2018年4月11日 星期三

英文聽力會話班 (1)-- Gun Control in the US

1. Background Knowledge: Please read the following articles and watch the video clips regarding the gun control issue in US. 
背景知識: 請閱讀以下關於美國槍枝管制的文章,及觀看以下短片。

(a) 百萬人上街「為活命而走」為何美國還是禁不了槍?

(b) 【槍枝管制】靠槍打出家園 擁槍是美國文化難割離

(c) 「還要死多少學生?」 美數千學生罷課籲槍枝管制

(d) 美國佛州多年來首度槍管 擁槍團體火速提告違憲

2. Please read the following paragraph.

     Students protested against gun violence. They walked out of their schools a month after 17 students were killed in Florida. Students stood for 17 minutes for their dead friends. One student said: "The walkout was for those...who might be next." Another student said: "I came...because of what happens in my neighborhood every day."
     In Washington DC, students sat with their backs to the White House for 17 minutes. They chanted against a gun group called the NRA. A U.S. senator said: "These young people have shown up to free us. I believe the young people will lead us." Students want President Trump to listen to them now because they will be voters in 2020.

( The above article is excepted from Breaking News English)

3. Work in pairs, or by yourself. Create a Google Slide, and please include the following components in your slide.
兩人一組,或自己一組,創造一個Google簡報,簡報中必須包括以下的要素:  (附註: Google Slide 教學)

(a) Why American have the right to own guns? 為什麼美國有擁有槍枝的權利?

(b) Please list three serious massive shootings that happened within campus in the US?   請列出三個發生在美國校園的大規模槍擊事件。

(c) What are the reasons for owning guns? 擁槍的理由是什麼?

(d) What are the reasons for banning guns? 反對槍枝的裡由是什麼?

4. If you don't know how how to say a particular word in English, please visit Yahoo!字典 Cambridge 字典金山詞霸

If you don't know how how to say a particular sentence in English, you can use Google Translate, or 有道翻譯如果你不知道英文句子怎麼說,請用以上翻譯網站查詢。

