2019年3月12日 星期二

3/9 108課綱、搭配詞研習筆記

英文教材與大考中108課綱精神足跡 (by 陳純音教授)
1. Definition of Competence
- In dealing with challenges, one has “the” knowledge, skills, and a good attitude towards...
- It’s NOT subject-bound or skill-bound.
2. Learning Objective:
To be able to
-enhance four skills; being able to apply them to daily life.
-have interest in and a positive attitude towards learning all subject fields
- have effective learning skills/strategies, leading to autonomous learning
- respect multi-cultures and develop worldviews
- use English to show logical thinking and analytical, integrative and innovative abilities

3. FAQs for future Teachers
Q1: knowledge vs. skills
Q2: teacher role vs. student role
Q3: part vs. whole
Q4: process vs. product
Q5: memorization vs. thinking
Q6: concept vs. grammar
Q7: grammar vs. discourse
Q8: recognition vs. production (註: 有些單字/文法觀念現階段認識 recognize 即可,不須每個字都要到production的程度)
Q9: intensive reading vs. extensive reading
Q10: CLT vs. Tasked-based Approach
Q11: preaching vs. questioning
Q12: linguistic intelligence vs. multiple intelligences

4. Pedagogical Implications
-autonomous & lifelong
- independent, integrative, logical and creative

5. A Task-based Approach
-Tasked-based learning offers an alternative for language teachers
-It is about creating opportunities for meaning-focused language use
-In such a lesson, the teacher doesn’t pre-determine what language will be studied, the lesson is based around the completion of a central task and the language studied is determined by what happens as the students complete it.

6. Six Stages
(1) Pre-task
(2) Task
(3) Planning
(4) Report
(5) Analysis
(6) Practice

7. Time for Reflection
How big can we play at this game of teaching?
One concept that seems to be essential to the game of teaching is that the teacher is a learner.

8. Future Textbook Features
Competence= 7Cs + 3As + 2As
- Content*
- Communication
- Cohesion
- Context*
- Connection
- Culture*
- Continuity

- Appreciation
- Attitude*
- Action

- Student-centeredness
- Skills*

9. Major Highlights
+Major selections:
- fiction & nonfiction
- academic & non-academic
- local & global
- interdisciplinary

+Assessment points
- problem-solving
- critical thinking
- reflection
- integration

10. What’s next?
(1) Rubrics
(2) No standard answers
(3) skill training
(4) assessment highlights
- contextualization
- interdiscipline
- integration

11. Skills trained
(1) Skimming
-What is the moral of this story? (91學測/指考)
-The main purpose for building the Dubai Tower is _______. (94學測/指考)

(2) Guessing
-The word mourned here mean ________. (91學測/指考)
-What does “had them on the edge of their seats” mean in the last sentence of the passage? (94學測/指考)

(3) Inferring
-This passage was most likely written by who _________? (95學測/指考)
(A) liked hunting wild animals
(B) made laws against the gray wolf
(C ) advocated the protection of the gray wold
(D) appreciated the gray’s wolf’s hunting skills

(4) Discourse Structure
- What does he in line 2, paragraph 3 refer to? (91學測/指考)
-The pronoun it in the fourth paragraph most likely refers to ______. (93學測/指考)

(5)  Categorization
-The passage is most likely taken from a __________. (92學測/指考)
(A) personal letter
(B) travel brochure
(C) research paper
(D) newspaper report
-This passage is most likely taken from a _________. (94學測/指考)
(A) cookbook
(B) user’s manual
(C) consumer report
(D) fashion magazine

英語搭配詞的應用與活動 (by 陳國泰老師 台北市立成功高中)
Collocation and creative writing
1. Sentence-making
(1) 老師將課本的單字做成講義(只有中文),學生找英文單字以及相對應的collocation。
<1> 沉思著 (3): ponder on/over
<2>...與...間有明顯的不同 (9): There is a distinct difference bewteen A and B

(2) 學生分組,一組負責將講義編號1、2的單字/片語的collocation,先造一個通順的中文句子,再請下一組翻成英文。
[例如]: (第一組造句) 我沉思著我與彭于晏之間有什麼不同。
(第二組翻譯): I pondered on the distinct difference between 彭于晏 and me.

2. Story-relay: 將紙摺成四等分,每組限時用老師指定單字寫一個關於主角的故事,時間到往下一組傳,下一組繼續寫接下來的劇情,並須用到指定單字。

3. Dialogue (in written or video form):
(1) 學生使用老師的collocation講義,選五個搭配詞,寫聊天稿子。
(2) 聊天情境: 跟課文連結(collocation才會派上用場),但又不能完全一樣,不然會照抄課文句子。(例如: 有課在介紹日本京都,聊天主題可設定為外國人來台灣玩,外國人詢問台灣人哪裡好玩)
(3) 可叫學生拍成影片,並上字幕,當一次作業成績。也可以當課堂小作業,學生寫好稿、劃完collocation、念給老師聽。
(4) 若要拍影片,可三個人一組,第三個人當後製上字幕,老師一一打分數。
(5) role-play除了可兩個人,也可視課文主題來設定角色。例如: 在Cell phone recycling and Africa Gorillas 一課中,角色可分為人類以及Gorillas。

A: Hello, nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
A: I am a backpacker and I am new here. I heard there are many tourist attraction in Taipei. Where do you guys usually go in spring?
B: Yangming Mountain is one of my favorite places to go in spring. There are many beautiful flowers in full blossom and you can also watch the beautiful night view of Taipei City. It captures the hearts of many tourists.
A: What about autumn? I would like to visit some shops in the central business district.
B: You can go Ximending. It is always crowded with people. You can find many new, amazing goods there.
A: Thank you so much.

4.  Stories (個人作業): 請學生用課文的collocation,寫一篇故事。故事主題跟課文類似。(可在課堂上完成)
* 此活動也可用桌遊輔助,如: DixitPicWits

5. Translation Exercise: 老師自己出翻譯題,學生使用課本的collocation和 pattern來作答。(桌遊: table topics)

連結心˙世界: 議題融入與語言表達 (by 辛麗玲老師 國立竹北高中 )
1. Ocean Protection:
(1) Watch videos in class
(2) Read to recognize the issue
(3) Listen. Attend ocean lectures (NGO:Re-think)
(4) Design. Draw to convey messages
(5) Share. Exhibit to inspire changes

4. Activity: To inspire and encourage our friend
(1) Observe your friend. Find his/her needs
(2) Find a motivational quote from Disney (DISNEY'S Motivational Video)
(3) Write a passage to show your support and love

Dear ***,
    In 2018, I have a  ______ year. I feel that … You are a ______ person. You always … At the end of year, I would like to share a quote from Disney with you. “......” This means… I hope you can have a wonderful 2019.
                            Sincerely yours,

