2020年3月24日 星期二

英語文篇章結構教學與評量研習 (張武昌教授) 2020/03/21

英語文篇章結構教學與評量  (國立台灣師大/銘傳大學兼任教授 張武昌)

篇章Discourse Competence 
• 語言的學習,除了屬於基礎語言成分的字母、語音、字彙、片 語及文法句構外,也需要學習對話、段落、短文、書信、甚至 故事等的文本結構,這是一般所謂的discourse,中文翻譯為 「言談」(特別是指口語)或是「篇章」(特別是指文本或書 面語),以下以「篇章」通稱之。 
從國中階段開始,篇章結構的理解與學習更形重要,例如一個段落中,句子間的連結可以透過代名詞、定冠詞、指示詞甚至 同義字或反義字等的使用,使得句與句間有更緊密的語法關聯 性(cohesion)語意連貫性(coherence)。閱讀段落時,除 了應該理解其體裁及主題外,也應該能判斷主題句及總結句, 分析段落發展模式,進而學習如何有條理地鋪陳文章,以確保 整個段落的關聯性與連貫性。學生若具有這些能力,不僅在閱讀時能迅速理解文本意旨,在寫作時也能根據對文章結構與發 展脈絡之理解,寫出一篇主題明確且具連貫性的短文。 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
• The study of the relationship between language and the contexts in which it is used. 
• Discourse analysts study language in use: written texts of all kinds, and spoken data, from conversation to highly institutional forms of talk. 

→ 看真實的語料。 
→ "A book was bought by me yesterday." 這句合乎文法,但真正的外國人不會這麼說(老師變得只教 form)。

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
The scope of discourse analysis: 
• Description and analysis of both spoken interaction and written interaction (written/printed words). 
Overall aim: understanding of exactly how natural spoken and written discourse looks and sounds 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
• What do the speakers mean
• (In a gym) I see someone chewing gum.  → 表面: statement, 實際: warning
• (On a bus) Someone is standing on my foot. → You’re hurting me!
• (Between two friends) What’s that on the table? (真的有疑問)
• (Between T & S) What’s that on the table? (老師測試學生單字) → Classroom situation vs. real-life situation

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Cohesion: refers to “links from sentence to sentence with a text in terms of grammatical features such as pronominalization (代名詞的使用), ellipsis (省略), and conjunction of various kinds 
• Clare loves potatoes. She cannot cook dinner without them. 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Cohesion is only a guide to coherence; it is only part of coherence in reading and writing 
Coherence is something created by the reader in the act of reading the text; it is the feeling that something hangs together, that it makes sense, and is not just a jumble of sentences. →語意邏輯的概念
• Clare loves potatoes. She was born in Ireland. 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
• Clare loves potatoes. She was born in Ireland. (coherent only if one shares the stereotype ethnic association between being Irish and loving potatoes—a cause-effect relationship) 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Grammatical cohesion: the surface marking of semantic links between clauses and sentences in written discourse, and between utterances and turns in speech → I bought a book yesterday. This/It is the book I bought. 
Reference: pronouns; demonstratives; the article the, among others 
Anaphoric: looking backward 
Cataphoric: looking forward using a pronoun (she) or the definite article (the trip) to engage and hold the reader’s attention (“read on and find out”) 

→ English as a lingua-franca (要看得懂 聽得懂 各國的英文)
→ discourse (tendency 有 85%以上 就很好了)

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Ellipsis: omission of elements normally required by the grammar which the speaker/writer assumes are obvious from the context 
• Ellipsis is distinguished by the structure having some “missing element” (You label and I’ll stack)=(You label (the items) and I’ll stack (them)) 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Substitution: operates at nominal, verbal or clausal level 
One(s): I offered him a seat. He said he didn’t want one. 
Do: Did Mary take that letter? She might have done. 
So/not: Do you need a lift? If so, wait for me; if not, I’ll see you there. 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
• High frequency of occurrence of conjunctions such as and, but, so, and then in speech. 
• Types: 
• Additive 
• Adversative 
• Causal 
• Temporal 

Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers (Michael McCarthy) 
Lexical cohesion 
Reiteration (重覆): restating an item in a larger part of the discourse by direct repetition or else reasserting its meaning by exploiting lexical relations, e.g., hyponymy 下義詞 (rose/flower), synonymy (commence/begin), antonymy, etc. 

Cohesion & Coherence in Discourse 
• A: Do you know Dexter? 
• B: It looks like it’s going to rain. → 雞同鴨講

Cohesion & Coherence in Discourse 
• A: Do you know Dexter? 
• B: Yeah, I met him at the conference last week. 
  (old information)    (new information)

Cohesion & Coherence in Discourse 
• My father once bought a Lincoln convertible. The car driven by the police was red. That color doesn’t suit her. She consists of three letters. However, a letter isn’t as fast as a telephone call. 
→  看起來有 cohesion,但完全無法 hangs together

Cohesion & Coherence in Discourse 
My father once bought a Lincoln convertible. He did it by saving every penny he could. The car would be worth a fortune nowadays. However, he sold it to help pay for my college education. Sometimes I think I’d rather have the convertible. (→ 最後一句為什麼用 the convertible? 因為it是虛詞最弱,放在句子最後面很low;the Lincoln convertible 又太累贅)

Cohesion & Coherence in Discourse 
• A: That’s the telephone. (Can you answer it, please?)
• B: (No, I’m sorry. I can’t answer it because) I’m in the bath. 
• A: O.K. (I’ll anwer it then.)
→ 因為彼此很熟,所以省略到括弧裡的句子,但彼此也聽得懂

