2018年11月21日 星期三


一、 選擇題(第 1至41 題,每題2 分,共82 分)
Ⅰ. 字彙題:第1至7題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第8 至 11 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。
1. Let’s make a ________; you cook dinner and I do the dishes 洗碗.
(A) call (B) deal (C) guess (D) scene 場景 景象
make a call 打電話 
make a deal 做交易 (It’s a deal! 一言為定)
make a guess 猜測
make a scene (在眾人面前) 大吵大鬧

2. Since 因為 既然 you are well prepared 準備好, you have no ________to worry about 擔心the test.
(A) luck 幸運 → lucky  (B) nature  天然 自然 --> natural (adj)

(C) reason 理由 (D) taste (n) 味道 味覺
3. After the winner received 得到 the medal 獎牌, her coach 教練 and her family members ________loudly for her. (為...歡呼)
(A) applied 申請
apply to +地方 (ex): apply to three universities 申請三所大學
apply for + 事物 (ex): apply for a job 申請工作
applicant (n) 申請人
application (n) 申請 application form 申請表
(B) cheered 歡呼  Cheer up! 振作一點!

(C) feared 恐懼 Fear the Walking Dead
(D) regretted 後悔  No regret. 永不後悔
4. In order to 為了 gain 獲得 Linda’s trust 信任, Russell raised 舉起 his hand to ________ that he didn’t tell anyone her secret 秘密.
(A) realize (v) 瞭解 (=understand)
(B) remain (v) 保持;維持 (=maintain) 
Love remains the same.
(C) swear (1)發誓 (2) 罵髒話 swear-swore-sworn
(D) switch (v) → switch on 打開(電器) = turn on
switch off 關掉(電器) = turn off
5. Helen and her sister really ________the party when they started fighting 打架. It upset 使心煩 all the party guests. 
party pooper 掃興的人 (= a wet blanket=killjoy)
(A) cheated (v) 作弊 → cheat on the test
cheat on +人 對...不忠 
twotime (v) 偷吃 → twotimer (n) 偷吃的人
(B) clapped your hand 拍手
(C) spoiled (v)  毀掉 ;(食物)變質;(人)寵壞 a spoiled child
spoiler (n) 爆雷(電影 小說)
spoiler alert (以下要爆雷 請小心)
(D) supported (v)支持
6. I’m sorry I didn’t reply 回覆 yesterday, for 因為 I was ________ busy and could not find any time at all to return 回 your phone call.
(A) casually 
casual (adj) 隨興的 隨意的 → casual clothes 便服
(B) extremely 
extreme (adj) 極端的 極度的 → extreme weather pattern 極端天氣模式
(C) loosely 
loose (adj) 鬆的
(cf.) lose (v) 失去 → lose -lost-lost 
loss (n) 失去 → I am sorry for you loss. 我很遺憾你失去的(過世的親人)
(D) scarcely (adv) 幾乎不 (=hardly=barely)
scarce (adj) 稀有的 稀少的

