2021年6月14日 星期一

高職龍騰版 (108課綱) B4 L6 上課資料

 B4 L6 My Life in Your Hands (B4L6 My Life in Your Hands (中英文字幕)

1. 講義 (Google 文件) 

2. 教師用書 Word 檔PPT檔

3. 課文補充影片(杜勒的生平和藝術風格Children Of Asian Immigrants Reveal Sacrifices Their Parents MadeSACRIFICES OF A FATHER)

4. Albrecht Dürer 畫作(Google藝術與文化網站網路畫廊)

5. Quizlet

     Behind every drawing is a story. What lies beneath1 these two rough2, pale3 hands? What is the meaning behind Albrecht Dürer’s famous drawing, Praying Hands?  

     每幅畫的背後都有一個故事。而這兩隻粗糙且蒼白的手之下是什麼呢?Albrecht Dürer著名的畫作《祈禱之手》背後的意義是什麼?

     The story of how the artist was inspired to create this celebrated work is just as touching as the image itself. One of 18 children, Albrecht Dürer was born into a poor family struggling to make ends meet in a tiny German village. He and his older brother, Albert, shared a remarkable4 talent5 for art, and both dreamed of studying at a nearby art school. However, realizing that they couldn’t afford6 to do so at the same time, the brothers decided to leave it to fate7 by flipping a coin. The winner would pursue8 his art studies, while the loser would support the winner by working in the mines.

     關於這位藝術家是如何被激發去創作這幅名作的故事,與圖像本身一樣感人。Albrecht Dürer是18個孩子之一,他出生於一個德國小村莊中,家境清寒只能勉強維持生計。他和他的哥哥Albert皆有傑出的藝術才華,也都夢想著在附近的藝術學校讀書。然而,意識到他們負擔不起兩人同時上學的費用,兄弟倆決定擲硬幣交給命運安排。贏家將追求他的藝術修業,而輸的人則在礦場工作來資助贏家。

     Albrecht won the coin toss and devoted9 the next four years of his life to his passion10. Meanwhile11, to help his brother, Albert worked his body to its limits in cruel, dangerous conditions underground. Rarely could he afford the luxury of taking a break. Fortunately, his sacrifice12 was not in vain. Albrecht soon made a name for himself at the academy.


    Upon graduating13, the rising young professional14 artist returned home in triumph15 and with gratitude. A special dinner was served in his honor. After much eating and celebration, Albrecht rose to toast his selfless sibling. “It’s time that you laid down your worker’s tools, dear Albert,” he announced with joy and gratitude. “For now, Brother, I shall support you, and you too will be an artist!”



     As the people cheered, Albert held back his tears and showed his bruised hands. The four years of labor had broken his bones and weakened16 his artistic17 touch. He sobbed18, “I have prayed, Brother, but four years of working in the mines have damaged the bones of my hands. Barely19 can I hold a paintbrush anymore. These broken hands will never paint again.”


     Albert’s ruined fingers and ruined dreams are the beautiful subject of Praying Hands. For hundreds of years, this drawing has served as a symbol of gratitude to a brother for his goodness and support, and for sacrificing his own ambitions20 and talent. Those hands will be joined forever, in prayer, in appreciation21, and in love.



課文筆記(參考教學影片: B4L6 課文講解)

1. Behind every drawing is a story. (每幅畫的背後都有一個故事。)


還原: A story is behind every drawing. 

2. What lies beneath1 these two rough2, pale3 hands? (而這兩隻粗糙且蒼白的手之下是什麼呢?)


動詞變化為 lie-lay-lain。

beneath (prep) 在...之下

rough (adj) 粗糙的 ;roughly (adv) 大約

pale (adj) 蒼白的

3. What is the meaning behind Albrecht Dürer’s famous drawing, Praying Hands? (Albrecht Dürer著名的畫作《祈禱之手》背後的意義是什麼?)

mean (v) 意謂著 

meaning (n) 意義

三態 mean-meant-meant 

4.  The story of how the artist was inspired to create this celebrated work is just as touching as the image itself. (關於這位藝術家是如何被激發去創作這幅名作的故事,與圖像本身一樣感人。)

inspire (v) 鼓舞;啟發

inspiration (n) 靈感

celebrated (adj) 有名的;celebrity (n) 名人

as adj. as... 像...一樣

5. One of 18 children, Albrecht Dürer was born into a poor family struggling to make ends meet in a tiny German village. (Albrecht Dürer是18個孩子之一,他出生於一個德國小村莊中,家境清寒只能勉強維持生計。)

struggling to = which struggled to 

struggle (v) 掙扎

6. He and his older brother, Albert, shared a remarkable4 talent5 for art, and both dreamed of studying at a nearby art school. (他和他的哥哥Albert皆有傑出的藝術才華,也都夢想著在附近的藝術學校讀書。)

remarkable (adj) 傑出的

7. However, realizing that they couldn’t afford6 to do so at the same time, the brothers decided to leave it to fate7 by flipping a coin. (然而,意識到他們負擔不起兩人同時上學的費用,兄弟倆決定擲硬幣交給命運安排。)

realizing that = because the brothers realized that

名詞子句: S+V + that + S+V (完整句)

by + V-ing 藉由(某一動作)

8. The winner would pursue8 his art studies, while the loser would support the winner by working in the mines. (贏家將追求他的藝術修業,而輸的人則在礦場工作來資助贏家。)

while (conj) 當...;然而...

