2019年11月26日 星期二

108年高中英語文教學研討會--108課綱高中英文教學與課程設計 1081123

探究式英語閱讀引導 Inquiry-Based Reading (by 陳秋蘭教授)
What is inquiry-based learning?
-When learners ask questions
-Student-generated questions
-Student-centered and teacher-guided 
What is Inquiry-Based Learning?

What is Inquiry-Based Learning?
Inquiry Based Learning: Teaching to 21st Century Learners
What does it mean to be an inquiry teacher?

Inquiry-based reading
Close Reading and Inquiry-Based Discussion of Crow Call

Think about these questions
- How often do you ask students to pose their own questions?
- What do you do to address the questions generated by your students?
- What are the benefits of allowing students to generate their questions?

learners are not empty vessel; they are the light.
student engagement → teacher asks questions
warm-up (Teacher asks students’ personal experience)
ask Ss to pose questions → put sticky notes on board and teacher answers them
find clues (What are the evidences of the character that shows she’s nervous/comfortable) 
文章中哪句 support XXX(he’s crazy)? -- evidence, support, logics
focus questions
text-based questions → ask questions beyond factual questions
O. Henry simplified reader 

My first step for Media & Information Literacy in English class-- From product placement to fake news (by 雄中 林晶瑩老師)
“Making thinking visible” -- 4c thinking routine

The Secret Science Of Advertising

Fake News. It's Your Fault. | Christina Nicholson | TEDxBocaRaton

South East Asia Pop Culture-- Explore and experience South East Asian cultures and their modern-day influences on Taiwan (By 曙光女中 游雅婷/Bradley Zon)

What do students need? (Student-oriented)
Written presentation skills
Language learning
World view
Oral presentation skills

Knowledge: Acquire the basic concepts of the SOuth Bound Policy
(1) The ability of using online briefing software-- Prezi
(2) Information literacy
(3) Necessary oral presentation skills
(1) Collaboration with others 
(2) Demonstration of culture tolerance and appreciation
(3) Global citizenry through the understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures

Develop cultural awareness (food, music, fashion, history)
Being a tour guide (informative → persuasive)

Students work in groups to conduct mini research assignments and share those discoveries with their classmates. 
Students work in groups to conduct mini research assignments and design trip advisors

4 topics, 4 weeks 完成一個 topic (food, music, fashion, history)
food 包含 drink, main course...
history 包含 timeline, battle… 
老師先用美國文化介紹 → 學生進行自己的 mini-research 

Teaching procedure of each topic:
1st period: 1. Videos   2. Words 3. Criteria  
2nd period:  1. Information search  2. Peer edit 3. Prezi design 
3rd period: 1. Revise Prezi  2. Oral practice  
4th period: 1. Group presentation  2. Peer feedback

英語教學的文學觀點 (by 莊坤良教授)
1. “To know another’s language and not his culture is a very good way to make a fluent fool of one’s self.” (Winston Brembeck)
(1) That’s interesting. (未必是覺得有趣,跟 It’s different. 類似)
(2) Catch 22
(3) Adam’s apple
(4) Helen of Troy
(5) A pound of flesh

2. Aesthetics
(1) It’s still early. No rush.
(2) The night is still young.
(3) The night is still tender. 
(4) Tender is the night.

3. Three kinds of competence:
(1) linguistic competence
- 語法、語音 (syntax, phonology)
- 語意、語用 (semantics, pragmatics)
(2) literary competence 
- 文化感知與理解 (cultural literacy)
- 文本賞析與批判 (critical literacy)
- 生命體悟與成長 (personal growth)
(3) aesthetic competence

4. The core value of literature in language education
(1) 文字素養與文化感知: words (資訊)
(2) 生活連接與生命啟示: world (知識)
(3) 批判思考與心智訓練: mind (智慧)

