2020年3月4日 星期三

[轉貼]: Difference between Eastern and Western Lifestyle

轉貼自: Difference between Eastern and Western Lifestyle
以下比較中西方文化的插圖,很適合給學生來練習口說喔! (可以用S+V while S+V 的句型來讓學生練習造句,或是讓學生詳加闡述裡面的內涵是什麼)


1. How to express yourself 

2. the lifestyle: independent vs dependent 
(生活方式: 獨立 vs 依賴)

3. the attitude to punctuality: exactly on time vs 15 minutes range
(對準時的態度: 絕對準時 vs 有十五分鐘的緩衝時間)

4. people relationship: simple vs complex
(與人們的關係: 簡單 vs 複雜)

5. feeling express: one side vs double sided
(表達情緒: 一致 vs 雙面人)

6. How to line up

7. how to think about oneself

8. on weekend

9. at party

10. sound in restaurant

11. during the travel

12. the standard for beauty

13. in front of problem

14. transportation

15. daily life of the old

16. the status of leader

17. how to treat younger

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