下面这个例题旨在考查学生对衔接和连贯手段 的掌握情况。《普通高中英语课程标准》(征 求意见稿)在“学业质量标准”和“学业考试与高 考命题建议”等部分都提到学生应“能辨识和分 析语篇的文体特征及衔接手段”。这里的衔接手 段包括通过使用代词、连接词、省略句、替代 等词汇和语法资源来实现指代、连接、省略、 替代等衔接关系。 

Below is a poster designed by a local CAB(Citizen Assistance Bureau). Please find 5 pronouns in the poster that refer to the local CAB. 
Please write the pronouns below. → 考cohesive tie 的概念
1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 

     Everyone needs help and advice sometimes. 
     Even really bright people can't know everything. Each year our laws. rules and regulations become even more complex. It's hardly surprising so many of us can't understand them. And that's where your local CAB can help. 
     It's their job to listen to your questions. Of course they take pride in being able to help with really difficult problems. 
     We're asked for all kinds of information. A difficult legal matter. Where responsibilities lie in consumer disputes. - And just about everything else! 
     That's how your local CAB helps you to help yourself. 
                                Ask us

→ 雖然是考discourse,但文本太爛了! 稱呼跳來跳去,也不夠 authentic。

Writing tasks in Taiwan’s 1998 college entrance exams: A short poem as prompt 

Examinees were required to first answer five questions based on a poem and then write an English composition of about 120 words.   

April Rain Song     by Langston Hughes
Let the rain kiss you
Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops
Let the rain sing you a lullaby
The rain makes still pools on the sidewalk
The rain makes running pools in the gutter
The rain plays a little sleep song on our roof at night
And I love the rain. 

1.Which season of the year serves as the setting of the poem?  Spring.
2.Which word in the poem is closest in meaning to sleep-songLullaby.
3.What does the phrase silver liquid drops refer to?  Rain.
4.Which word in the poem is opposite in meaning to running ? Still
5.Which of the following words best describes the rain in this 
poem: boring, harsh, depressing, heavy, hopeful, or musicalMusical.

Everyone feels differently about the rain under different circumstances. First describe an event you actually experienced or a scene you witnessed on a rainy day. Then write to express how you feel about the rain based on the event or the scene. 

I Have a Dream 
• I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 
• Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves. 
• But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. 
• In a sense we've come to our nation's capital to cash a check. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. This note was a promise that all men, yes, black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the "unalienable Rights" of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note, insofar as her citizens of color are concerned. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked "insufficient funds." 

I Have a Dream 
• I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 
Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation. This momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity
• But one hundred years later, the Negro still is not free. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination. One hundred years later, the Negro lives on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of material prosperity. One hundred years later, the Negro is still languished in the corners of American society and finds himself an exile in his own land. And so we've come here today to dramatize a shameful condition. 

→ 重覆 One hundred years later,強化讀者印象
→教 slavery vs. freedom 的相關概念和單字

但是一篇那麼經典的I have a dream,教科書後面的文法練習竟然是教過去式及完成式,完全浪費這篇,可以教精彩的discourse教學!
Grammar Focus: 
Simple past
Past progressive
Past perfective (perfect)
Past perfective (perfect) progressive
1. When the architects of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir. 
2. Michael had visited France once before he moved there in 2008.
3. How long had you been waiting before you finally got on the train?

Eccentrics [103 指考篇章結構試題]
Identifying the thread of discourse 
• [Eccentrics defined]: Eccentrics are people who have an unusual or odd personality, set of beliefs, or behavior pattern. They may or may not comprehend the standards for normal behavior in their culture. They simply don’t care about the society’s disapproval of their habits or beliefs. 
• [A different perspective]: Once considered socially unacceptable, eccentric people have been found to possess some positive characteristics. According to a recent study in England, eccentrics are more creative. They often have more curiosity about the world and, in many cases, are contentedly obsessed by hobbies and interests. Psychologists also find that eccentric people do not follow conventions. They live in a world of their own and do not worry about what others think of them. So they are usually less restricted and therefore more carefree in forming new ideas

→  若文章中出現很多複數名詞,就不宜用they,以免造成混淆。
Competency-driven, discourse-oriented test items?

•[One more different perspective]Eccentrics are also found to be healthier. Statistics show they visit their doctors less—about once in eight to nine years, which is 20 times less than the average person. This could be partly due to their innate traits such as humor and happiness. Such personal traits are found to play an important role in boosting the body’s immune system. This may explain why eccentrics are, on the whole, healthier
• [By way of summary]:  Psychologists therefore suggest that we pay attention to those who do not conform. It could be our aunt who has been raising pet lizards. Or it could be our best friend’s brother who wears shorts to a formal dance. Their crazy hobby or strange sense of humor is what keeps them going. 
• [Conclusion]: Eccentric people may seem odd, but they will likely live a happier and healthier life because they enjoy what they are doing. In fact, many of history’s most brilliant minds have displayed some unusual behaviors and habits

Competency-driven, discourse-oriented test items
Q1. Which phrase is/Which four words are deleted from the last sentence in Paragraph 3?
A1: than most people.

Q2: Which word in Paragraph 2 is opposite in meaning to “carefree”? 
A2: Restricted.

Q3: Which sentence in Paragraph 3 shows concrete scientific evidence that eccentrics are generally healthier than most people?
A3: They visit their doctors less. This could be partly due to their innate traits such as humor and happiness. Such personal traits are found to play an important role in boosting the body’s immune system. 

Q4: List one positive trait of eccentrics: _____________________________ 
A4: They are more creative.

