2019年4月16日 星期二


90-107 統測題目及解答
107 統測詳解
106 統測詳解
105 統測詳解
104 統測詳解
I. 字彙題:第 1 至 7 題,每題均有一空格字詞,請選擇最適合的答案,以完成該英文句子。第 8 至 15 題,每題均有一個劃底線的字詞,請在四個選項中,選擇一個與劃底線的字詞意義最接近的答案。

B 1. Since因為 food safety食物安全 was repeatedly不斷地 reported報導 in the news, Mom has been more ____________ than before about choosing and buying food.
(A) sociable 好交際的     (B) cautious 小心的      
(C) envious  羨慕的、忌妒的    (D) innocent 天真的、無罪的

C 2. Due to由於 the heavy rainfall 雨勢磅礡, many roads leading to連接 the downtown市中心 area were ____________, and many people could not get to school or work.
(A) imported 進口       (B) delivered  運送、投遞   
(C) blocked 堵塞       (D) expected 期待

B 3. The new medicine seems effective有效的 because many patients病患 claim宣稱 they have ____________ a great deal大大地 from taking吃(藥) it.
(A) invented 發明          (B) benefited → benefit from + Ving 受益於...       
(C) exchanged  交換         (D) founded 建立

D 4. It is considered (被)認為 a ____________ to deny否認、否決 a person a job because of his or her age or gender性別.
(A) retirement 退休       (B) statue 雕像        
(C) landscape 風景                (D) prejudice 偏見

B 5. It doesn’t matter不重要、不要緊 what methods方法 you use; the most important thing is that you complete 完成 the project計畫 before the ____________.
(A) distance 距離          (B) deadline 截止日期             
(C) depth 深度          (D) density 密度

A 6. When the sunshine is too bright 閃耀的, we should wear sunglasses to ____________ our eyes.
(A) protect  保護         (B) judge 判斷、批判、裁判       
(C) greet  打招呼           (D) review 複習、評論

C 7. We do not have any job openings職缺 ____________, but we will contact連絡 you if that changes.
(A) casually  休閒地、隨性地       (B) culturally 文化地           
(C) currently  目前地        (D) consciously 有意識地

A 8. Because of his hard work認真工作, my cousin finally realized 實現  his goal and entered進入 the university he had dreamed of 夢想.
(A) achieved   達成、實現        (B) inspired 激勵、鼓舞        
(C) encouraged   鼓勵       (D) organized 組織

D 9. A strong typhoon is nearing Taiwan, so Tom’s plan to go surfing衝浪 on this weekend has been rejected 拒絕 by his father.
(A) filled out 填寫(表格)         (B) brought up  開始談論、提出(話題)        
(C) put off  拖延 (=dealy = procrastinate)      (D) turned down 拒絕

A 10. The glass container容器 has been tightly緊緊地 locked鎖, so almost no air can get into it.
(A) firmly  堅固地、牢固地   (B) mildly  略微地、溫和地      
(C) hardly  幾乎不       (D) softly 溫柔地

D 11. This company is very young, established建立、設立 only five years ago, but it made a good deal of 很多、很大  profits利潤 this year. (make profit 有利潤)
(A) dropped out 輟學      (B) taken after  看起來像    
(C) put forward 提出想法或計劃   (D) set up 建立

D 12. David’s mother asked Sally about her parents’ occupations工作. She wanted to know where they worked.
(A) locations  位置    (B) goals 目標       
(C) reactions 反應      (D) jobs 工作

A 13. Identical twins同卵雙胞胎 look exactly完全地 the same. Sometimes even their parents cannot tell分辨 one from從... the other.
(A) completely 完全地(=absolutely=totally)    (B) suddenly  突然地    
(C) naturally  自然地     (D) partially 不完全地、部分地

A 14. People all over the world show their basic基本的 emotions情緒 with similar類似的 facial臉部的 expressions表情.
(A) feelings 感覺         (B) positions 位置           
(C) movements 動作      (D) abilities 能力

B 15. Scholarly學術的 books (that promote促進 mankind’s人類的 knowledge知識) are aimed at旨在 making our lives better.
(A) consist of  由...組成          (B) contribute to  導致      
(C) interfere with 干擾           (D) originate from 起源於...起因於...

