1. Johnny is wearing a very _____ hat that looks different from those of other people.
🔹 題目翻譯:
Johnny 戴著一頂非常 _____ 的帽子,看起來與其他人的帽子不同。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
look different from(與…不同)
stand out(突出、與眾不同)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) common (adj.)(常見的) → a common mistake(常見的錯誤)、a common interest(共同的興趣)
(B) general (adj.)(一般的) → a general rule(一般規則)、a general idea(大致的想法)
(C) regular (adj.)(規律的、普通的) → a regular customer(常客)、regular exercise(規律運動)
(D) special (adj.)(特別的) → a special occasion(特別的場合)、a special gift(特別的禮物) ✅
正確答案:D special
2. Loud noises can make it hard for me to _____, so I always find a quiet place to study with full attention.
🔹 題目翻譯:
吵雜的聲音會讓我很難 _____,所以我總是找一個安靜的地方來專心學習。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
loud noise(吵雜的噪音)
make it hard to(讓…變得困難)
full attention(全神貫注)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) bend (v.)(彎曲) → bend down(彎腰)、bend the rules(通融規則)
(B) focus (v.)(專注) → focus on studies(專注於學業)、focus attention on(集中注意力於) ✅
(C) panic (v.)(驚慌) → panic attack(驚恐發作)、cause panic(引起恐慌)
(D) wander (v.)(徘徊) → wander around(四處遊蕩)、let one’s mind wander(心不在焉)
正確答案:B focus
3. Here is a helpful _____ for cooking chicken soup: add a little salt. It will make the soup tasty.
🔹 題目翻譯:
這裡有一個有用的 _____ 來煮雞湯:加一點鹽。這會讓湯變得美味。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
helpful advice(有用的建議)
make something tasty(讓…變得美味)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) lip (n.)(嘴唇) → bite one’s lip(咬嘴唇)、read lips(讀唇語)
(B) gap (n.)(間隙、缺口) → fill the gap(填補空隙)、bridge the gap(縮小差距)
(C) tip (n.)(小訣竅、建議) → a useful tip(有用的小訣竅)、travel tips(旅遊小貼士) ✅
(D) nap (n.)(小睡) → take a nap(小睡一下)、afternoon nap(午睡)
正確答案:C tip
4. My grandpa sleeps at _____ the same time every day. He goes to bed at about 9 pm.
🔹 題目翻譯:
我爺爺每天幾乎在相同的時間睡覺。他大約晚上 9 點上床睡覺。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
go to bed(上床睡覺)
at the same time(在相同的時間)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) briefly (adv.)(短暫地) → speak briefly(簡短地說)、pause briefly(短暫停頓)
(B) fluently (adv.)(流利地) → speak fluently(流利地說)、read fluently(流暢地閱讀)
(C) gently (adv.)(溫和地) → speak gently(溫柔地說)、a gentle breeze(微風)
(D) roughly (adv.)(大約) → roughly the same size(大約相同的大小)、roughly speaking(大致來說) ✅
正確答案:D roughly
5. Being friendly with your roommates can help you stay away from _____ with them.
🔹 題目翻譯:
與室友友善相處可以幫助你避免 _____。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
stay away from(遠離、避免)
get along with(與…相處融洽)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) dialogue (n.)(對話) → have a dialogue with(與…對話)、a meaningful dialogue(有意義的對話)
(B) conflict (n.)(衝突) → avoid conflicts(避免衝突)、a serious conflict(嚴重的衝突) ✅
(C) personality (n.)(個性) → a strong personality(鮮明的個性)、develop one’s personality(培養個性)
(D) relationship (n.)(關係) → a close relationship(親密的關係)、improve relationships(改善關係)
正確答案:B conflict
6. Jack is a very _____ person. He will never change his decisions no matter how hard you try to persuade him.
🔹 題目翻譯:
Jack 是個非常 _____ 的人。不管你怎麼努力說服他,他都不會改變決定。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
never change one’s mind(從不改變想法)
no matter how(無論如何)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) easy-going (adj.)(隨和的) → an easy-going person(隨和的人)、easy-going attitude(隨和的態度)
(B) democratic (adj.)(民主的) → a democratic country(民主國家)、democratic values(民主價值)
(C) obedient (adj.)(聽話的、順從的) → an obedient child(聽話的孩子)、be obedient to orders(服從命令)
(D) stubborn (adj.)(固執的) → a stubborn attitude(固執的態度)、a stubborn person(固執的人) ✅
正確答案:D stubborn
7. Kuo, Hsing-chun (郭婞淳) won a gold medal in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. I _____ her a lot and want to be like her one day.
