109年度英語文教師教學專業知能CLIL增能工作坊(LTTC 研究發展室學術發展科長 李乃欣)
1. 學科內容與語言整合教學法, context-based
2. Outline: What? When? (Origin) Why? (Why CLIL relevant to us? ) Who? (Who should be involved?) How? (How to do it?)
3. What is CLIL? (Coyle, Hood & Marsh, 2010)
- Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language.
- CLIL is an approach which is neither language learning nor subject learning, but an amalgam of both and is linked to the processes of convergence. Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both.
4. content VS language in CLIL (教數學 tearm, 英文單字 (table, desk...))
5. Social-cultural notions of learning
Social constructivism (Vygotsky)
→ (1) social interaction (2) psychological tools: language (3) The more knowledgeable other (MKO) (4) The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) (5) scaffolding tutoring
強調 communication,而不是文法、詞彙。
6. What is CLIL? (Brown & Bradford, 2016) (日本的學者)
- CLIL is an approach to education that integrates language and content learning; planning for (事先計畫), fostering, and assessing both, though the focus may shift from one to the other.
- CLIL is also a method of teaching which draws heavily on constructivist and socio-cultural notions of learning to provide students with opportunities for meaningful input and output in L2 and meaningful engagement with content.
socio-cultural notions of learning → 社會認知學習理論
Piaget → 內化
Vygotsky → 和外界社會建構 (interaction) → negotiation, meaning construction
7. CLIL in relation to other forms of ELT
CBI= content-based instruction 學科本位語言教學法
8. Immersion vs. CBI vs. CLIL
(1) Immersion programmes (學「學科」)
- Canada (mid 1960s)
-Target Language (TL) : French (the official language)
- All subjects
- subject learning
(2) CLIL
- Europe (1990s~)
- TL: MT+2
- certain subjects within the curriculum
- dual-focused
(3) Content-based instruction (CBI) (學「英語」,重點是教語言)
- USA (mid 1980s)
-TL: English (the mainstream language)
- a bridge into mainstream education and the use of the main community language
- Language learning
Immersion 和 CBI 都是幫助learners 進入主流語言。
9. The origin of CLIL -- the multilingual context in Europe
- To promote unity in diversity-- Language is the solution
- EU objective: (1) To increase individual multilingualism, which further enhance European-wide communication and mobility (Marsh, 2002)
(2) European citizens to learn two languages in addition to mother tongue for a minimum of two consecutive years during compulsory schooling and if possible for a longer period (i.e. MT+2)
10. Is there a standard CLIL model?
11. Curricular variation in CLIL
Operating factors
- Teacher availability and cooperative model
- Target CLIL-language fluency
- The amount of time available to be dedicated to CLIL
- The ways in which content and language are integrated
- link between CLIL to an out-of-school or extra-curricular dimension
- Assessment processes
Curriculum, Teachers & students, School & external context → a context-based CLIL model
12. Types of CLIL
Soft CLIL (Language teaching) ← Objective → Hard CLIL (Content teaching)
Light CLIL (Once in a while) ← Frequency → Heavy CLIL (Regularly)
Partial CLIL (Part of class) ←Proportion → Total CLIL (Whole class)
Bilingual CLIL (e.g.,Chinese & English)←Language Use→ Monolingual CLIL (e.g., English)
13. CLIL is not…
- backdoor language teaching or additional English subject teaching
- a matter of simply changing the language of instruction when teaching a subject
EMI (=English as a Medium of Instruction) : 用英文授課,而非學習的目標
I : Construction of Knowledge through interaction : CLIL lessons rest on principles of active and cooperative learning and the co-construction of knowledge.