Q5: Eccentrics are generally healthier _________ they are happy in the world of their own.
A5: because

Q6: Are there people around you who qualify as “eccentrics” as defined in the passage? Do you find it difficult to get along with them? After reading this passage, what changes will you make when dealing with them?

Kyoto: The Heart of Japan
     Kyoto, like a beauty in a kimono full of bright colors, delights tourists throughout the year. In spring, pink cherry blossoms create a romantic atmosphere. Emerald leaves rustle in the summer breeze, scattering sunshine on the narrow alleys. Maple leaves in autumn blaze with the colors of orange and red. When winter comes, white snow turns the whole city into a silver world.
     Kyoto is the spiritual heart of Japan. It was the nation’s capital for more than 1,000 years, leaving behind a large number of historic shrines and temples. One of the most photographed temples is the Golden Pavilion Temple*. This pavilion is covered in gold leaf and shines as brightly as the sun. It casts a postcard reflection on the Japanese garden pond in front of it. Those who seek Zen* simplicity should visit Ryoanji Temple* to see the most famous Zen rock garden in Japan. Zen rock gardens use rocks and sand to suggest mountains and water. They are designed to imitate nature within a limited space. The skillful arrangement of the rocks and the sand is meant to imitate rippling* water, and to provide the viewer17 with a tranquil* sense of natural beauty.
     A visit to a temple or shrine can never be complete without getting yourself an omamori* at a gift shop. An omamori is a good-luck charm in the form of a small cloth packet. In it are prayers written on a piece of paper or wood. It is believed to bring love, protection, good health, good luck, or success either in school or in business. The Japanese also believe they should not open an omamori. Once it is opened, the omamori will lose its magic power.
     The Gion District is another popular tourist attraction. The mysterious charm of the Gion District hides in the teahouses, where geishas* in colorful kimonos have been performing their traditional arts for hundreds of years. Geishas have to spend up to five years learning the traditional tea ceremony, musical instruments, songs, and literature. They also have to learn how to perform the traditional kyomai dance. Its dance movements are very controlled yet show very strong emotions. If visitors to this district are lucky enough, they can catch sight of geishas on their way to or from work.
     In Kyoto, the past and the present flow together like the graceful movements of kyomai. Tourists like to come to Kyoto to view autumn’s maple leaves or spring’s cherry blossoms. However, Kyoto’s temples, geishas, and traditional arts can capture their hearts in any season of the year.

Identifying the thread of discourse
P1 (natural splendor) : Bright and colorful throughout the year.
P2 (the capital of Japan for over a thousand years; a large number of historic shrines and temples)
P3 (very special “persons of art” or) geishas → highly skilled entertainers
P4 Kyoto’s culture and natural beauty → a must-see destination → the heart of Japan

How is Kyoto referred to in the passage?
P1: Kyoto → the city → the (whole) city
P2: Kyoto → the capital of Japan → the city → Kyoto
P3: Kyoto → the old capital
P4: Kyoto → the city → the heart of Japan

Competency-driven, discourse-oriented test items
Q1: What colors do we see in different seasons in Kyoto?
或 What colors in Kyoto bathed in throughout the year?

Q2: What aspect of Kyoto is the focus of Paragraph 2?

Q3: What does “these highly skilled entertainers” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

Q4: Which word in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “splendor”? 

第貳部分:混 合 題 ( 占 1 0分 )
說明︰第 1 題至第 3 題,每題請分別根據文章之文意作答於答案卷卡「第貳部分:混合題」之作答區。答錯、未作答者,該題以零分計算。
第 1 至 3 題為題組
     It is an appealing idea that some foods are unhealthy, some healthy, and some super-healthy. About 61% of British people reported buying foods because they were supposed superfoods, according to a 2014 survey. But what are superfoods? Are they really so good for our health?
     Currently, kale is one of the coolest superfoods around. Kale, a very common vegetable, has grown in northern Europe, and plenty of other places, for thousands of years. Its nutrition is similar to that of cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. Is kale significantly better than the rest of them? Fans of superfoods like to list the things that kale contains a lot of, such as iron and vitamins, and point out what those things do (make red blood cells). But that doesn’t mean your body gets superpowers if you eat more than you need, especially if you’re already getting enough from other sources. It’s like trying to make your car go faster by putting in more petrol. No good evidence shows that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables with kale is any better than eating plenty of them without.
     Another example is chia seeds. One hundred grams of chia seeds contain about 17g of
Omega-3s, about eight times as much as salmon. However, the Omega-3s in chia are different
from the ones in fish: Our body turns the chia kind into the fish kind very inefficiently, meaning that you will actually absorb less. Nor is it easy to eat a full 100g of chia seeds, which contain 486 calories, almost as much as a Big Mac. So fish is definitely a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids for you, which help to protect against cardiovascular disease. But there is little evidence to suggest the health benefits from chia.
     Indeed, good nutrition helps the body fight against diseases. The truth, however, is that
nutrition is fabulously complex, different for everybody and mostly mysterious. We know that if you eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and do regular exercise, you don’t need any superfood. And if you don’t, no superfood will save you.

1. According to the passage, what is the author’s attitude towards the health benefits of
(A) Skeptical. (B) Optimistic. (C) Objective. (D) Frustrated.
2. Choose a sentence in Paragraphs 2 and 3 respectively that best indicates the author’s attitude toward the health benefits of kale and chia seeds. Write down the TWO sentences on the answer sheet.(4 分)
Paragraph 2:________________________________________________________________
Paragraph 3:________________________________________________________________
3. According to the passage, write down the major nutrients(s) we can find in kale and chia seeds and the benefits of these nutrients, respectively. (4 分)

benefit(s) of the nutrient(s)

chia seeds

Competency-driven, discourse-oriented test items
Q1: What (verb) phrase is omitted after “don’t” in the last sentence of Paragraph 4? 
A1: Eat a balanced diet and do regular exercise. 

