2020年4月20日 星期一

每周英文新聞 [英文精修班]

1.《中英對照讀新聞》Wearing masks in office etiquette or overreaction? 上班戴口罩:禮儀還是過度反應? 2020-02-16 05:30  茅毅

It has become a norm to wear face masks on subways and buses, and in other public spaces since the coronavirus outbreak, but there has been a raging debate over whether or not it is appropriate to wear them at the office. 自(新型)冠狀病毒爆發以來,在地鐵與公車上,以及在其他公共空間,戴口罩已成為一種常態。但關於在辦公室戴口罩適當與否一事,已有一番激辯。

Some say it is necessary for people to wear a mask at all times to protect themselves from the contagious virus, but others argue covering one’s face is considered ill-mannered.

Yoon Hae-rim wore a face mask at her office in Seoul. But more than a dozen of people told her she was overreacting as there weren’t any infected people in the office. On the other hand, Lee Se-joong couldn’t decide whether or not to tell a junior staff member to wear a face mask as a safety measure because he was coughing and sneezing.尹海琳(譯音)在她位於(南韓)首爾的辦公室戴口罩。但超過12個同事說她反應過度,因為辦公室沒有任何人遭感染。另一方面,李世中(譯音)則無法決定是否跟一名職場男後輩說要戴口罩作為防護措施,因為此人正在咳嗽和打噴嚏。

etiquette:名詞,禮儀(節)、規範(矩)、成規。Social etiquette dictates that we should stand up to meet a guest.(社交禮儀要求我們應站起來接待賓客。)
coronavirus:名詞,冠狀病毒。SARS is caused by coronavirus CoV.(嚴重急性呼吸道症候群是由冠狀病毒所引起。)
contagious:形容詞,透過接觸而傳染的、帶傳染源的、情感上有感染力的。Chicken pox is a contagious disease, so don’t let anyone else use your towels.(水痘是種接觸傳染的疾病,所以別讓別人用你們的毛巾。)

2. Coronavirus: Around the World
Coronavirus: Around the World   March 24, 2020
The coronavirus first spread in China. There are now more confirmed cases outside of China than inside China.
The coronavirus pandemic is in at least 163 countries. It has sickened more than 341,500 people. As of Monday morning, at least 15,187 people have died.
The United States has advised against all non-essential travel throughout most of Europe, as well as South KoreaChina and Iran. Officials are advising older and at-risk Americans to avoid travel to any country.
The outbreak is a serious public health concern. Most people who contract the coronavirus do not become seriously ill.  Only a small number need intensive care. Older people and those with health conditions, like heart or lung disease, are at higher risk.
United States
The number of known coronavirus cases in the United States continues to grow. As of Monday morning, there have been at least 33,018 cases of coronavirus confirmed by lab tests. There have been 428 deaths.
The coronavirus pandemic continues to surge across Europe. Many of the cases across Europe go back to Italy. Italy has one of the world’s largest outbreaks. At least 59,138 people in Italy have tested positive.
The outbreak in Asia may may have begun in a seafood and poultry market in Wuhan. It is a city of 11 million people in central China. The virus appears to spread easily. It grows in confined spaces, making containment efforts difficult. It is difficult to know the number of people who contracted the virus have died. Some early estimates put the fatality rate at roughly 1 percent.
Experts’ understanding of how the virus spreads is still limited. There are four factors that likely play a role. First, how close you get to someone who has the virus. Second, how long you are near that person. Third, whether that person projects viral droplets on you. Fourth, how much you touch your face.
You can help reduce your risk and do your part to protect others.  Pay attention to the following basic steps:
Wash your hands! Scrub your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Then dry them with a clean towel or let them air dry.
Keep your distance from sick people! Try to stay six feet away from anybody showing flu or cold-like symptoms. Do not go to work if you are sick.
Prepare your family, and communicate your plan about evacuations, resources and supplies.  Experts suggest stocking at least a 30-day supply of any needed medical prescriptions. Do the same for food staples, laundry detergent and diapers if you have small children.
Here’s what you can do:
Stay home
When going outside, be extra cautious
Consider wearing a mask in public
Wash your hands. With soap. Then wash them again.
With children, keep calm, carry on and get the flu shot
Stock up on groceries, medicine and resources

