2019年2月19日 星期二

英文字首字根整理 1-10

1.  - spect 看
(1) expect (v) 期待 (‘ex’ 外) (看外面有無好康)
(2) inspect (v) 檢查 (‘in’ 裡) (看裡面有無壞掉)
(3) respect (v) 尊重 (‘re’ again) (再看一次長輩眼睛)
(4) suspect (v) 懷疑 (‘sus’ 底下)(在底下偷看)
(5) prospect (v) 預期 (‘pro’ 前) (向前看)
(6) introspect (v) 反省 (‘intro’ 返回本身) (往心裡反思)
(7) retrospect  (v) 回想 (‘retro’ 回到過去)(回到過去看看)

2. -scribe (write)
(1) inscribe (v) 銘刻 (‘in’ 進入) (寫進去)
(2) conscribe (v) 徵召(‘con’=together) (一同寫兵單)
(3) subscribe (v) 訂閱(‘sub’= under) (底下按訂閱)
(4) transcribe (v) 抄寫 (‘trans’ =across) (跨行寫字)
(5) describe (v) 描述(‘de’ = 100%, fully) (全部寫下來)
(6) prescribe (v) 開處方 (‘pre’= before) (服用藥前寫藥單)

[補充] 將-scribe改成-scription (動詞變名詞)
prescribe v. --> prescription n.
describe v. --> description n.
conscribe v. --> conscription n.
subscribe v. --> subscription n.
transcribe v. --> transcription n.
inscribe v. --> inscription n.

3. -sign (簽名)
(1) assign (v) 指派 (‘as’=to) (請他去簽名)
(2) consign (v) 委託 (‘con’=together) (一起簽名拜託他)
(3) design (v) 設計 (‘de’=down) (設計師底下簽名)
(4) resign (v) 辭職 (‘re’=again) (離職再簽一次名)
(5) signer (n) 簽名指(‘er’=人(受)) (你簽的)
(6) signee(n) 簽署者 (‘ee’ =人(主)) (給他簽)

(1) signature 簽名n.
signal 信號n.
signet 印章n.
signally 顯著地adv.
(2) assignable 可指派的a.
assignment 任務n.
assignation 分配;指定n.
(3) consignable 可委託的a.
consignation 委託n.
(4) designer 設計師n.
designation 指定n.

4. -pose (put) 放、擺
(1) suppose (v) 以為 (‘sup’ =under) (想法放心底)
(2) impose (v) 加諸於 (‘im’ = on) (事情擺在他身上)
(3) expose (v) 揭露 (‘ex’=out) (將東西擺放到外面)
(4) compose (v) 組成(‘com’= together) (將東西擺在一起)
(5) propose  (v) 提議;求婚 (‘pro’ = forward 向前) (向前放想法)
(6) dispose (v) 處置 (‘dis’=apart) (分開擺放待處理)
(7) depose (v) 罷免 (‘de’=away 拿掉) (將他職位拿走)
(8) interpose (v) 插入(‘inter’ = between 在中間) (擺放在中間)
(9) oppose (v) 反對(‘op’ = against 反抗) (放在相反位置)

(1) supposed 假定的a.
supposedly 據稱adv.
supposition 推測n.
(2) imposition 加強;課稅n.
imposing 壯麗的a. (風景加於你腦袋)
(3) exposure 暴露 n.
exposition 展覽會 n.
(4) composition 作品;作文n.
composer 作曲家n.
(5) proposal 提議;求婚n.
proposer 提議人n.
(6) disposal 處理;丟掉n.
disposable 一次性使用的a.
(7) opposite 相反的a.
opposition 反對n.
oppositional 反對的a.

5. -serve 服務、保留
(1) deserve (v) 應得(‘de’ =enhance 加強) (我值得被加強服務)
(2) reserve (v) 預約 (‘re’ =back 回頭) (回去打服務專線預約)
(3) preserve (v) 保存(‘pre’ = before 之前) (保留在之前的狀態)
(4) observe (v) 觀察 (‘ob’ = eye 眼) (眼睛服務四周)
(5) disserve (v) 損害 (‘dis’= not) (不能服務讓我受創)
(6) conserve (v) 節省 (‘con’ = together) (大家一同保留資源)
(7) subserve (v) 有助於 (‘sub’ = under) (腳底按摩服務有助健康)