7. Many people (living in the downtown 市中心) are often bothered 煩 by the ________ noise 噪音 of heavy traffic 交通 all day long. 
(補充) uptown 市郊的 → uptown girl
(A) ambitious (adj) 有抱負的 (=aspiring) 
an ambitious writer 
(B) constant (adj) 持續的
(cf.) continual (adj) 持續的 (有中斷)
continuous (adj) 持續的 (沒中斷)
(C) elegant (adj) 優雅的 (=graceful)
(D) glorious (adj) 輝煌的 --> glory (n)
8. In Taiwan, Jay Chou ( 周杰倫 ) is such 如此... a well-known singer that 以至於... almost every teenager青少年 has heard about him.
(A) creative (adj) 有創意的 
create (v) 創造
creation (n) 創造的東西
creativity (n) 創意
(B) famous (adj) 有名的 (=renowned=noted)
(C) high (adj) 高的
(D) wild (adj) 野生的 → wild animals 野生動物
wild life 野生生物
9. After his mother ordered要求 him to turn off 關上 the TV, Tom reluctantly 不情願地 went to bed because his favorite movie was not over yet.
(A) indirectly (adv) 間接地 → direct (adj) 直接的
(B) informally (adv) 不正式地 → formal (adj) 正式的
(cf) casual (adj) 隨興的;隨意的 (=informal)
(C) untruthfully (adv) 不誠實地 → truth (n) 真實
(D) unwillingly (adv) 不情願地 → willing (adj) 有意願的
be willing to +VR 願意...
10. Some people don’t believe in 相信... the existence存在 of ghosts because they don’t believe what they cannot see.
(A) absence (n) 缺席 → absent (adj) 缺席的
(cf) AWOL: Absent Without Official Leave 曠職離守
(B) conflict (n) 衝突
(C) presence (n) 存在 → present (adj) 出席的
(D) standard (n) 標準 → standard of living 生活水準
11. Leonardo da Vinci ( 達文西 ) is definitely an important figure人物 in the history歷史 of art 藝術.
(A) absolutely (adv) 一定;必定 (=certainly)
(B) relatively (adv) 相對地 --> relative (adj) 相對的 (n) 親戚
(C) suspiciously (adv) 懷疑地;可疑地
(D) temporarily (adv) 暫時地 (反): permanent (adj) 永久的
Ⅱ. 對話題:第12至21題,請依對話內容選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。
12. Ann: I like Helen Smith’s latest最新的 novel. She really knows how to tell a good story!
Joy: Really? _________________________
Ann: Sure, but I haven’t finished讀完 it yet 還沒.
Joy: All right. I’ll wait until you finish it.
(A) Is it based on 根據 a true story?
(B) Is she going to tell us a story?
(C) Do you know I saw her yesterday? 
(D) Can you lend 借 it to me to take a look?

13. Karen: Are you going to Linda’s wedding婚禮?
Nick: No! I’m very mad at her.
Karen: _________________________
Nick: She said there were no invitations邀請函 left, so she sent a photo of the invitation to my phone.
Karen: An electronic 電子的 wedding invitation ?! How nice!
(A) Did she tell you why?
(B) Is there anything wrong?
(C) Yeah, she always gets angry.
(D) Oh my, but she was single 單身.
14. Amy: Gosh, you’re opening up every box!
Bob: Be patient (adj) 有耐心的 (n) 病人! I need to check every strawberry inside the box.
Amy: So you’re touching every single strawberry?!
Bob: _________________________
Amy: You cannot do that when you buy fruit at a supermarket超市.
(A) No, thank you.
(B) Of course. Why not?
(C) Good idea. Where is it?
(D) Yes, they only take checks 支票.
15. Manager 經理: Mr. Pan. Can you tell me where you were working before?
Mike: Well, I worked at the Golden Café for two years, and then at Pizza House for about one year.
Manager: _________________________
Mike: I left my first job because I moved 搬家, and I left my second job because I wanted to work in the daytime 白天 but they only had jobs at night.
(A) Why did you quit your jobs?
(B) Why did you want to work there?
(C) What questions do you have for us?
(D) What do you think about the new job?
16. Pharmacist 藥劑師: May I help you?
Eva: Yes, I don’t feel well. Do you have anything for a sore throat喉嚨痛?
Pharmacist: ________________________
Eva: It just started yesterday.
Pharmacist: Well, I’d recommend 推薦this one. It’ll relieve 舒緩 the pain.
Eva: Thank you.
Pharmacist: But if it gets any worse, you should see a doctor.
(A) What is your address 地址?
(B) How long have you had it?
(C) Which day can you make it 到達;成功
Trust me, you can make it.
(D) When did you make an appointment 預約(診所;律師...)?
17. Sam: Do you think I should tell my parents about this accident 意外?
Mike: Of course. You’d better(=had better) 最好 tell them as soon as you can 盡快, or 否則 things will get worse.
Sam: But I’m afraid害怕 they won’t understand 瞭解.
Mike: Don’t worry! It wasn’t your fault 錯 anyway.
Sam: I know. ________________________That’s what I am worried about.
(A) It’s just between you and me.
(B) How did you know about the accident?
(C) But they don’t take bad news very well.
(D) Why don’t you just ignore忽略 this conversation 會話 對話?

