2024年10月13日 星期日

2024年10月3日 星期四



另外,同學也可以去教育部的Cool English 酷英網,用Google帳號登入後,點課程專區>普高區>課本戰力提升包,就有課本相關學習資源喔!包含字彙、文法、閱讀、聽力等四類,補充教材包括動畫、講解影片、文章、測驗題等。

如果沒有把課本帶回家的話,手機也可以下載英文GoGoGo 2.0(Google Play商店App Store),就可以看到課文及單字喔!課文和單字都有中文解釋以及發音,很適合自學及複習!






(1) 大學入學考試中心(科目請點選英文) 

(2) Google 雲端硬碟



(1) 105年度學測英文科試題講解 (鳳新高中倪孝勇老師)

2024年9月24日 星期二

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 5-6

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


Google 文件

Level 5


1. This author's book can be difficult to comprehend, which means it is not accessible to the general audience. 

2. Without the seat belt, you could easily get hurt when the car suddenly accelerate

3. In her childhood, my sister aspired to be an artist, but now she is studying accounting as it looks more profitable. 

4. The astonishing performance met with loud applause and cheers. 

5. One of his classmate almost fail this course because of the poor record of attendance.

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 3-4

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


Google 文件

Level 3


1. The basketball player scored a dramatic victory. He took the last-second shot and nailed it. 

2. Our team's goal this week is to come up with an appealing plan to promote our new product.

3. Kathy bursts into laughter while watching funny animal videos. 

4. Traffic congestion is a long-standing problem in urban areas and it is becoming more and more serious these days. 

5. We should step out from our comfort zones to try something new and broaden our horizons.

2024年9月22日 星期日

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 1-2

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


Google 文件

Level 1


1. Convenience store is one of the things that Taiwanese who study abroad miss most about home.

2. Chandler died of a heart attack at his home. 

3. There's no right or wrong answer to this question, but we might be looking at it from a slightly different point of view. 

4. If you are willing to try exotic food, this restaurant will welcome you with open arms.

5.  As long as you take action, you will see some results.

2024年9月18日 星期三

高中英文參考詞彙表(高中7000單字) Level 1-6

高中英文參考詞彙表(高中7000單字) Level 1-6

  1. PDF檔整理
  2. Quizlet學習集整理
手機可下載App【死神單字】,有諸多已整理好的單字學習集供學習者學習,也有提供單字的例句,非常推薦!(App Store下載連結Google Play下載連結)

2022年12月20日 星期二

2022年12月18日 星期日

Paraphrase的好工具-- Quillbot、Wordtune

來跟大家分享兩個Paraphrase的好工具(出題或教寫作都可以使用喔~) Quillbot最基本的paraphrase功能是免費的,其他更進階的功能就要付費了。 

Quillbot: https://quillbot.com/ 

Wordtune: https://www.wordtune.com/