2024年9月22日 星期日

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 1-2

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


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Level 1


1. Convenience store is one of the things that Taiwanese who study abroad miss most about home.

2. Chandler died of a heart attack at his home. 

3. There's no right or wrong answer to this question, but we might be looking at it from a slightly different point of view. 

4. If you are willing to try exotic food, this restaurant will welcome you with open arms.

5.  As long as you take action, you will see some results.

1. Some of the most popular 1980s rock bands were Guns N' Roses, Bon Jovi, and Queen. 

2. Eventually her efforts bore fruit and she was nominated for Best Actress. black 3. Addicted to drugs, Emily is the black sheep of her family. 

4. He remained a bench player with the Thunder for his first two seasons. 

5. Peggy went on a blind date with a guy from her church.

1. Her children are all away at a summer camp.

2. Hold your kids by hand and make sure they stand clear of the elevator doors. chance t 

3. Taiwan has little chance to catch up with Finland's welfare policy. 

4.  There are more than 20,000 kinds of chemicals in common use, most of which cause environmental pollution. 

5. If you take a close look at the painting, you can see a flag with the words "cerca trova."

1. Our society has a dark side as well as a bright one. 

2. My mom got a good deal on that bag after bargaining with the shop owner. 

3.  The price of Tesla shares has dropped by 47%. 

4. The wells in this region have run dry due to a severe drought. 

5. Rice pudding is a sweet dish cooked with milk, sugar, and vanilla.


1. We sat up talking in the bistro until the early hours. 

2. The atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki brought an end to World War II. 

3. Kan and Jane are expecting a baby. 

4. People who sit in office all day should take more exercise.

5. The email contains a number of typing errors.

1. Fast food is usually fatty and salty. 

2. Vitamin C can help you fight colds and flu. 

3.  The dental clinic is on the top floor. 

4. On World Car Free Day, people are encouraged to go to work by bicycle or on foot.

5. Speeding drivers can face a fine of up to NTD 6000. face

1. She waved goodbye to us on the platform. 

2. A player wins a game of table tennis if he or she scores 11 points first. 

3. - His hard work gave rise to his success. 

4. After being a couple for more than 8 years,Jay and Sharon decided to grow old together. 

5. The book is written for children in the 13-19 age group

1. His speech inspired and gave hope to those in the peace movement. 

2. The company has a strong hold over the oil market. 

3. Just hold your horses, Ben! Let's think about this for a moment. 

4. The song hit number one on the Billboard last week. 

5. Since the tickets of the show are sold out, the comedian is expecting a full house tonight.


1. She is losing interest in school subjects and extracurricular activities.

2. Iced tea is a popular drink in Indonesia. 

3. The line should be 5 inches long, not 5 centimeters long. 

4. He seldom gives press interviews and always refuses to sign autographs. 

5. Not all listed items are currently in stock.

1. Kevin was so lucky that he landed a job as soon as he graduated from college. 

2. There is a running joke in the office about his hair. 

3. A decent-quality plastic jump rope can be bought for $7. 

4. The teacher asked us to form a circle and join hands

5. They were filled with joy when their first child was born.

1. All I want is romance, candlelight dinner, sweet kisses and a big bed. 

2. The details of the scandal are now common knowledge.

3. The king asked everyone to bow the knee to him. 

4. Users can refresh web pages by pressing F5 key on the keyboard. 

5. Let's go fly a kite, upto the highest height. 

1. He is the lead singer and guitarist of the band. letter 

2. Ray Du and his YouTuber friends wrote an open letter to WHO in 2020. 

3. Beyond being entertaining, the stories offer important life lessons

4. Having a fever and a severe headache,Johnny could do nothing but lie in bed. 

5. The obese man tries to lose weight by exercising and having healthy diet.


1. The witch put a magic spell on the prince and turned him into a frog. 

2. Economic pressure was the main reason why they relocated to Vietnam. 

3. I'm not blaming you - we all make mistakes.

4. It's not easy for the film industry to raise money, so the government started a film financing system in 2006. 

5. The landing marked the beginning of the war.

1. In 2000 the company reported $10.86 billion in net sales. 

2. The doctor arrived at the hospital at short notice.

3. Over the next few months the protesters' numbers grew. 

4. Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio, and feature stories. 

