2020年5月13日 星期三

初級文法--5. 可數和不可數名詞 (1) Countable and uncountable nouns (1)

初級文法--5. 可數和不可數名詞 (1) Countable and uncountable nouns (1)
Do you know how to use a, some, any, much and many

Look at these examples to see how to use countable and uncountable nouns in a sentence.

I'm making a cup of tea. 我在泡一杯茶。
There's some money on the table. 有一些錢在桌上。
Have we got any bread? 我們有拿到一些麵包嗎?
How many chairs do we need? 我們需要多少椅子?
How much milk have we got? 我們有多少牛奶? 

Try this exercise to test your grammar.
1. How ___________ people are coming?
2. We've got ___________ chicken but there isn't ___________  rice.
3. How ___________ water do you think we need?
4. There's ___________  cat in the garden.
5. I've bought ___________ new shoes.
6. Do you have ___________  advice for me?
7. We have a ___________ of chairs but we don't have ___________  tables.
8. There isn't ___________  toothpaste.

Read the explanation to learn more.

Grammar explanation 文法解釋
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be counted, e.g. an apple, two apples, three apples, etc. Uncountable nouns cannot be counted, e.g. air, rice, water, etc. When you learn a new noun, you should check if it is countable or uncountable and note how it is used in a sentence. 名詞可能是可數名詞或不可數名詞。可數名詞可以數,如:  an apple, two apples, three apples。不可數名詞不能數,如:  air 空氣, rice 米飯 , water 水。當你學習一個新的名詞單字,你要注意這是可數還是不可數,還有注意名詞如何在句子上使用。

Countable nouns 可數名詞
For positive sentences we can use a/an for singular nouns or some for plurals. 肯定句中,單數名詞我會用 a/an,而複數名詞我們用 some。
There's a man at the door. 有個男人在門前。
I have some friends in New York. 我有一些朋友在紐約。

For negatives we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plurals. 否定句中,單數名詞我會用 a/an,而複數名詞我們用 any

I don't have a dog. 我沒有一隻狗。
There aren't any seats. 沒有任何座位。

Uncountable nouns 不可數名詞
Here are some examples of uncountable nouns: 以下是不可數名詞的例子 
bread 麵包、rice 米飯、coffee 咖啡、information 資訊、 money 錢、advice 建議、luggage 語言、furniture 家具

We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with negatives. 不可數名詞中,我們在肯定句中使用some,在否定句中使用 any
There's some milk in the fridge. 冰箱裡有一些牛奶。
There isn't any coffee. 沒有任何咖啡。

Questions 問句
In questions we use a/an, any or how many with countable nouns. 在問句中,可數名詞會跟  a/an, any, how many 一起搭配使用。
Is there an email address to write to?
Are there any chairs?
How many chairs are there?

And we use any or how much with uncountable nouns.  在問句中,不可數名詞會跟 any, how much 一起搭配使用。
Is there any sugar? 有糖嗎? 
How much orange juice is there? 那邊有多少柳橙汁?

But when we are offering something or asking for something, we normally use some. 但是當我們要提供或要請求某物,我們通常會使用 some。
Do you want some chocolate? 你要一些巧克力嗎?
Can we have some more chairs, please? 我們可以要一些椅子嗎?

We also use some in a question when we think the answer will be 'yes'. 當我們預期對方的答案是 yes時,我們也會使用 some。
Have you got some new glasses? 你有拿到一些新的眼鏡了嗎? 

Other expressions of quantity 其它數量的用法
A lot of (or lots of) can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. A lot of 或 lots of (很多) 能用於可數及不可數名詞。
There are lots of apples on the trees. 樹上有很多蘋果。
There is a lot of snow on the road. 路上有很多雪。

Notice that we don't usually use many or much in positive sentences. We use a lot of instead.
注意: 我們在肯定句中不常使用 many或 much,我們會使用 a lot of。
They have a lot of money.

However, in negative sentences we use not many with countable nouns and not much with uncountable nouns. 然而,在否定句中,我們在可數名詞中使用 not many,在不可數名詞中使用 not much。
There are a lot of carrots but there aren't many potatoes.
There's lots of juice but there isn't much water.

Try this exercise to test your grammar again.
1. We didn't have _______ problems.
2. Do you want _______ chocolate?
3. How _______ people have sent you _______  email?
4. I need _______ information about train times.
5. We've got a _______ of luggage.
6. There isn't _______ space in the car.
7. I've bought _______  new shoes but I didn't get _______  shirt.

8. There's never _______  petrol after Sam uses the car!

