2018年10月4日 星期四

Advanced Notes (2018/10月份)(更新中)

107/10/1 Advanced Notes
2. caribou (wild) VS reindeer (semi-domesticated→ for public vehicle)
3. disoriented (adj) 迷路的
4. calf (n) 幼獸
5. backpacking trip → no car/suitcase, mostly hiking, and have whatever in your backpack
6. brave (v) 勇敢面對 (willing to go and face it)
7.party: a group of people
You can have ‘a party of people go to a party.’ (a party of people= a group of people) (a party= an event)
8.bear spray→ repellent (n) 驅蟲劑 potent (adj) 強有力的
9. bush plane → smaller plane, land on difficult terrain’
10. hummock = hill 山丘
[cf.] hammock 吊床

107/10/2 Advanced Notes
1.opossum = possum 負鼠
2. humpback whale 座頭鯨
3. majestic (adj) 雄偉的
4. take all that in 盡收眼底
5. I can’t fathom...無法理解
6. vastness, largeness, bigness
7. spectacle 壯觀場面
8. You can be a better person tomorrow than you were today.
10. teeming with life
be teeming with+N 充滿
11. enrich your experience or add to it
12. desolate (adj) 荒涼的
13. astronomer (n) 天文學家
14. mind-boggling (adj) 十分驚人的
15. Brandon: We often do this at the end of the year, maybe. Reflect back on the year and think about what I have accomplished, what do I want to do next year, what can I learn from this year. But if you are like me, you just rush from one thing to the other, and get this done and that done. But if you are just taking a few minutes every day, just to stop and reflect, you know, we can learn a lot. We can think about what are my kind of wins for today, like what are the successes, maybe it was small, you can celebrate those. But it’s important to reflect, isn’t it?

David: I think it’s very important. I like to keep a journal. And I don’t write in my journal every day. But I do like to pray every day before I go...You know. In the evening, before I go to sleep, before I take a shower, hopefully, you know, before I am too tired to that actually be praying. That’s usually the time when, in my mind, when I start to go through all the different events in the day. Thinking about things, big things and small things. There is a particularly beautiful sunset that day, and I think about that. Or something I say to someone. Oh, did I say that in love or do I not say that in love? You know, it’s important, because it’s the only way you know how you can be a better person tomorrow than you were today.      

16. David: I really like space… outer space. And, you know, when you look into some of the findings at astronomers, things that astronomers have found, you know, distant stars, or pictures that they come up with of the Milky Way, which is the Galaxy that our Earth is in. You look at these beautiful colors and these different planets and stars. And it really, I mean, if seeing the vast Alpine wilderness, or Arctic wilderness, would make me feel small. I can only imagine what it must be like to be looking at the Earth from a space shuttle, you know, and just realize this little green blue ball, with all these caribou and all these people on it, is spinning out in the middle of vast and seemingly endless expanse of black.

Brandon: Mind-boggling. And that will definitely make you feel small. Sometimes we need that. You know, of course we have immense value but at the same time, the world doesn’t revolve around us. Strike that balance.   

107/10/3 Advanced Notes            
1.a case study 案例
2.sourdough bread → yeast-starter based, fermented 發酵的
3.ubiquitous = commonplace 常見的、到處都有的
4.nexus = connection
5. well-rounded person 八面玲瓏的、面面俱到的人
6. downsizing 縮編, letting them go 讓他們走(炒魷魚的委婉說法)
7. as opposed to 而不是 (=rather than= instead of)
8. a better paycheck 更好的薪資
9. certify (v) 使有資歷/格
certification (n) (→ show someone that you have a particular set of skill set)
[cf] license (n) 證照 (license 通常是政府頒布的,而文章中的 micro certification 微認證比較像一般教學機構為你完成的數小時的課程而頒布)
10. waterproof, future-proof  (-proof: preventing something from damage)
[cf] proofread 校對 → proofread a layout 校對版面 (Carolyn說機器無法校對版面 所以她不會失業XD )
11. ending on a down note 以悲觀的語氣作結
12. education (develop your mind, so you can think) VS training (developing specific sets of skills)
13. perform your job duty
14. cost-effective (adj) 划算的
15. from start to finish 從開始到結束
16. quality assurance = quality control
17. anomaly (n) 異常的人事物
18. upgrading 升級
19. automate (v) 使自動化
automation (n) 自動化
automated (adj)
20. The writings on the wall  (from the old testament 舊約聖經): king saw writing on the wall→ king has come to an end.
[補充]: 有趣的是,如果搜尋片語會先看到Sam Smith的 Writing's On The Wall,不過大家也可以看看OK GO的The Writing's On the Wall (MV蠻有趣的 一鏡到底喔),我第一次查這片語是因為OK GO XDDD

107/10/4 Advanced Notes
  1. detect malware
  2. all across the board
  3. upskill them(increase or upgrade their current skill set)
  4. tailor to +N/Ving (tailor to teaching you a very specific skill set or knowledge base that is related to your job)
  5. buckle in (putting a seat belt on, getting ready for a different way of thinking something or a big change.)
  6. manual (a person is doing it instead of automation)
  7. the problem arose(浮現)...
  8. mundane (very boring, not very interesting, might be considered a waste of time)
  9. when technology comes along, and automation occurs, these jobs might be completely lost.
  10. on a par  (par is the goal that a golfers trying to meet in the numbers of swings they make, in order to get the ball going to any particular hole, and each hole usually has a different number, indicating the difficulty of the course.) (par: average number of time a player has to hit the ball to get in the hole) (on par: average, equal)
  11. Python →  programming languages specifically developed by Google to handle a lot of API (a way to deal with the core code of a particular software program or hardware as well.)
  12. obsolete (no longer in use, it doesn’t have purpose any more)
  13. balloon (v) (If something balloons, it very quickly gets very big and becomes a huge problem, and causes mayhem.)
  14. futurist
Carolyn: a person who studies trends to the point that they can predict what will happen in the future.
Simon:......People who are usually wrong.
Josh: There is a cynical view of futurist….
  1. If we boil down, and give a summary…
  2. automation age( Automation age is where the majority of those mundane tasks are automated and not done by people any more), in the age of dinosaur, bronze age, industrial age
  3. blue collar worker (based off an average color of uniform of somebody who works with their hand is blue because you can get a blue uniform dirty and it doesn’t look quite as dirty, like mechanics) VS  white-collar worker (office job)

2 則留言:

  1. 非常感謝!!!剛好在煩惱advance的聽力對話生字,覺得被救贖 ��
