2019年11月10日 星期日

全民英檢GEPT初級 相關資訊

1. 全民英檢官網
2. 初級測驗介紹
3. 2020年報名日程表
2019/10/7~10/25 報名 
聽讀 530元 說寫 兩項 750元
4. 初級字彙表 (A-Z分開)
  初級字彙表 A-Z合併
  全民英檢初級參考字表 Quizlet Part 1Part 2
   初級字彙 Google Sheet 
5. 初級學習指引
官方正式測驗考題(初級-4) 紙本口說/聽力檔案 
官方正式測驗考題(初級-5) 紙本口說/聽力檔案 
官方正式測驗考題(初級-6) 紙本口說/聽力檔案 
官方正式測驗考題(初級-7) 紙本、口說/聽力檔案
Source: 題卜老師Ms.Tips英文
1.How often do you listen to music?
1.How much do you spend every day? What do you buy?
1.Which sports do you like best? Why?

2.When was the last time you had a haircut? How much was it?

2.Where was the last time you went out with your classmates?
2.When was the last time you went to the convenience store? What did you buy?

3.What is your favorite day of a week? Why?

4.Do you like Japanese food ?

4.Do you like to have desserts after meals?
4.Do you like to take a shower in the morning? Why or why not?
4.Do you often stay up studying? If you do , what subject do you study?

5.If the garbage truck comes while you are playing video games, what will you do?

5.If you find someone forgets something on a bus, what will you do?

6.How old do you start to learn English?

What do you think of your first English teacher?

7.If your uncle comes back after traveling around the world, what questions will you ask him?

7.If your friend comes back after talking a trip to Haulian, what questions will you ask him or her?
7.If your cousin makes a new boyfriend, what will you say to him or her?


圖一:公園裡,Lucy帶著一隻鸚鵡 (parrot)而旁邊一個男孩彈著吉他唱歌給他們聽。