L : Learner-centered: The learner-and his/her affective, language and learning needs-- remains the central focus at all times (Ioannou-Georgiou & Parlou, 2011)
U : Learn as you use, use as you learn ←→ Learn now for use later
15. CLIL stages
Stage 1: Vision (期待Ss透過CLIL達到....<語言方面> < 學科方面>) (e.g., 不要怕英文) (e.g., 會用英文寫實驗報告)
Stage 2: Context
Stage 3: Unit planning
Stage 4: Unit preparation
Stage 5: Monitoring & Evaluating
Stage 6: Reflection & Inquiry
16. The 4C Framework
17. Localizing CLIL instruction : 108課綱核心素養
18. Content 學科內容
- Context-based
(1) 科目取向 (subject-based) : 健體、生活、藝術
(2) 主題取向 (topic-based) : global warming, Dragon Boat Festival
(3) (跨領域) 議題取向 (theme-based) : climate change, designing an eco-friendly house
19. Content 學科內容
- Knowledge, skills and understanding (核心素養、學習內容)
- Students’ prior knowledge (學生英語程度、學生起點行為描述)
20. Cognition 認知思考
- Engagement in higher-order thinking and understanding, problem solving, and accepting challenges and reflecting on them.
- Development of learning strategies
- 對應課綱【學習表現】
21. Culture 文化涵養
- Awareness of self and others, identity, citizenship
- progression towards pluricultural understanding
- community as another term (Mehisto et al., 2008)
小: 自己和他人的不同
大: 國和國之間
22. Communication 語言溝通
Language use: 依語用的需求 (如: agree/disagree)
23. Comparison of Vocabulary
Table 4 Comparison of vocabulary in the PPP and CLIL lessons
24. Comparison of Teachers’ questions-- An ELT (English Language Teaching) Classroom
About room types and things in rooms
What do you see in this room?
What room is this?
What's the dining room?
What rooms do you have in your house?
In your house, is there an English room?
What is there in your house?
What's in your living room?
What is in your bedroom?
What do you have in your bedroom?
What's this?
Anything else?
About numbers
How many?
How many clocks?
How many ghosts?
How many TVs are there?
How many chairs are there?
How many clocks are there in your house?
How many pillows are there in your house?
About language (grammar)
Why no s? [referring to a singular noun]
What about are?
For classroom management
How long do you want?
Who wants one minute?
Who wants sambyo (three seconds)?
What did we study?
25. Comparison of Teachers’ questions-- An CLIL Math Classroom
About things in a picture
What are the pictures here?
About numbers
How many?
How many people?
How many here?
How many fly in?
How many are there?
How many apples are there all
About language (vocabulary)
What does fly in mean?
For classroom management
Who wants to have some fun?
Who wants to make a Halloween story?
Who wants to make the next sentence?
About maths
Can you show me?
Any other way to do it?
Do we need a plus word, addition words or subtractions?
Eleven what?
How do you decompose eight?
How else can you decompose?
Is that correct?
Is there a different way to do it?
Six became what?
What can we count?
What did she do?
What did you do next?
What do we do?
What do you have here?
What does that make?
What kind of word do we need?
What's the other way to do it?
Where did she take one block from?
Where does this come from?
Which is the best?
Who can tell me where this comes from? I
Who says this one?
26. Dimensions of language : BICS vs. CALP
BICS:Promoting the use of English for classroom communication
"Hi, how are you?"
"I like cats and dogs."
CALP: Discussion of subject concepts and processes in both the first language & English
• Examples
"Photosynthesis is the process that describes how plants make food."
第一語言 (L1) 也是學生的資源。
27. The Language Triptych
Language of learning: Content-obligatory languages
What language learners will need to access new knowledge and understanding when dealing with the content.
Language for learning: Content-compatible languages
The language students will need during lessons to carry out the planned activities effectively, e.g., work in groups, asking for help, discussion skills, learning strategies.
Language through learning: Extended learning
The new language that emerges through learning.
28. The Language Triptych : Our school
29. The Language Triptych: Dribbling with Control
30. CLIL classroom as a classroom of two languages -- L1 & L2 (Kiely, 2011)
Discourse in a CLIL classroom: example I
1. T1: How do you make fifteen? Dareka setsumei dekiru? (Can anyone explain)
2. How do you make fifteen?
3. S1: Seven plus eight.
4. T1: Seven plus eight is fifteen, okay.
5. S2: Ten plus five.
6. T1: Ten plus five. How do you make ten?
7. S3: Decompose seven.
8. T1: Decompose seven. Really cool English. How do you decom-
pose seven?
9. S3: Two and five.
10. T1: Two and five, okay. I see. This makes ten. Ten and five, fifteen.
11. Is there a different way to do it? What's the other way to do it?
Discourse in a CLIL classroom: example II
Opportunities (Ikeda, 2019)
And more…
Fostering students' intercultural awareness
Preparing students for future studies and/or work life
32. References:
- Bentley, K. (2010). The TKT Course: CLIL Module. UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Coyle, D., Hood, P., & Marsh, D. (2010). CLIL: Content and language integrated learning. UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Ikeda, M. (2019). CLIL in comparison with PPP: A revolution in ELT by competency-based language education. In H. Reinders et al. (Eds.), Innovation in language teaching and learning: The case of Japan (pp. 23-45). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
- loannou-Georgiou, S., & Pavlou, P. (2011). Guidelines for CLIL
implementation in primary and pre-primary education. Nicosia,
Cyprus: Cyprus Pedagogical Institute.
英語文教師教學專業知能CLIL增能工作坊 跨領域教學技巧 (課堂教學與評量活動) LTTC教學訓練組 教學科科長 葛淑媚(AI)
1. 跨語言教學技巧
Translanguaging (‘trans’ 轉換) (‘ing’ 動態、流動性)
“The process whereby multilingual speakers use their languages as an integrated communication system."
origin : Wales (UK)
2. Translanguaging
“ a pedagogical practice which deliberately switches the language mode of input and output in bilingual classroom” (by Cen Williams)
Translanguaging 跨語言實踐
“A systemic switch between languages based on a planned development of content, language and cognition.” (Coyle et al., 2010; Garcia & Li, 2014)
3. Translanguaging
(1) lower anxiety level
(2) without sacrifice in content learning
(3) maintaining critical thinking
Aim: Construct truly bilingual identity
4.Translanguaging pedagogy
(1) Read bilingual texts.
(2) Discuss the texts mostly in Japanese. (用母語討論)
(3) Write an English essay.
Fu, D. (2003) An island of English. Portsmouth, NK: Heinemann
5. Translanguaging
" I believe thinking (reasoning and imagination) and the ability to organize ideas are equally, or even more, important than language skills in learning to write. If we let our students express themselves and present their ideas in their primary language, we give them opportunities to continue the development of their thinking."
Fu, D. (2003) An island of English. Portsmouth, NK: Heinemann
6. 跨領域教學技巧 (語言+學科) Cross-disciplinary
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgdDPHh_5es (22:50)
7. New roles: CLIL language teachers
(1) co-teaching or co-planning?
-- advise subject teachers on their own language use
-- advise subject teachers on the language demands of their subjects
-- orient the English language syllabus partly to the language demands of the subject curriculum
8. Tasks
Text 5.1
Measuring the rate of transpiration of a potted plant
1. Use two similar well-watered potted plants. Enclose one plant entirely in a polythene bag, including its pot. This is the control.
2. Enclose only the pot of the second plant in a polythene bag. Fix the bag firmly around the stem of the plant, and seal with petroleum jelly.
3. Place both plants on balances and record their masses.
4. Record the mass of each plant every day, at the same time, for at least a week.
5. Draw a graph of your results.
vocabulary : (picture + terms) matching (warning triangle / wheel wedges/ Jack/ lug nuts)
What's the purpose of this sheet?
tense : present tense
order : first / second I finally
其他資源: https://www.wikihow.com/Main-Page
“If teachers have some knowledge of their language of their subject and the way it makes meanings, they are in a position to anticipate difficulties, or solve them when they arise”
(1) Everyday and specialized lexis
(2) Process types
(3) Circumstances
(4) Modification of the nominal group
lexis and grammar which are functional in the text
students read, discuss or write….