(1) deserved 應得的a.
When their secret was disclosed, they got the deserved punishment. 當他們的機密被揭露時,他們得到了應得的懲罰。
(2) reservation 預訂n.
Reservations can be made online or by calling our customer service hotline. 可利用網路或是撥打我們的顧客諮詢專線進行預約。
(3) preservation 維護;保存n.
The police are responsible for the preservation of law and order. 警察負責維持治安。
(4) observation 觀察n.
He is a man of little observation. 他是個觀察力極差的人。 (a little 一些 vs. little 極少)
(5) observant 有觀察力的a.
Myles was intelligent and highly observant. Myles既聰明而且很有觀察力。
(6) conservation 保存;保護n.
Conservation is one way to make sure we have enough energy in the future. 對自然資源的保護是確保我們將來有足夠能源的一種方法。

6. -form 形成
(1) transform (v) 轉變 (‘trans’=轉移) (小孩轉移成大人)
(2) uniform (n) 制服 (‘uni’= one 唯一) (大家衣服穿一致)
(3) multiform (adj) 多樣的(‘multi’= many 多) (好多形形色色事物)
(4) deform(v) 變形 (‘de’ = away 走掉) (你走鐘了)
(5) reform (v) 改革 (‘re’ =again 再一次) (再造一個形式)
(6) perform(v) 表演 (‘per’ =all 全)(全部形狀秀出來)
(7) inform (v) 通知 (‘in’ =裡) (在腦裡形成的資訊)
(8) conform (v) 遵守  (‘con’ =一起) (一起變成圓形過馬路)

(1) transform 轉變 v.
A tadpole transforms into a frog. 蝌蚪變成青蛙。
(2) uniform 制服 n.
You look handsome in uniform. 你穿上制服看起來很帥氣。
(3) multiform 多樣的 a.
We hope for multiform cooperation with new and old clients both at home and abroad. 公司期盼與國內外新老客戶進行多種形式的合作。(cooperation 合作n. client 客戶n.)
(4) deform 使變形 v.
Heat deforms plastics.熱使塑膠變形。
(5) reform 改革 v.
The law needs to be reformed. 法律需要進行改革。
(6) perform 表演 v.
The pianist had never performed in New York.  這位鋼琴家從未在紐約演出過。
(7) inform 通知 v.
She informed her husband of her safe arrival. 她通知她先生她已平安抵達。
(8) conform 遵守 v.
You might get hurt if you don't conform to the traffic laws. 如果不遵守交通規則,你可能會受傷。

7.  -tend 延伸
(1) attend (v) 參加(‘at’ =to 去) (將自己延伸去活動)
(2) distend (v) 膨脹 (‘dis’ = apart 分) (分向四周延伸變大)
(3) portend (v) 預示(‘por’ = forward 先) (往前延伸去看未來)
(4) pretend (v) 假裝 (‘pre’ = before 之前) (伸手之前,先裝腔作勢)
(5) contend (v) 競爭 (‘con’ = all 全) (全體伸展來跑馬拉松)
(6) extend (v) 延伸(‘ex’ =out 外) (向外延伸)
(7) intend (v) 打算 (‘in’ = toward 向) (內心想法要向某處延伸)
(8) subtend (v) 對角(‘sub’ = under 下) (邊邊對著下面的角)

(1) attend 參加v.
John didn't attend the meeting last week. 約翰上週沒有出席會議。
(2) distend 膨脹v.
The stomachs of starving people often distend. 飢民的腹部時常都脹得大大的。
(3) portend 預示v.
Do these strange events portend anything? 這些奇怪的事有在預示著什麼嗎?
(4) pretend 假裝v.
David pretended to be very kind with his boss. 大衛假裝對他老闆很友善。
(5) contend 競爭v.
These competitors contended for the award.  這些參賽者為了此獎項而競爭。
(6) extend 延伸v.
The mayor extended his hand in greeting. 市長伸出手來表示歡迎。
(7) intend 打算v.
What do you intend to do this week? 你本週打算做什麼?
(8) subtend 對向v.
The angle of the triangle subtends the opposite side. 三角形的一角對向著一個邊。