9. Albrecht won the coin toss and devoted9 the next four years of his life to his passion10. ( Albrecht擲硬幣贏了,接下來的四年致力於他所熱愛的事。)

S+ devote + 時間 + to + N/Ving 奉獻

10. Meanwhile11, to help his brother, Albert worked his body to its limits in cruel, dangerous conditions underground. (同時,為了幫助他的弟弟,Albert竭盡全力地在條件嚴酷、危險的地底下工作。)

meanwhile = at the same time 同時

to = in order to 為了

limit (n) 極限

cruel (adj) 殘酷的

underground (adv) 在地底下

11. Rarely could he afford the luxury of taking a break. (他很少能負擔「休息一下」這樣的奢侈。)


還原: He could rarely afford the luxury of taking a break. 

12. Fortunately, his sacrifice12 was not in vain. (幸好,他的犧牲沒有白費。)

fortunately (adv) 幸運地;fortune (n) 幸運;財富

in vain (phr) 徒勞無功

13. Albrecht soon made a name for himself at the academy. (Albrecht很快就在學院裡出了名。)

academy (n) 學院

academic (adj) 學術的

academic performance (n) 學術表現

14. Upon graduating13, the rising young professional14 artist returned home in triumph15 and with gratitude. (一畢業後,這位嶄露頭角的年輕專業畫家以勝利之姿懷著感激之情返回家中。)

Upon/On + Ving…, S+V... 一...,就...

rise (v) 上升

professional (adj) 專業的

triumph (n) 勝利

gratitude (n) 感激;grateful (adj) 感激的

15. A special dinner was served in his honor. (為了向他致敬,舉辦了一場特別的晚宴。)

serve (v) 提供

honor (n) 榮耀

16. After much eating and celebration, Albrecht rose to toast his selfless sibling. (在酒足飯飽和慶祝一番之後,Albrecht站起來向他無私的哥哥敬酒。)

rise (v) 上升;起身 (三態變化: rise-rose-risen)

toast (v) 舉杯

sibling (n) 手足

17. “It’s time that you laid down your worker’s tools, dear Albert,” he announced with joy and gratitude. (「親愛的Albert,該是放下你工作的工具的時候了,」他高興和感激地宣布。)

It is time that S + V-ed 該是...的時候了

announce (v) 宣稱;announcement (n) 宣稱

18. “For now, Brother, I shall support you, and you too will be an artist!” (「現在,哥哥,我會支持你,你也將成為一位藝術家!」)

shall (aux) 應該

19. As the people cheered, Albert held back his tears and showed his bruised hands. (當人們歡呼時,Albert忍住了眼淚,伸出了瘀傷的雙手。)

as (conj) 當...

cheer (v) 歡呼;鼓舞

bruise (n) 瘀青

20. The four years of labor had broken his bones and weakened16 his artistic17

touch. (四年的勞動弄壞了雙手的骨頭,削弱了雙手對藝術的觸感。)

句型文法: 過去完成式


labor (n) 勞力

weaken (v) 弱化;weak (adj) 虛弱的;weakness (n) 缺點

21. He sobbed18, “I have prayed, Brother, but four years of working in the mines

have damaged the bones of my hands. (他啜泣著說:「弟弟,我一直在祈禱,但是在礦場裡工作四年已經損壞了我的手骨。)

have (Vpp) 現在完成式 → 從過去持續到現在的動作

pray (v) 祈禱

damage (v) 破壞

22. Barely19 can I hold a paintbrush anymore. (我幾乎不能再拿起畫筆了。)


還原: I can barely hold a paintbrush anymore. 

23. These broken hands will never paint again.” (這雙壞掉的手再也不能作畫了。」)

broken (adj) 壞掉的

24. Albert’s ruined fingers and ruined dreams are the beautiful subject of Praying Hands.  (Albert受損的手指和破滅的夢想是《祈禱之手》的美麗主題。)

ruin (v) 毀壞;毀滅;ruins (n) 殘骸;遺跡

subject (n) 主題

25. For hundreds of years, this drawing has served as a symbol of gratitude to a brother for his goodness and support, and for sacrificing his own ambitions20 and talent. (數百年來,這幅畫作為對哥哥感激之情的象徵,因為他的良善和支持,並且犧牲自己的抱負和才華。)

hundreds of ... 數百的

serve as 當作是...;擔任...

symbol (n) 象徵

goodness (n) 善良

26. Those hands will be joined forever, in prayer, in appreciation21, and in love. (在禱告、讚賞和愛中,這雙手將永遠相握。)

prayer (n) 祈禱

appreciate (v) 欣賞;感激

2 則留言:

  1. 不好意思,想請問一下有高中龍騰英文高二三合一嗎

    1. 您好,若您是老師,可以到龍騰享備課(網址: https://po.ltedu.com.tw/)下載課本相關檔案,帳密要跟出版社的業務申請。但若老師比較急,我可以幫您找一下,再用Email傳給您,我的Email是:jefffong5464@gmail.com
