2017年10月3日 星期二

Notes from Advanced Broadcast (2017/10月份) (更新中)

線上免費收聽Advanced 廣播途徑(三天份): http://m.studioclassroom.com/radio.php?level=ad
附註: 以下內容為Advanced 彭蒙惠雜誌廣播講解摘要(老師講解時所用的單字及片語),順序可能不完全正確(因為是先寫在雜誌上,再打成檔案),筆記內容主要是記廣播老師用的一些特殊的詞,還有聊天內容XD。
106/10/2 The Great Smoky Mountains
1. alliteration 押頭韻
2. take your pick 擇你所愛
3. leisurely stroll 悠閒地散步
4. mountain range 山脈
5. backpacking --> 
(1) cheap travel/hotel/transportation/tickets
(2) campers (camping gear)
haul (用力)拉 拖(重物)
6. magnificent
7. line=border
8. intense hiker
9.elk--> large deer, stuck out, brownish red fur, colder climate, big
10. population center 人口中心
11.cascades--> flows down different levels
12. verticality--> tall tree, waterfall
VS horizontal (across)
13. pristine-->pure, no human alteration
14. peak--> the prime, the best, the strongest, most desirable, waterfall at their fullest, at their best

106/10/3 The Great Smoky Mountains
1. Fall -->fried apple pie. pumpkin, American football
2. filled with a good dose of history and wildness.
(dose=amount, measure. metaphor)
3. Vistas that are hard to come by(=find)
4. observe/watch black bears from the safety of my carㄝ, with the window rolled up
5. heavy hitter 了不起的人物
6.flour 麵粉
7. watch bears.....so the traffic just backs up(交通堵塞), waiting for bears to cross the road
8. restore--> look authentic, remodel
9.hibernate 冬眠
10.single file 單行
11. be overwhelmed by the beauty of...
106/10/4 Grit--The power of passion & perseverance
補充影片:  (1)作者TED Talk(2)書6分鐘動畫summary
1. get by 勉強過活
2. wane (n)(v) 衰弱 減弱 --> on the wane
3. run out of gas
4. intelligent(IQ) VS smart-->clever, wise, figure things out, read people, read situation.)
5....didn't get halfway through the race
6. slacker 偷懶的人
7.zealous 熱情的 狂熱的
8. bridle 馬勒
unbridled 無限的 不受控制的
--> let the horse run freely
9. purpose, practice, passion, perseverance
10. high-achievers/ people who show great promise
11. internal motivation (--> follow through)
 external motivation 
12. despair --> to be upset by... to almost be unnerving, to be unsettling(令人不安的)
13. innate --> natural succession, in you
14. work ethic 職業道德
15. disturbing 令人心煩的
16.pick that up (聽到) in the hall
17.elude--> you cannot find the answer
18. admission gauntlet -->obstacle course, sth physical, prevent or stop you from getting somewhere, mental challenge
19.counter-productive 產生反效果的
20. Beast-Barracks --> be tough on them, torture them, get beaten up
21. correlation = connection
22. be up to par 達到一般水準

2 則留言:

  1. Inclusive Education2017年10月3日 晚上9:18