18. Salesperson 銷售員: I strongly recommend推薦 sports cars 跑車 because they’re right for you.
Justine: Hmm, they’re really nice.
Salesperson: Look at this red one. It’s pretty cool.
Justine: Yes, it is. ________________________
ppl Salesperson: Then what about a family car? It’s bigger and not that expensive 貴.
Justine: Oh, I don’t know. Let me think it over.
(A) And I think red is the color of the year.
(B) But it’s small and I really can’t afford 負擔得起 it.
(C) And I’ve been dreaming of 夢想... having a red car.
(D) But you shouldn’t make your decision 做決定 now.
19. Mary: Do you want to go to the modern 現代的art exhibition 展覽 in the museum?
Lily: Very much. But, it’s crowded 擁擠的 on weekends.
Mary: Really?
Lily: Yes, I went there last Saturday; it was packed 擠的. I could hardly 幾乎不 see my favorite paintings close up.
Mary: What a pity 好可惜! _______________________
Lily: Good idea. Which day would be the best?
(A) I prefer oil 油 paintings to sculpture 雕刻. 
prefer A to B 喜歡A勝過B
(B) You are too busy to visit the museum. 
too...to... 太...以至於不....
It’s never too old to learn something new.
(C) Let’s go there sometime (過去或未來的) 某個時候 during the week. 
(cf) sometimes (adv)有時候
(D) You shouldn’t have packed your paintings.
20. Mother: Our daughter 女兒 Lucy is pregnant. 懷孕
Father: That’s wonderful! She and Peter must be very happy.
Mother: Yes, they are. But having a baby will cost them a lot.
Father: That’s true. _______________________
Mother: Don’t worry. I’ll look after 照顧 the baby when Lucy goes to work.
Father: Oh, you’re the best grandma ever!
(A) Is the baby about to have solid 固體的 food?
(B) Will the baby look like Lucy or Peter?
(C) May I name the baby Belle if she’s a girl?
(D) Do they earn 賺 enough to hire 雇用 a babysitter 保母?
21. Husband: I’m exhausted 疲累的 = tired! _______________________
Wife: But it helps protect 保護 the environment 環境
Husband: I know. Are there easier ways of doing it? It takes too much time to classify 分類 things. Plastic bottles in this bag, regular 一般的garbage in that one…. It drives me crazy.
Wife: Why don’t you take a break? I’ll take care of it.
(A) We have only one earth.
(B) Clean air is what we need now.
(C) I think recycling 回收 is just a waste of time.浪費時間
(D) Environmental protection 環境保護(環保) is really important.

Ⅲ. 綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有10個空格,為第22至31題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
▲ 下篇短文共有5個空格,為第22 - 26題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
Online dating 約會 is very popular today. It enables 使...能夠... strangers陌生人 to introduce 介紹 themselves to new friends ____22____ the Internet, usually with the goal of developing發展 close relationship關係(男女). Users need to get access to 可以使用...擁有使用的權力 online dating services 服務. ____ 23____ some of these services are free, the others are not. Before users can use these online dating services, it is necessary 必須的 for them ____24 ____ “members 會員” and upload 上傳 their personal information.
[補充]: It is +adj + for + 人 +to VR
It is important for you to hand in the homwork on time. 
 Besides 此外, users ____25____ to add 增加 photos or videos to their profiles 檔案 for other members to decide 決定 whether 是否 they would like to make contact 接觸 聯絡 or not. Online dating services are ____26____ available 可獲得的 可取得的 可買的到的;(人) 有空的. The popularity of online dating services just shows how difficult it is for people to find partners in their everyday life.
22. (A) above      (B) at (C) over        (D) up 
surf on the Internet 上網
23. (A) Because 因為     (B) If 如果 (C) Unless  除非 (D) While (1) 當 (2) 儘管 雖然
24. (A) become     (B) becomes (C) to become   (D) will become
25. (A) encourage   (B) encouraged (C) are encouraged 被鼓勵 (D) have encouraged
26. (A) ease       (B) easy (C) easier        (D) easily 容易地
▲ 下篇短文共有5個空格,為第27 - 31題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
Good health is one thing in life that money can’t buy. You cannot buy it at any drugstore 藥店/局 or get it ____27____ by visiting the doctor when you are sick. ____28____ the 1990s, many health experts 專家 have been promoting an idea of wellness which suggests achieving the best possible health within the limits of your body. In terms of 就...而言 exercises, one person might prefer a lot of easier exercises to more ____29____ exercises. 
prefer A to B 喜歡A 勝過B 
Whereas 儘管 雖然 some people enjoy playing one game of golf per week, others 其他人 ____30____ play a competitive 激烈的 競爭的 game of basketball. The key關鍵 indeed is to understand the needs of your body. However 然而, nobody can avoid 避免 ____31____ 
avoid + Ving 
diseases 疾病. Poor diet 飲食 and stress 壓力 can damage 傷害 your health as well. Thus 因此, if you want to reduce 減少 the risk風險 of developing diseases, the best advice 建議 is to change your bad habits or the conditions 環境 情況 around you.
27. (A) back       (B) down         (C) out (D) up
28. (A) Before 在...之前    
 (B) For + 一段時間 ((跟完成式連用) 
I have been studying English for 10 years.          
 (C) On + 特定日期/時間
on my birthday 在我的生日
on Chrsitmas 在聖誕節...      
 (D) Since +時間點  自從...(跟完成式連用)
I have been studying English since elementary school. 
29. (A) intense 激烈的     (B) effortless  毫不費力的    
(C) identical  相同的 一模一樣的 → identical twin    
 (D) eager → be eager to + VR 渴望....