🔹 題目翻譯:
郭婞淳在 2020 東京奧運贏得金牌。我非常 _____ 她,希望有一天能像她一樣。
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
win a gold medal(贏得金牌)
want to be like someone(想變得像某人)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) admire (v.)(欽佩、崇拜) → admire someone’s courage(欽佩某人的勇氣)、greatly admire(非常欽佩) ✅
(B) frighten (v.)(使害怕) → be frightened of(害怕…)、frighten someone away(嚇跑某人)
(C) impress (v.)(使…印象深刻) → impress someone with(讓某人印象深刻)、make an impression(留下印象)
(D) suspect (v.)(懷疑) → suspect a crime(懷疑犯罪)、suspect someone of(懷疑某人做某事)
正確答案:A admire
8. Though she hurt her arm last week, Amy could still play the violin as skillfully as before.
🔹 題目翻譯:
雖然她上週傷了手臂,Amy 仍然可以像以前一樣熟練地拉小提琴。
🔹 劃底線單字:skillfully(熟練地)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) casually (adv.)(隨意地) → dress casually(隨意穿著)、casually mention(隨口提到)
(B) cruelly (adv.)(殘忍地) → treat someone cruelly(殘忍對待某人)、a cruel world(殘酷的世界)
(C) smoothly (adv.)(流暢地、順利地) → go smoothly(進展順利)、run smoothly(運行順利) ✅
(D) strictly (adv.)(嚴格地) → strictly follow the rules(嚴格遵守規則)、strictly prohibited(嚴禁)
正確答案:C smoothly
9. May has to conquer her fear of flying if she wants to travel by airplane.
🔹 題目翻譯:
May 必須克服對飛行的恐懼,如果她想搭飛機旅行的話。
🔹 劃底線單字:conquer(克服)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) beat (v.)(戰勝、擊敗) → beat the opponent(擊敗對手)、beat the fear(戰勝恐懼) ✅
(B) hunt (v.)(狩獵、搜尋) → hunt for treasure(尋寶)、hunt animals(狩獵動物)
(C) recover (v.)(恢復、康復) → recover from an illness(從疾病中康復)、recover lost files(恢復丟失的檔案)
(D) select (v.)(選擇) → select a topic(選擇主題)、carefully select(精心挑選)
正確答案:A beat
10. It is against the law for drivers not to stop at the crosswalk and allow walkers to cross first. If drivers do so, they will be fined.
🔹 題目翻譯:
🔹 題幹重要單字與片語:
against the law(違反法律)
be fined(被罰款)
🔹 選項分析 & 詞性 & Collocations(含中文翻譯):
(A) illegal (adj.)(違法的) → illegal activities(非法活動)、illegal drugs(非法藥物) ✅
(B) national (adj.)(國家的) → national holiday(國定假日)、national security(國家安全)
(C) political (adj.)(政治的) → political issues(政治議題)、political party(政黨)
(D) unusual (adj.)(不尋常的) → an unusual event(不尋常的事件)、unusual behavior(異常行為)
正確答案:A illegal
統測英文第二大題 (對話題) 詳解
Customer: I’d like to have one oyster omelette and fried noodles, please.
Stall owner: Ok. Your order will be ready in five minutes.
Customer: I can’t use chopsticks. Can I have a fork, please?
Stall owner: __________
Customer: Thank you.
(A) You’re very welcome. (不客氣。)
(B) Of course, here you go. (當然,這是您的叉子。) ✅ 答案
(C) Oyster is also delicious. (蚵仔也很好吃。)
(D) Sure, we have instant noodles. (當然,我們有泡麵。)
(B)「Of course, here you go.(當然,這是您的叉子。)」最符合對話語境。
Tina: An old friend is coming to visit me tomorrow. I haven’t seen him for ten years.
Mike: __________
Tina: He wants to tell me something about his girlfriend. They broke up!
Mike: Sorry for him.
(A) How old is he? (他幾歲?)
(B) Why is he coming? (他為什麼要來?) ✅ 答案
(C) When will you see him? (你什麼時候要見他?)
(D) Who was he looking for? (他在找誰?)
(B)「Why is he coming?(他為什麼要來?)」最符合對話脈絡,因為 Tina 先提到「老朋友要來」,Mike 應該會問「為什麼要來?」。
Mrs. Chen: I heard that the new neighbors moved in yesterday.
Mr. Chen: __________
Mrs. Chen: No, not yet. What do they look like?
Mr. Chen: The lady is tall and thin and the man is kind of chubby.
陳太太:沒有,還沒。 他們長什麼樣?