5.  After the final round, the contestants were still neck and neck, so all of them won the contest.

1. After our order was placed, the food came within 30 minutes. 

2. Paul was transferred to our head office in Chicago. 

3. He opened a a language school that proved successful. 

4. The soundtrack is available from various online music stores

5. The room comes with your very own washing machine.

1. When it comes to packing a lunch, the possibilities are endless!

2. I've never thrown a bachelor party or attended one.

3. This pocket watch was made in 1886.

4. After 1950, the artist's primary medium became oil paints.

5. This summary report presents the findings of the panel discussions.


1. She was as quiet as a mouse. I didn't even know she'd come in. 

2. I enjoyed her new book though it's not quite as good as her last one. 

3.  The teacher had to raise her voice to make herself heard over the noisy classroom. 

4. They do really good food at that restaurant and it's not very expensive. 

5. The roof of the building was held up by a row of thick stone columns.

1. It took several hours to clear the road after the car accident. 

2. Living in a tropical area, I have never seen snow in my entire life. 

3. You can tell that some students aim high, some have no interest and the rest are somewhere in between. 

4. In the square in front of the hotel stands a monument that is built in remembrance to those who perished in the war. 

5. If you don't mind, could you pick me up from the station? I'm not familiar with this neighborhood.

1. The vet put something down the cat's throat to make it vomit

2. Our discussion included topics such as global warming and the melting of polar ice. 

3. Our lawn mower and lots of garden tools were stolen from the yard. 

4. Let's leave early to avoid rush hour traffic. I don't want to be stuck in the car for hours. 

5. You're very likely to catch a cold if you don't use a towel to dry your hair.

1. I never wear pink because it reminds me of my school uniform.

2. I waved at my friends across the street but they didn't see me. 

3. You shouldn't drive for more than four hours without taking a break. 

4. Some companies still treat their management staff better than their workers

5. I called them yesterday to check when they were arriving.

Level 2


1. We planned a graduation trip to Japan during our last summer vacation. 

2. Finally, the team came up with the solution to this tricky problem and reached a win-win situation. 

3. According to the research, the cases of domestic violence have risen as more people work and study from home. 

4. Please pay full attention to today's course because we will have a quiz about the content right after class. furniture 

5. Your new home is so empty, let's go shoping and buy some new furniture

1. Many programs are set up to broaden students' horizons. They learn about international affairs in these programs. 

2. The climate has changed rapidly in recent years, which leads to various natural disasters such as flood and wildfire. 

3. We have a flexible schedule for ourtrip, so we can relax and walk around the town. 

4. Examiners would verify every examinee's identity before the test officially starts. 

5. Until now, still a lot of events and behaviors are restricted by traditional customs.

1. When Amy realized that she was finally pregnant, she couldn't help bursting into tears. 

2. The professor asks every student to give a brief self-introduction at the beginning of a new semester. 

3. During the interview, the host invites the actress to share her secrets of keeping eternal youth.

4. Having been a singer for a long time, this will be his debut as an actor on the big screen.

5. Our electric bill was so expensive last month because we couldn't stand the hot weather and turned on the AC frequently.

1. Government officials announced new epidemic prevention measures that caused chaos in schools and companies. 

2. He has a good relationship with his mother, but always quarrels with his father. 

3. These figures show that almost 8% of the working population is unemployed due to the breakout of Covid-19. 

4. Please send a message to me the day before the event to remind me to bring the tent and other equipment. 

5. Undoubtedly, modern technology revolutionized the way people work, live, and play.


1. As a kindergarten teacher, Sally is really patient with every kid and listens to their needs. 

2. The new born baby is quite curious about everything around her and tries to grab whatever she sees. 

3. If you want to save more money, you should cut down on your expenses of buying luxury goods. 

4. The travel agency offers money as compensation to tourists for their injuries during the trips. 

5. Many college students start seeking their first job before they graduate.

1. Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges faced by doctors nowadays. 

2. What a shame that you couldn't attend the prom! You have prepared for it for months. 

3. Our next-door neighbor has complained several times about the loud noise from our parties recently. 

4. appreciate all the support and help you had provided to me when I was starting a new business. 

5. He went abroad to have a ten-day journey as a way to escape from the reality.

1. Even in the 21st century, racism and gender stereotypes still exist in the society. 

2. All humans have the responsibility to make efforts and take actions to deal with climate change. 

3. The tourist industry has played an important role in the country's economy. 

4. She usually does yoga and has meditation to reduce the stress from work in her leisure time. 

5. Let's take a short break and get something to eat, it's approaching lunchtime.

1. Kids put on their pajamas after taking showers and brush their teeth before going to bed. 

2. Remember to take out your garbage after in finishing your meal in the cafeteria. 

3.  The teacher asks several students to wipe out the blackboard before the class begins. 

4. New teaching methods encourage students to have critical thinking and make decisions independently. 

5. The target audience for the new TV series is teenagers aged 13 to 18.


1. Some conservative parents can't accept couples living together before entering into marriage.

2. It is considered impolite to wear slippers to this formal occasion

3. The beauty of Taroko Gorge is beyond descriptions. Everyone should pay a visit to it during their lifetime. 

4. Animals in this zoo are separated by wooden fences instead of metal cages so that visitors can get closer to them. 

5. Debbie is a people person because she has a warm and pleasant personality.

1.  Plenty of banks refuse to lend money to Chris because he has bad credits. 

2. In the language proficiency test, you will be examined in three main areas: listening, speaking, and reading comprehension. 

3. It is reported that a powerful typhoon will hit Taiwan this Friday, so we had better buy some groceries in advance. 

4. Don't be too harsh on the kids. They didn't make the mistakes on purpose.

5. Sarah canceled her appointment with the dentist because her boss just assigned her extra works.

1. The document shows that people have lived together along this river since ancient times. 

2. The committee provides every resident a chance to express their opinions toward this issue. 

3. - Lots of important historical remains were destroyed during the war. 

4. It's hard to carry on a serious conversation in such a noisy place with too many crowds. 

5. - Visitors float on the surface of the ocean in order to appreciate the amazing undersea times. world.

1. The forest fires were caused by the combination of lightning strikes and extremely dry weather. 

2. After years of exploring, biologists finally discovered new species of plants in this area. 

3. In Taiwan, corporal punishments such as copying a sentence for many times are banned in schools. 

4. Our next step after stirring all ingredients together is to pour the cake mixture  into a pan and bake. 

5.  The scientist checked the machine several times to avoid accidents from happening.


1. Many restaurants went out of business during the pandemic due to financial difficulties

2. Crystal keeps a habit of reading fashion magazines in order to keep up with the trend. 

3. The captain reminds passengers to return their seats to the upright position, for the plane is about to land. 

4.  The singer leans over and whispers something to her assistant before the concert begins. 

5. Because of climate change, the polar bear population has sharply decreased.

1. The fundamental principle of our university is to let every student develop their full potential. 

2. Even though Elleen already tried on over 20 wedding dresses in the past 3 hours,she hasn't found a satisfying one. 

3. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to my kids because of my recklessness. 

4. David bumped into his neighbor on the bus and they had a brief chat this morning, 

5. These pills could ease your pain, but don't overdose on them!

1. Possible side effects after getting a vaccine include headaches, fevers, and drowsiness. 

2. My mother gave me this necklace when I got married. It is one of my most treasured possessions. 

3. Prisoners who have attempted to escape from the windows were eventually caught and punished. 

4. We will hold a discussion with other classmates to come up with a more detailed plan about the prom. 

5. Monica felt that the final score didn't do justice to her performances.

1. This podcast mainly focuses on environmental issues, such as global warming and pollution. 

2. Local vendors object to plans of constructing large shopping malls or department stores in this region. 

3. Alison fell out of favor with her boss due to her ignorance and arrogance. 

4. The government plans to build a bridge as the connection between two main highways. 

5. Our company's aim is to try our best to satisfy the needs of our customers effectively and efficiently.


1.  Dr. Wilson is highly praised for his research and contribution to heart disease. 

2. Everyone sitting in the theater is in complete silence because the show is about to begin. 

3. Through police investigation, we can be sure that it's the electrical fault that causes the fire. 

4. I became quite nervous about water after a near-drowning experience. 

5. He starts to wonder whether going abroad to study arts is the right decision.

1. The police earned the citizens' respect for saving many people's lives from gangsters. 

2. Students are asked to finish the quiz in the time limits.

3. It's proven that childhood memories have a huge impact on people's personalities and developments. 

4. Please remember to bring all your personal belongings with you when you get off the MRT.  

5. Team spirit has always been more important than the scores themselves when it comes to playing sports.

1. The red team achieved a comfortable victory against the blue team, since they have stronger athletes. 

2. Claus was caught and sent to prison for selling drugs to teenagers. 

3. The man who had committed many crimes was finally arrested and put in prison. 

4. If you want to learn the latest knowledge about medicine, you can read this medical journal.

5. The professor asks us to hand in the revised edition of our papers as soon as possible.

1. Please excuse me for arriving late. There was a bus delay. 

2. I refuse to have any sweets before meals since they would spoil my appetite.

3. The money I earn from teaching English after work provides a supplement to my main income.

4. Sunscreen can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun. 

5. She opposes dumping any kinds of toxic industrial waste into the ocean. 