30. (A) had better + VR 最好
You had better study hard. 你最好認真念書。  
(B) used to + VR 以前曾經...現已無    
I used to love you. 我以前曾愛過你(現已不愛了)
(cf) 人 be used to + N/Ving 習慣....
I am used to the weather in Kaohsiung. 
I am used to getting up at 7. 
(C) ought to + VR = should 應該     
(D) would rather + VR 寧願...
31. (A) get         (B) gets (C) to get        (D) getting
Ⅳ. 閱讀測驗:以下有三篇短文,共有10 個題目,為第32 至41 題,請於閱讀短文後, 選出最適當的答案。

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第32- 33 題
The following is the weather forecast for the next five days in Hualien. Answer the questions based on the given information.

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第34- 37 題
    At the 50th Golden Horse Film Festival, Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above 《看見台灣》won the 2013 Best Documentary 紀錄片 Award 獎項. Before directing the documentary, Chi Po-lin ( 齊柏林 ) was a full-time 全職的 photographer 攝影師 working for the Ministry 部門 of Transportation交通 and Communications 溝通 運輸. He had been taking pictures 照相 from an aircraft 飛機 for twenty years.
    In 2009, in a mission 任務 to record 紀錄 the damage 破壞 (caused by Typhoon Morakot), Chi found that the landslides 土石流 brought about 造成 by this typhoon buried 埋 several mountain villages 村莊, and many areas地區 were covered in flood 淹水 waters. When Chi learned about the serious 嚴重的 harm傷害 of land abuse, he decided to quit his government job to make films.
    36 (A) (C)During the filming of Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above, Chi had difficulties 35 raising  籌募 funds 資金. To meet the total costs of some NT$90 million, he 36 (D)used up all his savings 存款36 (B) and even asked for a bank loan 貸款. After the successful 成功的 release 推出 of the documentary in around thirty countries, Chi planned to make a sequel 續集. On June 10, 2017, unfortunately, when Chi was shooting the sequel, his helicopter crashed 墜機 in the mountains. Many were saddened by the news of his death, but Chi will always be remembered for his contribution 貢獻 to promoting environmental awareness 環境意識.
34. According to 根據 the passage, which of the following best describes 描述 Chi at the time he recorded Typhoon Morakot?
(A) Chi had been a famous movie director for twenty years.
(B) Chi had been an award-winning typhoon photographer.
(C) Chi was an employee 員工 hired by the government at that time.
(D) Chi was sent to record the pace and movement of the typhoon.
35. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the word “raising” in paragraph 3?
(A) collecting 蒐集
(B) lifting 抬高
(C) moving 移動
(D) promoting 促進 促銷

36. Which of the following is NOT true when Chi was making Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above?
(A) Chi refused 拒絕 to accept接受 funds from others.
(B) Chi tried to borrow money from banks.
(C) Chi had a hard time finding enough money.
(D) Chi spent all his money producing the film.
37. What is this passage mainly about?
(A) Chi and his concern 擔心 about the environment.
(B) The success 成功 of Chi’s documentary 紀錄片 abroad 國外的/地.
(C) (What Chi went through) to save typhoon victims.
(D) The scenery風景 recorded by Chi in his documentary.