(A) I’m glad I just met them. (我很高興剛剛見到他們。)
(B) The neighbors have two cats. (鄰居有兩隻貓。)
(C) They ran a small business here. (他們在這裡開了一間小生意。)
(D) I thought you’ve met them already. (我以為你已經見過他們了。) ✅ 答案
(D) 最符合情境,因為陳太太提到「聽說新鄰居搬進來」,陳先生才會以為她已經見過鄰居。
Adam: We all know that the Wright brothers flew the first airplane in 1903. But do you know which one of them flew the airplane?
Jacky: The older brother did.
Adam: __________
Jacky: Only about 12 seconds.
Adam: Wow, you really know a lot!
Adam:我們都知道萊特兄弟在 1903 年駕駛了第一架飛機。但你知道是哪一位兄弟駕駛的嗎?
Jacky:大約 12 秒而已。
(A) How long was the flight? (這次飛行持續了多久?) ✅ 答案
(B) How old was his brother? (他的哥哥幾歲?)
(C) How many times had he tried before? (他之前試飛過幾次?)
(D) How far did the airplane actually fly? (這架飛機實際飛了多遠?)
(A) 最符合上下文,因為 Jacky 回答「12 秒」,這與飛行時間有關。
Amy: Did you finish your report for the Performing Arts class?
Janet: __________
Amy: Like what?
Janet: For example, women were not allowed to act on stage in the past.
Amy: That was really unfair, wasn’t it?
(A) But I haven’t given it to Professor Johnson. (但我還沒交給 Johnson 教授。)
(B) And I’ve read many books about famous artists. (而且我讀了很多關於著名藝術家的書。)
(C) But I’m not sure if my mom allows me to act on stage. (但我不確定我媽媽是否允許我上台表演。)
(D) And I’ve gathered a lot of information about the theater. (而且我收集了很多關於劇場的資訊。) ✅ 答案
(D) 與後面的對話最相關,因為 Janet 接下來要舉例自己收集到的劇場相關資訊。
Rita: Why did you apply for this position?
Ben: I’d like to work for a large company. Your company is the perfect fit for me.
Rita: In this position, you’ll have to lead a small team. How have you shown leadership at your other jobs?
Ben: __________
Rita: That’s good.
(A) I worked for my team leader in the past ten years. (我在過去十年都為我的團隊領導工作。)
(B) I’d like to apply for a perfect job in a smaller team. (我想申請小團隊的完美工作。)
(C) From now on, I’ll lead a team in this large company. (從現在開始,我將在這家大公司領導一個團隊。)
(D) At my current position, I manage a team of ten workers. (在我目前的職位上,我管理一個十人的團隊。) ✅ 答案
(D) 最符合問題的語境,因為 Rita 問的是「你如何展現領導能力」,Ben 回答自己目前管理 10 人的團隊最合理。
Sue: How’s the project going?
Eric: It’s going well.
Sue: __________
Eric: They are great, and they have a lot of creative ideas.
Sue: I’m happy to hear that.
(A) But who is not feeling well? (但是誰不舒服?)
(B) But how did they come to the office? (但他們是怎麼來辦公室的?)
(C) And what are the new colleagues like? (那新同事們如何?) ✅ 答案
(D) And when will the project be created? (這個專案何時會被創建?)
(C) 最符合對話邏輯,Sue 先問「專案進行得如何」,接著詢問「新同事如何」是合理的對話發展。
Jason: Where are you? The presentation is about to begin.
Susan: I’m almost there. The traffic is terrible this morning.
Jason: __________
Susan: Yes, please. You can make a start, and I can handle the rest of the slides myself.
(A) Do you want me to cancel the presentation? (你要我取消簡報嗎?)
(B) Would you like me to order snacks and drinks? (你要我幫你點零食和飲料嗎?)
(C) Do you want me to introduce the first few pages? (你要我先介紹前幾頁嗎?) ✅ 答案
(D) Would you like me to turn off the audio equipment? (你要我關掉音響設備嗎?)
(C) 最符合對話情境,因為簡報快開始了,Jason 提議「先幫 Susan 介紹前幾頁」是合理的。
Student: Sir, we are raising money to help save the rainforest. Would you like to donate some money?
Man: Are you kidding? __________ It doesn’t affect me!
Student: Well, sir, rainforests are very important to us. Many things we use are made from rainforest plants, such as the clothes we wear.
Man: Oh, I see. Young man, I’ll donate NT$ 500.
男士:你開玩笑嗎?__________ 這跟我沒關係!
男士:哦,我明白了。年輕人,我捐 500 元。
(A) I’ll never save the rain! (我絕不會去拯救雨水!)
(B) I won’t take your money. (我不會拿你的錢。)
(C) What is your favorite clothing style? (你最喜歡的服裝風格是什麼?)
