2019年10月30日 星期三

初級文法--1. 形容詞及介系詞搭配 Adjectives and prepositions

Look at these examples to see how adjectives are used with prepositions.

I'm interested in the idea. 我對這個點子有興趣。
My jacket is similar to yours. 我的夾克和你的類似。
She's brilliant at maths. 她數學很好。
My neighbour is angry about the party. 我的鄰居對這個派對很生氣。

Grammar explanation 文法解釋
Some adjectives go with certain prepositions. There are no grammatical rules for which preposition is used with which adjective, so it's a good idea to try to learn them together. To help you do this, write new vocabulary in your notebook in a sentence or phrase.

However, there are some patterns that can help you. Let's look at them first. Remember that a preposition is followed by a noun or a gerund (-ing form).
然而,有一些規則可以幫助你。記得: 名詞/Ving +介系詞

With at
We use at with adjectives like good/bad/amazing/brilliant/terrible, etc. to talk about skills and abilities. 
形容技巧或能力的形容詞 ( good/bad/amazing 很棒的 /brilliant 很棒的/terrible 糟糕的),常跟at搭配。

He's really good at English. 他真的很擅長英文。
She's amazing at the piano. 她鋼琴很好。
They're terrible at organising anything. 他們不會統籌任何東西。
I'm not very good at drawing. 我不太擅長畫畫。

With about
We often use about with adjectives of feelings like angry/excited/happy/nervous/sad/stressed/worried, etc. to explain what is causing that feeling
形容感覺的形容詞 (angry 生氣的/excited 興奮的/happy/nervous 緊張的/sad/stressed 有壓力的 /worried 擔心的) ,常跟 about搭配。

I'm angry about the decision. 我對這個決定很生氣。
He's nervous about the presentation. 他對於發表簡報很緊張。
She's excited about the new job. 她對於這個新工作很興奮。
They were worried about the exam. 他們很擔心這個考試。

With of
However, sometimes we use of with feelings.

She was afraid of telling her mum. 她很怕告訴她媽媽(某事)。
I'm frightened of having an accident. 我害怕有意外。
He's scared of flying. 他很怕搭飛機。
You should be proud of your progress. 你應該要對你的進步感到驕傲。

With to
We can use to to show the connection between people or things.

He's married to the director. 他跟這個導演結婚了。
I'm addicted to my phone. 我沉隱於我的手機。
I'm allergic to nuts. 我對堅果過敏。
It's similar to the old one. 這個跟舊的很類似。

We can also use to to talk about someone's behaviour towards someone else.

They were really friendly to me. 他們對我很友善。
Was he nice to you? 他對你好嗎?
He is always polite to everyone. 他總是對每個人很有禮貌。
She was very rude to the waitress. 她對於女服務生很粗魯。

Here are some other useful adjectives with prepositions.

With for
Exercise is good for you. 運動對你有好處。
Stress is bad for you. 壓力對你不好。
The town is famous for its cheese. 這個城鎮以起司而出名。
I'm responsible for the financial side of the business. 我要對這個公司的財務方面負責。

With in
She's interested in the project. 她對於這個企畫有興趣。
They want someone who's experienced in design. 他們想要一個對設計有經驗的人。
I didn't want to get involved in the argument. 我不想要牽涉這個爭執中。

