1.A foreign country I have been to.(曾經去過的國家)
2. The Four Seasons(四季)
3. My experience of failure (失敗的經驗)
1. Should teenagers take a gap year before going to colleges?(青少年應該在上大學前壯遊嗎?)
2. How I copy with academic stress (處理課業壓力)
3. My volunteer experience (志工經驗)
1. A social media I use the most (最常使用的社群媒體)
2. My favorite class in school (我喜愛的一堂課)
3. He who has hope has everything(懷有希望者、便擁有一切)
1. Advantages and disadvantages of using social media (使用社群媒體的好處及壞處)
2. A tourist spot in Taiwan I will recommend to a foreigner (推薦外國遊客的台灣景點)
3. The pleasure of reading(讀書的樂趣)
南投縣106年英語文競賽 演說 題目
1. My Favorite Animal
2. An Unforgettable Person in My Life
3. Friendship
1. Success and Failure
2. How I Can Protect Our Environment
3. Reading Makes a Full Man
南投縣105年英語文競賽 演說 題目
1. A Dangerous Experience
2. Practice Makes Perfect
3. My Favorite TV Program
1. Be Kind to Human Beings As Well As Animals
2. Freedom of Speech
3. My Opinion about School Uniform
南投縣104年英語文競賽 演說 題目
1. A Typhoon Day(颱風天)
2. How I study English (我如何學英文)
3. What I do on weekends (週末活動)
1. My dreams of college life(我的大學生活夢想)
2. How I rely on the smartphone(我對智慧手機的依賴)
3. My opinion about having a girlfriend/boyfriend in school (我對學生交男/女朋友的看法)
1. An unforgettable experience
2. My best childhood memory
3. The most important person in my life
1. Friendship always needs mending.
2. My favorite celebrity
3. My favorite book
1. Do you exercise regularly? Share us your favorite sport.(你有定期運動的習慣嗎?跟我們說說你最喜愛的運動項目)
2. The importance of a good sleep.(一夜好眠的重要性)
3. The good and bad of peer pressure (同儕壓力的的利與敝)
1. Do you exercise regularly? Share us your favorite sport.(你有定期運動的習慣嗎?跟我們說說你最喜愛的運動項目)
2. The invasion of Smartphones! Are they good or bad? (智慧型手機入侵你我的生活,你認為是好還是壞呢?)
3. The good or bad of online social networking(ex: facebook, twitter,weibo…)(你覺得網路交友工具有什麼優缺點嗎?ex:臉書、推特、微博等)
1. Do you have lifelong learning plan? What’s your plan after retirement? (你有終身學習的規劃嗎?對你的退休生活有什麼打算?)
2.Pros and cons of 12-year compulsory education.(12年國民義務教育的利與敝)
3. English is called a global language. Do you think English is important for students to learn? (英語是全球語言,您認為學習英語是重要的嗎?)
1. To give and to forgive
2. How to deal with bullying?
3. How to make Taiwan a better place
1. People spend more and more time online – is this a good thing?
2. What goal have you set in your life?
3. London 2012 Olympics had finished. Share us some thoughts about this global event.
1. The FACEBOOK impact
2. The importance of READING
3. London 2012 Olympics had finished. Share us some thoughts about this global event.
1. Do you have FACEBOOK?
2. Tell us a model you admire, why?
3. My Favorite Book
1. The importance of READING.
2. How to deal with bullying?
3. How to introduce Nantou to a foreigner
1. Helping kids dealing with bullying.
2. How to use technology to enhance your teaching skill?
3. We are in a global crisis, can you provide some solution to save the world?