(108 學測)
第 45 至 48 題為題組
   Totem poles in North America are poles or posts carved with symbols or figures by Aboriginal peoples of the Northwest Coast. Carved from large, straight trees and painted vibrant colors, the totem poles are not just unique works of art. The coastal peoples have long passed on knowledge from generation to generation through oral traditions, and totem poles were the traditional way of telling the story of an individual family or clan.
   The totem pole can be grouped into specific categories, depending on its location and the occasion for which it was carved. Welcome poles were traditionally placed on village beachfronts to greet visitors arriving by canoe. Inside the homes of high-ranking chiefs is where house poles were found. The family’s history was carefully carved into each pole. Placed along the rear or front walls of a house, house poles also helped to support the main beam of the roof.
   Memorial poles stood in front of a house. They were erected in memory of a deceased chief or a high-ranking clan member. The poles depicted the person’s accomplishments or family history. Mortuary poles were also raised to honor the dead, but they differed from memorial poles, having a burial box placed at the top of the pole. Inside the burial box were the remains of the deceased.
   While many of these poles can still be found in various locations on the west coast of North America, there is one pole that can now only be found in a museum—the shame pole. Traditionally, shame poles were carved for a chief to embarrass and ridicule another who had done something wrong. Once the wrong was made right, the pole was taken down.
   Totem poles are important expressions of specific Aboriginal cultures. Despite the threats posed by cultural and political encroachment of colonial forces, the art of totem pole carving has survived. Aboriginal carvers continue to carve totems as symbols of their cultural pride and clan kinship.
45.  Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
(A) Totem Poles, the Legends of Aboriginal Peoples (B) Totem Poles: Their Functions
(C) Totem Poles, Symbols of Historical Resistance (D) Totem Poles: Their Designs

正解(B) 若改成 Totem Poles: Their Types and Functions 會更好(但又會跟下一題的 by classification對撞)。

46.  How is the information about totem poles organized in Paragraphs 2 to 4?
(A) In order of importance.                                  (B) In order of time.
(C) By cause and effect.                                      (D) By classification.

47.  Which of the following is located at the edge of a body of water?
(A) The house pole.       (B) The shame pole.   
(C) The memorial pole. (D) The welcome pole.
48.  Which is closest in meaning to the word “encroachment” in the last paragraph?
(A) Invasion.                 (B) Appointment.       
(C) Objection.             (D) Enrichment.

The Practice of Burning Paper Money Or Paper Model Offerings 
• The practice of burning paper money or paper model offerings at funerals in Chinese society can be traced back to the Tang dynasty (618- 907 AD). Chinese people believe that when someone passes away, there is a death of the body, but the spirit continues to live in the next world. This “next world” is a mirror of the human world, where the “residents” need places to live, money to spend, daily necessities, and entertainment just like when they were alive. Some of these necessities are buried with the deceased, while most others are “shipped” to them by burning paper models. As the ashes fly high, the offerings are collected by the residents in the next world. 
• Relatives of the deceased want to see their beloved family members live comfortably in the next world, so the paper houses are big and the cars are very luxurious, mostly Mercedes-Benzes. A complete package of paper offerings may include a couple of servants, cash, and credit cards so that the deceased will have all their needs satisfied. 
The Practice of Burning Paper Money Or Paper Model Offerings 

• These traditional paper offerings were sold only at specialty stores in the past. The style and variety of the products were limited. For example, “houses” looked all the same and were built by pasting paper around a bamboo frame, with images of a door, windows, and a roof printed on it. There were no trendy, modern supplies to choose from. Now, the purchase can be made on the Internet. And with the incorporation of new materials and designs, paper offerings come in many more varieties. The old one-style-fits-all houses have been replaced by buildings that are fully equipped with decorations, furniture, and household appliances. Digital cameras, iPhones, and even skin care products are also available. It seems that, with the help of a simple click, this old Chinese tradition has been given a face-lift. 


6. What are the original report articles about? 
(A) Longevity. 
(B) Friend-making. 
(C) How to face death. 
(D) The meaning of life. 

7. Which of the following is the most likely source of the articles? 
(A) A local health journal. 
(B) An international magazine. 
(C) An editorial of a community newspaper. 
(D) A special feature of a national fashion magazine. 

8. i) Which reader challenges the appropriateness or importance of the 
 ii) Which sentence or phrase in the article best supports your answer? 
     Please copy it down. 

9. i) To Peter Snowdon, what place is a good starting point to make 
i) Which sentence or phrase in the article best supports your answer? 
   Please copy it down.

14. The police officer showed us pictures of drunk driving accidents to highlight the importance of staying _____ on the road.
(A) sober (B) majestic (C) vigorous (D) noticeable

noticeable (adj) easy to see or recognize 顯而易見的,明顯的,顯著的
There has been a noticeable improvement in Tim's cooking. 提姆的烹飪水準顯著提高。
Something that is noticeable is very obvious, so that it is easy to see, hear, or recognize.
It is noticeable that trees planted next to houses usually lean away from the house wall. 
The most noticeable effect of these changes is in the way people are now working together. 

