2017年10月23日 星期一


106/10/17 TOEIC Bridge 研習 by 李海碩老師
1. TOEIC衝高分
 (1) Official Guide (推薦455可以先做)
   error analysis  --> 找最弱的部分 (such as short response)
 (2) 特定的scenario (such as international trades, sample, booth)
 (3) 找更高階的題目來練 (TOEFL)
 (4) 教材: 韓國怪物講師(韓國) Hackers Academia (一本書拆三本小書)(除單字書,每一本都推) (--> Google form,勾錯的那幾題)

2. TOEIC Bridge --> 背景:1970年代日本;單一考點 (nurture the learners' confidence);減C很好的測驗(國中會考) (not for A--> A++)

3. assessment for learning

4. 活動: "gallery walk" (聽空白海報,研習者自行在上面寫上問題或答案) (題目: TOEIC Listening, TOEIC Reading, Material, Resources)

5. 快速自動產生學習單網站:
(1) 上網任找一篇文章 
(2) 文章複製、貼上 
(3) 學習單自動製作完成!(有minimal pair、文章重要單字整理、文章重要文法、問答題)

6. Resources:
(1) Sample Test
(2) Examine Handbook
(3) Propell Workshop
(4) To-do list
(5) Official Website

8. 新多益與舊多益的差別: LONG CAP (coined by 李海碩老師)
Linking: 連結資訊
Online dialogue (Line 訊息)
News --> condensed paragraph 每一句都要讀懂
Graphic (Listening) (Look at the graphic) (給你2track的資訊,給你一軌,你要對出另外一軌) (陷阱題)
Context (類似 TOEFL Cloze測驗)
Authentic (問句練習法) (What does "sure thing"/ "what a surprise" mean in the conversation?)
Purpose --> the fucntion of the language 語言的功能

11. Assessment for learning
Assessment --> learning objectives --> activities

106/9/20 新制TOEIC研習 by 李海碩老師
Part 1:
1. 敘述密度高,用字難。
2. 動詞和名詞的練習需要窮盡。
3. 人物-->動詞。物品--> 狀態。.


2.indirect response
(1) 跳一句
A: Are you driving to Tim's place?
B: Yeah, do you need a ride?
(2) 問句回答:
A: Are you joining Tim's party?
B:Don't we need to meet the new clients?
(教學訣竅: 針對錯的選項丟題目)

3. 讓學生分析最不熟的口音「刻意練習」
(1) 雙向練習法
(2) 真實的對話情境/輸入 Voicetube (可選口音)

Part 3
1. 3人對話(第三個人出來,一定有原因 pivotal role) (前面少的9題,通通加在對話)
2. 配逐字稿抓細節 (for 程度不足)
3.程度更好之後,讓學生自己產生筑字稿 (or 記口譯筆記--> content word, 人事時地物)
5. 3人對話 (3個人會提供額外的資訊) (addition or reverse?) (訓練學生的prediction)
ex: Awesome! I can't believe it! Here's the thing.
7. paraphrase exercise (repeat dialogue in their own word)

Part 5:
1. 單字、文法各半
--> 文法: 國中全部、高中(時態、主動詞一致、關代、分詞構句、假設式的過去式 If S had+PP.. S would...、假設式去掉if -->Had I ...,...)

2. 新聞文章:讀完再寫題目。

TOEIC 也可以這樣教研習 (口說與寫作)

1. show and tell (describe your room, using picture)

2. information gap
- asking questions
-describing pictures

-find differences (Google ESL, finding differences )

3. Writing a sentence about a picture
-Topic: motorbike/ gorceries
- grammatically correct  
- use complex sentences (relative clause<who, which>, subordinate <when, while>)
- Teach students structure/sentence pattern: There are ___________ who __________ with _______________ at ___________. (scaffolding: giving support, structure, framework)

5.Do not overcorrect
(除了 run-on sentences, fragments)
(在每一次作業上來 choose focus,像是 past tense)

6. ESL Writing worksheet --> find the differences
Activity books

7. matching sentence parts

8. scramble (sentence level) --> simple sentences, complex sentences, subordinate sentences

9. sentence completion
ex: While he was walking to work yesterday, ...
ex: If.... I will

10. Making sentences using given words

11. Guess the word
- Paraphrasing
-Practicing using relative clauses
-Practicing asking questions

12. Market Survey
Write questions about the following topic-- shopping or TV wacthing.
Where did you ...? How often...? Who did you go with? What did you buy?

13. Exit ticket (Students should react quickly)
(例如: 今天教生病相關單字。課堂最後驗收學生學習成果,才可離開教室下課。老師咳嗽,學生搶答 He's coughing.)

14. OREO Principle

Opinion- State your positions
Reasons- Give reasons or details for your opinion
Examples- Provide examples to support your reasons
Opinion- Restated

15. drafting an outline:
Reason 1
Concluding statement

16. transitional words

17. mindmapping (例如: cause and effect)

