2024年9月24日 星期二

Cool English 搭配詞 Level 5-6

 Cool English’s Collocation Exercise 


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Level 5


1. This author's book can be difficult to comprehend, which means it is not accessible to the general audience. 

2. Without the seat belt, you could easily get hurt when the car suddenly accelerate

3. In her childhood, my sister aspired to be an artist, but now she is studying accounting as it looks more profitable. 

4. The astonishing performance met with loud applause and cheers. 

5. One of his classmate almost fail this course because of the poor record of attendance.

1. Famous people travel with bodyguards to ensure their safety during the trip. 

2. The detective noticed a mysterious briefcase lying at his door in the middle of 

the night. 

3. Ten years without any new breakthrough in the botany field, the botanist are desperate to find anything new. 

4. Traditionally, the family have to mourn for the dead for one hundred days after the burial

5. My parent don't respect my personal boundary at all. They read my diary! 

1. Buying a car is a huge commitment. I don't think my little brother is ready for it. 

2. Although the novel was written hundreds of years ago, it still gives a sense of contemporary

3. Camping is not allowed in the conservation area, as it should be protected from human activities. 

4. His criticism on the subject is very cautious for he doesn't want to hurt the writer's feeling. 

5. With the one who knows how to operate the new machine joined us, we finally have the capability to do the job properly.

1. People are well aware that police officers are allowed to use deadly force if necessary. 

2. Despite undergoing several tests, doctors were unable to diagnose her condition

3. The charity states that they will be grateful for the donation of whatever we can afford to give. 

4. Tokyo, along with Kyoto and Osaka, is among the most popular Japan tourist destinations.

5. He's still in denial about the break-up of his relationship and doesn't want to face the truth.


1. He shared with us his trip to Europe in elaborate detail. 

2. On the station platform, the father leaned over to embrace his child, saying goodbye. 

3. The exterior walls of the houses in these area are often painted with colors, so you can see colorful houses everywhere. 

4. You don't seem very enthusiastic about the movie night - don't you want to go tonight? 

5. I was running some errands when my parents called me.

1. He looked absolutely fabulous in his suit at tonight's party. 

2. The village has scheduled a public forum to discuss the proposal to build a park. 

3. As a multilingual person, She speaks Japanese, English and Spanish with great fluency

4. Harry Potter was my favorite movie franchise back in junior high school. 

5. The machine is easy to operate, simply flip the switch in the middle to turn it on.

1. The lady glared at him after he accidentally stomped on her foot on the train. 

2. The company's emergency generators are designed to cope with power cuts. 

3. According to the principle, our college has a long and honorable history.

4. Our dog can't stop howling at the moon when he gets too excited at night. 

5. It is such an innovative design you came up with! No wonder you won the grand prize.

1. Not surprisingly, the jury found both of the suspects guilty

2. Which team do you think will win the small league championship this 


3. Just remember to water these plants twice a week, and likewise the ones in the backyard.

4. My father is not waiting at the airport gate for us but enjoying himself in the VIP lounge

5. Two of the employer filed a lawsuit against their former superior.


1. Laughing with tears, the little boy's happiness is manifest in his face. 

2. I gave my father a foot massage to relief some soreness from walking all day.  

3. The minimal required length of the midterm paper is ten pages, and I still 

have three pages to go. 

4. He can't go to the party with us - he's in the midst of writing an important essay. 

5. I've always enjoyed the stories about the gods and goddesses of ancient Greek myth

1. It was too naive of you to think that it's safe to walk alone at night in this neighborhood. 

2. The famous author was nominated for an award in the literature circle.

3. To be frank, I agree with the notion that seeing violence on social media has a harmful effect on children. 

4. There has been a noticeable improvement in Jason's swimming. He must've been swimming the entire summer. 

5. Junk food such as hamburger or french fries provide little to none essential nutrient that human body needs.

1. What outfit are you going to wear for the vampire themed Halloween party at Jason's house? 

2. At the age of forty, she opted for early retirement and decided to travel around the  world. 

3. The champion overtook the other runners and went on to win the race.

4. I was very much an outsider when moved here as a child, never participating in the games other children enjoyed. 

5. Sam was hired to oversee construction of the new school building.

1. Tonya has photographic memory. She memorized every classmate's names on day one at school. 

2. The politicians have to change the public's perception that the government is not working. 

3. When my sister Linda went to high school, she went through a phase of only ever wearing black

4. As the situation escalated, he could feel the blood pulsing through his veins.

5. The medicine is effective based on our preliminary findings, but it still has to be confirmed by further tests.  


1. Financial and educational assistance is available for those who are qualified.  

2. Standing in the cold and heavy rain sent a quiver of loneliness through my body. 

3. The journalist asked a random selection of people what they thought about the accident. 

4. My cousin loves the storybook so much that she can recite the entire book without stuttering. 

5. I suppose taking a course in rhetoric will improve my English writing skills.

1. Three of his ribs fractured and punctured his lung when he fell down the stairs. Now he is in hospital. 

2. The news about the inevitable war enraged the citizens and caused riots in the country. 

3. I wrote her a reminder that the assignment was due in next week. 

4. Lyn used to work in retail industry, but now she is studying in law school, pursuing her dream job as a lawyer. 

5. I have hidden a rifle inside my closet to ensure my safety if there is any break-in.

1. A possible scenario would be that we move to the suburb, since the house there is cheaper. 

2. She survived the fire, but the burns will leave bad scars all over her body.

3. After drinking two bottles of whisky, James still insists that he is sober enough to drive.

4. The latest series of the TV show contains an extremely offensive stereotype of indigenous peoples.

5. Although the twins look almost identical, there are still subtle differences in their voices.

1. The baby surrendered to temptation and ate the last remaining marshmallow on the plate.

2. A tumor was found in his brain in today's examination. It can spread to other parts of the body if not treated right away.

3. I've never won any major trophy in the literary field prior to this one.

4. The transition from childhood to adulthood can be confusing for both the teens and their parents.

5. A thesis statement is the main idea or opinion of your writing or speech formed in a sentence.


1. Tina is undoubtedly the best student in the class. She has a perfect record in every course, and it's difficult to not like her.

2. The computer's operating system has been updated to the newest version just now. You won't need another update in a while.

3. I forgot my keys yesterday morning, so please leave the front door unlocked.

4. She underwent an operation on her left kidney last year, and this year there will be another one on her right kidney.

5. The secret investigation uncovered evidence of large-scale illegal financial activities.

1. The ending of the movie is vague and open to interpretation. There is no definitive answer to what actually happened.

2. Millions of viewers all over the world are waiting eagerly for the newest video of the famous Youtuber.

3. My cousin came home drunk at four in the morning and vomited all over the bathroom floor.

4. After the car accident, she made a vow never to drive without wearing a seat belt again.

5. Without his house, car, family, and job, John feels extremely vulnerable and distraught now.

1. The furniture warehouse outside of the city is our destination. We are supposed to pick up our new sofa there.

2. Tourists should be very wary, as pickpockets and homeless are known to operate in this area.

3. Back in my childhood, my family enjoyed hiking through the wilderness once in a while.

4. A new documentary of the local wildlife has started on Monday mornings.

5. As a carpenter, Sammy spends most of his time in his workshop, working on his wood project.

1. All the new words for this article have been underlined in blue.

2. The school is seeking a successor to its principal, who retires this summer.

3. Most of the time, people make decisions based on what ideologies they believe in.

4. The core of his argument is that all men are created equal.

5. The sound of the flipped light switch deceived me into thinking they had gone to bed.

Level 6


1. This specific law is only applicable to companies employing more than one thousand people.

2. The stress had driven many students to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

3. John always excelled in math and physics at school. Languages, however, is not what he is good at.

4. Her sapphire necklace glittered under the spotlights. It must be extremely expensive.

5. I wish to take a look at the manuscript of the author's famous new book

1. While the outbreak of COVID put the world on alert, it did not pose a significant threat to the general population.

2. Those roads radiate out from the centers of the city like spokes on a wheel and stretch for several kilometers.

3. Late last night, the ambassadors from other countries were summoned to the Foreign Office to discuss the crisis.

4. This classic song is very reminiscent of my teenage years.

5. These plants are resistant to both very hot and cold temperatures.

1. In the drawer were many kitchen utensils—spoons, spatulas, knives, and whisks.

2. During the trial, the prosecution was accused of withholding evidence from the defense.

3. As the tornado gets closer, the pilots aren't able to stabilize the helicopter and land safely.

4. The puppy looked up at me with its head tilted to one side, looking at the treats on my palm.

5. As a punctual person, I am always the one that arrives on time.

1. My brother persevered in his studies and graduated near the top of her class. 

2. Hanging a flag outside one's home is a very patriotic gesture, since people seldom do that. 

3. Although the technology originated in Japan, it has been developed and popularized in Taiwan. 

4. When my grandmother passed away, the whole family mourned for thirty days in black clothes. 

5. I am literate in both English and Japanese.


1. As Ukraine and Russia house big fertilizer companies, the war will affect the price of feed for livestock.

2. After three sleepless nights, the child became increasingly irritable and unsettled.

3. Thanks to the heavy cold, I have a little bit of a hoarse voice now.

4. The idea that social order has to come from a centralized hierarchy was very much associated with the industrial age.

5. We only use organic fertilizer in our orchard. The fruits will be a bit more expensive, but it will surely be worth it.

1. If you are a young, inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance.

2. My recent terrible experience has blunted my enthusiasm for travel.

3. There was an instruction booklet next to the computer before, but now I can't find it anywhere.

4. My sister was my anchor when things were difficult for me. She gave me the support I needed.

5. Animals bred in captivity would have difficulty thriving if they were released into the wild.

1. Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in the square. I can hear them from blocks away.