[Introducing the marine pilot]
     Ships are the lifeline of trade among countries. Almost everything, from food to machinery, comes by way of the sea in huge ships piloted by captains. But the captain of a ship is responsible for guiding the vessel until they hit a port, waiting to enter the harbor. The task of bringing the ship into the harbor and anchoring it is taken up by a different captain. This captain is called a marine pilot.
[Why is marine pilot needed?]
     A marine pilot is a boat pilot with specialized knowledge of a particular port or harbor. The pilot is needed to direct large ships into a port, where there are often deep water channels surrounded by shallower seabeds. Without the services of a marine pilot, docking ships would be hazardous. There would be a real chance of running aground and damaging the ship and the cargo, some of which might be dangerous if released into a water-based ecosystem. 
In addition to the shallower seabeds, tide and wind pose further challenges for bringing ships into a port. During different tides, currents may change from one direction to the other. The same strategy for docking a vessel during an incoming tide may not work during an outgoing tide. Also, the wind can significantly alter the direction of the ship and how it reacts, adding to the difficulty of anchoring the ship.
[Anything new here?]
     Marine pilotage is a job that requires a high degree of proficiency as well as quick and independent thinking. Above all, it is about risk management. A marine pilot goes on board at a crucial time and controls the vessel based on his or her knowledge of the port and the situation at hand. The pilot is responsible for not only the safety of the ship but also the protection of the port and the marine environment.

48. How does the author conclude the passage in the last paragraph?
(A) By adding new details.
(B) By predicting future development.
(C) By summarizing the main points.
(D) By giving advice to the general public.

Know the Basics—Pedestrian Safety 10 Walking Safety Tips
1. Be predictable. Follow the rules of the road and obey signs and signals.
2. Walk on sidewalks whenever they are available.
3. If there is no sidewalk, walk facing traffic and as far from traffic as possible.
4. Keep alert at all times; don’t be distracted by electronic devices that take your eyes (and ears) off the road.
5. Whenever possible, cross streets at crosswalks or intersections, where drivers expect pedestrians. Look for cars in all directions, including those turning left or right.
6. If a crosswalk or intersection is not available, locate a well-lit area where you have the best view of traffic. Wait for a gap in traffic that allows enough time to cross safely; continue watching for traffic as you cross.
7. Never assume a driver sees you. Make eye contact with drivers as they approach to make sure you are seen.
8. Be visible at all times. Wear bright clothing during the day, and wear reflective materials or use a flashlight at night.
9. Watch for cars entering or exiting driveways, or backing up in parking lots.
10. Avoid alcohol and drugs when walking; they impair your abilities and your judgment.

     Robert likes to take a walk in the park after work. One day when he was walking in the park, he heard a woman calling his name. He stopped to look around, but didn't see anything ____16____ . Shortly after Robert saw it, it was gone. 
     Though Robert felt a little strange, he did not think about it too much and sat down for a rest on a bench in the park. Then he noticed the snake he had just seen 
____17____. Robert was too afraid to move away from the bench. Right at this moment, a woman behind him shouted, "Come here, Robert. You can't stay on the bench like that. ____18____." 
     In surprise, Robert turned around and said to the woman, “Excuse me, but that's not a very nice thing to say, and in fact some people say I'm handsome." 
     "I'm not talking to you," said the woman. "I'm telling Robert, my pet snake, to get down from the bench, not you." 

16. (A) like a snake 
      (B) that could move 
      (C) except a little snake 
      (D) that could make noise 

17. (A) climbing up the bench 
      (B) running after a woman 
      (C) stopping beside his feet 
      (D) falling down from a tree 

18. (A) The bench is broken 
      (B) The seat has been taken 
      (C) People will be scared by you
      (外國很少用被動語態,改為  You may scare people to death. 可能比較合適)
      (D) The paint of the bench is still wet 

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 
• The Walt Disney Company is one of the best-known companies in the world, having entertained millions of imaginative souls around the world with its animated movies, TV shows, and theme parks. In addition to entertainment, however, the company has consistently brought to the public a positive message: Never give up pursuing your dreams. 
• This message, for instance, is conveyed in the song “When You Wish Upon a Star,” which is played before the opening credits of most Disney movies and performed during parades at Disney’s theme parks. First introduced in the 1940 Disney movie Pinocchio, the song tells us: “If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme.” In other words, if there is something that you truly want to accomplish, then nothing in the world can stop you from achieving it. 

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 
• Walt Disney’s own road to success also serves as an excellent example of the same idea. Having a passion for drawing from a young age, Disney established the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio at twenty-two. Though he met with a lot of failures and hardships, and even experienced poverty, he never gave up his faith that someday his efforts would pay off. All he wanted to do was keep trying. One day, with a sudden inspiration, he created a cheerful little character called Mickey Mouse. This rescued his career and helped him build a kingdom that has woven dreams for countless people. “If you can dream it, you can do it,” said Walt Disney, who reminded everyone that his company began “with a dream and a mouse.” 

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 
• Later animations by The Walt Disney Company, such as Mulan and Zootopia, delivered similarly inspirational messages. In the movie Mulan, despite the disadvantages of being female in a traditional Eastern society, Mulan uses her wits to save her country. Through her dedication and never-say-die attitude, she shows us that dreams should never be forsaken. Similarly, Judy, the cute little bunny in the movie Zootopia, faces challenges in proving herself. Though she talks all the time about her dream of becoming a police officer, nobody takes her seriously. Just like Mulan, she finally manages to overcome all the obstacles in her way by springing into action and never giving up. 

