2020年7月9日 星期四

【空英】 好想講英文 (不定期更新)

1. 好想講英文 播放清單
2. Google Docs
Traditional American Drinks 傳統美式夏日冷飲
1. Juice pops
(1) First thing we have here is like a popsicle mold. 
(2) The next thing you need is juice. 
(3) Now, we place it in the freezer. 

2. Lemonade.
(1) First thing we’re going to need is some kind of sugar water. 
(2) Next you’re going to need lemons. 
(3) You’re also going to need some cold water. And of course, you’re going to need something you can use to juice the lemons. (用手..) Yeah, you can do that too, make it all natural. 
(4) Use the spoon to mix (攪拌) it up so that the sugar dissolves in the hot water. 
攪拌也可以用 stir。
口水: spit
My mouth is watering.
(5) It would be even better cold. So take it, once you’ve finished it, take it and put it in your refrigerator for a while and enjoy it chilled. 

Believe it or not, this one will be even easier. 

3. Sun tea
You just use regular water and then use the sun. 
(1) First, you’re going to need a container of water. Usually we’ll use something bigger that you can put in the fridge and drink for a while. 
(2) So you have your tea bag in the water, and then you’re going to take it and you’re going to put it in direct sunlight. 

Well, that’s basically what it is. 

4. Ice cream soda
We have ice cream, carbonated water, whipped cream and milk. 

5. Apfelschorle
We got some soda water and some apple juice. 

6. Kiba 
(1) Alright, so this is two words together. So, in German, Ki is from Kirsch, which is cherries.  (德文 Ki 是從櫻桃 Kirsch來的,就是櫻桃) and ba ba bananas (ba 就是香蕉). In German it’s Bananen. 
(2) The next step is to put the cherry juice on top of the banana juice. 

【好想講英文】聊天也要抓重點! 老外常用畫龍點睛的強調語法,拆解給你看!
1. do + 原形動詞 : 表強調 (It’s emphasizing the verb.)
You did do a good job! 你確實做得很好! 
cf. You did a good job. You did it well. 

2. You didn’t do a bad job. (double negative 雙重否定)
(不是做得不好,也不是做得好,kind of in the middle.)
I didn’t not like the movie, but  I wouldn’t watch it again. (我沒有不喜歡,但是我不想再看一遍)
I didn’t not like it, but it was kind of expensive for such portions. 

3. This is not to be missed. 不要錯過某件事情
cf. 跟 Don’t miss it. 相比,This is not to be missed. 比較 general (範圍比較廣)
Albert’s concert is not to be missed. Albert的演唱會不容錯過。
This food in the night market is not to be missed. 這些夜市美食不容錯過。


1. con-call (=conference call) 電話會議 

2. go over 查看;溫習;重複
It just means that you’re going to read over some kind of information in order to get the basic idea. 

3. timeline 時間軸;時程表
make a timeline 拉出時程表
So a timeline is basically just like when you have a project and you’re saying: OK we’re going to start it here, we’re going to work on this part at this time, then this part and then it will be finished. You’re looking at the timeline of when you’re going to do each thing.
So you need to make a timeline as opposed to pulling a timeline.  

4. deadline 截止日期
set deadline 設定截止日期
(e.g.) I’m going to set a deadline for this Thursday. 
(e.g.) Can you give me a deadline for this project? 

5. fine-tune 微調
It basically means that you’re going to make some small adjustments in order to improve something. 
(e.g.) I need you to find-tune the details of this project before we present it. 

6. 50-50 chance 機率一半一半
(e.g.) It’s a 50-50 chance that it’s heads or tails. 
(e.g.) A: Oh, do you think it’s going to rain tomorrow? B: Weatherman says it’a a 50-50 chance

7. common sense 常識
(e.g.) Come on man, this is common sense. It’s a budget issue, don’t you get it? 

8. nonsense 胡說八道;瞎扯
Nonsense is something that just doesn’t make sense. 
(e.g.) A: I heard there’s a blizzard of snow falling in Taipei. B: Ah, that’s nonsense
It’s nonsense that you …. (錯誤說法) 要說: Come on man, this is common sense. 

9. concern 和 care 的用法
(e.g.) You care about your clients concerns. 
(e.g.) We care about our client. 我們關心我們的客戶。(That means you want to do things that are going to make your client happy.) 
(e.g.) I’m concerned about our clients. 我很擔心我們的客戶。(There’s something wrong and you’re like, I need to fix this. Something happened with the client. I’m concerned about them.)

10. cancel 取消
(e.g.) Can you cancel my next meeting. 
(e.g.) Cancel my trip to Penghu. 

11. delay 
It’s really not that natural to say you were delayed by something. People would know what you meant nut it wouldn’t be natural. 
(e.g.) I was help up by traffic this morning. 或 I was stuck in traffic. (I was delayed by traffic 這邊用delay 比較不自然,be help up 是比較好的說法)

(e.g.) Ah, I was stuck in my last meeting so I couldn’t go to …

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