8. -press 壓
(1) oppress (v) 壓迫 (‘op’ = against 反抗) (壓了想反抗)
(2) suppress (v) 鎮壓  (‘sup’ = under) (給你整個壓下去)
(3) depress (v) 使沮喪 (‘de’ = down) (被壓到谷底)
(4) repress (v) 壓制 (‘re’ = back) (回過頭來壓著你)
(5) impress (v) 使印象深刻 (‘im’ = in) (壓資訊到你腦裡)
(6) express (v) 表達 (‘ex’= out) (壓不住而說出聲)
(7) compress (v) 壓縮 (‘com’ = together) (大家被壓扁)

(1) oppress 壓迫v.
The tyrant who oppressed the people was finally overthrown. 壓迫人民的暴君終於被推翻了。
tyrant 暴君n    
overthrow 打倒;推翻v.(overthrow/ overthrew/ overthrown)
(2) suppress 鎮壓v.
The revolt was suppressed in a couple of days.叛亂在幾天之內就被鎮壓下去了。
revolt 反叛v. n.
(3) depress 使沮喪v.
Rainy weather always depresses me. 雨天總會使我心情抑鬱。
(4) repress 壓制v.
Christine repressed her desire to mention his name.  克莉絲丁壓制住自己沒有提他的名字。
(5) impress 使印象深刻v.
I was very impressed by your speech.  你的演說使我印象深刻。
(6) express 表達v.
I hardly know how to express my gratitude.  我不知道如何表達我的感激之情。 gratitude 感恩n.
(7) compress 壓縮v.
Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. 木屑可壓制成板。
sawdust 鋸木屑n.

9. - pel (驅使;驅趕)
(1) propel (v) 推進 (‘pro’ = forward 前) (驅趕到前面)
(2) dispel(v) 驅散 (‘dis’ = apart 分) (驅趕到四方)
(3) repel (v) 擊退 (‘re’ =back 回) (把你驅趕回去)
(4) compel (v) 強迫 (‘com’ = together) (驅趕你跟大家一起)
(5) expel (v) 驅逐 (‘ex’=out 外) (把你驅趕在外)
(6) impel (v) 驅使(‘im’ = in) (驅趕你的內心)

(1) propel 推進v.
He used a paddle to propel the boat.他用船槳將船推進。
(2) dispel 驅散v.
The sun soon dispelled the mist.太陽不久就驅散了薄霧。
(3) repel 擊退v.
A country must have the will to repel any invader. 一個國家得有決心擊退任何入侵者。
will 決心n.
invade 入侵v.
invader 入侵者n.
(4) compel 強迫v.
He was compelled by illness to give up his studies. 他因病被迫放棄學業。
(5) expel 驅逐v.
They expelled the journalist from their country.  他們把這個記者驅逐出境。
(6) impel 驅使v.
What reason impelled you to go there? 什麼原因驅使你到那裡去?

10. -fer (攜帶、運送)
(1) transfer (v) 轉移 (‘trans’= move 移動) (A運送到B)
(2) prefer (v) 比較喜歡  (‘pre’=before 之前) (我要"先"攜帶它)
(3) refer (v) 參考 (‘re’= back 回) (回去攜帶你的文獻)
(4) offer (v) 提供 (‘of’= near 近) (帶到你的身邊)
(5) suffer  (v) 遭受 (‘suf’= under) (被送到醫院樓下)
(6) differ (v) 不同 (‘dif’= apart 分) (分開帶回去)
(7) defer (v) 延伸 (‘de’= apart 分) (把事情推開以後再做)
(8) confer (v) 商談 (‘con’= all 全) (一起攜帶企劃書)
(9) infer (v) 推論  (‘in’=into) (想法帶入心中思考)

(1) transfer 轉移;遷往v.
The company has transferred to the west coast.公司已遷往西海岸。
(2) prefer 比較喜歡 v.
I prefer English to math. 我喜歡英文勝過數學。
(3) refer 參考 v.
Don't refer to this matter again, please. 請不要再提這件事了。
(4) offer 提供 v.
Can you offer any evidence in support of what you have said? 你能提出證據來印證你講的話嗎?
(5) suffer 遭受 v.
My grandfather suffers from high blood pressure. 我父親有高血壓。
(6)  differ 不同 v.
Our tastes differ from each other. 我們的嗜好不同。
(7) defer 拖延 v.
You have deferred too long. 你拖延得太久了。
(8) confer 商談 v.
They conferred on the best way to expand business. 他們商議擴展業務的最好方法。
(9) infer 推論 v.
We can infer from his expression that he is frustrated. 我們可以從他的表情中推斷出他很沮喪。

