2020年9月29日 星期二


Text to speech 網站 (把文章變成音檔的網站) (推薦美國腔George) 

南投縣109年英語文競賽朗讀篇目 ◎國小組

1.     Earthquake

    Mary is an elementary school student. Her hometown had never had an earthquake before and she had only prepared for it at school. Today she arrived home from school as usual. When she was eating chips, she heard the sound of breaking glass and the crashing of many items. Mary quickly went under the large table in the dining room. She hugged herself in fear.

After the earthquake seemed to be over, Mary could hear the sound of water rushing in the bathroom. The smell of gas was also in the air. Slowly she came out from under the table and she made her way into the restroom. While still on the steps, she felt the water rising and rising. Placing her feet firmly on the floor, Mary walked around fallen items to avoid hurting herself. She found the water valve where her Dad had shown her and turned it off.  Mary ran quickly out of the house and called her parents that she was safe.

What a brave young lady she is!

2.     Culture

Culture is when a group of people has learned to interact, both among themselves and with the places they live in. It is the way of life, especially the habits and beliefs of a group of people. Houses, food, clothing, and art can be special.  Yet, each of these things changes over time.

The way people raise their children is a very important culture.  As parents raise their children with ways of seeing the world, even in the simple act of sharing meals, people are shaped.  It is within the family that children go through culture for the first time.

Another part of culture is the words people speak and the many ways we show our ideas.  They come in the form of music, books, and movies.  Whether reading a book, visiting a museum, watching television, or going on a vacation, we are taking part in our culture.

    But culture is no longer fixed. What do you think?

3.     The Proud Rose

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful rose plant in a garden. One rose flower on the plant was proud of its beauty. However, she was disappointed that she was growing next to an ugly cactus. Every day, the rose would insult the cactus about its looks, but the cactus stayed quiet. All the other plants in the garden tried to stop the rose from bullying the cactus, but the rose was too happy by her own beauty to listen to anyone.

One summer, a well in the garden dried up and there was no water for the plants. The rose slowly began to be weak. The rose saw a sparrow dip its beak into the cactus for some water. The rose then felt ashamed for having made fun of the cactus all this time. But because she was in need of water, she went to ask the cactus if she could have some water. The kind cactus agreed, and they became friends during the summer.

We should never judge someone by the way they look.

南投縣109年英語文競賽朗讀篇目 ◎國中組 

1.     Computer Games

Computer and video games have become one of the most popular leisure activities for youngsters. According to a study, most teenagers in the U.S. spend an average of 20 hours per week on computer and video games. While some experts say computer games can improve problem solving skills and enhance hand eye coordination, others express major concern over too much game play.

Teenagers who spend too much time playing computer and video games usually end up with back and neck pains caused by repeatedly physical movement. Their eyes become very tired, sore, and dry because they stare at the screen for too long. Doctors also say there is a link between overweight and playing computer games for teenage players because they don’t go out and eat unhealthy snacks when they play.

Doctors strongly suggest that teenagers look at distant objects to relax their eyes during breaks. They should also have other hobbies such as swimming, jogging and other physical activities.

Cut back on too much screen time. You bet!

2.     The Best Job in the World

What kind of job would fit your idea of "the best job in the world"? Queensland lately held a talent hunt to find somebody to take care of an island.

They are looking for a caretaker to live on an island of the Great Barrier Reef, whose major job is to be their spokesperson on the island. The salary for the six months is AU$150,000, around NT$3.38 million. The caretaker needs to do some chores, such as cleaning the pool, feeding over 1,500 species of fish, and sending out the mails by plane. He or she needs to keep updating an online journal with photos to share a caretaker's life with the world. The position is open to anyone who is over 18, a good swimmer and communicator.

Everyone should make a one-minute video telling why he or she is the best choice for the job. Queensland will select 11 persons, including one from an internet voting. They will then be invited to the island for the final interview; only one of them will win the position to do “the best job in the world.”

Are you still working hard or hardly working?

3.     Curry Powder

Do you know what’s inside the yellow curry powder they sell in the supermarket? The term “curry”, simply means “sauce” in India. Indian foods made with sauces are thus all called “curries”. It is not easy to find all the fresh spices in other parts of the world. Therefore, curry powder becomes popular. Curry powder usually contains a mix of chilies, mustard, ginger, garlic, salt, and any number of other spices. The curry powder blends were found to be in use almost 4000 years ago.

Curry powder is a good source for vitamins. The spices and herbs in curry powder are known from early times for improving general health. For example, chilies can help you lose weight. Mustards can help you sleep better at night. Ginger is often called a woman’s best friend as it calms morning sickness. Garlic can fight sickness, including the common cold and flu. Curry powder gives a colorful and special smell to our everyday diet. All in all, having some of curry powder onto your food everyday will help improve your health.

  Would you like to try a delicious curry dish?

南投縣109年英語文競賽朗讀篇目 ◎高中組

1.     The Best Worker

A four-legged robot about the size of a golden retriever, inspects construction sites, patrols power plants, and does many chores people can't manage when COVID-19 struck.

Robots have delivered food to quarantined patients in Australia, and danced around at a Japanese baseball game as a mechanical substitute for human fans. In Spain, the bartender uses the robot’s screen to select the table. In Singapore, after a social-distance enforcement officer was stabbed by an unmasked man, a robot was tested for the role of safe ambassador. There, a human worker, at a safe distance, used the robot to observe people and to keep them healthy.

Meanwhile in Boston’s Hospital, a robot equipped with an iPad greeted arrivals, enabling staff to screen prospective patients remotely. Other robots with sensors allowed doctors and nurses to take temperatures, measure respiration, and even monitor blood oxygen levels without being in the same room as a patient.

To sum up, all these experiments were designed to take people out of dangerous jobs. COVID-19 nowadays is driving robots into aspects of daily life where they've seldom or never been seen before.


2.     Facebook

  Facebook is the third-most visited website outranked only by Google and YouTube. Over 1.79 billion people log onto Facebook daily and are considered daily active users for 2020. There are 52,534 employees Facebook currently hires. Its social media channels provide well-informed and digitally-driven communication with their audience.

  Compared to 1.66 billion daily active users for 2019, this is a 12 percent increase in year-over-year. The source also implied that a huge and vastly growing number of Facebook users are active in their visits to the site, making them a promising audience. As to the number of employees, as of June, 2020, it’s an increase of 32% year-over-year.

  Founded in 2004, Facebook successfully provides people with the power to build community and brings the world closer together. Nowadays, many people use Facebook to stay connected with friends and family, to discover what’s going on in the world, and to share and express what matters to them. What’s more, it is estimated that 2.47 billion people use Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, or Messenger each day on average and more than 3.14 billion people use at least one of the Facebook family of services every month on average.

  Are you a social media addict?

3.     Taiwan, Formosa

  Taiwan's total land area is about 36,000 square kilometers (14,400 square miles). It is shaped like a leaf that is narrow at both ends. Taiwan lies on the western edge of the Pacific "rim of fire," and continuous tectonic movements have created majestic peaks, rolling hills and plains, basins, coastlines, and other natural landscapes. There are about 18,400 species of wildlife on the island, with more than 20% being rare or endangered species. Among these are the land-locked salmon, Formosan rock monkey, Formosan black bear, blue magpie, and Xueshan grass lizard.

  Our government has established 8 national parks and 13 national scenic areas to preserve Taiwan's best natural ecological environment and cultural sites. There are various ways to discover the beauty of Taiwan. For example, walking on the cliffs of Taroko Gorge; taking a ride on the Alishan Forest Railway and experiencing the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds; hiking up to the summit of Northeast Asia's highest peak, Yu Mountain. You can also soak up the sun in Kending; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; wander through the East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu.

  Please come to enjoy Taiwan, a window of ever changing views!



1. An English story / fairy tale you enjoy

2. An ideal holiday

3. If I were a teacher


1. Describe a movie / drama you enjoy and the things you learned from it.

2. If you have to choose between two universities, how would you make a decision?

3. What would you most likely write in “a letter to the future me?” Why?

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