(D) Why do I have to save the rainforest? (為什麼我要拯救雨林?) ✅ 答案
(D) 最符合對話內容,因為男士質疑「拯救雨林與自己無關」,這符合學生後續的回應。
Jack: I got a text message from the hotel. They ask us to click on a link to confirm our reservation.
Lucy: __________ This message seems strange.
Jack: But could it be a new policy? I’m afraid our reservation would be cancelled.
Lucy: Let me call the hotel. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Lucy:__________ 這封訊息感覺很奇怪。
(A) Hey, don’t do that. (嘿,別這麼做!) ✅ 答案
(B) Just click on it now. (趕快點擊吧。)
(C) Absolutely, go ahead. (當然,去做吧。)
(D) It’s a standard procedure. (這是標準程序。)
(A) 最符合對話邏輯,Lucy 認為這封訊息可疑,所以勸阻 Jack 不要點擊連結。
Living on Orchid Island, the Yami (Tao) people are able to keep their traditions going. The best-known tradition is the “flying fish season” of spring and summer. Flying fish are regarded as a gift from heaven. During the festival period, the local people have to be very careful of their actions and words in order not to break with traditions. Over the years, hundreds and thousands of tourists have visited Orchid Island every flying fish season. Many tourists have shown a lack of respect for local customs. Therefore, residents keep reminding tourists to avoid rude behaviors. One thing tourists should not do is touching the fishing boats when taking pictures. Traditionally, Yami (Tao) women and outsiders are not allowed to touch the fishing boats. Another thing tourists should not do is entering the backyard of houses where local residents dry their flying fish. Acts of disrespect, according to local fishermen, would bring bad luck. Tourists should remember not to disturb normal life on the island.
第 21 題:Flying fish ______ as a gift from heaven.
(A) regard (視為,當作)
(B) regarded (被視為,過去式)
(C) are regarded (被視為,現在被動語態) ✅ 正確答案
(D) are regarding (正在視為,但語意不通)
✅ 為什麼選 (C) "are regarded"?
這句話的主詞是 "Flying fish"(飛魚),是複數。
"are regarded" 是被動語態,表示「飛魚被視為天堂的禮物」,符合句意。
(A) "regard" 是主動語態,主詞應該是人,例如 "People regard flying fish as a gift."
(B) "regarded" 是過去式,時態不符。
(D) "are regarding" 表示「正在視為」,但這裡說的是普遍認知,應該用被動語態。
第 22 題:______ the years, hundreds and thousands of tourists have visited Orchid Island every flying fish season.
(A) About (關於,大約)
(B) Below (在…之下)
(C) Over (經過、在…期間) ✅ 正確答案
(D) Without (沒有,不包含)
✅ 為什麼選 (C) "Over"?
"Over the years" 是常見片語,意思是「多年來」,表示長時間內的變化。
(A) "About" 不能用來修飾時間範圍。
(B) "Below" 只用來指物理位置,不適用於時間。
(D) "Without" 會使句意不通順。
第 23 題:Therefore, residents keep reminding tourists to avoid ______.
(A) good manners (良好禮儀)
(B) rude behaviors (無禮的行為) ✅ 正確答案
(C) spending money (花錢)
(D) showing consideration (表現出體貼)
✅ 為什麼選 (B) "rude behaviors"?
句子前面提到遊客「缺乏尊重」,因此居民提醒他們避免無禮的行為,所以 (B) 符合語境。
(A) "good manners"(良好禮儀)應該是「培養」而不是「避免」。
(C) "spending money"(花錢)與句子無關。
(D) "showing consideration"(表現體貼)與句子語意相反。
第 24 題:______ thing tourists should not do is entering the backyard of houses where local residents dry their flying fish.
(A) Another (另一個) ✅ 正確答案
(B) Other (其他的,但不單獨使用)
(C) Any other (任何其他的,但不單獨使用)
(D) No other (沒有其他的,但句意不合)
✅ 為什麼選 (A) "Another"?
"Another thing"(另一件事情)用來介紹「第二件」遊客不該做的事。
(B) "Other" 不能直接修飾單數名詞 "thing",必須用 "Another"。
(C) "Any other" 需要搭配比較級,不適合這裡的語境。
(D) "No other" 用於比較時,例如 "No other fish is as important as flying fish." 但這裡不符合句意。
第二篇文章:3D 列印技術
The 3D printer is a machine that can create three-dimensional solid objects. In the printing process, the printer adds layers upon layers of materials until a solid object is completed. At first, 3D printers only made small, simple plastic objects. But now, 3D printer technology can help house builders know the exact amount of materials they need even before they start construction. Therefore, building 3D printed homes requires fewer resources and produces less waste than the traditional way.