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 
• The Walt Disney Company was built upon the dreams of a young man, and in turn it tells us through its inspirational movies and songs that we, too, can make our dreams come true. What we need to do is wish upon a star and put every possible effort into fulfilling our dreams. 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• Any list of ways to stay healthy will probably include a balanced diet and regular exercise. But did you know you could also add music to the list? We are all familiar with the effects music can have on our moods. Studies have found that music stimulates certain areas of the brain and that it triggers pleasure. In this way, it is like a drug. If music can make us happy, can it do good to our health as well? Is there any evidence? 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• A recent German study split participants into four groups. Three of them listened to music by Mozart, Johann Strauss Jr., and the Swedish pop band ABBA, respectively7. The fourth group sat or lay down in silence. Everyone had their blood pressure and heart rate measured before and afterwards. The classical music of Mozart and Strauss was found to lower the measurements, meaning it had a healthy calming effect on the heart and circulation. The ABBA songs, however, made little difference. In the “silent” group, the calming effect was less than on the classical music listeners. 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• Other researchers have found similar helpful effects of music. The conclusion of most researchers is that, in order for music to be good for blood pressure, it should have no words, few changes in volume or rhythm, and repeated gentle harmonies. One study by Oxford University suggests that musical compositions matching the rhythms of the body could be used to control the heart rate, and that Mozart’s music seems to be especially good at this. 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• Using music as part of medical treatment is becoming more common. It can help ease pain in some patients, and reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during operations. It has also been found to relieve stress and anxiety in children waiting for or undergoing medical procedures. There is even a little evidence that listening to music can boost the body’s immune system, though we won’t know for sure until more research is done. 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• There have been numerous reports of other good effects of classical music. Officials in Washington State claim that immigrants learn English more quickly when they listen to Mozart. In Canada, it seems that string quartets performing Mozart’s music in city squares have a calming effect on passers-by. People said they felt less stressed when they heard it. Even animals seem to respond to music. In France, cows give more milk when Mozart is played to them. 

Listen Your Stress Away 
• The precise health benefits of music are not yet proven beyond doubt, but if music were used more often in medical treatment, it could improve our general health and happiness. Music therapy is safe, cheap, and convenient. And music is one of the lifestyle choices we can make that relieves stress and anxiety, decreases pain, and protects us against disease. 

Let’s Dig In 
• Fried insects are regarded as a delicacy in some parts of the world just as roast mice make a perfect meal in other parts. Many of us, however, would turn down these foods with disgust. Similarly, even when Americans say they “could eat a horse,” they might never actually enjoy horse meat as some French do. 
• What affects people’s choice of certain foods over others, then? After digging into this issue, experts have discovered several factors. Among these factors, customs, traditions, and geography are the major ones. 

Let’s Dig In 
• Customs play an important role in affecting people’s choices of foods, and so do traditions. In Korea, seaweed soup is well-known as an essential part of a birthday meal because seaweed is very nutritious. Koreans believe that people who have seaweed soup on their birthdays can live longer. In Greece, people bake a special type of bread that contains a silver or gold coin on New Year’s Day. The Greeks believe that the person who finds this coin when eating the bread will be blessed with good luck for the coming year. 
• Likewise, on Chinese New Year’s Eve, many Chinese gather around the table with their family members to make and eat dumplings. A dumpling looks like a “yuanbao,” a type of money used in ancient China. A yuanbao represents wealth and satisfaction in Chinese culture. Therefore, many Chinese believe that making dumplings is helpful in making more money, and so is eating dumplings. 

Let’s Dig In 
• Geography is another important factor that influences people’s food choices. Take millet, for example. It is one of Africa’s main crops because it flourishes in hot climates. This is exactly the reason why millet is widely grown as the main crop in certain regions of Asia, such as India, where the average temperature tends to be high. In contrast, a cold climate close to the North Pole drives the Inuit to get the fat and protein they need from the blubber of whales. The potato is a classic example too. It is a staple in many people’s diets, especially those who live in mountainous areas with poor soil. The potato adapts itself well to different climates. Therefore, it is often grown in many European countries, and it is even thought of as the “second bread” there. 

Let’s Dig In 
• In most cases, the reasons for people choosing to eat some foods but not others are understandable. Complex factors often lead to different food choices. If you have the opportunity to visit Australia and taste Vegemite, a spread for sandwiches and toast, keep this in mind and try to find out the origin of this Australian specialty. What you discover may keep you from losing your appetite if you can put up with its “unique” taste! 

Let’s dig in 教案:
Big concept: Coherence in an expository 
1. What is an expository? 
2. Identify the main idea of the passage.
3. Identify introduction/body/conclusion paragraphs in the reading. 
4. How is “the factor of food choice” referred to in each paragraph?
5. Help students to figure out the weak link between introduction and body, and between body and conclusion.
6. (進階)Modify the introduction and conclusion. 