II. 對話題:第 16 至 25 題,請依對話內容選出一個最適合的答案,使其成為有意義的對話。
A 16. Tim: Let’s go see the Rubber Duck in Keelung City Harbor.
Kelly: _______________
Tim: Why not? 為何不?
Kelly: I have to work on從事 my project計畫. It’s due tomorrow.
(A) I’d love to, but I can’t. 我很想,但我不行。
(B) I went to Keelung last week.
(C) Sure, when are we going?
(D) Great! I like Rubber Duck very much.
D 17. Leo: Are you going to the countdown 倒數 party this year?
Dennis: Sure, the annual fireworks show is great. I don’t want to miss it.
Leo: _______________
Dennis: Well, taking the bus is the best way. 搭公車是最棒的方式。
(A) You can’t miss it. 你不能錯過。
(B) The party is in front of the city hall. 派對在市政廳前面。
(C) Do you like fireworks? 你喜歡煙火嗎?
(D) How would you go there? 你要怎麼去?
B 18. Mom: Linda, take out the garbage. The garbage truck垃圾車 is coming.
Linda: It’s Peter’s turn 輪到Peter了today.
Mom: _______________
Linda: Then he should take out the garbage tomorrow.
(A) Peter doesn’t like trucks. (B) He’s not home yet. 他還沒回到家
(C) The truck comes every other day. (D) OK, it’s a great turning point轉捩點.
A 19. Kimoko: Have you ever tried stinky tofu?
Ted: Of course.
Kimoko: _______________
Ted: Yesterday. 昨天
(A) When did you last try it? (B) How did you try it?
(C) Where did you last try it? (D) What did you try?
C 20. Victor: Hi, I’m a new student here and I need a place to stay.
Receptionist 接待員: Do you prefer偏好 a room in an apartment公寓 or in a house房子?
Victor: _______________
Receptionist: Let me show you the room.
(A) The rent is cheap. (B) Thanks for your offer.
(C) I’d like a room in a house.我想要房子的房間 (D) Yes, many rooms are on sale.
C 21. Pin: I need to find a part-time job打工.
Manager: _______________
Pin: I can type打字 very well.
(A) What can I do for you?
(B) Why do you need a job?
(C) What are you good at? 你擅長什麼?
(D) How much do you ask for?
B 22. Rich: It’s really cold today.
Helen: I’m having hot coffee. Do you want some?
Rich: _______________
(A) Yes, I like hot chocolate a lot. (B) No, I prefer tea with milk. 不,我偏好茶加牛奶。
(C) No, hot coffee is better. (D) Yes, I’ll stay inside.
A 23. Nick: Art Café is really nice.
David: Yes, it is. It’s new.
Nick: When did it open? 何時開幕?
David: _______________
(A) Two weeks ago.兩週前 (B) Three times a week.
(C) Every weekend. (D) Next week.
D 24. Louis: I need to go to the drugstore藥局 for some vitamins維他命.
Mandy: _______________
Louis: That’s not true.這不是真的。 Vitamins can provide提供 most of the nutrients營養素 we need.
(A) I need some, too. (B) They’re good for you.
(C) I cannot agree with you more. (D) Those pills don’t really help. 那些藥沒有幫助。
C 25. Nina: Hi, Kim. How was your trip?
Kim: Great. It was fun to meet different people in different cities.
Nina: _______________
Kim: Taipei is my favorite.
(A) Where did you visit?
(B) How many cities have you been to?
(C) Which city do you like most? 你最喜歡哪個城市?
(D) How much did you spend?
III. 綜合測驗:以下兩篇短文,共有 15 個空格,為第 26 至 40 題,每題有四個選項,請依各篇短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。
▲ 下篇短文共有 7 個空格,為第 26 – 32 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。

    Distracted分心的 walking, like distracted driving, is now a cause原因 of injuries受傷 and fatalities死亡. A recent study shows that more and more people ended up最後... in the hospital ____26____ walking while using their phones. In the United States, the number of people (who ____27____ seriously) doubled 倍增 from 2004 to 2010. It also found that ____28 ____(who were guilty of 有罪的 distracted walking) were much less likely to look before crossing streets or obey traffic signals. The problem may be caused by misguided ideas of multi-tasking. Many people think that they are able to function effectively when they are texting ____29____ they are walking. ____30 ____, the fact is that each task has to be given full attention (事實上 每一個任務 都要被給予完整的注意力). There are several ____31____ solutions 解決方案. One way is to teach children safe texting, and ____32____ is to punish distracted walking. These are just some of the means of improving road safety.

