2018年3月9日 星期五

Teaching by Principles Chapter 6: Teaching across Age Levels

Teaching by Principles Chapter 6: Teaching across Age Levels
Teaching Children

-The child’s spontaneous, peripheral attention to language forms and the adult’s overt, focal awareness of and attention to forms (PLLT, Ch.10, pp.282-284)
-There are cases when adults are superior in language acquisition: vocabulary, grammatical concept, faster learning
-Six- to twelve year-old children’s difficulty in language acquisition

1. Intellectual Development
-Children (up to the age of about eleven) are still in an intellectual stage of “concrete operation” (PLLT, Ch3, P.61)
-Don’t explain grammar and rules using abstract terms.
-Patterns and examples
2. Attention Span
-Immediate interest
-A variety of activities
-A sense of humor
3. Sensory Input (appeal to the right hemisphere of the brain)
-Hands-on activities (task-based activities)    
-Sensory aids (feeling, touching, tasting, smelling, listening) (right hemisphere: space, fine arts)
-Nonverbal language
4. Affective Factors
-Help to laugh.
-Be patient and supportive to build self-esteem.
-Elicit as much oral participation as possible
5. Authentic, Meaningful Language 
-Context embedded (Isolated sentences are meaningless.)
-A whole language approach (Listening, speaking, writing and reading are integrated in a task.)
-Teachers’ intuition with increasing months and years of experience

Teaching Adults
-Abstract rules and concepts with caution
-Longer attention spans
-Multiple senses
-Context-reduced segment of language
-Some “do’s” and “don’ts”

Teaching Teens
-Linguistic metalanguage can, theoretically, have some impact; complex problems can be solved with logical thinking.
-Attention spans are lengthening.
-Varieties of sensory input
-Factors surrounding ego, self-image, self-esteem
 ˙Avoiding embarrassment of students
 ˙Affirming each person’s talents and strength
 ˙Allowing mistakes and other errors (PLLT, P217-218)
 ˙De-emphasizing competition
 ˙Small-group work (Cooperative learningà the ego will not be threatened.)
-Adultlike in dwelling on a grammar point or vocabulary item

Further Readings

-PLLT, Ch2, 3, 10