The 3D printer can improve the quality of the objects they create by using artificial intelligence (AI). One of the most exciting applications of AI in 3D printing is generative design. Generative design is a computer-aided design technique that uses AI to improve the design process. It helps create lighter and stronger structures. This is because AI can find the best way to reduce the weight of a structure while increasing its strength. In this way, better buildings can be created.
3D 列印機是一種可以製造三維實體物品的機器。在列印過程中,列印機會一層一層地堆疊材料,直到完成一個實體物件。最初,3D 列印機只能製作小型、簡單的塑膠物品。然而,如今,3D 列印技術已經能夠幫助建築商在開工前準確計算所需的材料數量。因此,使用 3D 列印建造房屋所需的資源更少,產生的廢棄物也更少。
3D 列印機可以通過人工智慧(AI)來改善它們製造的物品品質。其中最令人興奮的應用之一是「生成式設計」。這是一種電腦輔助設計技術,利用 AI 來優化設計過程,使建築更輕且更堅固。這是因為 AI 可以找出減少重量的同時提高結構強度的方法。因此,可以建造更好的建築物。
29-35 題詳解
29-30 題:火車時刻表
29. Which of the following is NOT true about the timetable?
29. 下列哪一項關於時刻表的敘述是錯誤的?
選項翻譯 (A) Train No. 802 operates every day of the week from Monday to Sunday.
(A) 802 號列車從週一到週日每天運行。
(B) Train No. 1510 takes longer to get from Taichung to Taipei than Train No. 1202.
(B) 1510 號列車從台中到台北所需的時間比 1202 號列車更長。
(C) If Mr. Sakula takes Train No. 606 on Saturday, he will arrive at Taoyuan at 08:30.
(C) 如果 Sakula 先生在星期六搭乘 606 號列車,他將於 08:30 抵達桃園。
(D) From Taichung to Nangang, Train No. 204 will make a stop at Banqiao and Taipei.
(D) 從台中到南港,204 號列車會停靠板橋和台北。
30. Maria is planning to take a train from Taichung to Taipei this Saturday morning. On the way, Denny will join her on the train at Hsinchu. They will be meeting Mr. Lee at Taipei station at 08:50. Which train is her best choice?
30. Maria 計劃在這個星期六早上從台中搭火車到台北。途中,Denny 會在新竹上車。他們要在 08:50 於台北車站與 Mr. Lee 見面。哪班列車是她最好的選擇?
選項翻譯 (A) No. 802
(A) 802 號列車
(B) No. 1202
(B) 1202 號列車
(C) No. 1602
(C) 1602 號列車
(D) No. 606
(D) 606 號列車
重點單字 & 片語
Timetable – 時刻表
Operation Day – 運行日
Arrive at – 抵達
Depart from – 離開
Join – 加入
Meet up with – 與……碰面
Best choice – 最佳選擇
Take a train – 搭火車
Make a stop at – 停靠……站
Takes longer to get from A to B – 從 A 到 B 需要較長時間
Every day of the week – 一週的每一天
31-32 題:大學運動社團
31. Minhua and Yating are interested in playing a team sport, which clubs are they likely to join?
31. Minhua 和 Yating 對團隊運動感興趣,他們可能會加入哪個社團?
選項翻譯 (A) Basketball and weightlifting
(A) 籃球和舉重
(B) Badminton and cycling
(B) 羽毛球和自行車
(C) Swimming and badminton
(C) 游泳和羽毛球
(D) Rugby and basketball
(D) 橄欖球和籃球
32. Fuhao works in the evening on Mondays and Tuesdays. Which clubs is he likely to join?
32. Fuhao 週一和週二晚上要工作,他可能會加入哪個社團?
選項翻譯 (A) Badminton, Cycling, Rugby
(A) 羽毛球、自行車、橄欖球
(B) Basketball, Swimming, Weightlifting
(B) 籃球、游泳、舉重
(C) Rugby, Weightlifting, Swimming
(C) 橄欖球、舉重、游泳
(D) Cycling, Basketball, Badminton
(D) 自行車、籃球、羽毛球
重點單字 & 片語
Club – 社團
Practice time – 練習時間
Team sport – 團隊運動
Individual sport – 個人運動
Interested in – 對……感興趣
Join a club – 加入社團
Play a team sport – 參加團隊運動
Work in the evening – 晚上工作
Likely to join – 可能會加入
33-35 題:飯店比較
33. Which facility or service is provided by both hotels?
33. 兩間飯店都提供哪一項設施或服務?
