2019年3月15日 星期五


1. 說英語看天下:台灣代表料理
It has all kinds of ingredients slowing melting into one taste. Just like our history, our identity: complex, conflicted, slowly fused into peaceful coexistence.
1. identity (n) 身分、特性
2. complex (adj) 複雜的;公寓大樓(群)
3. exist (v) 存在、生存

2. 說英語看天下:AI文字產生器
"I was in my car on my way to a new job in Seattle. I put the gas in, put the key in, and then I left it run. I just imagined what the day would be like. A hundred years from now, om 2045, I was a teacher in some school in a poor part of rural China. I started with Chinese history and history of science."
1. run (v) (1) 奔跑(go quickly) (2) 行駛 (travel)  (3) 運作、運轉、操作 (operate) (4) 經營(to be in control of sth)  (5) 競選(to compete as candidate)
2. poor (adj) (1) 貧困的 (no money) (2) 缺乏 (be poor in sth)  (3) 粗劣的、不好的 (bad) (4) 可憐的 (deserving sympathy)

3. 說英語看天下:2018最準時航空

The international Air Transport Association forecasts that 8.2 billion people will be flying in 2037 due to economic development and the growing middle class.
1. forecast (v) 預測、預報
2. association (n)  協會、關係
3. transport (v) 運輸、輸送

4. 說英語看天下:全民學英文
Many Europeans speak fluent English, but that’s because their English education has become a practical part of their daily lives.
1. fluent (adj) (說某種語言) 流利的
2. practical (adj) 實際的、實用的
3. daily (adj) 每天

5. 說英語看天下:全球百大旅遊
Visitors from Southeast Asia have become the main driver of visitor arrival growth in Taiwan. The numbers suggest that if Taipei hopes to become an even more international city, it will have to continue finding ways to appeal to the Southeast Asia market.
1. driver (n) 司機;驅動程式;高爾夫球桿
2. suggest (v) 提議;暗示
3. appeal (v) 呼籲;訴請;吸引力

6. 說英語天下:菲律賓每日簡訊量高達五億
7. 說英語看天下:台灣第二位冠軍麵包師王鵬傑 說英語看天下
8. 說英語看天下:耶誕老人的問候
9. 說英語看天下:兩千大企業對2019年景氣的看法調查
10. 說英語看天下:美國佛州國際沙雕賽
11. 說英語看天下:台灣菸酒公司的泡麵經濟
12. 說英語看天下:花博展地表最大機械花
13. 說英語看天下:美國期中選舉
14. 說英語看天下:娜塔莉波曼 Natalie Portman
15. 說英語看天下:東非共同體六國將拒收舊衣鞋子
16. 說英語看天下:進口垃圾
17. 說英語看天下:美國聖地雅哥動物園大象寶寶
18. 說英語看天下:台灣5邦交國連鎖斷交
19. 說英語看天下:美國籍台灣原住民專家羅雪柔看台
20. 說英語看天下:水果王國 台灣採果體驗