5. Creative thinking
(1) 考量美學呈現,兼顧實用價值。Aesthetic/pragmatic
(2) 注重目的性,但也不忽略過程。Process/product
(3) 注重流暢性,但也不忽視彈性。Flexibility/consistency
(4) 傾向主觀思維,兼顧客觀事實。Subjective/objective
(5) 仰賴內心驅動,超越外在誘因。Inner drive/outer lure
(6) 強調邊緣思考,避開主流價值。Think outside the box.
--Perkins, 1992 (Smart Schools)

6. “The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.” -- Albert Einstein

7. Five literary ways to improve creative expressions
(1) 明喻與暗喻 figurative language
(2) 去熟悉化 de-familiarization 
(3) 矛盾修辭法 oxymoron
(4) 挪用與再現 appropriation
(5) 間接表述 indirect expression 

8.  figurative language
You fill up my senses
Like a night in a forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in the desert
Like a sleepy blue ocean
You fill up my senses
Come fill me again

9. metaphors
(1) All the world is a stage. 
(2) You are my sunshine.
(3) Her home is a prison.
(4) Life is a journey.
(5) She is fishing in troubled waters. 
(6) The classroom was a zoo.
(7) America us a melting pot.
(8) Her lovely voice was music to his ears. 
(9) Life is a rollercoaster.
(10) He is a walking dictionary. 
(11) My big brother is a couch potato.

10. 矛盾修辭法 oxymoron
(1) die merrily 含著微笑,離開人世
(2) a victorious defeat 雖敗猶榮
(3) His silence is thunderous. 沉默如響雷
(4) alone in the crowd
(5) An ordinary miracle everyday
(6) Parting is such a sweet sorrow.
(7) enjoy your suffering 苦中作樂
(8) cautiously optimistic 審慎樂觀
(9) terribly good 好得一蹋糊塗
(10) perfect imperfection  完美的不全
(11) Richness of simplicity
(12) heavy lightness

11. 廣告英文
(1) Life is too short to blend in. (clothes)
(2) We live for exceptional moments.. (travel agency)
(3) Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail afain. Fail better. (golf class)
(4) “Not why, why not?” (blue jeans)
(5)      Search



12. 押韻
(1) Count the memories, not the calories.
(2) Lunch-time is now crunch-time.
(3) Keep in touch with the Dutch.

13. 挪用與再現 appropriation
(1) To be or not to be, that is the question.
- To eat or not to eat, that is the question.
- To love or not to love, that is the question.
- To buy or not to buy, that is the question.

(2) Not that I love Caesar less, but that I love Rome more.
- Not that I love you less, but that I love liberty more.
- Not that I love my teacher less, but that I love truth more.

(3) If winter comes, can spring be far behind?
- If the final exam comes, can holidays be far behind?
- Since the darkest night has come, will daylight be far away?

14. 從文學到文創
"Blowin' In The Wind" by Bob Dylan
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
How many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they're forever banned?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

Yes, and how many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, and how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, and how many deaths will it take 'til he knows
That too many people have died?

The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind
The answer is blowin' in the wind

From April Song by Langston Hughes 
Let the rain kiss you.
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops.
Let the rain sing you a lullaby.

The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk.
The rain makes running pools in the gutter.
The rain plays a little sleep-song on our roof at night—

And I love the rain.

15. Indirect expression by Oscar Wilde
(1) Nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
(2) I have nothing to declare except my genius.
(3) A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies. 
(4) I am not young enough to know everything.
(5) A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it.
(6) Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth. 
(7) Only the shallow know themselves.
(8) The only thing I cannot resist is temptation. 

16. 守破離: 學習三部曲
(1) 吸收: Imitation 理解 背誦 求同
(2) 轉化: Transformation 情境 重構
(3) 再現: Representation 求異 創意表達

Repeat with a difference 
Peter Barry-- Adopt 模擬採用 , Adapt 改寫調適 , Adept 靈活運用

From efferent to aesthetic

核心能力: 廣泛閱讀 →  鍛鍊文字 → 深度思考