選項翻譯 (A) Outdoor pool
(A) 戶外游泳池
(B) Business center
(B) 商務中心
(C) Free Wi-Fi
(C) 免費無線網路
(D) Laundry service
(D) 洗衣服務
34. How far does Lina have to drive to the Theme Park if she stays in the hotel closer to it?
34. 如果 Lina 住在離主題樂園較近的飯店,她需要開車多遠才能到達?
選項翻譯 (A) 2 km
(A) 2 公里
(B) 6 km
(B) 6 公里
(C) 8 km
(C) 8 公里
(D) 16 km
(D) 16 公里
35. Which of the following is true?
35. 下列哪一項敘述是正確的?
選項翻譯 (A) If Lina likes to use the fitness center, she should choose Universe Hotel.
(A) 如果 Lina 喜歡使用健身中心,她應該選擇宇宙飯店(Universe Hotel)。
(B) If Lina likes to swim in the pool, she should choose Universe Hotel.
(B) 如果 Lina 喜歡在游泳池游泳,她應該選擇宇宙飯店(Universe Hotel)。
(C) Lina will have to pay NT$ 1,800 for a single room in Cruise Hotel.
(C) Lina 需要支付新台幣 1,800 元來住在郵輪飯店(Cruise Hotel)的一間單人房。
(D) Lina is able to use room service anytime in Cruise Hotel.
(D) Lina 可以在郵輪飯店(Cruise Hotel)任何時候使用客房服務。
重點單字 & 片語
Facility – 設施
Service – 服務
Fitness center – 健身中心
Laundry service – 洗衣服務
Business center – 商務中心
Room service – 客房服務
Provide a facility/service – 提供設施/服務
Stay in a hotel – 住飯店
Drive to the Theme Park – 開車到主題樂園
Single room – 單人房
Outdoor pool – 戶外游泳池
36-42 題 閱讀測驗詳解
36-38 題:Jensen Huang 與 NVIDIA
36-38 題:Jensen Huang & NVIDIA(英文原文)
Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) is the chief executive of NVIDIA, a leading company that makes chips used in artificial intelligence (AI). In 2023, Huang was listed among the 100 most influential people in AI. An inspiration to many, Huang encourages young people to seize the opportunities that AI will present. Meanwhile, he reminds them to take a positive attitude towards challenges.
In a speech to university graduates in Taiwan last year, Huang shared two important lessons he has learned in the past three decades. The first lesson is not to be discouraged by failure. In 1996, his company nearly closed down due to rapid changes in the industry. They soon realized that they had made a mistake, and Huang humbly asked a major customer for help. With the customer’s support, the company moved on to invent the chip that led to their future success. Huang’s advice is to always honestly face your mistakes and seek help.
The second lesson is to keep going despite difficulties. In 2007, the company made an expensive investment in product improvements. The new products were not selling well for many years until they started being used for machine learning. The experience taught Huang and his colleagues to handle the pain and suffering needed to achieve their vision. Their continued efforts helped build NVIDIA into a global leader in AI technologies.
Huang’s life story is also about pushing oneself to do better. Born in Taiwan, Huang moved to the United States at the age of nine. He later earned two engineering degrees before working for two chip companies. In 1993, on his 30th birthday, he and two friends founded NVIDIA. Today, Huang often advises students to live a life of purpose, and to run, not walk, towards their goals.
Jensen Huang (黃仁勳) 是 NVIDIA 公司的執行長,該公司是人工智慧(AI)領域的領先晶片製造商之一。在 2023 年,黃仁勳被列入「全球 AI 領域最具影響力的 100 人」名單。他激勵許多年輕人要把握 AI 帶來的機會,同時也提醒他們要以積極的態度面對挑戰。
在 2023 年對台灣大學畢業生的演講中,黃仁勳分享了他過去 30 年來學到的兩個重要教訓。第一個教訓是「不要因失敗而氣餒」。1996 年,由於產業快速變遷,他的公司幾乎倒閉。他們很快意識到自己犯了錯,於是黃仁勳誠懇地向一位主要客戶尋求幫助。在客戶的支持下,NVIDIA 開發出了一款開創未來成功的晶片。黃仁勳的建議是:「誠實面對錯誤,並勇敢尋求幫助。」
第二個教訓是「即使困難重重,也要堅持下去」。2007 年,NVIDIA 進行了一項昂貴的產品改良投資。然而,新產品多年來銷量低迷,直到它們開始被用於機器學習。這段經歷讓黃仁勳和他的同事們學會了如何承受痛苦與挑戰,以實現他們的願景。他們持續努力,最終使 NVIDIA 成為全球 AI 技術的領導者。
黃仁勳的故事也充滿了自我挑戰。他出生於台灣,九歲時移民美國,後來獲得兩個工程學位,並曾在兩家晶片公司工作。1993 年,在他 30 歲生日那天,他與兩位朋友共同創立了 NVIDIA。如今,他經常鼓勵學生要活出有意義的人生,並且「跑步前進,而不是慢慢走向目標」。
36-38 題
36. What is the main idea of this passage?
36. 這篇文章的主旨是什麼?
(A) How to come up with a speech
(A) 如何準備一場演講
(B) How to succeed in chip making
(B) 如何在晶片製造業取得成功
(C) How to seize opportunities in AI
(C) 如何抓住人工智慧的機會
(D) How to deal with difficult situations
(D) 如何應對困難的情境
✔ 正確答案:D
解釋:文章的重點在於黃仁勳如何克服困難,包括公司瀕臨倒閉時的應對策略,以及如何在困難時期堅持下去,這使他最終取得成功。因此,最適合的答案是 D(如何應對困難的情境)。
37. According to the passage, which is NOT an example of "pushing oneself to do better"?
37. 根據文章,下列哪一項不是「督促自己變得更好」的例子?
(A) Working for chip companies
(A) 為晶片公司工作
(B) Reaching the age of 30 in 1993
(B) 在 1993 年滿 30 歲
(C) Earning two engineering degrees
(C) 獲得兩個工程學位
(D) Founding NVIDIA with two friends
(D) 與兩位朋友創立 NVIDIA
✔ 正確答案:B
解釋:選項 A、C、D 都是黃仁勳努力提升自我的行動,例如獲得學位、創辦公司,而 B(滿 30 歲) 是一個自然發生的事,並非「督促自己變得更好」的行為,因此 B 是正確答案。
38. Based on the passage, arrange the following events in the order in which they happened.
38. 根據文章,請將以下事件依發生順序排列。
(a) New products made profits when they were used for machine learning.
(a) 新產品在機器學習領域被使用後開始獲利。
(b) Huang’s company almost shut down because of challenges in the industry.
(b) 黃仁勳的公司因產業變化而幾乎倒閉。
(c) Huang became one of the most 100 influential people in artificial intelligence.
(c) 黃仁勳被列為全球最具影響力的 AI 領域 100 人之一。
(d) The company admitted their mistake and obtained help to develop a product.
(d) 公司承認錯誤並獲得幫助來開發新產品。
(A) b → a → c → d
(A) b → a → c → d
(B) b → d → a → c
(B) b → d → a → c
(C) c → d → b → a
(C) c → d → b → a
(D) c → a → d → b
(D) c → a → d → b
✔ 正確答案:B
解釋:先發生的是 b(公司瀕臨倒閉),接著 d(承認錯誤並獲得幫助),然後 a(產品在機器學習領域獲得成功),最後是 c(他成為 AI 領域最具影響力的人之一),因此正確的順序是 b → d → a → c。
39-42 題:台灣氣象衛星 Triton(英文原文)
On October 9, 2023, Triton, the first weather satellite made in Taiwan, successfully entered space. It is also the fourth satellite in the world to use GNSS-R instrument to collect weather data. Its purpose is to help us predict the weather more accurately.
This satellite is named after Triton, an ancient Greek god of the sea. The sea god commands the wind and waves. The satellite Triton is able to gather such data as wave heights and sea wind speeds. Triton uses a technique that collects signals reflected from the Earth’s surface. It carries GNSS-R instrument to receive signals that are sent back from sea surfaces. The calmer the sea, the stronger the signal, indicating weaker winds. This information is valuable as wind speed data is not easy to collect. Such information improves the prediction of typhoon strengths and movements. Triton observes weather changes mainly in the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and central Pacific Ocean.
Triton, started in 2014, is the result of cooperation between the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) and local companies. TASA developed the GNSS-R instrument and key components such as the Onboard Computer and GPS Receiver. More than 20 local research groups and manufacturers participated in developing the ground station equipment. The satellite is 82% developed and produced in Taiwan.
Now that Triton is in space, we can expect it to provide more accurate information and support disaster prevention. The success of Triton contributes to global weather forecasting. It is also an important step forward for Taiwan’s space engineering.
