2020年3月12日 星期四

[轉貼]: 武漢肺炎(新冠狀病毒)相關教學資源 (不定期更新)

一株病毒教我們的事 (龍騰 技高英文)
1. 國立中科實驗高級中學英文科: 武漢肺炎英文整理
2. 台南市安慶國小 謝怡寧老師 設計的新型冠狀病毒教學資源
(1) PPT Slides投影片
(2) Youtube版
(3) Quizlet生字自學遊戲: Set 1Set 2

3. 插圖 (轉貼自: Mona Chalabi IG)

4.各國防疫(預防新冠病毒)的方式及英文說法 轉貼自: 魔法英文 Magic English
Reduce your risk of coronavirus infection (by World Health Organization):
1. Clean hands with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
2. Cover nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with tissue or flexed elbow. 
3. Avoid close contact with anyone with cold or flu-like symptoms.
4. Thoroughly cook meat and eggs.
5. Avoid unprotected contact with live wild or farm animals.

2019 Novel Coronavirus: Tips to Avoid Getting Sick (by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The virus started in Wuhan, China, and has been detected around the world. The greatest risk of infection is for people in China or people who have recently traveled to China. 
1. Wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, or use a 60%-alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
2. Avoid close contact with sick people. As much as possible do not spend time around people who are sick.
3. Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands. 
4. Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces you touch to kill germs that may linger. 

Coronavirus Prevention (by CBC News)
1. Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. 
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. 
3. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
4. Avoid close contact with people who are sick. 
5. Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. 
6. Stay home when you are sick.

Preventing Wuhan Coronavirus
1. Wear masks.
2. Frequently wash your hands.
3. Avoid contact with live animals. 
4. Do not consume raw meats. 
5. Avoid direct contact with suspected patients. 
6. Observe good personal hygiene. 
7. Cough into a tissue and dispose directly.
8. Consult a doctor if you are feeling unwell.

相關單字 (轉貼自Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文)
• disinfecting / disinfectant wipes 殺菌濕紙巾
• rubbing alcohol 消毒用酒精 (量詞用 bottle)
• disinfectant spray 消毒噴液
• hand sanitizer / hand sanitizing gel 抗菌 / 消毒乾洗手
• hygiene and healthcare products 衛生和保健用品

• preventive measure [C] 防範措施 (很多時候在說政策)
• ward off / fight viruses 抵禦、對抗病毒
• kill viruses and bacteria 殺死病毒和細菌
• boost one's immune system 增強免疫系統
• stockpile medical supplies 囤積醫療用品

• take the temperatures of shoppers 量購物者的體溫
• infrared thermometer 紅外線測溫器
•forehead thermometer 額溫計
• asymptomatic cases 無症狀案例
• mild symptoms 輕微的症狀

• have a slight fever 有輕微的發燒
• fever-reducing drugs / medications 退燒藥
• over-the-counter medicine [C] 非處方用藥
• fatality rate 致死率
• sore throat 喉嚨痛 [C]
• have a runny nose [C] 流鼻水 (但: have a nose that runs / my nose is running)

轉貼自: Alexander Wang 王梓沅英文
• 要講「武肺舒緩」,英文習慣用:
Will the coronavirus die down by the summer?
Will the outbreak be subdued / subside in five months or will it grow into a pandemic (全球傳染)?

(或用動詞 contain 表達)
When can we really contain (控制好) the coronavirus?

• 更進一步,你可以問:
When will the coronavirus outbreak end? (是爆發去 end, 不是病毒去 end)

• 生動一點,使用 go away:
Will the coronavirus now ravaging China ever go away?

