2019年12月2日 星期一


1. 星宇航空機上安全影片 StarWonderers 星探者 | STARLUX Airlines
0:16 各位貴賓,歡迎搭乘星宇航空。
0:20 Ladies and gentlemen, welcome aboard to STARLUX Airlines. 

0:26 在展開一段舒適愉快的旅程之前,請仔細觀看以下安全影片,因為您的安全對我們而言非常重要。
0:34 Please pay attention to the following safety demonstration before starting your journey because your safety is important to us. 

0:54 根據法令,全程禁止使用發報類電子用品,有關行動電話及其他電子用品使用規範,請參閱機上雜誌。
1:03 According to CAA regulations, all transmitting devices shall not be used at all times. For more information regarding mobile phones and electronic devices, please refer to the in-flight magazine. 

1:17 滑行、起飛及降落時,請將手提行李妥善放在坐位上方的行李箱內,或前方座位底下。
1:25 Make sure all your baggage is stowed properly in an overhead compartment or under the seat in front of you during taxiing, takeoff, and landing.  

1:34 當您就座時,請隨時將安全帶繫妥,扣把向外一撥,即可解開安全帶。
1:42 Keep your seatbelt fastened while seated. To release it, simply undo the buckle

1:48 客艙失壓時,氧氣面罩會由上方自動落下。
1:52 If cabin pressure changes suddenly, oxygen mask will automatically appear above your head.  

1:57 拉下面罩,或紅色拉帶,罩住口鼻,調整鬆緊帶,正常呼吸,然後再協助他人。
2:04 Pull down the mask or red pull flag, place it over your nose and mouth, tighten the straps, and breathe normally before assisting others.  

2:15 本機艙共有8個緊急出口,使用方法及位置均有標示,航程中不可任意觸動。
2:22 This aircraft has 8 exits clearly marked with instructions. The exits should not be touched during flight

2:32 逃生時,務必脫掉高跟鞋,不要攜帶行李,依照指示燈光及空服員的指引,由離您最近的緊急出口離開。
2:40 During evacuation, remove high-heeled shoes, leave carry-on baggage behind, and follow the illuminated signs and cabin crew’s instructions to your nearest exit.

2:52 救生衣在您座位下或座位旁。
2:55 A life vest is stowed under or beside your seat. 

2:59 使用時,救生衣的吹管朝外,由頭上套下,將黑色腰帶拉至前方,扣好拉緊。
3:08 Put the life vest over your head, with the tube facing outward, wrap the black straps to the front, fasten and tighten

3:15 離開緊急出口時,用力拉下紅色拉環,即可充氣。
3:19 Pull the red tab to inflate while leaving the emergency exit.  

3:23 若無法自動充氣,請吹前方管子。
3:25 For manual inflation, blow into the tube. 

3:35 本班機全面禁菸,包含禁用電子煙。依法規定,不得毀損化妝室內的煙霧偵測器。
3:44 This is a non-smoking flight, smoking and use of electronic cigarettes, tampering with or destroying the lavatory smoke detectors are prohibited by law.  

3:55 現在請您繫妥安全帶,現在請豎直椅背,收好餐桌及腳踏板。
4:00 Please fasten your seat belt, return your seat back, seat table and footrest to their original positions.  

4:07 有關機上安全事項,請參閱安全須知卡。
4:11 Please refer to the safety instruction card for the detailed information.

4:16 祝您旅途愈快。
4:18 We wish you a pleasant journey

2. 旅遊英文#6 聽懂機場廣播 // 聽力怎麼訓練?|Airport announcement
#1.Passengers for flight GA 642 to Rome, please go to Gate 26.

#2.This is announcement for all passengers traveling on the 9:25 flight TOM 1223 to Rome, this flight is delayed by 2 hours because of bad weather.

#3.For Virgin Australia guests traveling to Adelaide on 1448, this service has now been canceled due to fog. All guests booked on this service please proceed to the dedicated assistance counters 9 and 10 at the Virgin Australia checking area for assistance onto other services.

#4.This is a call for Mr. Geston Meyer. Would Mr. Geston Meyer traveling on the 12:45 Sabena flight SN 604 to Brussels, report to the airport information desk, please.

#5.This is an announcement for passengers traveling to Amsterdam on Flight KL 1050. Will all with all passengers with Express boarding tickets and passengers traveling with young children, please go to the gate 6 for boarding.

3. 【好想講英文】請開啟「飛航英文」模式,出國搭飛機不用再害怕

4. 機場英文:Check-in 的8句英文 ! 必學的旅遊英文!【機場篇】

5. 去旅行前必須看!如何回答入境/過海關時被問的英文問題!【旅遊英文-機場英文】

6. 旅館飯店英文!旅遊必備的 8句英文!超級使用 Hotel English

7. 餐廳點餐 必備英文! 要跟服務生說什麼呢? 超實用的旅遊英文~