39-42 題:台灣氣象衛星 Triton
2023 年 10 月 9 日,台灣首顆自主研發的氣象衛星「獵風者」(Triton) 成功進入太空。它是全球第四顆搭載 GNSS-R 儀器以收集氣象數據的衛星。其目的是幫助人類更準確地預測天氣。
這顆衛星的名稱來自於古希臘的海神 Triton,因為海神能掌控風與海浪。而這顆衛星能夠收集如海浪高度和風速等數據。Triton 使用一種技術來接收從地球表面反射回來的訊號。訊號越強代表海面越平靜,表示風速較低。這項技術有助於提升颱風強度與路徑的預測準確度。
Triton 衛星計畫始於 2014 年,由台灣太空中心 (TASA) 與本地企業合作開發。TASA 設計了 GNSS-R 儀器與關鍵元件,並有超過 20 家台灣研究機構和製造商參與開發。這顆衛星 82% 的零件由台灣自主研發。
如今,Triton 已進入太空,未來將提供更準確的天氣資訊,幫助減少災害的影響,同時也展現了台灣在太空工程領域的技術進步。
39-42 題目及選項翻譯
39-42 題目及選項翻譯
39. What is the passage mainly about?
39. 這篇文章主要在談論什麼?
(A) Challenges of space engineering in Taiwan
(A) 台灣在太空工程領域的挑戰
(B) The description of the Greek sea god Triton
(B) 希臘海神 Triton 的描述
(C) Differences in weather forecasting techniques
(C) 天氣預測技術的差異
(D) The introduction of a weather satellite in Taiwan
(D) 台灣氣象衛星的介紹
✔ 正確答案:D
解釋:文章主要介紹「獵風者」(Triton) 衛星,包括它的功能、技術、開發背景,以及對氣象預測的貢獻,因此最適合的答案是 D(介紹台灣的氣象衛星)。
40. Which is closest in meaning to “reflected” in the second paragraph?
40. 在第二段中,"reflected" 的意思最接近哪個詞?
(A) looked into
(A) 調查、深入研究
(B) made of
(B) 由……製成
(C) sent back
(C) 反射、傳回
(D) named after
(D) 以……命名
✔ 正確答案:C
解釋:在第二段,"Triton uses a technique that collects signals reflected from the Earth’s surface"(Triton 使用技術來收集從地球表面反射回來的訊號),這裡的 "reflected" 是指訊號被反射回來,因此最接近的意思是 "sent back"(傳回、反射回來)。
41. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
41. 根據文章,下列哪一項是正確的?
(A) Triton started to collect wind speed data before 2014.
(A) Triton 在 2014 年之前就開始收集風速數據。
(B) All of Triton was developed and produced in Taiwan.
(B) Triton 的所有零件都是在台灣研發與生產的。
(C) Triton shows the improvement in Taiwan’s space skills.
(C) Triton 展現了台灣太空技術的進步。
(D) Fewer than 20 local companies worked on the Triton project.
(D) 少於 20 家本地公司參與了 Triton 計畫。
✔ 正確答案:C
解釋:文章提到 「Triton, started in 2014, is the result of cooperation between the Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) and local companies... The satellite is 82% developed and produced in Taiwan」(Triton 計畫始於 2014 年,由台灣太空中心與本地企業合作開發,82% 由台灣製造)。這表示它展現了台灣在太空技術上的進步,所以最適合的答案是 C。
(A) 錯誤,Triton 計畫始於 2014 年,而非 2014 年前就開始收集數據。
(B) 錯誤,文章說 82% 由台灣研發,不是 100%。
(D) 錯誤,文章說「more than 20 local research groups and manufacturers」,表示超過 20 家公司參與了該計畫。
42. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage about the contribution of Triton?
42. 根據文章,可以推測 Triton 的貢獻是什麼?
(A) It helps reduce damage caused by bad weather.
(A) 它有助於減少因惡劣天氣造成的損害。
(B) It improves the speed and strength of typhoons.
(B) 它能提升颱風的速度和強度。
(C) It connects the Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean.
(C) 它連接大西洋與印度洋。
(D) It measures the heights of satellites from sea surfaces.
(D) 它測量衛星與海面的高度。
✔ 正確答案:A
解釋:文章提到 「Now that Triton is in space, we can expect it to provide more accurate information and support disaster prevention」(Triton 已進入太空,未來將提供更準確的資訊,並支持防災)。這表示 Triton 的數據可以幫助預測颱風,減少災害影響,因此最適合的答案是 A(它有助於減少因惡劣天氣造成的損害)。
(B) 錯誤,Triton 測量 颱風,並沒有 提升 颱風的速度或強度。
(C) 錯誤,Triton 主要監測 大西洋、印度洋與中央太平洋的氣象變化,但它不會「連接」這些海洋。
(D) 錯誤,Triton 測量的是海浪高度和風速,而不是衛星與海面的高度。
Ⅰ. 填充 (每格 2 分,共 4 分)
Would you prefer to pay by cash or with an electronic wallet?
Ⅱ. 句子重組 (6 分)
It is good to see that more people work on solving pollution problems.
Ⅲ. 中譯英 (6 分)
Some experts say that this year will be hotter and more humid than last year.