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第38- 41題
    In 2017, when she became 變成 a citizen 公民, a robot 機器人 named Sophia attracted 吸引 worldwide全世界 attention 注意 to her human人類-like像 look外表 and manners 禮貌. Sophia is one model of a new invention 發明 known as social 社交 robots 機器人, a smart machine 機器 created創造 to interact 互動 and work closely 密切地 with people in different不同的 areas領域.
    The service 服務 industry 產業 is among the first users of social robots.41(C) In 2020, friendly友善的 robots will assist 幫助(=help) human volunteers 志願者 in hotels 飯店 and at tourist attractions 觀光勝地 during the Tokyo Olympic Games. Social robots are also tested out 測試 in Japan to care for 照顧 the elderly 老人 in nursing homes護理之家. 41 (A) There, gentle 溫柔的 robot caregivers 照顧者 help to serve food and entertain 娛樂 lonely 孤單的 residents 民眾. Still another另外 type種 of social robots does all the housework家事. As 當 their prices 價格 fall 降低, these hardworking 認真的housekeepers 女管家 may become a common 常見的 home appliance 家電 . Researchers 研究者 even tried out robot teachers at elementary schools 國小 to engage 使參與 students in learning, or to patiently 耐心地 help children with communication 溝通 difficulties 困難 learn social社交的 skills 技巧
    However 然而, not everyone welcomes social robots with open arms. Some people are afraid 害怕 that human partners夥伴 may be disappointed 失望的 when robots 40(B)do not behave 表現 exactly like humans.  41(B)Others are not sure if children learning from robots will be able to handle surprises in real-world 現實世界的 communication 溝通. These and many other questions are being asked, 41(D) but researchers will not stop efforts 努力 to develop 發展 effective 有效的 social robots.
38. What is the best title標題 for this passage?
(A) Humans Learning from Robots
(B) Giving Robots Rights 權利 of Citizens 人民
(C) Making Robots at Low Costs
(D) Living Side by Side with Robots
39. What does the phrase “with open arms” in paragraph 3 mean?
(A) showing pleasure 開心 (B) having doubts 疑慮
(C) showing disagreement  不同意 (D) having protection 保護
40. According to the passage, which of the following is a problem with the use of robots機器人?
(A) They do not punish students who are slow.
(B) They are not able to show every human ability 能力.
(C) They do not give tourists the right information.
(D) They are not able to work when no one is home.
41. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) Robot caregivers 照顧者 try to make the elderly happy.
(B) Children learning from robots do not make mistakes.
(C) Only robots will welcome tourists in the 2020 Olympics.
(D) The debate 辯論 about robots prevents 防止 the development 發展 of robots.

二、非選擇題 ( 第Ⅰ到第Ⅲ題,每題6分,共18分)
Ⅰ.填充 說明:
▲ 請依據中文提示,將試題內空格 ①、② 答案之完整單字( 含提示之字首 ),分別作答於答案卷之作答欄 ①、② 之指定範圍內以完成句子。
▲ 請勿抄題,每格限填一字,超過一字者視為錯誤,不予計分。

1. 為了保持健美,我姊姊每週在健身房運動兩次。
To keep fit, my sister w ① out at the gym t ② a week. 
(1) work out 健身
(2) twice

Ⅱ.句子重組 說明:
▲ 請將題中 5 段提示字詞重組成一完整句子,並於句尾加上適當標點符號。
▲ 請將重組後的句子寫在答案卷之「非選擇題作答區」指定範圍內,答案中不能增減字詞或修改變化字詞,請勿抄題。
2. the government / controlling air pollution / Many people / didn’t do a good job in / complained that 
Many people complained that the government didn’t do a good job in controlling air pollution.

英文句型: S + V + O
that + S +V

▲ 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「非選擇題作答區」之指定範圍內,請勿抄題。
3. 我的同學/正在討論/如何節約能源。
My classmates are discussing how to save energy. 
My classmates are talking about how to save energy.

1 則留言: