2018年1月10日 星期三

空英【Owl Watch】播放清單(更新中)

Owl Watch 播放清單

1. 【Owl Watch】法庭必備關鍵字
(1) court (n) 法庭 (v) 戀愛

(2) judge (n) 法官 (v) 裁判

(3) defendant (n)被告
Because of the defendant is going to try to say that he is not guilty.. so they are making a defense for themselves.  

(4) victim 被害人

(5) suspect (n) 嫌疑人 (v) 懷疑
I suspect that you did the terrible thing. 

(6) witness 證人
Maybe you saw someone do something, and so that's why you suspect that person. 

(7) to swear an oath 立誓、宣誓
Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God. 

(8) jury 陪審團

(9) attorney 律師
defense attorney 辯護律師
district attorney 地方檢察官
prosecutor 檢察官;起訴人

2. 【Owl Watch】用英文找我女朋友

(1) crime genre 犯罪系列

(2) detective 偵探

(3) Can you describe your girlfriend? 你可以描述一下你女朋友嗎?

(4) Where did you see your girlfriend last? 你上一次看到她是什麼時候?

(5) And where were you at the time? 你當時在哪裡?

(6) And were there any witnesses present? 當時有任何目擊證人嗎?

(7) true crime 犯罪實例
true story 真實故事

(8) court 法庭

3.  【Owl Watch】 Let's MacGyver This!
(1) MacGyver (v) 看到你周圍的東西,靈機應變,用來解決生活上大大小小的問題

(2) paper clip 迴紋針

(3) phone 手機

(4) phone stand 手機座

(5) plier 鉗子

(6) paper towel 紙巾

(7) cardboard 紙板

(8) box cutter 美工刀

(9) paper cup 紙杯