A 26. (A) as a result of +N 由於(=as a consequence of+N)
(B) in addition to +N 除了...之外(還有...)
(C) in the end 最後、終於
(D) in order that +S+V 為了...

B 27. (A) injure (B) were injured 被受傷 (C) were injuring (D) injured
(1) 人 +be + injured
(2) 人 injure + 部位

C 28. (A) passengers 乘客
(B) motorists 開汽車的人 (motor 汽車)
(C) pedestrians 路人
(D) cyclists 腳踏車騎士

C 29. (A) so as to +VR 為了 (=in order to +VR)
(B) such as +N 例如
(C) at the same time as 同時
(D) in spite of +N 儘管  (=despite +N)
(e.g.) We still went picnicking in spite of heavy rain.

A 30. (A) However 然而 (B) Mostly 通常  (C) For example, S+V 例如  (D) Similarly 相似地
說明: (1) 前一句是說,有些人覺得他們可以邊走路邊傳簡訊。後一句是說,其實每個任務/動作都要專心去做。前後句語意相反,所以用However 然而。
(2) 然而: however= nevertheless= nonetheless= yet= but

B 31. (A) suggest (B) suggested 被建議的 (C) suggesting (D) suggestion

C 32. (A) some 一些 (B) several 一些 (C) another 另一個  (D) other 其他
說明 1:
(1) 數量總共有兩個: One…. The other….
(2) 數量總共有三個: One…. Another...The other….
(3) 數量總共有四個(以上): One…. Another...Another...The other….
(4) 數量有兩群: Some…. Some/Others…
(5) 數量有三群: Some…. Some/Others…Still Others…
(6) 數量有四群(以上): Some…. Some/Others…Some/Others...Still Others…

說明2: 題目是說,有一些解決方法。其一是教學生安全傳訊息,另一個是懲罰分心走路的人。
如果是說有兩個解決方法,那就要用 One…. The other(限定另一個)…
但是題目是有一些方法,那就是 用 One… Another(非限定)...

▲ 下篇短文共有 8 個空格,為第 33 – 40 題,請依短文文意,選出一個最適合該空格的答案。

    Freedom of speech言論自由 is very important in many countries. It means that people should have the freedom to speak openly ____33____ any limitation限制. Despite this 儘管如此, in the past, many big television news stations and newspapers controlled the news (to which we had ____34____) . This permitted the news we saw to be framed to suit particular views. However, news reporting is changing every day. From the Internet and television, people can learn about the ____35____ news最新的新聞 24 hours a day. A lot of the news is provided by ordinary people like you and me, so-called 也就是所謂的 citizen reporters 公民記者. Today user-generated information can easily be found ____36____ the Internet. Citizen reporters now upload their news stories for everyone to see. (The use of digital cameras, cell phones, or webcams 數位相機、手機、網路攝影機的使用) ____37____ it even easier for anyone to become a reporter. It is also possible for people to ____38____ the news almost as soon as it takes place. The news can be about sudden events, or it can just be about cultural festivals文化的慶典 (that ____39____ in their hometown.) ____40____ kind of news it is, citizen reporting is here to stay. Why don’t you try being a citizen reporter and introduce something interesting about Taiwan?
A 33. (A) without +N 沒有 (B) since +N 自從  (C) for+N 因為/給... (D) about +N 關於

D 34. (A) burden 負擔 (B) belief 信仰(C) arrival抵達  (D) access 途徑、機會、權利
(1) to which we had access→ which we had access to
(因為英文不喜歡把介係詞放在句子最後面,所以通常會把介係詞搬到關代who/which 前面)
(2) have access to +N 有...的使用權利、接近某人或某地的機會或方法

A 35. (A) latest 最新的  (B) less 更少的  (C) latter 後者 (D) least 最少、最小

A 36. (A) on (B) under (C) by (D) of
用法: on the Internet 在網路上、上網

C 37. (A) is made (B) make (C) has made (D) have made
說明: (1) 主詞是 The use of ……...所以是單數,(B) (D) 不考慮。
(2) (A) be+ Vpp 是被動,不合語意
(3) 數位相機、手機、網路攝影機的使用 已經讓 任何人能更容易地變成記者。

B 38. (A) resolve +N 解決...
(B) receive +N 接收到 ...
(C) inform+人+of +事情 告知...
(D) invest in+事物 投資...

