all her plans. Clarice 原本要移居海外,但是一連串不幸的事件改變他所有的計畫。

My grandmother really enjoyed that TV series, so I’m going to buy her the DVDs. 我祖母很喜歡看那一系列的電視節目,所以我要幫他買下那系列節目的DVD。

I see you have the writer’s entire series on your bookshelf. 我在擬書架上看到那位作者完整的圖書系列。

4. entrepreneur (n) 創意者、企業家

entrepreneurial (adj) 跟企業家有關的、跟創業有關的 

After working for a company for twenty years, Annette decided to become an entrepreneur. 在公司裡上班二十年後,Annette 決心要成為一名創業家。

Being an entrepreneur involves facing a lot of risks. 要當企業家就得面對很多風險。

That foundation supports single mothers who are seeking entrepreneurial opportunities. 那個基金會支持尋求創業機會的單親媽媽們。

Tessa’s family is tired of hearing her talk about her entrepreneurial activities. Tessa的家人對她整天大談她的創業活動感到厭倦。

