2018年11月14日 星期三

107年度教學資源研發成果發表-素養導向教學與評量工作坊 (中區)筆記

A Quick guide to Research Paper Writing (By 施勇廷老師)
1. How to find key information in an article?
*T.H.I.E.V.E.S reading strategy
(1) Look at the title of the article and tell what you will learn from it?
(2) What is the topic of the paragraph beneath each heading?
(3) Look at the introduction and tell what you will know from it?
(4) What is this chapter about based on the first sentence in each paragraph?
(5) Are there any visuals/captions or boldfaced words throughout the chapter?
(6) What information do they earmark as important?
(7) What do I understand and recall about the topics covered in the summary?

*How to write a draft for your summary?
(1) Tag: What is the topic of this article?
(2) Author: What are the qualifications of this author?
(3) Publication: When and where is this article published?
(4) Information: What are the key points of this article?

2. How to find a suitable research topic?
*The Big Six:
(1) Define your task
(2) Choose seeking strategies
(3) Locate and access information
(4) Use Information
(5) Synthesize information
(6) Evaluate your product and process


Visual Literacy: Deeper thinking and learning through the power of images (By 樊可瑜老師)
* PZ thinking routines (video clip)
*Onestopenglish (worksheets)

* Thinking routines
-What makes you say that? (interpretations & justification)
-See --Think -- Wonder (observations & interpretations)
-Think -- Pair -- Share  (reasoning & explanation)
-Circle of viewpoint (diverse perspective)

* Session 1: Migrant Mother
Material: Photo
Thinking Routine applied: See, Think, Wonder + What makes you say that?

* Session 2: What’s your Ikigai?
Material: Infographic (grapghic organizer)
Thinking routine applied: Think, puzzle, explore
speech to text (TED: How to live 100+) -- text to text -- text to self

*Activity 3 Mona Lisa Crossover
Material: Painting
Thinking routine used: Think, pair, share
Q: Who is she? Where is the painting? Who painted the portrait? Do you know anything about Mona Lisa?

*Main Project: Magazine Makeover
Material: Magazine Cover
Thinking routine applied: See, Think, Wonder + Circle of Viewpoints

Q: Who is he? Do you think the cover figure on the two magazine covers the same person or different person? Which magazine cover do you prefer? Why? Specify your reasons.

*Editor in chief
Magazine choosing
The layout of a magazine
Profile your customers (What is your audience? What’s the need of your audience? What’s the age, gender, and educational background of your audience?)
Circle of viewpoints
Magazine cover redesign