     Fried insects are regarded as a delicacy in some parts of the world just as roast mice make a perfect meal in other parts. Many of us, however, would turn down these foods with disgust. Similarly, even when Americans say they “could eat a horse,” they might never actually enjoy horse meat as some French do.
     What affects people’s choice of certain foods over others, then? After digging into this issue, experts have discovered several factors. Among these factors, customs, traditions, and geography are the major ones.
     Customs play an important role in affecting people’s choices of foods, and so do traditions. In Korea, seaweed soup is well-known as an essential part of a birthday meal because seaweed is very nutritious. Koreans believe that people who have seaweed soup on their birthdays can live longer. In Greece, people bake a special type of bread that contains a silver or gold coin on New Year’s Day. The Greeks believe that the person who finds this coin when eating the bread will be blessed with good luck for the coming year.
     Likewise, on Chinese New Year’s Eve, many Chinese gather around the table with their family members to make and eat dumplings. A dumpling looks like a “yuanbao,” a type of money used in ancient China. A yuanbao represents wealth and satisfaction in Chinese culture. Therefore, many Chinese believe that making dumplings is helpful in making more money, and so is eating dumplings.
     Geography is another important factor that influences people’s food choices. Take millet, for example. It is one of Africa’s main crops because it flourishes in hot climates. This is exactly the reason why millet is widely grown as the main crop in certain regions of Asia, such as India, where the average temperature tends to be high. In contrast, a cold climate close to the North Pole drives the Inuit to get the fat and protein they need from the blubber of whales. The potato is a classic example too. It is a staple in many people’s diets, especially those who live in mountainous areas with poor soil. The potato adapts itself well to different climates. Therefore, it is often grown in many European countries, and it is even thought of as the “second bread” there.
      In most cases, the reasons for people choosing to eat some foods but not others are understandable. Complex factors often lead to different food choices. If you have the opportunity to visit Australia and taste Vegemite, a spread for sandwiches and toast, keep this in mind and try to find out the origin of this Australian specialty. What you discover may keep you from losing your appetite if you can put up with its “unique” taste!

Ex: Modify the intro + conclusion

Listen Your Stress Away 出題:
Question 1 (1st paragraph)
“Studies have found that music stimulates certain areas of the brain and that it triggers pleasure. In this way, it is like a drug. If music can make us happy, can it do good to our health as well? Is there any evidence?” 

Q: Why the author said music is like a drug? Underline the reason given in the text.  
Ans: It triggers pleasure

Question 2 (3rd paragraph)
“One study by Oxford University suggests that musical compositions matching the rhythms of the body could be used to control the heart rate, and that Mozart’s music seems to be especially good at this.” 

Q: What does the last word “this” refer to in the third paragraph?
Ans: Control the heart rate.

Question 3 (5th paragraph)
“In Canada, it seems that string quartets performing Mozart’s music in city squares have a calming effect on passers-by. People said they felt less stressed when they heard it.” 

Q: What is the closest meaning to “a calming effect” in the paragraph 5?
Answer: People feel less stressed.

Question 4
Which group  does 1,2,3,4 stand for respectively?
G1:Mozert; G2: Strauss;G3:Silence;G4: ABBA

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream教案:
Reading Activity 1
The positive message of Walt Disney:
“Never give up pursuing your dreams.” 
Step 1: List the sentences which have the similar meanings to the quotation above from each paragraph.
(Example: ) 
Step 2: List the words or phrases that are repeated in the sentences. 
never give up 
(verb phrase)

dream (noun)
do/ come true/
achieve, fulfill 

Paraphrasing the article 
Step 3: List the synonyms of these repeated words.
Step 4: Use the words to create your own Disney Message.   
Example: Don’t stop. Never give up.   Just do it! “If you can dream it, you can do it!”

Reading Activity 2 
Categorize the words: hardship, obstacle, challenge 

Use a more general word referring to the same (a more specific) term.
Such as: Use “a car” to replace “a Lincoln Convertible”

Match words with its hyponymy
A student
A sparrow
A ladybug
A bug
A bird
Some one

Find hyponymy in paragraph 2
something: __dream____

Listen Your Stress Away出題:
In the second paragraph, please sort out the study information for each group in the matrix below.  (lexical cohesion)  

Music type
Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

2.What is the author’s attitude toward music therapy? What is your evidence? 

3. Make the list of ways to stay healthy.    
— What information is missing in the summary?

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream出題:
1. Reference
Q: What does “this message” refer to, in the second paragraph of P1?
A: Never give up pursuing your dreams.

2. What saved Walt Disney’s career?
A: Mickey Mouse.

3. The central messages conveyed in Disney movies: Dare to dream
Efforts made to fulfill one’s dream
Saving her country.
Being female in a traditional Eastern society.
1. Using her wits.
2. Dedication and never-say-die attitude.
Becoming a police officer.
Nobody takes her seriously.
Springing into action and never giving up.

4. What’s the positive message that the company has consistently brought to the public?
(1) Never give up pursuing your dreams.
(2) If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme.
(3) If you can dream it, you can do it.

5. What are the evidences Walt Disney showed in his own experiences to support the title “Dare to dream?”
A: He never gave up his faith that someday his efforts would pay off.

6. Essay
Have you ever dared to dream?  What was the dream? What challenges were you met with?  What efforts did you make to achieve your dreams?

What are you dreaming of now?  What are the potential challenges?  What efforts can you do to achieve your dreams?

Listen Your Stress Away 出題:
1.  What are the three ways for people to stay healthy?
A: (1) Balanced diet (2) Exercise (3) Music

2. Features of Mozart’s music
Lots of
Few changes in
Few changes in
Gentle harmonies


Q1: How many groups are there in the study?
A1: 4
Q2: What are the four groups mentioned in the 
A2: Mozart, Johann Strauss Jr, Swedish pop band ABBA, silence.
Q3: What kind of music has a better healthy calming effect?
A3: Classical > Silence > ABBA
4. What are the medical benefits of listening to music, according to the last paragraph?
A: It can relieve stress and anxiety, decrease pain, and protect us against disease.

5. Please write down the reasons why music is good for us?
P1. It stimulates certain areas of the brain and thus triggers pleasure.
P2. lt lowers the heart rate and blood pressure.
P3. It eases pain, relieves stress and anxiety and boosts the body’s immune system.
P4. It has a calming effect.
P5. It protects us against disease.