C 39. (A) break 爆發、破掉 (B) happens (C) happen 發生(D) breaks
說明: that 前面的先行詞是 festivals 複數,所以不加s。

D 40. (A) Whenever 無論何時 (B) Any (C) Some (D) Whatever(=No matter what) 不論是什麼...
IV. 閱讀測驗:以下有兩篇短文,共有 10 個題目,為第 41 至 50 題,請於閱讀

▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 41 – 45 題
Have you ever skipped sleeping over a video game? Computer game designers often
create interesting video games to tempt players to keep playing. These days, many employees
are found to play video games at work even though their employers have set rules to stop them
from doing so. 43. In fact, video game addiction is regarded as harmful, just like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or gambling, and should be treated with care.
In the workplace, addicted players are often seen as lazy, not sick; their bosses are not
sympathetic to their addiction. 44. If they have been caught several times playing video games at work, their salary may be cut, and even worse, they may lose their jobs. 42. In some companies, the addicted players are allowed to play video games only on stressful days, but their bosses will check their computers from time to time to make sure that they are doing their work. However, while some companies continue to find some methods of preventing workday playing, addicted players still have their own ways to enjoy playing video games during working hours.
D 41. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) Video game jobs.電腦遊戲的工作 (B) Computer game designers.電腦遊戲設計師
(C) Computer game companies. 電腦遊戲公司  (D) Video game addicts 電腦遊戲沉癮者
B 42. According to the passage, why do some companies allow their workers to play video games?
(A) Because they can improve computer skills.
(B) Because they can feel relaxed when stressed out.
(C) Because they can learn important gaming skills.
(D) Because they can design more interesting games.
C 43. According to the passage, which of the following is similar to video game addiction?
(A) Addiction to work. (B) Addiction to sports.
(C) Addiction to drugs. (D) Addiction to sleep.
A 44. According to the passage, what may some companies do to their workers addicted to video games?
(A) To cut their pay.
(B) To send them to the doctor.
(C) To give them a computer that cannot play video games.
(D) To help them find ways of playing video games.
B 45. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?
(A) Companies may check workers’ computers to see if they play video games during work.
(B) Video game addicts are rewarded(獎勵) with higher pay for playing at work.
(C) Companies keep finding ways to stop workers from playing video games while working.
(D) Video game addiction is a behavior which has to be treated like alcoholism.
▲ 閱讀下文,回答第 46 – 50 題
     A new food bank was just opened recently in Taichung. 46. People in financial difficulties can go there to pick up relief products, and like going to a supermarket, they can get what they need, free of charge and with dignity. In all food banks, items are donated by businesses, with a small number of products, such as diapers and vitamins, purchased with subsidies from the city government. One important goal of the food banks is to reduce the waste of resources while giving away food and other daily necessities to those in need. Most food banks often hand out food packs without giving recipients a choice of the items. In that way, products still go to waste if the recipients are unable to use them. Moreover, the food packs do not contain milk powder or diapers to meet the needs of infants. 47.However, at the new supermarket-like food bank, recipients can choose what they want and what they need from a wide range of products, which include diapers, infant formula milk powder, and children’s shoes.
In addition, the new food bank holds activities similar to those in other food banks.
For instance, volunteers plan special holiday surprises for 50(C) recipients and give away festive foods such as mooncakes. The main beneficiaries of food banks are 50(B) the people who need a helping hand to avoid extreme poverty.48. Regardless of how they work, all food banks share the same goal: to lift 50(A) disadvantaged families out of poverty.

B 46. What is the purpose of food banks?
(A) To sell food at a reasonable price to all consumers.
(B) To provide goods for free to people in financial need.
(C) To build a supermarket-like environment for shoppers.
(D) To get rid of unwanted goods and foods.
B 47. How is the supermarket-like food bank different from other food banks?
(A) It sells all kinds of food, so nothing is wasted.
(B) It allows recipients to choose what they need.
(C) It receives help from the government.
(D) It holds activities for special holidays.
D 48. According to the passage, which of the following is true?
(A) Relief products are wasted if recipients choose what they want.
(B) The city government buys only vitamins and diapers.
(C) The supermarket-style food bank meets the needs of infants only.
(D) Food banks work to improve the life of the poor.
C 49. Which of the following is closest in meaning to pick up in line 2 of the first paragraph?
(A) clean (B) understand (C) get (D) learn
D 50. Which of the following groups is NOT the beneficiaries of food banks, as mentioned in the second paragraph?
(A) The poor. (B) People in need. (C) Food recipients. (D) Business owners.