11. Everyday and specialized lexis
12. Process types
13. Circumstances
14. Modification of the nominal group
15. The Role of Language in CLIL
Chapter 5: Grammar and lexis in CLIL subjects (by Ana Llinares, Tom Morton, Rachel Whittaker)
16. 評量
assessment VS. evaluation
What's the difference between their purposes?
Assessment for/as learning (促進學習的評量/評量即學習): formative assessment. What are the next steps in learning?
Evaluation/Assessment of learning (學習成果的評量): Summative assessment. What has been achieved to date?
17. Assessment principles (Coyle et al., 2010)
(1) Clear learning objectives, content/skills first, then language
(2) A mixture of formal/informal assessment is used
(3) Learners should be aware of assessment instruments and success criteria, expressed in a student-friendly format
(4) Content knowledge should be assessed using the simplest form of language
(5) Language should be assessed for a real purpose in a real context-accuracy and communicative competence/fluency
(6) "wait time" is crucial in the assessment processes
Think- Pair-Share
(7) Scaffolding is not cheating. We need to assess what students can do with support, before we assess what they can do without it.
(8) Students need to be able to take some responsibility for their own assessment, both in terms of self- and peer-assessment. This will enhance their longer-term learning potential.
18. Content? Language?
What is the focus of assessment?
19. The role and use of L1
Kiely (2011: 63-64)
Principles to guide L1 and L2 use in the CLIL classroom
(1) Maximize exposure to and use of L2
(2) Manage the class in English
(3) Focus on accuracy in pronunciation
(4) Check comprehension using L1
(5) Teach new terms in L1
(6) Promote interlingual work
(7) Use L1 to support learning
20. Motivate students-- 給自己多一點機會、給自己增添一些笑料
脫口秀: I didn’t know shit!
主題: 社區美食地圖製作
取自《臺北雙語大教室一素養導向 CLIL 教案彙編》
1. 能利用Google Maps 網站,搜尋美食店家地理資訊並進行地圖畫面擷取與儲存
2. 能利用文書處理軟體編輯美食店家文字素材資料,並會對內文字體、行距、段落等作版面編排。
3. 能利用文書處理軟體,匯入圖片素材(地圖、美食照片等)並進行文繞圖、邊框及加上文字方塊解
4. 能利用網路雲端空間上傳與分享小組作品,並能進行解說
Language of learning
1. 學生能熟悉地圖網站的使用方法(含畫面擷取),亦能瞭解此操作相關英文單字(如網站、地圖、輸入、搜尋、目的地等單字)。
• 網站: website
• 地圖: map
• Google 地圖服務:Google maps
• 輸入:key in
• 搜尋: Search
• 地點: location
• 餐廳:restaurant
• 畫面擷取:Print Screen
• 電話:telephone number
• 地址:address
• 營業時間:opening times
2. 學生會利用文書處理軟體編排文字、圖片等素材及簡易排版作法,亦能瞭解此操作相關英文單字(複製、貼上、插入、置左、置中、置右等,並會將作品儲存至網路硬碟空間,亦能瞭解此操作相關英文單字(如檔案、檔名、儲存等單字)
• 圖片/照片: picture
• 複製: copy
• 貼上: paste
• 儲存: save
• 插入: insert
• 檔案: file
• 檔名: filename
• 文字: text
3. 各組學生上台發表小組美食地圖作品,並說明推薦店家資訊、推薦理由等。上台發表時,結合常用英語句型與七年級英語單字進行分享。