6. What information is missing in the summary?
A: learning benefits (immigrants), animals’ production (cows)

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 教案:
1. Students can identify the components of expository writing and the coherence of in the articles.
2. Students can write a exposition to introduce a positive message. 

[Class One] Identification
1. Identify the thread of this passage
Paragraph I (Introduction)
Central Message: 

Based on Paragraph II~ Paragraph IV (Giving examples), please identify the WORD/PHRASE in each paragraph that shows the same message of keeping realizing one’s dream. 

Paragraph II: For instance

Paragraph III: 

Paragraph IV: 
Based on Paragraph 5 (Final paragraph/ concluding paragraph I), which sentence revisits the message demonstrated in Paragraph I?

2.  In paragraphs 2~4, please find the sentences that convey the topic message “Never give up pursuing your dream.”

3. Read another article and identify the thread again 
                            Water in Lijiang: A Gift from God
The moment I arrived in Lijiang, a big waterwheel, the town’s landmark, came into view. It indicated the important role of water in the people’s everyday lives. The water came from melted snow in the nearby mountains and turned into countless streams that flowed through the town. These streams formed a well-rounded canal system that supplied water for the people’s daily needs.
On some streets, for example, I found wells with a unique design. The so-called “three-eyed” well was made up of three linked pools. Each pool was at a different level. In the early morning, I saw a child take drinking water from the first and highest pool. Then his older sister washed food in the second pool. His mother washed clothes in the last and lowest pool. Each pool had a different purpose, and the water was used again and again at different levels. It was not wasted.
Another admirable design of water use was their “street cleaning” system. The marketplace was built on a slope. A canal flowed along the west and the higher side of the slope. When a day’s trade was done, the ground of the square was dirty. The people closed a water gate on the canal to let water flow over the streets. Everyone picked up a brush and took part in the cleaning. The dirty water then flowed into a lower canal, a ditch, on the other side of the square. From there, it was directed out of town to water the nearby farms
Likewise, the excellent…
I also got a brush and joined this “street washing carnival.” I saw smiles on the faces of the people. The Lijiang people were happy with the way they lived. They cherished water as a gift from heaven. They made the best use of this resource so that they could live in harmony with nature.

[Class Two] Application
Performance Task
Please find an inspiring quote on Brainyquote.com and share a positive message. 
Make a poster with explanation of the message, three examples to support the message.

Let’s dig in 出題:
第1-2為題組  Q1: Inference
What is the least likely term that can be used to describe the feelings about “Vegemite” for a first -time visitor to Australia?
(A) Special   (B) Comforting (C) Disgusting (D) Interesting 

Q2: Evidence
What  verb phrases  in the last paragraph show the evidence that support your answer to  the first-time visitors’ feeling about “Vegemite” in Question 1?
1. __________________  2. ________________
Answer: 1. losing your appetite  2. put up with 

Q3: Substitution
What does “so is eating dumplings” mean in the 4th paragraph?
→ It means that eating dumplings is _________.
Ans: helpful in making more money

Q4: Reference
What does the “second bread” in the 5th paragraph refer to?
Ans: potato

Q5: Extension 
Have you ever rejected any food that you find weird or unacceptable? Please describe your encounter with the food.  After reading this passage, will you try it next time? Why or why not?  

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 教案:
Warm-up Activity
1.Please think about your own dream.
2. Please use three sentences to show your determination in fulfilling it.
2. Please walk around the classroom and then talk about it with at least three of your classmates

Follow-up Activity (1)
Please read the article and circle the words or phrases that are related to the message “Never give up pursuing your dreams.”

Follow-up Activity (2)
Please put the words/phrases into categories of synonym and antonym.

Follow-up Activity (3)
Discussion: What effects do these words/phrases have on the reading experience?

Poster: I have a dream….
1. Describe your dream.
2. Describe your determination that you have in fulfilling your dream.
(Hint: You may use the synonyms and antonyms you learned about "never give up pursuing your dream" on this poster.

Let’s Dig In! 出題:
1. In paragraph 1, what do the major "ones refer to? Please list them down. 
Answer key: factors

2. Please complete the following table based on the information from paragraph 2.

Food choices affected by customs
seaweed soup
A special type of bread

3.  In paragraph 3, what does the “do” in “so do traditions” refer to? __________________________________________________________________________
Answer key: play an important role in affecting people’s choices of food.

4. In paragraph 3, what does the pronoun “it” on line 3 and 13 respectively refer to?
… because it flourishes in hot climate. 
it = ____________     millet
…, and it is even thought of as the “second bread” there.
it = ____________     potato

Walt Disney’s Inspirational Message: Dare to Dream 教案:
1. Scan for the text structure: Introduction-supporting details- Conclusion
2. Find the Gist ( introduction paragraph)
3. Identify the discourse markers: “for instance” “also “ example” “similarly” 
4. Search for and mark the words that indicate lexical coherence in accordance with examples/ difficulties/beliefs/ actions in different colors
5. Create a mind map (details)
Let’s Dig In 出題:
1. What words/phrases are omitted (missing) after do in Paragraph 1?
Answer: enjoy horse meat

2. How are the author’s ideas developed from Paragraphs 3 to 5?
(A) By classification 
(B) By definition
(C) In time order
(D) In space order

3. What does the word “they” in Paragraph 5 refer to?
(A) Staples
(B) Whales
(C) The Inuit
(D) European Countries

4. What’s the author’s attitude toward choosing various food with unique taste?
(A) Suspicious
(B) Supportive
(C) Disapproving
(D) Objective

5. According to the passage, which of the following can be a perfect birthday meal for a Korean friend?



(C )


