2024年9月24日 星期二

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 3-4

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


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Level 3


1. The basketball player scored a dramatic victory. He took the last-second shot and nailed it. 

2. Our team's goal this week is to come up with an appealing plan to promote our new product.

3. Kathy bursts into laughter while watching funny animal videos. 

4. Traffic congestion is a long-standing problem in urban areas and it is becoming more and more serious these days. 

5. We should step out from our comfort zones to try something new and broaden our horizons.

1. Eleanor is a deeply religious person that prays to God before every meal.

2. You should seize this opportunity to present yourself in front of all the managers and impress them. 

3. Two vets dragged the kitten away from its owner because it was so nervous that it kept holding onto its owner's arm. 

4. Don't look down on anyone. Even someone who is junior to you could teach you something! 

5. Grandma wove a wool blanket as my birthday gift and I really love it. 

1. The spoiled girl has a bad temper. She always gets angry when she can't buy what she wants. 

2. Your first tournament is against the defending champion, so you should pay full attention tomorrow. 

3. The headline of today's newspaper is all about the mayor's political scandal. 

4. Tourists learn about a wide variety of animals when visiting the zoo. 

5. Nowadays, social media have a huge impact on people's lifestyles and ways of

1. The government brought in a new regulation to tackle air pollution problems. 

2. The Christmas tree is decorated with candles, bells, colorful ribbons and a shining star. 

3. Wilson apologized to the professor for being late. 

4. Even though Molly inherited a fortune from her grandpa, she still works hard everyday. 

5. I really love nature, so I usually go hiking or surfing during my leisure time.


1. We explained how to get to the museum to two foreigners with easy hand gestures

2. If you want to strengthen your points, you have to provide accurate figures of the investigation.

3. The judge has permitted that if the prisoners behave well, they can be released from jail earlier. 

4. She felt a deep sorrow over her grandmother's death. 

5. Though many people consider Jack's task to be mission impossible, he ignores them and tries his best to accomplish it.

1. The new government carried out new social policies to alleviate poverty in rural areas. 

2. The groom gets completely drunk at the end of the wedding. 

3. Classmates give Julia the nickname when she is feeling happy. "Bunny" because she always jumps up and down.

4. Our company is working on a new strategy that aims at increasing this year's sales volume. 

5. From the screen of the monitor, we observed that the thieves had stolen a road vehicle to escape from the police.

1. Conventional wisdom has it that men have better performances in math than women. But in my experience, women can do well, too. 

2. My parents love outdoor activities. They go hiking or camping frequently after their retirement.

3. It's unbelievable that the famous Youtuber accepted our invitation to give a speech in the graduation ceremony. 

4. Many citizens have no faith in their government after the political corruption is exposed. 

5. Tourists with tight budgets are recommended to take buses or trains instead of planes.

1. The teacher gives a clear definition of the class rules on the first day of the course. 

2. The interviewer's sharp question makes the job applicant hesitate for a while about the answer. 

3. It was such a great miracle that nobody was seriously injured in this earthquake. 

4. After the chef scattered some pepper on the spaghetti, a wonderful cuisine was finally done! 

5. Kids love to listen to Mr.Hook tell stories because he always gives vivid descriptions of every detail.


1. Children are warned by the elders not to go to the black forest because there are wolves in the forest at night. 

2. Please keep a good habit of turning off the faucet immediately after you finish washing your hands. 

3. In conclusion, thank you all for coming to my birthday party. 

4. Mark, the dog of the farm, shepherds flocks of sheep into the pens every afternoon. 

5. Amanda tries to  persuade her mom to let her go to Japan with her friends as their graduation trip.

1. Researchers have conducted an experiment to observe insects' reactions to lights. 

2. Everything is gradually back to normal after the country lifts its previous lockdown. 

3. My brother and I take turns to do the laundry and sweep the floor. 

4. This is your last summer vacation. You should take advantage of your time to do something meaningful. 

5. Sally decides to divorce her husband because he has gambled away all their savings.

1. You have to tell the police the precise location of the car accident so that they can come directly. 

2. A piercing scream from that apartment broke the silent night. Everyone wondered about what had happened. 

3. Fortunately, all the victims were rescued and no one died from the horrible earthquake. 

4. The gentle breeze brushes against my face when I stand beside the seashore. 

5. Heavy rainfall in such a short period of time causes floods in this village.

1. As a fashion designer, she has a unique taste in clothing and accessories.

2. The athlete's ankle swelled up to twice as large as its normal size because he sprained it during the race. 

3. Our university's campus is quite small because it is located in the center of the city. 

4. In this era, it's important for us to have the ability to identify the false information on the Internet. 

5. Wildlife protection supporters gathered on the street to protest for the unreasonable hunting.


1. I don't mean to interrupt the conference, but there is an emergent call from your parents. 

2. The office has sorted up bundles of old magazines and newspapers for recycling. 

3. Each county of Taiwan has its own features and special local products. 

4. As water resources become scarcer, the government has imposed policies to restrict people's using. 

5. Because of the health examination today, I haven't eaten anything since last night and I am dizzy with hunger now.

1. The singer gives a meaningful smile at the end of the interview.

2. Passengers who are over 12 years old need to pay the full fare when taking public transportation. 

3. Working hard for years abroad, he finally covers himself in glory and comes back to his hometown. 

4. After fertilizing the farm, the potato harvest this year is expected to increase. 

5. Even though some of the audience asked awkward questions, the actor still gave satisfactory replies.

1. Molly would go on a long journey every year to relax for a few weeks.  

2. The little boy ties his shoelace in a knot tightly so that it won't loosen while he runs. 

3. Consumers are encouraged to use their own bottles when buying drinks because plastic bottles do harm to the environment. 

4. We are taught to yield our seats on buses or the MRT to elderly or pregnant people

5. The bacteria is too tiny to observe with the naked eye, so we have to use microscopes.

1. Though the plan has been modified again and again, the manager decides to adopt the original plan in the end. 

2. If you don't mow the lawn regularly, it would become overgrown with weeds. 

3. After considering for weeks, Hazel makes up her mind to quit her job and go abroad. 

4. I have already tried my best so I have no regrets.

5. A large number of ships sail into this commercial dock every day. Workers are busy loading and unloading cargoes all the time.  


1. Alvin reached the summit of his career and became a successful businessman after years of hard work. 

2. Sarah is a talkative student. She talks so much that sometimes she interrupts courses and annoys teachers. 

3. The underlying meaning of this comedy is to reflect the real social phenomenon. 

4. In order to survive in this era, all companies should develop a global vision

5. When passengers hear a low-pitched whistle, they know that the train is coming. 

1. Most fans of this popular band are youngsters because the lyrics of the band's songs are relevant to teenagers' lives. 

2. Frustration in learning changed the student's attitude toward education and made her even more pessimistic. 

3. Students would ask their teachers for practical advice about applying for colleges.

4. Olivia complains to the police about the noise at nights. She says she's unable to fall asleep because of it.  

5. The main income of this small town is from selling high quality dairy products, such as milk and cheese. 

1. If you are interested in flowers and plants, make sure to visit the annual floral exhibition in Changhua County. 

2. During this full and frank discussion, people are free to express their true feelings and opinions. 

3. My mom asks me to buy some milk in the nearby grocery store before I come home. 

4. You can put your dollar bills into this machine to exchange them into handfuls of coins. 

5. The punishment seemed to have the opposite effect on this little boy because he behaved even more aggressively afterwards. 

1. Chinese New Year is the most joyful festival in Taiwan because family members can reunite at that time.

2. It took the scientist's whole lifetime to research about chimpanzees and explore their potential. 

3. The little boy suffered from a severe trauma after witnessing the murder of his mother. 

4. I regret to inform you that your proposal has been rejected by the executive. 

5. Our yoga coach asks us to breathe in and out deeply for a minute in the beginning of every class. 

Level 4


1. The battery of the microphone ran down during a continuous speech lasting over 3 hours. 

2. All the team members deserve a reward for their efforts in this project. 

3. Nora eventually got the driving license after taking courses for two months and taking the test for 3 times. 

4. The company conducted an investigation to the targeted market and understood more about their potential customers. 

5. Students can tell that their teacher is angry by his facial expressions.

1. Thousands of fans gathered by the entrance of the movie theater, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite actor. 

2. My grandma has a good memory. She can still recall the details of her wedding. 

3. The country was in an economic crisis because the COVID-19 pandemic made many people lose their jobs. 

4. After practicing again and again, Belinda finally conquers her fear of speaking in public.  

5. Because of ingredient shortages, this product is difficult to obtain

1. The government imposed sanctions on companies that violated human rights.

2. Numerous mistakes were found in the final report, so the professor demanded that the student write it again. 

3. Her success at work and happiness in marriage have provoked intense jealousy among her colleagues. 

4. The couple had a quarrel about living habits, which led to their breakup. 

5. Ray was asked to rest for at least 3 months, for he sustained multiple fractures in a car accident. 

1. The poor baby was found abandoned next to the door of the orphanage by his parents. 

2. After the final step of sprinkling some cheese onto the pasta, this delicious dish is finally completed.   

3. Vivian is an animal lover. She does voluntary work in an animal shelter every weekend. 

4. The United Nations tried to maintain harmony between the two countries by organizing meetings for them.

5. Scientists make efforts to develop genetically modified crops so that they can become more tolerant of cold weather.


1. He spends all his time working and earning money in pursuit of a wealthy and luxurious life. 

2. The mother felt guilty after scolding her children with harsh words out of rage. 

3. It's common for the president to show up on some election campaigns to support the candidates from her own party. 

4. The government provides student loans for qualified students to study in colleges without worrying about the tuition fee. 

5. Some words are hard to translate accurately because of cultural differences among languages. 

1. The basketball player is forced to withdraw from the game because his ankle is badly injured. 

2. He has a very flexible job. He can decide when and where to work on his own. 

3. Peggy has devoted her life to taking care of stray animals and launching campaigns to raise the public's awareness toward animal protection. 

4. You should travel to foreign countries at least once in your lifetime because it can expand your horizons

5. The officials introduced some new measures to deal with air pollution.

1. If you have no idea how to plan your trip, you can ask travel agencies to provide some package tours. 

2. My aunt is keen on mountain climbing. She has climbed over 60 mountains around the world. 

3. In Asia, students are expected to be quiet and obedient, while in North America, students are encouraged to express themselves freely. 

4. The police are hunting the burglar who has stolen the precious diamond. 

5. To some extent, I could understand why mom became so angry when I came home too late.


1. The interviewee made a good impression on the interviewers because of his fluent English and his confidence. 

2. We need to respect cultural differences among various nationalities instead of making fun of them. 

3. Several students try to hide their yawns by covering their mouths with hands during class.

4. Jacob's professor gives him concrete suggestions about his future career. 

5. It is said that smile is the universal language. A smile is capable of conveying friendliness to strangers.

1. As a new graduate, instead of looking for a well-paid occupation, you should seek jobs that can accumulate your experiences. 

2. The innovative proposal for the new project put forward by Kevin is soon accepted by all the managers. 

3. Justin has shown great interests in modern literature since college. Now he is the professor of this course. 

4. You can learn about diverse opinions toward environmental issues during this conference. 

5. New laws introduced by the government aim to improve employees' welfare.

1. The fire left scars on her face, which makes her lack confidence in her appearance. 

2. The pilot told passengers to fasten their seat belts because the plane was about to depart. 

3. Courses with various topics are provided for adults to bridge the generation gap. 

4. The teacher warned her students to stay out of mischief while she was participating in a seminar. 

5. The paparazzi's behaviors caused inconvenience to the celebrity and can be regarded as an invasion of privacy.

1. Jenny has remarkable academic performances during college and graduated at the top of her class. 

2. Recently, there is a growing tendency for couples to keep pets instead of having children. 

3. My mom prefers traditional markets to supermarkets because she enjoys bargaining with the vendors. 

4. It is believed that social status is highly related to one's occupation and education. 

5. According to the research, people could be healthier if they become vegetarians.


1. After her encouraging life story was published in the magazine, it soon received lots of attention. 

2. The first prize for the competition is two plane tickets to Japan. This increased the participants' motivations to become the winner. 

3. People around the world have experienced severe hardships due to Covid-19. 

4. Many tourists flock to Yangmingshan recently because the cherry blossoms there are now in full bloom

5. He suffered from mental disorder after witnessing his mom's death in a car accident.

1. After enduring back pain for a few years, he finally decided to go see a doctor. 

2. The rigid teaching methods would stifle students' creativity and suppress their 

abilities to express themselves. 

3. The couples have no options but to get married as soon as possible, for the woman is pregnant. 

4. She has an intuition that her husband is cheating on her because he comes home later than usual recently. 

5. The army showed absolute loyalty to the king even when their side seemed to be losing the war.

1. Our university invited Taylor Swift to give a speech on the graduation ceremony. 

2. The pilot reminds all passengers to bring their personal possessions with them before getting off the plane. 

3. Since Sherry has lived in the U.S. for a long time, she is quite fluent in English.

4. At the end of the speech, the reporter briefly summarizes the five points of running businesses successfully.   

5. Using electronic devices is considered a violation of exam rules.

1. Mandy made the resolution to go on a strict diet for two months so that the wedding dress would fit. 

2. Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more common in our daily lives. Maybe it can completely replace human labors one day. 

3. Many parents are still unwilling to let their children receive vaccination despite the government's repeated assurance. 

4. It's impolite to wear informal clothing with bright colors to attend funerals. 

5. In 2020, the gas explosion wrecked the Port of Beirut, and many people died in the blast.


1. She tries to become a more outgoing person by interacting with more people after entering college. 

2. I refuse to watch any horror movies since they will definitely give me nightmares.

3. Even the latest technologies have difficulties predicting earthquakes precisely. 

4. When Monica's teacher asks if anyone is willing to read this paragraph, Monica raises her hand without hesitation

5. The company grew their business by expanding into new markets.

1. Henry is gifted in math since he was little. Now he is a famous scientist. 

2. Many people fled to neighboring countries after the sudden outbreak of war. 

3. The company couldn't afford the mounting debts from developing new products and soon became bankrupt

4. Claire has tried her best to gain her father's approval to let her study abroad. 

5. To everyone's astonishment, the champion of last year's match was defeated by a new player in the second round.

1. It took the team a long time to convince the corporation to invest in their project. 

2. The artist portrayed the urban landscape of Taipei vividly, painting skyscrapers and public transportations. 

3. Putting moderate pressure on workers can stimulate their potential. 

4. Emily's dad raised an objection to her request to hang out with her friends for safety concerns. 

5. If you want to attain your dream job, you should prepare yourself and seize the chance to express yourself.

1. Every student wants to participate in the popular lecture given by Professor Jane because she is very interesting. 

2. Being stuck in the traffic jam in rush hour while running late to an important meeting is such a mental torture to me. 

3. Insufficient funds and supports from the company are the major obstacles for carrying out this project. 

4. All the fans gaze admiringly at their idol when he is singing and dancing. 

5. The government is trying to strike a balance between urbanization and environmental preservation