Language for learning (language skills)
1. 學生在團隊中,能發揮個人任務角色
2. 學生在製作歷程中,能瞭解如何向老師/組員們尋求協助、發問問題及表達完成作業
Language through learning
口性別平等教育 口人權教育
口閱讀 口實驗口美工(含繪畫等)
補充: success criteria
1. Taiwanese restaurant per person
2. The name of the restaurant (Chinese / English)
3. Restaurant pictures (at least 3)
4. A print screen of the map / Location
5. Telephone number
6. Opening hours
7. Facilities / Services Amnesties
8. Why will you recommend this restaurant? (at least three reasons)
9. Editing
10. Correct Filename (e.g, 15 王小明)
11. Presentation (Accuracy/ Fluency/Clear / Confidence Level / Voice)
主題: 排球技能組合練習
取自《臺北雙語大教室一素養導向 CLIL教案彙編》
1. 透過練習,學生能熟悉排球高手傳球、低手傳球的動作技能,建立學生正確排球傳接球觀念,進而能判斷自己與他人動作的正確性。
2. 以團隊競賽模式,建立班級向心力,並培養學生與他人合作的態度。
3. 技能練習與英語結合,讓學生在潛移默化中,學習排球相關的英語單詞,並嘗試能用英文交談,養成使用英語的習慣。
1. 學生學會排球傳接球動作(低手傳球、高手傳球及肩上發球)
2. 學生能流暢的運用傳接球動作進行一場競賽
3. 學生能聽懂相關的排球傳接球動作英文 high set、underarm passing underarm serve、
overhead serve
Language of learning
1. 聽懂相關生字與片語,如: 專有名詞: volleyball(排球)、high set(高手托球)、underarm passing(低手傳球)、underarm serve(低手發球)、Overhead serve(同上發球)
2. 聽懂並運用句型描述動作
We are going to practice __________. (high set/underarm passing/underarm serve)
How do we do ___________? (high set/underarm passing/underarm serve)
Language for learning (language skills)
1. 聽懂並能詢問問題
What is it? What can we do with it?(引導學生描述)
What skill do you want to use when the ball comes directly to your face?
Which part of the lesson do you like the most today? (引導學生說明)
2. 熟悉其他語言技能
How do you spell it? What does it mean?
Language through learning
1. 聽懂在學習過程中,出現與 volleyball 相關的字詞。
2. 聽懂在學習過程中,出現的語言,例如:反映使用動作時機時所用語言(Use the skill-High set);完成動作時,從教師及同齊所獲得的回饋(如:It' seasy.)
口性別平等教育 口人權教育
口閱讀 口實驗 口美工(含繪畫等)
V 肢體(舞蹈、戲劇、體育..等)
主題: 露營技能-生火
取自《臺北雙語大教室一素養導向 CLIL 教案彙編》
1. 透過引導與討論,明白火在野外活動的重要性。
2. 認識不同的起火方式與火絨。
3. 能運用打火石點著引火材料。
4. 透過實作經驗,明白生火不易,進而歸納提高成功機率的方法,以及明白野外活動適切準備的重要性。
Language of learning
1. 能用英語學習並表達野外生火的重要性
2. 能知道不同起火方式的英文如右圖所示
3. 認識和運用與起火相關的英文字詞與動作 (firesteel, tinder, spark, flame, striker, angle)
4. 能從英文句子中學習打火石的好處
5. 能用英語學習如何使用打火石,並成功起火。
Language for learning (language skills)
1. 能應用已知的英文進行學習與溝通
如: Teacher I have a question. Can I try it one more time ?
I don't understand the question. What does it mean?
2. 能應用所學字母拼讀規則,嘗試讀出未學過的字詞
如: altitude, capable, insect
Language through learning
1. 能用英文素材學習·如閱讀英文文本、影片與明白教師的英語教學指令,完成操作打火石、討論學習單與生火排序等任務
如: : What's the best way to start a fire? Raise your right hand. Hold the ruler with your right hand.
2. 能主動使用英語回應、表達與學習,增強使用英語的自信
3. 透過引導,能從上下文或情境中推測新單字的意義。如 altitude 為海拔; insects 為昆蟲
口性別平等教育 口人權教育
V 戶外教育
V 環境教育
口閱讀 口實驗 口美工(含繪畫等)