1. 十二年國教-協力同行
十二年國教-協力同行 "認識領綱-英語文" (P345-401 有英文課選修課規劃建議!!)
2. World Readiness Standards Overview (Youtube)
3. Introduction to Reading Skills: Inferencing (Youtube)
(此系列 reading skills 影片 播放清單)
4. What is informational text? (Youtube)
5. ICRT EZ News
6. 台中文華高中 校園英語新聞 Campus News
7. 民視英語新聞
8. 蔡爾平 北港經驗的驚豔人生 TVBS一步一腳印 20170226
9. 台中好生活 (內有英文版文章)(範例)
10. PBS News Hour Student Reporting Labs
11. 青少年發聲網 (拍影片資源)
12. Reciprocal Teaching
13. 書籍: "Another World" "A Christmas Carol" "A Long Walk to Water"
14.gallery walk
15. UBD= Understanding by Design = backward design
16. Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next | Alexander Betts
17. ScienceBob.com (Youtube)
18. Education.com
19. 找簡單有趣化學實驗關鍵字:fun and easy, science experiment, at school, even you can do
20. 找中英文 化學實驗 學習單 關鍵字: Hong Kong/Singapore Middle School + 酸鹼中和
(範例 )