2019年2月19日 星期二

高雄市英語教學資源中心 English E-Classroom 教學影片

1. English E-Classroom Youtube播放清單
2. English E-Classroom Script
3. English E-Classroom 主題彙整


Lesson 61 - Five Ways to Say "Thank you" and to Respond
1. Thank you so much. 相當感謝你。
2. Thanks a million. 百萬分感謝。
3. I really appreciate it. 非常感謝。
4. That's so kind of you. 你人真好。
5. I owe you one. 我欠你個人情。

1. No problem. 沒問題。
2. No worries. 別在意。
3. My pleasure. 我的榮幸。
4. Anytime. 別客氣。
5. Glad to help. 高興幫得上忙。

Lesson 62 - Ten Phrases for Agreeing or Disagreeing
1. Exactly. 對極了。
2. Absolutely. 那當然。
3. That's so true. 真的。
4. That's for sure. 這是當然。 
5. I couldn't agree with you more. 我不能同意你更多了。

1. I don't think so. 我不覺得是這樣。
2. I beg to differ. 我意見不同。
3. I'm not so sure about that. 我不這麼認為。
4. No way! 不是吧!
5. That's not how I see it. 我不這麼覺得。

Lesson 63 - Seven Ways to Respond to Bad News

1. Oh, no! 噢不!
2. That's terrible! 太糟糕了!
3. I'm sorry to hear that. 真遺憾。
4. That's unfortunate. 太不幸了。
5. I'm sorry to hear such terrible news. 我對此事深表遺憾。

6. I'm sorry for your loss. 請節哀順變。
7. My deepest condolences. 謹致我最誠敬的慰問。

Lesson 64 - Ten Ways to Apologize and to Respond
1. Oops, sorry. 唉呦,對不起。 
2. It's my fault. 是我的錯。
3. I'm sorry that I was late. 對不起,我遲到了。
4. I should have set my alarm clock. 我應該要記得設鬧鐘的。
5. I apologize for being late. 抱歉,我遲到了。

1. That's okay. 沒關係。
2. It happens.常有的事。
3. No problem. 沒問題。
4. Don't worry about that. 別擔心。
5. I forgive you. 我原諒你。

Lesson 65 - Five Ways to Say "I don't know."
[表達: 我不知道]
1. I have no idea. 我不知道。
2. No clue. 我毫無頭緒。
3. Beats me. 你問倒我了。
4. I'm not really sure. 我不是很清楚。
5. I've been wondering that, too. 我也很想知道。

Lesson 66 - Common Mistakes That Taiwanese People Make (Part 1)
1. Turn on the TV. 開電視。
2. Turn on the lights. 開燈。
3. Turn on the computer. 開電腦。
4. Turn off the TV. 關電視。
5. Turn off your cellphone. 關手機。
6. Turn off the computer. 關電腦。

Lesson 67 - Common Mistakes That Taiwanese People Make (Part 2)
1. The movie was boring. 這部電影很無聊。
2. I'm bored. 我覺得很無聊。
3. Kenting is interesting. 墾丁很有趣。
4. I am interested in going to Kenting. 我很有興趣去墾丁。
5. Cram school was tiring. 上補習班很累人。
6. I am tired. 我覺得很累。

Lesson 68 - Ways to Ask for Clarification
1. Do you understand what I'm saying? 聽得懂我在說什麼嗎?
2. Does that make sense? 能理解嗎? 
3. Do you know what I mean? 懂我的意思嗎? 
4. Are you with me so far? 能跟得上嗎? 
5. Is that clear? 能明白嗎?

1. Would you mind repeating that? 你可以再說一次嗎? 
2. What do you mean? 什麼意思? 
3. I am not sure I'm following you. 我不確定我有沒有聽懂。
4. Can you please explain that again? 你可以再解釋一次嗎? 

Lesson 69 - Five Ways to Ask for Information
1. Can you tell me...? 可以告訴我...嗎?
2. Could you please tell me...? 可以請你告訴我...嗎?
3. Does anybody know...? 有人知道...嗎?
4. Could anyone tell me...? 有人可以告訴我...嗎?
5. Do you know...? 你知道...嗎?

 Lesson 70 - Ten Ways to Say Goodbye
1. Have a good day. 祝你有個美好的一天。
2. See you later. 再見。
3. Take care. 保重。
4. Goodbye. 再見。
5. See you next week. 下周見。

6. Ciao. 拜。
7. Have a good one. 祝你一切順利。
8. Take it easy. 拜囉。
9. Gotta run. 該閃了。
10. Later. 再會。

Lesson 71 - Five Ways to Give Compliments to Someone

Lesson 72 - Common Mistakes That Taiwanese People Make (Part 3)

Lesson 73 - Six Phrases for Cheering Someone Up

Lesson 74 - Common Mistakes That Taiwanese People Make (Part 4)

Lesson 75 - Five Ways to Describe Hot Weather

Lesson 76 - Seven Ways to Say "It's easy."

Lesson 77 - Words that Taiwanese People Commonly Mispronounce (Part 1)

Lesson 78 - Six Ways to Say "It's difficult."

Lesson 79 - Four Polite Ways to Ask for Permission in Class

Lesson 80 - Ways to Stop Someone from Doing Something

Lesson 81 - Six Ways to Tell Time

Lesson 82 - Some Useful Phrases for Shopping

Lesson 83 - Airport Conversation at the Immigration

Lesson 84 - Some Useful Phrases for Ordering Take-out Food

Lesson 85 - Airport Conversation at Check-in Counter

Lesson 86 - Daily Conversation at the Movie Theater

Lesson 87 - Making Plans on the Phone

Lesson 88 - Inviting Friends in Person

Lesson 89 - Ways to Say Somebody is Wrong

Lesson 90 - Sending Postcards in the Post Office