2. Our flight had to be diverted to another airport because of the storm.

3. The smell of the swimming pool always evokes memories of my time on the swimming team.

4. The grease on the stove is so thick that it is impossible to clean.

5. For a man in imminent danger of losing both his job and house, he appeared quite calm.

1. The bottom of the drawer was always a miscellaneous collection of lost items and tools.

2. A neighbor described the writer who lives alone in the old mansion as a sad, lonesome man.

3. Her passion for cooking was kindled by the secret recipes her grandmother gave her.

4. The party was very lavish, with glorious food and an endless supply of drinks.

5. The lake is populated mainly by smaller species of fish and some rare amphibians.


1. "Beauty" and "truth" are abstractions; they are concepts instead of real-life objects.

2. Outdoor rugs, carpets, and mats accumulate dirt and bugs that are easy to track into the house.

3. Born with a heart defect, she must not participate in extreme activities.

4. Air and water pollution can have disastrous effects on the delicately balanced local ecosystem.

5. After his death, the scientist's contribution to the field was gradually eclipsed by other new discoveries.

1. While it's for children, the theme of the fable was the folly of human vanity.

2. We have a finite amount of time to complete this mission, so stop wasting time now.

3. It was heartwarming to be met with such hospitality after our long journey, full of cold-eyed stares.

4. They are putting pressure on the government to equalize the welfare between men and women.

5. Depending on which hemisphere you live in, time zones and seasons can vary.

1. The mystery story intrigued me so that I read it in one sitting. 

2. For some artists, great outbursts of creativity come from feelings of extreme melancholy

3. The earth completes 366 rotations about its axis in every leap year. 

4. If you are careful enough, reptiles such as lizard can be as good as cat and dog are. 

5. My grandmother had a pair of jade earrings that has been passed down as a family heirloom.

1. He made a miraculous recovery after the accident. No one could tell he had been through an accident.

2. People are unaware of the peril these miners face each day, such as lung, eyes and hearing disease.

3. The columns are there purely as ornament; they serve no structural function.

4. My father is a serving military officer who seldom comes home, but he will retire in 3 years.

5. The milk skimmed before being bottled has less fat, which is healthier for some people.


1. While most coastlines in Taiwan are sandy coasts, eastern Taiwan has rugged cliffed coast.

2. I hope my son is actually doing some work at college—he seems to spend all his time socializing with friends.

3. This is only the tentative schedule of the course for this semester; it is still subject to change.

4. My father brought back a whole suitcase of beautiful textiles from India as a souvenir for the family.

5. An angry crowd surged through the gates of the president's palace.

1. I brought a few trifles back from Japan—pieces of jewelry and toys mainly.

2. Despite his great commercial success, he still yearns for critical approval.

3. During the ceremony, the bride lifted up her veil to kiss her husband.

4. Horses stand apart because of their versatile roles in human society, which came to include transportation, plowing, sports, religion, and status.

5. The vowels in English are a, e, i, o, and u. They always appear in a word in most cases.

1. Moisture caused the wallpaper to wrinkle and peel. We'll have to install new wallpaper very soon.

2. From this video, you can learn how early settlers used large iron kettles to make maple sap into syrup.

3. As the war continues in Ukraine, millions of people face starvation every day.

4. The economic crisis has led to political turmoil and uprising on the street. It is not a safe place anymore.

5. His lack of attention to detail and patience are her biggest shortcomings.

1. As the war has finally come to an end, the economy is beginning to revive.

2. The murderer admits to recreational drug use, both marijuana and cocaine, as a teenager.

3. When I said I'd finished my homework early, Mom looked skeptical, seemingly not believing in it.

4. This evening's talk will be preceded by a brief introduction from Dr. Huang.

5. My diet consists mainly of poultry, such as ducks, chickens, and turkeys, as the flavor of red meat is too strong for me.


1. If you have the chance to visit my hometown, I am pleased to oblige by being your guide.

2. People usually invite the Godfather to preach to the assembled mourners during funerals.

3. We often navigate by Google Maps while traveling in an unfamiliar city.

4. If someone gets hurt on your property, you could be liable and have full responsibility.

5. Having lost the previous games, the morale of the volleyball team is fairly low now.

1. I think it was a bit rash of you to study in France, as your English and French aren't that good.

2. Consumers are easy to be seduced into buying something that is unnecessary due to the shoptalk.

3. There is a big pimple on your nose. If you don't want it to leave a mark, you had better go see a doctor.

4. As the suspect fell out from his pocket, a small, suspicious packet trying to hide something.

5. Because of his past crimes, everything he does now will be subject to scrutiny.

1. Due to the ongoing civil war and other political crises, the country has been in turmoil for the past 10 years.

2. You have to carefully nurture the fruit trees if you want them to produce good green apples.

3. The layout of the apartment was good, but the bathroom was too small.

4. The frequent rainfall encourages the lush growth of trees, crops, and other plants.

5. He can't stop scratching his eyes as they burn and itch because of his allergies.

1. The ship was in need of repairs after hitting an iceberg off Alaska last week.

2. We have just received the information about the forthcoming conference.

3. Fierce blizzards have been hampering rescue efforts in finding survivors.

4. Our school has received an endowment of $10,000 to buy new books for the library.

5. His high school drama teacher had a great influence on him and made him aspire to acting.

